Thanks for the recollection of Staff Sergeant Carter. The juxtaposition of his valor with trump’s callous cowardice could not be more striking.

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To us who aren't cult zombies, anyway

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And, of course, the person at Arlington that they bullied, denigrated and demeaned was a woman. If women's voter registration data for Democrats and first time campaign contributions to Harris hold, the women of this country are about to deliver a stunning rebuke to Trump and his merry band of Visigoths.

I certainly hope so.

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The women of the United States will save our freedom in the end. I am confident of this and we should all recognize and acknowledge the good that is coming.

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Thanks, Steve. I will never believe 50%, 45%, or even 40%, or for that matter 30%, of this country are truly wanting and buying what Trump is selling and promising; HOWEVER, I am still absolutely terrified there are enough people, suffering from, as you say, apathy, ignorance or willful blindness, that we may actually commit national suicide. The zombie like, brainwashed minds in play right now is stupefying. Orwell was right in “1984.” He nailed it, just 40 years later. “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” It is happening right in front of our eyes and ears.

Watching people I know personally, of normal behavior and decent moral character, post the cruel and vicious and objectively dishonest and wrong things on social media has freaked me out, and it has only gotten worse. To say we need a miracle to defeat this clearly disturbed and sick person is horrifyingly and inexplicable true.

We need this long national nightmare to be over. I keep praying SOME of these cult members will finally recognize objective truth when it keeps staring them in the face, but I am not sure………….This is so outrageous and so evil and so outside the realm of ANYTHING I have dreamed of in my 71 years; yet, people seem to act like this is just enough horse race, including the entirety of MSM. We are messed up, so messed up……….

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Thank you for saying this so much better than I have. I am in 100 percent agreement with you! I can’t reconcile the disconnect between myself and so many I had thought to be intelligent and decent people. I wish I could isolate where the divide occurred. I am hoping it was the years long barrage of disinformation spewed by media giants like Fox, and not something else I completely missed.

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Fox News was a big part of what created the cancer that is Donald and maga.

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Believe it or not, but CNN has just reported that a FOX poll has found that Kamala Harris is leading in some of the key states such as Arizona . I don’t think CNN would lie about this poll, as it despises Fox News for good reason.

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Exactly right Rick A. Thank you.

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Because of the Electoral College, which has its roots in slavery, a small number of Americans in certain states will be the deciders of this election. Will people living in New Jersey have a say? No. Will people living in North Carolina or Wisconsin have a say? Yes. We are peering into the abyss.

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This North Carolinian is doing everything in my power to ensure Dems run the table. There are a lot of us. My contribution is canvassing because I feel that in person touch is a twofer when compared to phone banking and postcards. Our precinct leader said the other day there were 100 people at county HQ phone banking at once, which is massive. My dream since 2016 has been to turn NC blue. Maybe 2024 is the year. Fingers crossed.

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With your enthusiasm, it looks great! Thanks, Patriot!

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My sister-in-law and her family moved from FL to NC three yrs ago, so that's 4 new D votes

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Your blessed work is appreciated.

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Scares the heck out of me.

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Thank you, Steve. The citation for Edward Carter is amazing. I often wonder what is it about a person who does what he did? What is in their DNA that propels them forward as he did? What makes them so different from others? Remarkable.

Then daily, sometimes hourly we are slapped with the exact opposite. Yesterday when I read that the woman (no surprise) at Arlington was not pressing charges out of fear, my first thought was why the F would we have someone running or once was a President who incites fear like this? What is it that some 40% of people think this is the right way to behave?

Then there is the silence. Nothing from our Republican members of Congress. Oh they will write letters against Walz, but when it comes to standing up, really standing up for our military, for decency, silence.

I am disgusted with all of it, of him, of his supporters, with the media, with Congress, with the DOJ. I have a long list. However, disgusting doesn’t quite describe the feeling, does it. Repellent, repulsed, revolting, nauseating? I simply don’t have the word to describes how I feel.

Steve, again thank you for your words. Not only today, but everyday.

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And Sgt. Carter displayed such courage and dedication for his country which did not treat him as an equal. Even his unit was segregated.

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I know. Remarkable

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For a look at another man of peace who became a hero in war, please see my comment below. My uncle understood duty, and heeded its call.

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Aug 29Liked by Steve Schmidt

Excellent summary of Sergeant Carter’s valor. What an amazing story. I agree Steve, MAGA has gotten out of hand. The fact the cemetery worker was harassed and is unwilling to press charges is indicative of the rot of Trump and MAGA, and the fear he has inflicted on many federal and state workers, as well as members of the press.

We’re watching republican congressmen, women and senators resign, or refuse to seek reelection because of the fear they feel if they speak out against a Trump policy, or have the audacity to criticize Trump himself; they and their families will be targeted. This is how fascism begins. Good people leave government out of fear, and incompetent loyalists fill the void.

We’re watching journalists and poll workers being harassed, Doxed, Swatted and threatened daily by the MAGA mob; in some cases having to flee their homes to find safety.

These are not isolated incidents, and far from normalcy in a healthy democracy. Yet, voters can’t seem to make the connection with the total amount of chaos that Trump and MAGA will inflict on America, and the division and chaos he will sow. And it’s not like we haven’t been down this road before. Americans appear to have selective memories, or short-term dementia.

What’s worse, we’re finding many who served Trump (no longer willing to do), to be cowards; unwilling to level with Americans as to exactly the danger that a second Trump administration would pose.

And now the Arlington National Cemetery debacle is another episode in which Trump flagrantly breaks federal law and will get away with it, because he always gets away with it, and because authorities aren’t unwilling to act because it might help Trump claim victimhood status, and help him win the election. He is the only American I’ve ever seen treated with kid gloves when the evidence of his crimes are well documented.

Never in my lifetime have I seen someone, and a party so flagrantly flout the law with impunity. Never before have we had a Supreme Court willing to carve out exceptions in the constitution for one man; a crooked and malicious former president.

Trump must be defeated this November. If not, our lives will change for the worse exponentially.


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And he, like Commodus in Gladiator, has harnessed the power of the mob. His vile followers intimidate people, like the poor Arlington staffer who also happens to be a woman. He knows that and encourages it.

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I wish that Dr. Phil will quit placating Trump by doing interviews. They are both abysmal and there is no way one validates the other.

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If Dr. Phil is so astute about psychology, how can he justify giving tRump a platform when the guy is clearly a dangerous liar?

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Maybe it is because he feels he is so much better than anyone else with a PhD and he is ostracized and thus lost his show on TV. In other words Phil and Trump are lost causes.

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Someone needs to inform the good doctor that "It's time to get real!"


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Thanks, Oprah, for foisting him and Dr. Oz on us.

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You are correct, it is Oprah’s fault

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NOT really! It is ALL business and mega bucks! None of them are living on the street . . . Include Trump in that TV haul, too. Mark Burnett did it for Donald, and we are stuck with IT! ALL MONEY!

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Dr. Phil and Donald Trump are a couple of absurd quacks. Imagine the ego it takes to assume you know the mind of an omniscient god and that he has sent you to save his favorite country, the United States of America. Imagine the absurdity of believing this god's sign that you are the "Chosen One" is by placing the odds that the assassin's bullet could come so close but not make its mark at 1 in 20 million and thus assuming it was a sign, not just an inaccurate shot.

Imagine the overwhelming absurdity of milions of Americans falling for this "divine" bullshit.


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Too loosely quote The Guess Who:

It's too late

He's gone to far

He's lost the sun

He's come undone

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The extraordinary patriotism and heroism of Sergeant Carter should give us all strength to oppose Trump's fascism and hate. Sergeant Carter's bravery is stark against the cowardice of Trump and his cohorts.

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Aug 29Liked by Steve Schmidt

A powerful, ominous and admonitory post, Steve. In this moment of national and individual existential peril, the majority of Americans, who are genuine patriots, need to become courageous anti-fascists armed with an inextinguishable fire for freedom and democracy, fighting in the electoral trenches with their votes and their hearts. Trump’s MAGA fascism is evert bit, if not more, dangerous to the survival of America as a nation and its people as agents free to pursue their own individual happiness and lived meaning as Hitler’s Nazism 80 years ago.

As we face the domestic equivalent of nuclear Armageddon by confronting and defeating Trump’s 21st Century incarnation of Hitler and Mussolini, we should ponder and heed the bracing words of Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, that following a massive nuclear exchange between his country and the United States, “the living will envy the dead.” Our failure to stop Republican Trumpian fascism in its tracks would indeed be tantamount to committing national suicide, as you so eloquently warn.

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Trump thinks the award he gave the repulsive late blowhard Rush Limbaugh has more meaning than the award given Edward A. Carter Jr.?

There is no word strong enough to condemn the assinine Donald Trump. Steve's story of war hero Edward Carter should be in every newspaper in America along with the fact that Rush Limbaugh got the Medal of Freedom from fascist Donald Trump.

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He cheapened the meaning of the Presidential Medal of Freedom by giving it to Limbaugh and all the other despicable creeps that he chose.

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Yes. Some Americans are suicidal. Take the woman who rolls her oxygen tank along while she smokes cigarettes. She’ll tell you she wants to die. No one wants to tell her, “Go ahead.” National political suicide? We already did that by putting Trump in office before the pandemic broke out. 700,000 seniors died. Dr. Birx felt confident 100,000 died as a result of Trump’s stalling, trying not to spend money. “It’s just the old people who are dying,” he said during an interview. We can skip the mass murder charge, it seems, because they were old. What if that had been 700,000 children?

MAGA victims willingly gave up their time and lives to Donald Trump and live in the world of his creation, where he is idolized. I just can’t see a new wave of politically suicidal victims…yet. I thought my imagination had no limits, but RFK, Jr appointed as Surgeon General? I think my right eye is developing a tick.

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Trump hardly deserves the life he has been afforded to live.

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But boy, howdy! He has certainly earned the justice he deserves and has coming.

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Yes character is on the ballot this year. VP Kamala Harris and CMSGTM Tim Walz exude character and Donald Trump is a villainous character in a distopian cartoon. It is in Donald's nature to disrespect our Military. He has done it time and time again. Anyone who could think of themselves first when trying to honor heroes just doesn't get it and never will. Someone who believes it makes him look bad by being in the presence of a severely wounded veteran should get off the stage before the veteran steps onto the stage. He does not deserve the honor of being in the same room as a wounded veteran. Veterans deserve our respect for their brave service to our great country. Veterans should not be used as props by either campaign. However since the disrespect always is coming from the Republican candidates we must all wonder, what is wrong with these weird people. I guess I am not Christian enough because I don't pity them, I am enraged by their arrogance. Their obtuseness offends me and should cause concern for every American thinking of voting for their unAmerican ticket.

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I just watched the video. It actually made me feel like I would upchuck the cherrios I just finished. For a person like him to put the word god in his mouth, well, it just makes me physically sick. Phil must be a shyster. I will now finish the article and hope my breakfast stays down. Even someone mildly religious could not trust TFG, much less tried and true Christians. The later have to know he is a charlatan.

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Indeed! However, that said, more atrocities have been committed in the name of “God” and religious beliefs than any other…

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yep they are all shysters selling anything for a buck and apparently there are enough suckers buying

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Trump is going full on QAnon- Michael Flynn. I would not be surprised if he appoints Flynn to his “transition” team. When I heard he appointed Kennedy and Gabbard, I realized this will be his insurrection team if he loses. He’s going madder and more dangerous by the day. As we watch his descent into greater chaos and danger to us, we become more united, defiant and committed to defeating this unAmerican threat to decency, freedom and democracy. F@&k him and his team of deranged, sadistic weirdos. Game on!

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Flynn and Gabbard are living proof that military service and high rank do not preclude one from still being a piece of shit

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Add Charles Flynn and make it 3.

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