This lede paragraph below from a story in Politico made me laugh because it is so ludicrous and so true, while being a perfect encapsulation of the delusions, bewilderment and complete aloofness from reality that binds Earth’s global elite.
Hi, Steve: I respectfully suggest to you and the Lincoln Project, that you design an ad which will contain the grifter's most memorable flubs, such as confusing Pelosi with Haley, Obama with Biden, the 2d World War and so on, and play this ad over and over on Faux News and other media, right up until the election. It must show that the grifter is totally mentally unfit and in the throes of dementia.
Nikki Haley's response to "the flub" is akin to a victim of domestic abuse. E.g: "Yes, my husband verbally abuses me, but I know he loves me cause I married him. He's having a bad week. Its not his fault." Fear and shame are powerful.
Steve, although you 100% correct, do you actually believe it matters to the MAGA faithful? It certainly doesn’t matter to the right-wing ecosystem that carries water for the MAGA mafia Don.
I doubt these people have even heard the flub, or are cerebral enough to understand the nuances. And if they are, I’m pretty sure Hannity and the rest of the delusional bobbleheads at Fox will be able to somehow blame it on Biden’s policies and cognitive abilities.
As for Davos? Yes, let’s wait for the Davos’s “demonic” elite to save the day. They’re a bunch of spineless parasites whose only god and currency is the almighty greenback; which, by the way, will be worthless if we continue on this spending trajectory.
Bottom line: Haley and DeSatin might as well walk the plank now, because their final humiliation will be completed no later than Super Tuesday, when they’ll be relegated to the dustbin of history. Good riddance!..:)
Robert, I believe Dimon’s comments this week made me as angry as I have been in a long while. And this from a person(me!) who has been in a perpetual attitude of outrage, disbelief and depression with our “leaders” since 2015. What absolute garbage from Dimon about Trump’s “policies” and all the rest. Why blame Trump, the MAGA cult, Tim Scott and his fellow S. Carolinian Lindsey Graham, and all their fellow travelers with Trump, and on and on(don’t forget Fox News and by the way listen to Dana Perino yesterday) for our looming apocalypse, when we can now blame the ones with the actual money to help us fix the current American chaos? When everyone lies, we all lose, big time. Here we are. If we have a future American history, ALL of these sycophants and pathetic human beings bear much responsibility.
Dimon made me sick at my stomach, really. The debasement of Scott and Dimon just this week would be insane if not so frightening.
We are right and they are so wrong, but I am afraid the American people are so deluded by my fellow “Christian” and “conservative” leaders, we are lost as a country.
Well said. As for Dimon? He, like all his fellow Davos travelers, fear Trump more than the end of democracy.
They know Trump 2.0 is far more dangerous than the first time around. He has conservative groups like the Heritage Foundation with their 2025 Plan to replace secular bureaucrats and technocrats.
He also has a far more intelligent group of loyal advisors, who are skilled Washington lawyers, lobbyists and politicians, who know how Washington works, and how to achieve his goals. And when I say Trump’s goals, it’s actually the goals of the far right. Trump has no plan of his own; except to monetize the presidency for himself and his businesses. He’ll leave the governing to the little people.
And remember, if Trump wins, it means Alito and Thomas will definitely retire by the midterms should republicans regain the senate, which they most likely will. And the next two federalist picks, will solidify a fascist court for the next four decades. And they will ultimately rule by judicial fiat, regardless whether republicans ever take the Whitehouse again. Lawsuits by the fanatics will derail any democratic presidential legislation enacted for years.
Ah yes, Mr. Jaffee, your keen eye for what is, and certainly what, Could be, is right down the middle. Not sure how we see things so clearly, where others don't see at all. I've resigned myself to not looking, reading, talking, (when Possible) about anything Rump related. It's mad, and madding, this UP is Down world we find ourselves in. If not for your voice, and Mr. Steves', I'd swear I was alone. Glad I'm not alone. :)
Dimon garbage! Trump could not understand what Dimon’s basis even was for the comments, but we must. Jamie got an immense tax credit from the Trump tax cut some time ago. However, one does not forget that Trump move, and this is a “pay back.” Dimon is lining up for a cabinet post? Next Secretary of Treasury in Trump’s awful-thought administration?
Re "...we can now blame the ones with the actual money to help us fix the current American chaos?," repeating a comment I left on a previous Schmidt post: "Trumpers are immune from caring about who he is. They despise the system and vote for Trump because he despises the system, too. We should look to fix the system. That's on us."
So right, he, them, they, and me, we, us, all despise the System. The system hasn't worked for many of us, and of course the sys is shite. Certainly not as Shite as Shrump. The system is broken on purpose.
We remember Trump’s comment about shooting someone on 5th Avenue and it not costing him a single outrageous thing to say that would’ve ended any campaign in bygone elections. Fast forward 8 years and the Trump fanaticism has only grown. Now he could drop his pants, shit on the Pennsylvania Ave sidewalk, (live on prime time Fox News), and come away with even more supporters.
We’re not dealing with ordinary devotees. How does the sane half quell the anger of a mob that is fueled by insane behavior and does not negotiate?
Some where out there, there’s a John Brown reincarnate who’s getting ready.
Agreed, but it’s not only his supporters. It’s the right-wing ecosystem that depends on him for monster ratings. We saw what happened to Fox after they denounced the insurrection.
Their viewership left them and OAN became bigger than Fox. Seriously? It’s the tail wagging the dog...:)
Dimon's comments made my stomach turn over. I am a big believer in the power of business to advance social good. Many companies do that. But Dimon's blatant pandering is so wrong-headed that I wonder if the bank's board is paying attention to his blathering. Remember, three JPMorgan Chase board members -- Dimon, Alex Gorsky, and Ginny Rometty -- appeared on the cover of Fortune magazine a few years ago pledging a new kind of capitalism, one that weighs the needs of all stakeholders. His assertions from Davos seem contradictory to that pledge, which requires that you seriously consider the interests of people outside of Wall Street. Some of his Davos comments were laughable. The Democrats are the ones belittling their political opponents? Democrats are the ones who need to "grow up?" Concerns about NATO are a big reason people support Trump? Others were indefensible, including that Trump is right about immigration, which I assume includes the ex-president's comments about migrants "poisoning our blood." If this is the new capitalism, count me out.
I thought paying himself an unimaginable compensation package was totally unethical after paying out a huge amount for the involvement with Jeffrey Epstein. Well his comments in support of the MAGA leader top all of his misdeed. His interview was the darkest moment of this hour in American finance, for sure.
This is an optimistic view and so far has worked. Joe Biden is a leader and author of remarkable solutions in his 3 years. Trump is also a leader with much stronger more enthusiastic adherents than Joe. Despite Joe and Obama and Clinton, there is much that is wrong with America, many of its institutions falling apart. Respect for the courts, for government, for the police, for the justice system as a whole and for politicians is extremely low, nothing seems to work. To many discouraged people a Strongman has an appeal because it seems he would change much that is not working. This is a Siren call. Yes, he would change everything, re-shape institutions in his image for his purposes. The numbers needed to elect him include millions who would suffer at his hands. He doesn’t care about your healthcare, your social security, your protections under the law. He wants to rob from the poor and middle class to feed the rich and himself. He doesn’t care about your education other than as a system to keep you in line. He is openly selling autocracy, everything his way, whether it “crosses the line” or not. The millions who are taken in by him need to be shown the consequences, need to know how his heroes are cowing their citizenry, need to understand that however their lives are now, they would soon be worse in Trumpworld. That is the assignment. Better not blow it. There’s only one shot.
When you protect and defend the indefensible for as long as the Republican party has, it is no wonder Nikki Haley is struggling to win over voters when the indefensible person is still in good standing in the party. There is nothing like the real thing and Trump is the original monster made out of their own nightmare. It is no wonder why they can't move on from him when they keep reviving him and give the monster renewed life.
You say Jamie Dimon knows better. I'm not so sure. Clearly, he should know better, but maybe he's just a shmuck we assume is smart just because he's rich. Nikki Hakey is a candidate in whom it had been instilled, "Remember your talking points. Pivot! Pivot!" Sometimes it serves her (the WAPO article); sometimes it doesn't (the slavery fiasco). Either way, she won't be the nominee.
Jamie is not particularly smart but well-placed, patient, and reads trends. He goes to the “bright lights” and his connections. Dimon is a user of events, times, and friends. They paw after him! Watch Trump, just wait and watch! Money, lots of it, is power and attracts a lot of attention! To Trump, it is a magnet for “friendship.”
Today is Sunday. It fell into place, it talked to me in non verbal connection, a day of rest, how fortunate to realize to be able to feel .
Reading Steve , HCR, Simon, Susan, Laura, so many more ..they are a comfort , making sense each in their own specialness . They are the voices of reason -pointing out and YES stabilizing poles, humor woven , sometimes some stark realities which in refrain give me the contrast. I don’t want to be there , it’s logical , doesn’t demand I gather an army to break down doors.
We are the army , and rest today but not lapse is second of the path to walk.
I love the security Steve ( et al aforementioned) affords me. Eloquence gifted , experience from accurate deduction having seen and worked the gamut. Assuring people is part of this gift. It’s an equal part of truth. It’s not here to make noise ,entertain circus fashion’s here to enjoy, follow this trusted path that’s often less traveled.
Thank you Steve.
Rest today folks it’s Sunday..and special thanks to all out there clearing the roads, comforting the sick, protecting, nurturing.
I am far more concerned over the deliberate both-sides-ing by much of the mainstream media, particularly the New York Times and the Washington Post, than I am over anything Haley says. It is what I expect from her. I expect more courage from my hometown paper that claims that “Democracy Dies in Darkness”. Instead, they are speeding its demise.
Instead of resisting Russian and China’s influencing campaign they are throwing gasoline on the fire in such instances as when they took verbatim what Hamas reported on the hospital bombing, which was actually done by the Palestinian factions themselves. They are chasing what the misinformation campaign does to destabilize democracy, to promote vicious and false narratives, supported by anonymous clicks and likes, of cross global assaults on the almost 250 years old republic.
Did y'all know that if you highlight part of Steve's post, it gives you the option to create a quote and share it?
I just shared this one:
He was profoundly confused, and thus crazed, because his venom was intersecting with phantoms swirling around his head. He was like a deranged and defanged cobra spitting at the air striking for nothing other than an instinct from fading memories.
Trump truly is unqualified in his mental state alone....he is not of sound mind. He appears to have the beginnings of Alzheimer's, or the ravages if syphilis which my doctor friend diagnosed in him sometime ago. He is very dangerous to allow to make any decisions, let alone be president.
For sometime now, I have had the strong premonition that Trump will be never even make it to November and will be off the scene by then for any number of very possible reasons.
If we stand back a few steps so we can see things more objectivey, we will see things with a more clear eyed view. If we ignore the cacaphony and insanity around us, we will see that there has never been more of a paper tiger who has nothing to offer, who is only in it for himself, and truly is just a figment and creation of his own mind.
His major vulnerabilities - his failing physical and mental health, all his legal and financial woes, and the various vicissitudes of life in general - can and I believe will be sufficient to puncture this tiger soon. They will cause him to deflate like a punctured balloon. Then he will come crashing to earth, and will be gone from the scene for good. Everyone will see him as he truly was - an ignorant, uninformed, sleazy and vane liar, whose only power has ever been what he has given himself.
There will be some his detritus with which we will have to deal, but mostly our eight year nightmare will be over.
I certainly hope that due to his deranged mind Trump will not even be around in November --- as you say, “deflated like a punctured balloon”.
But a punctured balloon can still live on for decades, spreading its plastic slime all over the ground, inflating its poisonous influence over all that it touches.
So I think that although Trump may be very unwell, he will still be very much alive in November 2024 to poison all he touches.
And even if he is not elected as President, of course he will just say “It’s all a Big Lie” --- “another stolen election “.
And then what? Sadly, another insurrection by his deranged followers seems very likely to me.
Hi, Steve: I respectfully suggest to you and the Lincoln Project, that you design an ad which will contain the grifter's most memorable flubs, such as confusing Pelosi with Haley, Obama with Biden, the 2d World War and so on, and play this ad over and over on Faux News and other media, right up until the election. It must show that the grifter is totally mentally unfit and in the throes of dementia.
Nikki Haley's response to "the flub" is akin to a victim of domestic abuse. E.g: "Yes, my husband verbally abuses me, but I know he loves me cause I married him. He's having a bad week. Its not his fault." Fear and shame are powerful.
Steve, although you 100% correct, do you actually believe it matters to the MAGA faithful? It certainly doesn’t matter to the right-wing ecosystem that carries water for the MAGA mafia Don.
I doubt these people have even heard the flub, or are cerebral enough to understand the nuances. And if they are, I’m pretty sure Hannity and the rest of the delusional bobbleheads at Fox will be able to somehow blame it on Biden’s policies and cognitive abilities.
As for Davos? Yes, let’s wait for the Davos’s “demonic” elite to save the day. They’re a bunch of spineless parasites whose only god and currency is the almighty greenback; which, by the way, will be worthless if we continue on this spending trajectory.
Bottom line: Haley and DeSatin might as well walk the plank now, because their final humiliation will be completed no later than Super Tuesday, when they’ll be relegated to the dustbin of history. Good riddance!..:)
Robert, I believe Dimon’s comments this week made me as angry as I have been in a long while. And this from a person(me!) who has been in a perpetual attitude of outrage, disbelief and depression with our “leaders” since 2015. What absolute garbage from Dimon about Trump’s “policies” and all the rest. Why blame Trump, the MAGA cult, Tim Scott and his fellow S. Carolinian Lindsey Graham, and all their fellow travelers with Trump, and on and on(don’t forget Fox News and by the way listen to Dana Perino yesterday) for our looming apocalypse, when we can now blame the ones with the actual money to help us fix the current American chaos? When everyone lies, we all lose, big time. Here we are. If we have a future American history, ALL of these sycophants and pathetic human beings bear much responsibility.
Dimon made me sick at my stomach, really. The debasement of Scott and Dimon just this week would be insane if not so frightening.
We are right and they are so wrong, but I am afraid the American people are so deluded by my fellow “Christian” and “conservative” leaders, we are lost as a country.
Well said. As for Dimon? He, like all his fellow Davos travelers, fear Trump more than the end of democracy.
They know Trump 2.0 is far more dangerous than the first time around. He has conservative groups like the Heritage Foundation with their 2025 Plan to replace secular bureaucrats and technocrats.
He also has a far more intelligent group of loyal advisors, who are skilled Washington lawyers, lobbyists and politicians, who know how Washington works, and how to achieve his goals. And when I say Trump’s goals, it’s actually the goals of the far right. Trump has no plan of his own; except to monetize the presidency for himself and his businesses. He’ll leave the governing to the little people.
And remember, if Trump wins, it means Alito and Thomas will definitely retire by the midterms should republicans regain the senate, which they most likely will. And the next two federalist picks, will solidify a fascist court for the next four decades. And they will ultimately rule by judicial fiat, regardless whether republicans ever take the Whitehouse again. Lawsuits by the fanatics will derail any democratic presidential legislation enacted for years.
Let that sink in!...:)
Ah yes, Mr. Jaffee, your keen eye for what is, and certainly what, Could be, is right down the middle. Not sure how we see things so clearly, where others don't see at all. I've resigned myself to not looking, reading, talking, (when Possible) about anything Rump related. It's mad, and madding, this UP is Down world we find ourselves in. If not for your voice, and Mr. Steves', I'd swear I was alone. Glad I'm not alone. :)
Dimon garbage! Trump could not understand what Dimon’s basis even was for the comments, but we must. Jamie got an immense tax credit from the Trump tax cut some time ago. However, one does not forget that Trump move, and this is a “pay back.” Dimon is lining up for a cabinet post? Next Secretary of Treasury in Trump’s awful-thought administration?
Re "...we can now blame the ones with the actual money to help us fix the current American chaos?," repeating a comment I left on a previous Schmidt post: "Trumpers are immune from caring about who he is. They despise the system and vote for Trump because he despises the system, too. We should look to fix the system. That's on us."
So right, he, them, they, and me, we, us, all despise the System. The system hasn't worked for many of us, and of course the sys is shite. Certainly not as Shite as Shrump. The system is broken on purpose.
The “flub” sure didn’t bother V.P. In-waiting Elise Stanfanik who attacked Haley over her “aggressive” criticism.
Agreed, she’s the Vivek of Congress; and sadly, she has a lot of competition in a crowded field...:)
We remember Trump’s comment about shooting someone on 5th Avenue and it not costing him a single outrageous thing to say that would’ve ended any campaign in bygone elections. Fast forward 8 years and the Trump fanaticism has only grown. Now he could drop his pants, shit on the Pennsylvania Ave sidewalk, (live on prime time Fox News), and come away with even more supporters.
We’re not dealing with ordinary devotees. How does the sane half quell the anger of a mob that is fueled by insane behavior and does not negotiate?
Some where out there, there’s a John Brown reincarnate who’s getting ready.
Agreed, but it’s not only his supporters. It’s the right-wing ecosystem that depends on him for monster ratings. We saw what happened to Fox after they denounced the insurrection.
Their viewership left them and OAN became bigger than Fox. Seriously? It’s the tail wagging the dog...:)
There really is something very wrong in our nation that is causing the disarray of thought running throughout much of our culture.
It is not beyond imagination to consider Mr Trump is supported by more than a few who, beyond themselves, have little respect for freedom.
More than ever there good reason to keep church and state separate.
Dimon's comments made my stomach turn over. I am a big believer in the power of business to advance social good. Many companies do that. But Dimon's blatant pandering is so wrong-headed that I wonder if the bank's board is paying attention to his blathering. Remember, three JPMorgan Chase board members -- Dimon, Alex Gorsky, and Ginny Rometty -- appeared on the cover of Fortune magazine a few years ago pledging a new kind of capitalism, one that weighs the needs of all stakeholders. His assertions from Davos seem contradictory to that pledge, which requires that you seriously consider the interests of people outside of Wall Street. Some of his Davos comments were laughable. The Democrats are the ones belittling their political opponents? Democrats are the ones who need to "grow up?" Concerns about NATO are a big reason people support Trump? Others were indefensible, including that Trump is right about immigration, which I assume includes the ex-president's comments about migrants "poisoning our blood." If this is the new capitalism, count me out.
I thought paying himself an unimaginable compensation package was totally unethical after paying out a huge amount for the involvement with Jeffrey Epstein. Well his comments in support of the MAGA leader top all of his misdeed. His interview was the darkest moment of this hour in American finance, for sure.
The Jamie Dimon video presents a textbook illustration of whataboutism.
Leaders with no solutions are not leaders.
This is an optimistic view and so far has worked. Joe Biden is a leader and author of remarkable solutions in his 3 years. Trump is also a leader with much stronger more enthusiastic adherents than Joe. Despite Joe and Obama and Clinton, there is much that is wrong with America, many of its institutions falling apart. Respect for the courts, for government, for the police, for the justice system as a whole and for politicians is extremely low, nothing seems to work. To many discouraged people a Strongman has an appeal because it seems he would change much that is not working. This is a Siren call. Yes, he would change everything, re-shape institutions in his image for his purposes. The numbers needed to elect him include millions who would suffer at his hands. He doesn’t care about your healthcare, your social security, your protections under the law. He wants to rob from the poor and middle class to feed the rich and himself. He doesn’t care about your education other than as a system to keep you in line. He is openly selling autocracy, everything his way, whether it “crosses the line” or not. The millions who are taken in by him need to be shown the consequences, need to know how his heroes are cowing their citizenry, need to understand that however their lives are now, they would soon be worse in Trumpworld. That is the assignment. Better not blow it. There’s only one shot.
When you protect and defend the indefensible for as long as the Republican party has, it is no wonder Nikki Haley is struggling to win over voters when the indefensible person is still in good standing in the party. There is nothing like the real thing and Trump is the original monster made out of their own nightmare. It is no wonder why they can't move on from him when they keep reviving him and give the monster renewed life.
You say Jamie Dimon knows better. I'm not so sure. Clearly, he should know better, but maybe he's just a shmuck we assume is smart just because he's rich. Nikki Hakey is a candidate in whom it had been instilled, "Remember your talking points. Pivot! Pivot!" Sometimes it serves her (the WAPO article); sometimes it doesn't (the slavery fiasco). Either way, she won't be the nominee.
I think Dimon is a man who owes his success to a lot of things, but not his supposed brilliance
Jamie is not particularly smart but well-placed, patient, and reads trends. He goes to the “bright lights” and his connections. Dimon is a user of events, times, and friends. They paw after him! Watch Trump, just wait and watch! Money, lots of it, is power and attracts a lot of attention! To Trump, it is a magnet for “friendship.”
Today is Sunday. It fell into place, it talked to me in non verbal connection, a day of rest, how fortunate to realize to be able to feel .
Reading Steve , HCR, Simon, Susan, Laura, so many more ..they are a comfort , making sense each in their own specialness . They are the voices of reason -pointing out and YES stabilizing poles, humor woven , sometimes some stark realities which in refrain give me the contrast. I don’t want to be there , it’s logical , doesn’t demand I gather an army to break down doors.
We are the army , and rest today but not lapse is second of the path to walk.
I love the security Steve ( et al aforementioned) affords me. Eloquence gifted , experience from accurate deduction having seen and worked the gamut. Assuring people is part of this gift. It’s an equal part of truth. It’s not here to make noise ,entertain circus fashion’s here to enjoy, follow this trusted path that’s often less traveled.
Thank you Steve.
Rest today folks it’s Sunday..and special thanks to all out there clearing the roads, comforting the sick, protecting, nurturing.
Putin’s happy about right now.
I am far more concerned over the deliberate both-sides-ing by much of the mainstream media, particularly the New York Times and the Washington Post, than I am over anything Haley says. It is what I expect from her. I expect more courage from my hometown paper that claims that “Democracy Dies in Darkness”. Instead, they are speeding its demise.
Instead of resisting Russian and China’s influencing campaign they are throwing gasoline on the fire in such instances as when they took verbatim what Hamas reported on the hospital bombing, which was actually done by the Palestinian factions themselves. They are chasing what the misinformation campaign does to destabilize democracy, to promote vicious and false narratives, supported by anonymous clicks and likes, of cross global assaults on the almost 250 years old republic.
Did y'all know that if you highlight part of Steve's post, it gives you the option to create a quote and share it?
I just shared this one:
He was profoundly confused, and thus crazed, because his venom was intersecting with phantoms swirling around his head. He was like a deranged and defanged cobra spitting at the air striking for nothing other than an instinct from fading memories.
Haley speaking up NOW about Trump? We will never forget - she raised her hand.
Excellent youtube, Steve -I hope clips of your videos go viral and soon! Thank you.
Trump truly is unqualified in his mental state alone....he is not of sound mind. He appears to have the beginnings of Alzheimer's, or the ravages if syphilis which my doctor friend diagnosed in him sometime ago. He is very dangerous to allow to make any decisions, let alone be president.
For sometime now, I have had the strong premonition that Trump will be never even make it to November and will be off the scene by then for any number of very possible reasons.
If we stand back a few steps so we can see things more objectivey, we will see things with a more clear eyed view. If we ignore the cacaphony and insanity around us, we will see that there has never been more of a paper tiger who has nothing to offer, who is only in it for himself, and truly is just a figment and creation of his own mind.
His major vulnerabilities - his failing physical and mental health, all his legal and financial woes, and the various vicissitudes of life in general - can and I believe will be sufficient to puncture this tiger soon. They will cause him to deflate like a punctured balloon. Then he will come crashing to earth, and will be gone from the scene for good. Everyone will see him as he truly was - an ignorant, uninformed, sleazy and vane liar, whose only power has ever been what he has given himself.
There will be some his detritus with which we will have to deal, but mostly our eight year nightmare will be over.
I certainly hope that due to his deranged mind Trump will not even be around in November --- as you say, “deflated like a punctured balloon”.
But a punctured balloon can still live on for decades, spreading its plastic slime all over the ground, inflating its poisonous influence over all that it touches.
So I think that although Trump may be very unwell, he will still be very much alive in November 2024 to poison all he touches.
And even if he is not elected as President, of course he will just say “It’s all a Big Lie” --- “another stolen election “.
And then what? Sadly, another insurrection by his deranged followers seems very likely to me.
Pretty alarming that he may suffer from the syphilis brain!
Another incredibly scary warning for those that read this outstanding essay/broadcast. We have a year to act. Not long.