It was a horrific day, not only for America but for democracy around the world. Yes, the world was watching and trump can’t do a single thing to erase it from our collective memory. He can deny that he attempted to steal the 2020 election and the peaceful transfer of power. But those who were watching their television on that day know precisely what they viewed in real time - a despicable mob and their aberrant leader trying to overthrow democracy.

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We will never forget.

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Let us always remember that dark day and what a President incited and applauded.

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I do hope the Americans who want our country to succeed VOTE!!! These are perilous times and we must come together!

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Excellent. Again! Ending especially powerful! Thanks!

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It is time for all Americans to CRUSH this terrible fascist movement once and for all. Right On!!

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Amen! It was worse than a horrific day for democracy. I've said it once and will say it again, insurrections in a democracy must be dealt with swiftly and with the full force of the law. That did not happen here (as it did recently in Brazil) because our Attorney General hemmed and hawed and "pussy footed" around. Merrick Garland's indecision led in large part to dealing with Trump's treason too close to the 2024 election. Garland, whether he meant to or not (that's immaterial now), played right into Trump's hands by waiting so long to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the January 6th insurrection. It didn't have to be that way. I had high hopes for Garland as AG, but so far, I am not impressed. Just because someone was an average, good, or great judge doesn't mean they will be a great Attorney General. It might happen, but as it seems to have played out so far, that is not the case with Merrick Garland. He should have pursued investigating Trump just as quickly as the DOJ pursued justice for Trump's foot soldiers, the insurrectionists. Same goes for all the Republican members of Congress for which there is plenty of documentable probable cause that they helped Trump construct the plans for this insurrection. Merrick Garland, in my view, has much to be held accountable for the current situation our democracy finds itself embroiled in. We need a decisive, yet fair AG, not how Garland has performed to date.


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There must be a plan in place next fall...pre election...to allow for an organized resistance that can react instantly to Trumps inevitable b.s. if he loses.

And if Trump wins, we must be prepared to resist his authoritarian style leadership, if amd when it arises.

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Donald Trump is a proud insurrectionist. Most MAGA supporters would – in my opinion – support him for Dictator with the power to terminate portions of the Constitution that stand in his way. It would really help if the opinion surveyors would include that question, "Would you support Trump if he wanted to be our Dictator?" I think the surveyors lack the courage to ask this question and would rather ask about Joe Biden's age. If the Supreme Court does not defend Section 3 of the 14th Amendment we can then expect more violence from the enemies of the Constitution and the Rule of Law. And to think is was the Republican Party that originally gave us the 14th Amendment in its youth !!

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THIS, Mr. Schmidt, in the voice of Paul Harvey.

THIS, my fellow readers, against a backdrop of patriotic images, American heroes, and everything this country stands for.

THIS, independents and swept-up Republicans, to look and sound like yet another one from MAGA, until it isn't.


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