Why does every single picture I see of Tucker look like he's trying to grunt one out? He is a constipated troll who should stay in Russia and never be allowed in this country again.

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He’s so full of it?

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That made me laugh out loud! I just read it again and again I laughed out loud! There is also a frustration with just not quite getting it all..Should I witness him hit by a car lying in the street I would walk on by and look the other way..

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An enema would be fatal.

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Like a balloon with no air

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Tucker is in Moscow to because he belongs there.

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Yeah. In a gulag.

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High-tech Father Coghlin. A perfect description. Hey Tucker! If you love Putin so much, just stay there.

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Revoke his passport!!

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Speaking of: I'm reading Norman Lear's biography and he talks of Father Coughlin in the same way my parents (z"l) did - as how they learned what antisemitism was. Is Carlson in fact that bad? I've never listened to him.

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He is.

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I shudder.

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Moscow is the perfect place for Tucker Carlson to be. It is where the most virulent anti-american sentiment lives. Tucker has made millions with his disinformation of American hate speech and his war against democracy. He belongs in Moscow and should be banned from reentry in the United States.

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"sediment" iis good.

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Steve, so artfully executed… love the sarcasm. Love your logic and reporting from Moscow. So, fascism is a rich target. Tucker is… a fascist, right?

Why not state fact?

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Appreciate the reference to Father Coughlin. Brilliant. .

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Fascism in Detroit?

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Why is Tucker Carlson in Moscow? To answer this question, you first need to ask yourself why pond scum floats to the top?

Although, pond scum usually attaches itself to the bottom of the pond (where Tucker should be), when it’s especially bad, filamentous algae breaks free and floats on the surface in the form of thick algae mats. That’s Tucker in a nutshell; the filamentous algae, or the most disgusting of the worst.

“Tucker Carlson is an internet-era Father Coughlin, a domestic enemy of the US Constitution, a friend of tyrants, and a disloyal American.”—Steve Schmidt

Never better sentiments. He’s the epitome of Farther Coughlin. A fascist flamethrower, with a humongous bully pulpit, and little moral character, if any at all.

He’s a cross between, Stephen Miller, Pepe Le Pew, and Ann Coulter; and the reason why some animals eat their own!

That said, let’s hope he stays in Moscow, or moves to Hungary. The world, and especially America, would be a far better place without that yuppy brownshirt and traitor in it…:)

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Father Coughlin was a hugely popular Nazi loving fascist Priest from Detroit. It was said that he had 30 million listeners. FDR feared Coughlin’s influence.

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True, but he was also a racist and a fascist…:)

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Indeed he was, as were his flock of some 30 million white racist intolerant fascistic Jew hating, Black hating, white Catholics ignorant of the teachings of Christ - a Jew, that was all tolerant, all loving, the son of God, if you are a believer.. the Agnostic are not sure, those of mixed religion parents are inclined to worry about their intolerant neighbors, one and all, and just acknowledge their religious beliefs by saying, I don’t know.. faith will not get me there.. God almighty, if he exists, has room for us all, if we can manage to love each other and the child, feel their pain, and if we are tolerant… not intolerant, like poor hateful Father Coughlin, ultimately rejected for his intolerance - by his flock - as the good people of America came to their senses and favored tolerance -

May the current fascist Color Hating intolerant white supremacist GOP Party of Trump find their way back to common sense and to the principles of their Lord Jesus and drop Trump the Hater .. who may be too far gone to recover, for he worships Putin, the other fascist dictators ruling Russia, North Korea, China, Hungary, and the other Orwellian horror shows that persecute their people…

And let’s vote Biden, Harris, save Ukraine, save Israel, save the Palestinians from Hamas, save those that wish to be saved - deal with Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and the other terrorists that want to destroy the Jews… October 7th Saturday is not forgotten, nor will it be, Gazans must rise up against Hamas, Iran must learn to live with her neighbors or suffer the consequences of terminal intolerance, and our Republican friends must revisit Abraham Lincoln, our 16th and best president..and read his Gettysburg Address once a day, on rising, his Emancipation Proclamation and the words of Thomas Jefferson’s preamble will help.

To tolerance… for we, the people, are at the edge of oblivion, and we must find the path to decency and to democracy. Trump is a loser. His followers are losers.

Joe Biden is tolerant and he loves us all.

Start there.

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Correct. Fascist and Racist and a Catholic Priest ultimately rejected by the Vatican.

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Haha. You coined the perfect nickname for Tucks in a typo:

Farther Coughlin.

Good one, Robert!


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TC is in Moscow for the same reason that DTs father Fred Trump participated in a 1927 KKK rally. Some things just speak for themselves.

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Uncle Vladimir is Tucker’s boss. And what about those other Putin People? Donald Trump with his ties to the Russian mafia? Rand Paul? What additional Republicans in Congress who support Russian interests with their votes? No reporting ?

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Well said, indeed. our glacially moving DOJ ought to file sedition charges against the GOP members who had advance knowledge of the 6 Jan insurrection, and in some cases had plans to ensure it's success. Now would be nice. They belong with Trump, in prison with consecutive sentences for SEDITION. About 10-20 each.

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I imagine he has classified documents from DJTs bathroom to hand over.

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Is Tucker Carlson meeting with Putin? Will Putin put him in prison for spying or send him back to work on their plans to overthrow American government and install Trump as Dictator, just like Putin? Will he set up a media empire in Russia to beam Putin propaganda to all his loyal followers and future Putin supporters? Just an All-American guy is Tucker Carlson..................

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I just hope he stays. there.

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It is hard to understand why Carlson is aggrieved about the USA. After all, he is blue blood all the way, born to the lucky sperm club, heir to the Swanson TV dinner fortune. Now he is herr to Putin.

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Perhaps Tucker is there to deliver a check to Putin so that he’ll once again interfere in the election. An invitation to Trump’s coronation is sure to follow.

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I honestly miss the old republican party that stood up to Russia rather than emulate them.

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Yep. Remember during TFG's term, there was a t-shirt with "I'd rather be Russian than a Democrat" popular within the MAGA crowd. How utterly disappointing for our country to have f***tards wearing something like that and being proud of it.

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I truly detest this man.

Born with a TV dinner in his mouth (Swanson heir) prep schools and lives in a sheltered (away from debris, dark people, Muslims, Jews and other undesirables) gated guarded community.

Going back to when he was young, preppy on the McLoughlin report Sunday mornings, I can remember thinking “this is the kid who’s lunch box was stolen”

Dripped with entitlement and avarice simultaneously! Not easy I imagine

Then three failed gigs on networks to land at the bastion of hate, intolerance and greed Fox News.

Then (he probably set it up) O’Reilly gets caught with his pants around his ankles with UNWILLING junior associates and this piece of shit ends up in the primest of prime time slots for the old addled, angry, ignorant racist audience made to order for his frenzied rants with that dough face questioning look of astonishment, “who me I’m just asking”

Nauseatingly obtuse and dangerous at the same time.

My bet like stein, Flynn, Banon and so many other wannabe autocrats he is there is do Vlad’s bidding and give him his take on how to steal the election for organge sphincter Donald

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Went with message from trump”you helped me in 2016. So help me in 2024. I mean I am stopping them from giving Ukraine money to fight you so this year you get it all. You realize with me as president again we (united states) will once again lose world standing and be much weaker. So how about it? “

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He already is helping.

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Actually, I am wondering if the Russian government is going to turn over the tapes and transcripts of all Trump’s former visits and escapes. Won’t that just blow every cults member’s mind to have full disclosure of deviate behaviors from within their ranks. Probably, won’t make a difference to the die hearts, however, May appall those on the edge.

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Yes, that would be something. However, sadly, with their echo chamber and siloed bubble, they'd never see it anyway. And then it would be spun into a left wing conspiracy. SMH.

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