Steve Schmidt: "It is time for the president of the United States of America to act. It is time for President Biden to look cold-eyed and clear-eyed at the Mexican president, and let it be known that the Mexican cartels will not wage chemical warfare against the American people.”

We wish you well, Biden, in addressing this important crisis and in protecting the America people. Thank you Steve for bringing this devastating crisis to the forefront of our attention: “The American people deserve a plan. They deserve action.” Yes, we do! Go Biden!

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I have worked as a prosecutor for over 27 years. As you might imagine, my experience confirms that the link between drugs and violent crime is direct and indisputable. There have been waves of different drugs over the years: powder cocaine, then crack cocaine, then Oxy and other opioids, leading to the "renaissance" of heroin as a cheaper alternative.

But nothing compares to fentanyl. It is literally everywhere, in everything. We've had overdose deaths in jail and prison, because fentanyl patches are so easy to smuggle. It's a catastrophe on a scale we've never seen before.

I don't know what the answers are, but I agree that President Biden has to take a strong stand with the current, and unfortunately feckless, Mexican President. I agree that Republicans' obsession with illegal immigration and building a wall is a red herring the size of the whale in Moby Dick. With Republicans now the majority in the House, I feel confident no meaningful legislation will get passed. And thousands more people will die, whether from the drug itself or the violence that surrounds it.

P.S. Steve, I think this may be my favorite line you've written so far: "The result is a toxic deluge of division, disinformation, and stupidity that spews like Mt. Etna burying our American Pompeii under a mountain of molten bullshit." Bravo!!!

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This is the kind of move that separates Biden from his counterparts. He knows when to act and takes action. Mexico should be American’s partner instead of a thorn on the side. The kind of venom injected by Trump and senseless instigation propagated against the next door neighbor for his political gain has done enormous damage. Mexico has been a great source of economic growth and cultural diversity enriching the US. The mutual friendship and national security interest should elevate both nations if managed wisely.

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This drug problem has been going on for many decades with no solution. Mexico is not alone in this issue, corruption feeding the drug trade goes right through Central America down into South America. And, isn't the drug/cartel problem feeding our boarder crisis? Of course it is. What's the solution? One thing is clear. Negotiation is hopelessly a waste of time. One thing we can do is check every single vehicle crossing the boarder. Yes it will cause delays. I can live with that. Another, starting with the smallest country is informing them that if they do not eradicate the drug trade we will do it for them and take control of the government until it is clean. Then take the next country, then the next. In our own country anyone convicted of drug trading with any drug containing fentanyl will earn a life sentence, no parole. Need more space in jails, release all those jailed for marijuana charges. Yes, it's harsh but I had no idea so many drug addicts were dying. It's a war. Let's treat like it is. And this from a liberal. The MAGA folks will probably be against it.

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I agree, it seems futile not to treat the drug trade like an actual invasion, a war if you will. I also agree that anyone connected with the fentanyl trade should be jailed. For life. And the MAGA morons can all go scratch. Or join the drug pushers in prison.

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Yep, jail them too. Due process first of course.

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Jan 9, 2023
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The MAGA morons have no shame. Just like the orange leader, they profit over anything they can, legal, moral or not. Example? How to bury your spouse and cheat on your taxes.

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Addiction is only one of the “diseases of despair” afflicting.this country. There is a reason not mentioned in the article or comments that warrants discussion: the demand side. The cartels are simply answering a need. Addiction is largely a problem of inner cities and poor counties, eg, Appalachia. The opioid problem never became an issue until addiction and death reached the middle class. It’s no coincidence that addiction death rates parallel the rise of income inequality that brings with it increasing poverty, homelessness and despair. The ultimate solution to addiction will lie in more progressive social programs that promote jobs and justice and restore the middle class.

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The needs of the middle class. You reminded me and, in numbers, we progress. Thank you.

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Bruce, I 100% Agree with you. Thank you for your clarity on this important matter.

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Truth: "The deadliest and most degenerate family in American history is the mass murdering Sackler family, who instigated the American opioid holocaust with their greed, arrogance and immorality. The Sackler opiod crisis has become the Mexican cartel fentanyl crisis. The Sacklers and the cartel leaders are in the same deadly billion dollar business."

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What is the solution? The cartels have been waging war for years and years. What exactly should we do to stop them? I have no faith in the Mexican government to do anything. History shows they tried a few times, but the cartels win every time. We all know the wall is not the answer. The BP ‘s own reports, show that the ports of entry are where the vast majority of fentanyl comes in. There is also a China connection to the production of fentanyl. And now reading about Americans bringing it in.

A few years ago I was crossing the border back to El Paso, from Juarez and watched as a car was stopped and the dog brought out.

We could tell instantly when the dog hit on something. The car was moved out of traffic and we watched while the interior door panels were being removed. Was fascinating. Have no idea how that car was picked out from 3-4 lines of cars waiting to cross. Was a normal looking car. I asked the driver how they knew to target that car, he just shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

In an ideal world, the two governments would work together for a solution. I just don’t believe that will really happen. But somehow increasing our abilities to detect it and stop it is probably where the investments need to be made. Obviously, I have no real knowledge on this. I have read Don Winslow’s books though. Haha. Really just throwing thoughts out.

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Customs agents get alerted ahead many times. They know what car to look for.

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Steve: I'm un undisciplined and lazy man of 53, meaning I don't read enough or learn enough. This $10 a month is a baby step in improving that. I devour each one of these posts and always walk away with some wonderful nugget of history or insight into the World of politics I had no idea even existed. In this article, the detailed failures across party lines was enlightening, as was the Grant quote. I often want to throw out the Old Guard as just greedy, old white dudes who set us up for failure, but that just isn't the case and I appreciate you helping steer my ignorance towards some light. I also send some of your masterful phrases to my buddies and we marvel at the ferocity you can wield with a pen. Today's was: "The result is a toxic deluge of division, disinformation and stupidity that spews like Mt. Etna burying our American Pompeii under a mountain of molten bullshit. " Wow. Staggering and perfect. You are inspiring me to learn and grow. Thank you for that.

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Keep on writing, please.

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I lost a grandson to fentanyl and know first hand the pain it causes.

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Laura, I have few words to say how deeply sorry I am for your tragic loss. Thank you for sharing on this forum today. So many people may think that these tragedies happen to some 'others' out 'there' somewhere else. This is not the case, as you've shared today, and I also understand this from direct experience. I hope we can all come together to address this crisis so another precious life isn't lost. Very best to you and your family. Lisa

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Thank you

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Your loss leaves me speechless, because every such loss has consequences. I wish for you peace and, especially, more women and men and adolescents speaking about this. Your response supersedes anything one can say. We must find value in each of our voices in order to move on for others. in our ascents and our dissents. every moment is a new beginning.

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Thank you.

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The only real solution to the fentanyl and other illegal drug trade is through cooperation with the government of Mexico. However, they are reluctant to help us because we are sending illegal guns south across the border into Mexico. Unless we can make progress on the illegal gun trade we will have no possible cooperation on the their end.

The drug cartels of Mexico are organized and have many government officials in their pockets. Therefore we would have to invest a lot of money to actually see any major improvements in stopping the fentanyl coming north across the border. Furthermore, drug smugglers are clever, when you shut down one avenue another pops up in its place. We need a multi functional plan to solve the problem. It must include education and societal reforms in order to have a meaningful impact. I have always believed that education and treatment is the true path of overcoming addiction.

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Patrick, I entirely agree with you about the need for education and societal reforms, including treatment for drug addiction and prevention, as being a huge part of solving this problem. Thanks.

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Does anyone know if Biden has agreed to land AF 1 at the new airport the Mexican President was asking him to use for his visit? It’s farther to travel between this new landing strip and the National Palace in Mexico City. Seems troubling, dangerous, nefarious.

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The greater availability of opioids from Mexico has increased overdose rates. However, any solution must take into account the poverty and lack of opportunity for Americans who choose opioids. Cutting the supply is crucial but it won't solve the addiction crisis alone. Focusing on the increased amount of available opioids without looking at why people take the drugs makes it impossible to find an effective way to deal with the rising number of deaths and the ruined lives of addicts and their families. Pres. Biden should exert as much pressure as possible on Mexico. It's also important to create manufacturing jobs and provide better physical and mental health services.

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Right on!! Thanks.

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Speaking of U.S. American “suckerism”,

Why is the elephant in the room of Russian infiltration of our country’s politics going completely unnoticed!?

Whose interests are McCarthy, the insurrectionists, the drug pushers pushing?

Think about it….

Putin, et Al love getting into our military, intelligence, congress, lobbying…culture wars especially. Even their spelling on social media gives them away…yet we are blind! Now they appear to have the house! 130 plus don’t want the government they are using to destroy it.

He isn’t winning…yet, but with the rest of the global autocrats, they are putting up a pretty good fight!

What puzzles me is: What is the attraction?!

Why have so many capitalists soured on democracy? Has it gotten too brown?

Just wondering…..

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Numbers. They must be contextualized. Dictators devour numbers. Humans. Obrador became Mexico's Messiah for Mexicans glued to their one official television channel. He was devious in his intent then. He is devious today in his intent to pass unto others the hot potato. Had he led his country to a better place he would have brought to submission the cartels. Education is precious, in context. Education is good information, excellent like the Washington Post. But good newspapers need a network to keep the important investigations and reporting alive. You are a network and I hope many are reading you today, in the media networks and, especially, in the White House that has an ongoing commitment to numbers, the devastation of fentanyl. It must make the connection with the Sackler criminal enterprise. And the special interest that is the pharmaceutical industry in the American Congress. Kleptocracy. Autocracy. Dictators and the brutal and extremely violent cartels around the world that can only be understood in Numbers. How many tragedies can we gather in one list that give an equivalence to the deaths? And a dark image must find the right lover, the one that will take it and care enough to remember that power for good restitutes dignity to bodies who are used also as bags to transport drugs.

How brutish it is to see MTG and the moron in front of her totally oblivious to reality, both lost in the black cloud of Q-Anon! One wonders how many numbers are watching THAT reality, not like you who see it for what it is to remind all that it still continues to drug a too large an audience that gives it its hallucinatory power.

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N. Zampierollo, I hope that thousands of people can read what YOU have written today. I see that your post today belongs in a national newspaper or a well-read and influential magazine. This needs to go viral on social media. This needs to be read by those in the Govt. who care. This could be the basis of a speech. Classrooms, too.

The title of this essay you've written is 'Numbers'. The way you used the word 'numbers' had a powerful affect on me and I will never forget it. And, you wrap it up with 'hallucinatory power' of those lost in their 'black cloud' watching moron perpetuated conspiracy theory-Q-anon 'reality' (Yes, a mind-altering, life-wrecking drug.). Numbers. Reality. Drugs. Death. This phrase just got me in the gut: "And a dark image must find the right lover, the one that will take it and care enough to remember that power for good restitutes dignity to bodies who are used also as bags to transport drugs." All about exploitation. Numbers. Bodies. This is a powerful essay by any standards in both content and approach. Education, yes, and we need networks! Thank you! I'm encouraged by you. We have a Voice!

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It is a losing war but it has to appear that the administration is engaged in seeking a solution. How can the US make Mexico "pay for the wall" or whatever the solution is? The immigration problem at the Mexican border and the drug trafficking are two enormous but separate issues. Some may think that these two birds can be killed with one stone (or one photo opportunity). It will take what no one is willing to do or admit because it would be inhumane. The solution has to come from Mexico and the rest of Latin America, but if everyoneis corrupt then what. We need to be more engaged with all the south of the border countries to find a sustainable solution to these and other challenges. It is a monumental endeavor that requires very difficult decisions. Best of luck President Biden.

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One Man, The President can't do much alone. the American people should figure out how to take care of themselves rather than waiting on a dysfunctional Govt. to come to their Aid. Our govt. continues to run us into more DEBT and More DEBT, and more TAX relief for the rich. Who is to pay for all the DEBT, I wonder. Our Problems are MANY and if you think our Govt. will fix anything, I have a bridge to sale you. We should probably all start stretching, so we can bend over and kiss our arses goodbye. Hate to be so Negative however, I see and live in the real world. If we lived our lives, like we govern our Country, we'd be dead. Tell me I'm wrong!

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I live in the real world as well and one thing is not the other.

I see addiction to legal drugs, legal alcohol, illegal substances, over the counter products as our common enemy.

Addiction is our problem. It is a crisis intentionally exacerbated by laws, regulations and policies imposed upon all of us by those we elected.

Our government representatives have been advocating and legislating personal responsibility for decades without exploring, nor addressing, the unintended consequences to the human spirit.

Perhaps we should be asking ourselves, why would one human's hopelessness prefer death over life in America while another human''s hope endures a gauntlet of hardship to reach America?

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You're asking the most important questions. "Addiction is our problem." Thanks.

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