“Might they seek to stifle speech and intimidate? Might they threaten retribution? Might they act in the threat? How would they act? These questions matter a great deal in this moment.”

Steve, points well taken! However, these hypothetical’s could make a MAGA mind explode. And yet, we all know the answer to your questions in one word: ABSOLUTELY!

MTG is another mindless wonder in a graveyard littered with wasted lives of untalented and unqualified politicians. We just learned that the esteemed and principled (not even close) Nancy Mace, wanted to get punched in the face so she could improve her national profile and raise on-line donations during J6th.

MTG has even outshined herself by introducing D-picks into the congressional record. So the only question we need to ask ourselves is, are these serious people, who who went to Washington to effect positive change, or just to enrich themselves with speaking engagements, book deals, and all the other other perks of representing their Congress districts and states, in the service of this great nation?

No need to answer, it’s a rhetorical question!....:)

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we call her Empty G.

She's devoid of any thought or reason. She's pure MAGA emotion overflowing the cup.

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You’re far more generous than I would be.

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Ignorant person.. how would “they” eradicate? Just send all their fellow elected by the people reps home? No grasp of basic government function.. would be fun to see her high school records

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Well, the German's had solutions.

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I smell Steven Miller at work. Like TFG, Greene is incapable of coming up with words like that. Nazism is spreading through the MAGA’s. While The Lincoln Project is laser focused on trump, words like that can’t be ignored by them. I would love to see a video having a split screen with Hitler on one side and trump or Greene on the other side saying similar words to what Hitler is saying.

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Yep. Miller, the evermore sinister nerd in the background, the potion-master, mixing his soup of poison. Evil, clever, nasty. How can such a poorly assimilated kid become such a powerful force in the background of Trumpism? He needed Trump to run interference for his brand of evil. But who leads whom? And how does one remove him, the Bannon clan, the Stone throwers and Manafort's bad boys of destabilization from the American scene? That is one question that begs answers.

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You are correct, I feel what you are describing is a conspiracy. All these individuals acting in concert with their leader. While violence is not a thing to embrace, they are pushing us closer to it. It’s time to realize that and prepare for it. When President Biden wins reelection these people will not just throw up their hands and go home. Trump is already setting for it by starting his rigged election claims.

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You're comment is spot-on. "Forewarned is forearmed," as the saying goes.

So, we have to VOTE in huge numbers, overwhelming the MAGA crowd with our collective faith, trust, love for the UNITED States of America.

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Yes, to all the above. Scare the poop out of all those who think it is sophisticated to sit this one out or maybe vote for a third party entry. Want to defend your home? Forget your guns, wield your VOTE!

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You do it by making them an offer they can’t refuse..That’s how..Because they have shown who they are, and reason, respect and civility are not in their wheelhouse..

When circumstances present, sometimes one must take actions that are contrary to their beliefs to achieve a greater goal..I submit that protecting our rights, freedom, liberties, our way of life, makes the cut..

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Pallid and tepid Dems should be doing what you suggest. Clear visuals, like the side by side images and audio. Where is the courage from the other side?

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Courage is more like bullying and cowardice.

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Smell being the operative word.

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That is a very good idea Mike, we would have to get a translator for the German. The problem is that nothing will change the MAGA small minds. Just look at what is going on in Argentina now with their new Trumpian President. He told them what he was going to do, just like Trump has, and they still voted for him. Now the people are pissed that he is keeping his word so thousands are marching in the streets.

The strike has led to transport disruptions with flag carrier Aerolíneas Argentinas saying that it canceled all its operations on Wednesday. A total of “295 flights were canceled” and more than 20,000 passengers have been affected, it said, adding that “the total cost for the company of this measure will exceed $2.5 million.” I have a friend trying to travel here but there is no way to know when things will settle down there. Talk about getting what you wish (vote) for!

One good thing that I heard today and would like opinions on, is that most of the polls can only call landlines, NOT cell phones. So that the surveys are all screwed up. I am sure that most of the Millennials & GenZ ers have cell phones. Do you know if there is any truth to that?

If so then we could be in better shape than we think.

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Marian, thank you for the compliment. Many people who have an audience, Joyce Vance, Dr. Richardson, Steve Schmidt, are warning people to listen to what TFG is saying. It is not political rhetoric.

I believe the Argentinians woke up and said, you mean he was serious? Much like we did in 2016, you mean he won?

Our revulsion must extend beyond just him. It must extend to the illegitimate supreme court, and the red states government. They are piece by piece taking away our rights. It started with them taking away a woman’s control of their bodies. It is gerrymandering to dilute minority voting, and gender affirming rights. Just because we eliminate trump will this attack on our democracy end.

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Again Mike you are absolutely right, it is not just Trump, it the whole Redbrained mindset. But how can blue states control what red states do? Only the President has the power to appoint the S C judges and if we don't have the majority in the Senate we are screwed there. Other then people moving out of those red states and those states then lose their tax base, what can I sitting in Hawaii do? I chip in a little to the good candidates that I like.

I saw a story on the news where a HS graduate was refusing to go to college in a red state because of their woman's body control issue. If anything can change the election it will be because of the angry woman of this country. I have friends in Argentina who voted for Milei because the inflation was at 19% and he promised to fix it. Now they are upset at what he is doing to the unions and taking away the right to an have an abortion. At least they are marching in Buenos Aires.

The Right wing has come into power in many countries. People need to pay close attention to what is happening here. If only people paid as much attention to who wins at the ballot box as to who wins on the football fields, then maybe we would have better results in who is running governments.

My favorite book states this:

71:2.18 (802.12) 9. Control of public servants. No civil government will be serviceable and effective unless the citizenry possess and use wise techniques of guiding and controlling officeholders and public servants.

71:2.19 (802.13) 10. Intelligent and trained representation. The survival of democracy is dependent on successful representative government; and that is conditioned upon the practice of electing to public offices only those individuals who are technically trained, intellectually competent, socially loyal, and morally fit. Only by such provisions can government of the people, by the people, and for the people be preserved.

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What we will need to do is follow what the citizens in Argentina, Poland and Israel, to name just three countries, have done. Take to the streets! Before October 7, the citizens of Israel were marching in the streets to oppose Netanyahu.

Europe and South America have more experience dealing with autocratic governments.

I like what your favorite book has to say. What is the name of it?

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Mike I agree that people need to take to the streets, living in Hawaii, the bluest of blue states, with a harmonious mix of the races, a very good state medical system, there is not much to protest here. We are working towards complete solar power, which of course is easy to do here. We do have eco protests every now and then, which have been very successful.

To answer your question, my favorite book is a 2097 page tome titled The Urantia Book (www.urantia.org.) It is a synthesis of science, philosophy, history and spirituality. It has a very unique origin and is only for open minded individuals seeking to better understand reality and the long history of evolution,civilizations, and our planetary epochs. It was completed in 1934, but it was not available to the public until 1955. Only the select group of people who asked the questions, which the authors of the book then answered, were able to read the 196 Papers that make up this unique text. The section on government is very interesting and I only quoted a small portion of that Paper. Mike you can read it online. My advice, since it is so vast, is to look at the table of contents and pick a section that interests you. Though the first page of the forward does explain why we have this amazing book. Thanks for asking. Good luck and be ready to have your mind blown. I will be interested in your opinion.

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I’ve been to Hawaii twice. I love the place. My heart goes out to the people of Maui.

Maybe you can fly into California if protests start and help there. You’re one of the lucky ones. Just a suggestion. I’m sure you are and will do whatever you can to help save our democracy.

I appreciate your guidance about The Urantia Book. I will reach out to discuss what I have read.

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Do we the people really choose our leader? Adams, Hayes, Harrison, Bush v.1 and Trump, all of whom lost the popular vote, were enshrined as President's by our Electoral College.

In our archaic system, voters elect a body of “electors” whose sole function is to actually choose our president. Why is this still a thing?

We the people do not directly elect our President. Why not? Progress and technology not advanced enough?

The Republicans are manipulating the Electoral system to elect a man whom, by any standard is unworthy of a single vote.

They've been gas lighting Americans with "they're taking your piece of the pie" theories/conspiracies since Nixon. We bicker as they quietly amassed wealth and power.

Our voices have been drowned out and silenced.

Our right to protest has been legislated, "permitted", fined, arrested, and restricted.

The purpose and meaning of freedom, liberty and democracy has been bound and gagged.

Eradication is the global silencing of voices and voters.

Eradication is terrorisms power play. Always has been, always will be.

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"Eradication is terrorisms power play." Well said!

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…and a Dictator’s promise.

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The Electoral College was a nod to the wealthy white men who were participating in passing a constitution. They feared the populace at large would vote in ways that would diminish the wealth of the "betters." The Electoral College still serves the wealthy well, while basically ignoring the vote of the majority with the winner take all concept. The initial thinking was to count the votes in individual districts and award candidates their portion of the votes. Thomas Jefferson began the winner take all evolution when he convinced districts to join together to give him their votes. Washington was right about factions. I don't think he ever considered someone as terrible as tffg.

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I assume one of those Fs is for fat.

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Rose Anne. You are defining why some way must be found to put enough Democrats in power to retire this idiotic Electoral College into the scrap heap. It is there because of slavery and now purportedly to “protect” the interests of smaller states, already protected by having two senators each. So many changes that are needed are stymied by the Filibuster or laws that need 60 votes in a Senate built this way, that favors Republicans even when Democrats have the majority. This system makes every day Groundhog Day.

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Well said. However, the Rs know the only current possibility of winning national elections, ahem, the presidency, is through the Electoral College. Period. There is no way, regardless of technological advances, that we will ever get 75% (38) of the states to overturn this via a Constitutional change.

A simple fact: In our nation's history, no Democrat has ever lost the popular vote and yet won in the Electoral College. That has only helped Rs. That's not by accident.

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MTG is troubling on so many levels. First, why is she given any “air time”. She is mentally ill. The person who quoted her should have required her to define the meaning of the word. Then , how would it apply to her “fellow republicans “. Then asked her, “ if you eradicate anyone who doesn’t agree with Trump is that an infringement on free speech she claims to be fighting for.

In my opinion, she seems to be playing poker with Kari Lake, Stefanik, Habba , for Trump’s pick for VP. She just bumped the ante on who would be the greater sycophant for Trump.

What’s truly sad if that there will be no pushback, no voice of reason, no censure from her fellow “ freedom loving “ Republicans.

It’s sad how deeply deplorable, self absorbed and mentally challenged the Republicans have become. To allow this to be said without a single criticism from her party.

The inmates run the asylum. The media are accomplices allowing this repugnant rhetoric to be echoed without criticism.

When will the Republican leadership lead?

Or will they finally just start the “ Heil Trump” salute after the opening prayer when Congress opens each day?

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She’s a white trash jack booted thug. No more.

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You give her too much credit. She is a windbag that loves to hear her own voice and deaf to others

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As one commenter wrote... where are the side by side images? Pictures are more effective

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Eradication: the complete destruction of something. It is time for the news media to define MAGA=fascism and explain through explicit present day actions and historical facts what it is and how it works. All news anchors must jump on board. The "I don't think it will be that bad" Or "We can control the strong men" means lining up to be executed. We the people must help and speak out. Do one thing every day!

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I agree, but it's definitely up to us. The media has absolutely no incentive to do as you suggest.. They, their revenue, and their stockholders are driven by clicks, views, likes, and shares. As long as their financial incentive outweighs their obligation to democracy and the continuation of the American experiment, this will not change. After all, even in an autocracy and dictatorship, media is needed. Albeit, more controlled, but still needed. They're playing the long game - no matter which side wins, we (the media) win. It's like asking big oil and big pharma to do the right thing. As long as it's in their interest not to, status quo.

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She is one scary individual. We must defeat the fascist party at every level, local, state, and federal!

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It's who she represents that is scary.

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Right, she's not going to get voted out as long as she's the R candidate in her district. Same reason Boebert switched congressional districts in Colorado. She knew she couldn't win in current, so decided to move and run in a more R leaning district. Sickening the level of incompetency of some of the reps.

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25

A little off topic - but I have been mystified by Tim Scott’s presence with Trump in New Hampshire during his victory speech - especially Tim Scott. And I began thinking about the movie Django Unchained and wondered if he isn’t exactly like the “house slave” Stephen and his blind loyalty to his “master”. This kind of blind loyalty, despite the reality of the situation and the tragedy of the suffering behind it, is documented in The War of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Civil War - where many cases of enslaved individuals totally refused to cooperate with US Army troops or do anything that could be construed by their “master” as betrayal of him, or his family or property. Very very sad commentary on Tim Scott.

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Well, for the GOP, it's not party over country in its current state. It's Trump over party, then over country. The loyalty pledge TFG has insisted upon is to him, not the GOP and not to the USA. So, although I don't disagree with you, it strikes me that Scott is preserving his future in the Trump-OP. Selling his soul and future is a helluva cost, but he and so many others are willingly and gladly doing it.

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Read Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on Substack. People like Tim Scott believe if they suck up to the White Man they will be spared

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Tim Scott has either descended from slavery or comes from a “shithole” country and he is sucking up to a white supremacist would just as soon see him as a butler or greens maintenance minimum wager at one of his golf courses. Tim is taking Black History back 100 years - Yas Mastah. Disgraceful!

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And they might get a real nice RV!

The Evangelicals are on board with these ideas too, right?

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I almost had to look away. It was shameful and sad. Humiliating really, but also almost like a bad accident but you still rubber neck and look on in horror!

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It means something dark and threatening. It means something violent. It means something scary. You heil to the dear leader or else. Its unAmerican and not the country most Americans want. I hope there's an add highlighting these and similar statements by sadustic Trump and his sadistic minions.

As for the words "democracy" and "fascism" which many Americans don't really understand, I'd go for a more frontal attack on Trump. Something like:

Trump wants to be a dictator. America doesn't do dictators or kings.

Trump's been indicted on 91 counts. He'll likely be convicted on at least some. Do we want a convicted criminal representing our country?

Trump is corrupt. He's been convicted of fraud in the running of his real estate company. He's accepted millions of dollars from foreign countries while in office. Do we want a crook in charge of our nation?

Trump took top secret documents filled with information that protects us from foreign enemies. He's under investigation for sharing them intentionally or unintentionally with enemy nations out to hurt us.

Do we want that kind of person in charge of keeping us safe? Generals who served under him Kelly, Mathis and Milley have stated in uncertain terms that he's unfit to protect us and puts us in danger.

Trump cowtows to Putin and acts like his puppet, vowing to put an end to NATO, a Russian talking point. Putin is our enemy who wants to weaken and hurt us, badly. He violently attacks countries, killing millions of women and children. He will expand his bloodshed around the world until stopped. Trump said he admires him. Do you want your grandchildren great-grandchildren living an America similar to the one you've known, or do you want them speaking Russian? Trump puts us all in danger. Make sure to vote against him so he gets nowhere near the levers of power again.

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Elizabeth. You are so right1. Pound it, pound it, pound it EVERY DAY. These messages can chip away at the edges of his support. Every bit helps.

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Elizabeth: you said it all. It is plain and clear and obvious. Yet the Dems soft pedal and pussyfoot around these blatant truths. I read your comments and feel sad: when will Dems say these things ?? And repeat til they sink in to undecided or apathetic voters? Gavin Newsom is starting his role as a surrogate...Biden has neither the presence nor inclination to speak boldly and forcefully.

Will the Never Trumpers coalesce and make the facts known to confused voters?

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Ominous doesn't even begin to cover it....

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Before long, I fear, we will be hiding the loyal opposition from extreme retribution if we don't defeat these people.

Like Anne Frank in her attic...that's the MAGA future of America.

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Just remember, according to the Kennedy’s favorite red-headed stepchild; RFK Jr., Anne Frank had it better than all the people forced to wear masks during COVID; so there’s that!...:)

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He’s a true antisemite. Jew hater

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That’s about as accurate a description I could have heard.

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When I read her tweet, I hovered over the word eradicate. You eradicate diseases not people I thought. Everything that comes from her mouth and Trumpsters is vile and with the intention of intimidation and bullying, as though they are saying we only want a theocracy and a world of cult followers as in Nazi Germany. They threaten nonTrumpies to fall in line or suffer verbal abuse, ostracism or even prison and death. I for one will not be intimidated. I stand with DEMOCRACY! Vote BLUE.

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I am never going to seek to justify, explain or excuse Marjorie Taylor Green - our present day Madame Defarge. But I think we can all agree there is something very, very wrong with her. The extremes of grandeur, paranoia, hostility, servility - these point to a personality disorder of pathological proportions. She doesn’t have the ability to regulate her thoughts, her emotions or her behavior. Anyone can see this, and because of this, the gentle lady from Georgia will be kept well away from the levers of power. If you need a wrecking ball with the IQ of a sea cucumber, Ms. Greene is your go to gal. If you’re serious about doing anything, she’s a vexation, a scold, a sharp tongued fishwife who anyone with an ounce of common sense would avoid.

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Sounds like you wrote her VP resume.

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If the insipid clown picks her as a running mate it will be a gift from heaven for Joe Biden and our nation. The contrast of a horse’s ass and the insipid clown versus our President and VP will all but guarantee the victory we so richly deserve. 🙏

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Republicans can no longer claim they are patriots. Republicans can no longer say they are for defending our borders. Republicans can not longer hold the Constitution above their heads and proclaim this is what they believe in. NOT, Republicans have demonstrated they support a party over country. Republicans support a person over values of party. Republicans have proven they do not want to support change in border policy or immigration reform. They denied themselves the best chance of getting 99% of all they have been asking for regarding border security by putting politics over country. How sad and how far my former political party has fallen. Republicans deserve MTG, Lauren Birdbrain, Andy Biggs and the rest of the clownshow in the Republican party because Republicans do not care about the USA they only care about politics. Vote Blue and send the insurrectionists back home to face justice from the party they failed by not upholding their oaths to the Constitution to protect and defend against all enemies foreign or domestic. Republicans need a refresher course in enemy identification because they let a wolf inside the henhouse and he is eating them for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

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Well, Steve; Ignorance, in the current GOP world, is power. One has to be really ignorant to believe MTG is anything but a fool, a supplicant to Trump, an apologist for the violent hateful rhetoric that feeds malevolence in our nation. And the fact that she has risen to the top of House leadership is further testament to how far the GOP has fallen. She's a meme for stupid, a symbol of ignorance, a spokeswoman for anti-Americanism squeezed into the skin of an elected Representative of her constituency. Hopefully her ability to strut her smut on the national stage will be shortened by defeat at the polls. Will her constituents finally regurgitate this porridge of slime she feeds them?

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Eradication means annihilation. Period.

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Fascists talk like fascists. She's a profoundly ignorant person though. I'm sure that she was just chuffed that she popped out a five syllable word.

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Well, it is MTG we're talking about, so she only thought it was 4! She apparently doesn't use her thumbs when counting...

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