And why the hell did his staff let him be ambushed by Republican, Hur, who was clearly out to belittle him. Was it the timid Garland who appointed Hur to do the interview and has screwed up on so many other issues? Garland would have been great on the Supreme Court but as Attorney General he seems ineffective and so slow to make decisions.

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Biden and the White House has clearly stated that the DOJ is independent and they don't control or meddle with it. The other side, headed up every time a mic is in front of him, by TFG saying Biden's DOJ, etc, ad nauseam. So, your implication is exactly what TFG has been saying. Biden's staff shouldn't have and didn't have any say in who the special council investigating Biden's classified documents case. Garland did. I don't fault Garland for appointing Hur; I do have a HUGE problem with him allowing Hur's opinion of Biden's mental competency to be included in the report. It should have never been there, and never been allowed in the public domain. All it should have said was: "No findings warranting charges." IMO, that's where Garland messed up on this.

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The unfair damage has been done. However, there is time to fight this. Bernie used to tell reporters to "follow me around some day". Biden should actually do that.

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My heart just dropped. Who the hell is directing him. I AM w/Steve on this one. Sad and disappointing. 🥲🇺🇸

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I'm getting 2016 vibes and can't shake them when I see Biden's team doing stuff like this.

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The larger malpractice is media NOT covering 24/7 today and into the far future TFG comments about letting RU attack NATO.

That tape should played in front of the Super Bowl crowd, on the Jumbo Tron. All the flag waving fans can see his treachery first hand.

When will we have to stop digging for relevance against innuendo when TFG is practicing DQ acts - STILL. Softballing an interview is nothing compared to the truth of a fatally flawed gop candidate.

JMHO. We have to attack with facts. The more coming from DJT the better. Every patriot should be in reviled disgust today - if they saw the man’s words directly.

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Bill, I agree with this. And not being interviewed for the Super Bowl might be a mistake, but Steve is overstating it to some degree.

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What do the initials TFG, RU, DQ, JMHO mean? I think I get NOT and STILL.

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The Former Guy



Just My Humble Opinion

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Thanks, Bill.

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Bill, When and where did you hear DJT’s comments about letting RU attack NATO? I would like to chase it down for a listen.

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It’s not just a mistake to bail on a brief Super Bowl chat, it’s a fuck up of major proportion; considering the huge audience and zero cost, the possible positive returns and low chance of blowing it, and the simple idea that you are aware of and interested in what tens of millions of fellow Americans are is nearly priceless. If you can put up with being screamed at and berated by the White House press corps, this a stroll in the park.

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I think a non-political nod by the POTUS like the coin toss or other is America at its best. TFG f’ck that up by politicizing every act for stagecraft, incl. Pence cameo.

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Agree. It also furthers and reinforces the R's narrative and makes Biden appear scared of getting in front of a mic. He's not, but that's how it comes across.

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I can see the other side of this.

Biden's team thought he'd be peppered with disengenuous probes and it would keep Hur's smears current and fresh into a new news cycle.

So, just let it go, and deal with it on President Biden's agenda, not the


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Agree - my gut tells me they did the right thing to decline the interview. Let people enjoy the game without politics. A lot of people will appreciate that.

There’s enough people in a snit about Taylor and Travis already. But going forward, I love the train idea.

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Yes, Steve's train idea is fabulous.

FDR used the Ferdinand Magellan as a rolling White House.

It became a prolific PR machine, with blanket- media coverage.

Nigel Hamilton's FDR AT WAR Trilogy illustrates FDR's mastery of that platform.

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President Biden has been an outstanding President. However, I think his comms team is letting him down Steve. I’m not a fan of President Reagan’s policies, but boy did he and his communications team know how to communicate to the American people. Reagan would hold 30 minute prime time press conferences where he would read like a 15 minute statement on his admin.’s accomplishments and how things were getting better in America. And then take like only 3 questions. I may be exaggerating a bit, but that’s what it seemed like. It blows my mind that most American’s cannot name one of President Biden’s many accomplishments. How bout for starters- HIS ENDING OF THE FOREVER WAR IN AFGHANISTAN AND GETTING OUR TROOPS OUT OF THERE! All the student debt that he has forgiven. Restoring NATO. Rebuilding America’s infrastructure. Navigating us out of Covid. Rebuilding our economy. Bringing the manufacture of super computer chips back to America. The Appointments of the best and brightest of positions of power, Sec Blinken, Sec. Austin, Nat’l sec. Advisor Sullivan, Sec. Janet Yellen, and Justice Jackson to the Supreme Court. Alright the appt. Of Garland isn’t looking so good. But almost all of his appointees have been excellent choices. It’s a different era, and it’s more difficult to get through to the American people than ever before. But we have to figure this out and do much better. I’ll do my part and start talking to people I know and reminding them of all the great things President Biden has done for our country!

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All true and agreed. Huge difference is the level of 24 hour non stop news, and Reagan never had to deal with the internet, SM algorithms, deep fakes, QAnon, etc. All (or at least most) the bullshit back then was isolated to rag mags in the check out line at the grocery store. Now, it's in people's pockets.

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Sigh. I just can’t take it.

(I will vote Biden, I donate to key campaigns, I sign up new voters…).

In the meantime, my stress levels about ALL of this, all that is going on 🤯

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I feel the same way 🥺🤬

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What the hell are Biden’s people not thinking?

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Does he simply not want to take direction from experts - like you, Steve - or does he have terribly simpleminded and shortsighted folks surrounding him? I am genuinely confused and would like to see him get The Right counsel to be able to flatten Donald.

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For President Biden to miss this great opportunity to communicate with masses of Americans at the Super Bowl makes it look like he is scared that he will look like the doddering, senile idiot that Trump and his MAGA acolytes portray him as being.

Whereas it is Trump who is the doddering old idiot, and an extreme DANGEROUS idiot who threatens the stability of the entire world.

What a dangerous mistake Biden and his team have made!

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I'm with Tom on ths. Why all the acronyms? I do understand RU as the country abbreviation for Russia. DQ has always meant Dairy Queen to me but unlikely in this context. JMHO is probably a variation of IMHO, which is common shorthand for In My Humble Opinion. Maybe "Just"?

Finally, TFG clearly points to Trump but what do the letters stand for? I'll suggest Tangerine Fat Guy.

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DQ is commonplace shorthand for disqualified, disqualifying in military parlance.

Yes, J is Just my humble opinion. TFG = the former guy because writing his name brings distress and that's as much the same as his nauseating speeches.

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TFG is a very common reference to Donito Assolini.

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Perhaps, but since 2020 election, and the inauguration on 1-20-21 of Biden, it's been for Trump. At least for 99.9999% of the people. And, of course, I made that % up. It's probably higher.

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It’s also used in sports in particular golf when a player is found to have breached a rule of the game.

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Unless they don’t think he is capable of doing such an interview, there is no reason not to. What are they trying to hide?

Yet here is the thing many of us are missing: 74 million Americans voted to give Trump a second term after seeing what happened in his first term.

We need to understand that and address that and we do not have much time. 74 million Americans are not a cult and are not extremists.

Why did they want Trump for a second term?

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John, I agree and add that those 74 mil Americans saw ONLY what conservative media like FOX news wanted them to see. And many don’t watch the news at all. They have no basis for their voting decision other than a few entertaining minutes from the orange loudmouth.

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Right, even if they aren't trying to hide, it certainly has the appearance that they are. Really a dumb ass decision.

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My thoughts exactly... there are so many good reasons TO do the interview. I keep coming back to “what or why are they hiding?”.

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Steve -

I am going to throw a different idea - how about John Kelly, H R McMaster, and Mark Milley do a joint interview and tell America how bad Trump really is. From their first person experience - the things he said, the things he wanted to do, and the disaster that will happen with a “sequel”.

I just don’t think Biden can say anything that isn’t going to get picked apart if he so much as hiccups and what is the press going to ask him - “do you think you are too old for a second term?”

Oval Office address - he needs to control the narrative. The press still treats the current situation like a normal election. THEY STILL DON’T GET IT

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I wrote the other day that I questioned their will to fight. It appears to be true.

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