Should is the operative word here. Won't be is the actual outcome I expect. The shameful capitulation of the senators (small s for small people) in their role as supposed gatekeepers offering advice and consent. What a joke, a sick joke.
The reality of these hearings is hitting me. It's not normal. It's an invading army. I wish wish wish the Democrat senators would react accordingly. That is fear in action we're seeing. As long as they act normal, the ship might not go down. Ship is Going Down. Those Republicans don't give a shit about democracy or nothing. Be brave enough to face the truth. We'll face it with you. Then maybe we can all fight back.
What precisely can Schumer and the other Democrats in the Senate do legally to stop any of these terrible appointments? If there is something, and they refuse to do it, they are as bad as you say they are. If there is not something, then you should stop wasting time belaboring them and start attacking all those other Senators, the Republican Senators, who are directly responsible for enabling Trump.
It's very hard for me to be silent about your continuing false accusations against Biden. You are simply wrong in what you say. It is dishonest and harmful to the cause. Strong feelings don't justify spreading falsehoods.
Really? Bidens refusal to step aside was, by far, the biggest factor in the ascension of Trump as president. Biden and his enabling family and Schumer..gaslit our nation and plowed the road for the MAGA takeover. Sorry, but Biden and co. are worthy of every word of vitriol they are getting from Steve and everyone else who is disgusted with the horrid situation we are now in.
The American voter had the facts which they chose to ignore.
We all know the economy is at an all time high and that Harris is head and shoulders above Trump, but she is also a woman which like the ERA is a political death knell in our male centric culture.
Yes, the American voters had the facts but they chose to ignore them. They have participated in the homicide of the Constitution and the Republic. The oligarchs are virtually in control. The People are mute.
Trump was elected by 53% of white women very sad. I would say the country was not ready for a black women. The racidm and mysoginism is what had trump elected. I agree with Steve. Trump did not press the DOJ to move on tr Trump trials Merrick Garlanf sat on it for 2 years. If the delay he imposed was not there i am sure after reading smith’s report trump would have been enfucted and convicted of insurrection.
I wish you all would search and read contrasting views especially about why the cases of Jan 6 and the stolen documents case were not able to be brought to trial… I sure wish Garland or Biden would do something to allow the wide publication of the Volume 2 by Jack Smith…documents case.
Both things are true. Biden didn't create a disaster, but he also lead us to this spot. I think his decision to seek a second term after he said he wouldn't put the keys right into Trump's hands. Harris never stood a chance because she couldn't run away from Joe. Another candidate may have been able to, and a second term was completely unrealistic at 82 years old.
"Bidens refusal to step aside was, by far, the biggest factor in the ascension of Trump as president." Really? Not even close. I could more easily argue that nominating a person who campaigns as Black who is a woman was the single largest factor. Harris ran a very fine campaign, lavishly funded, and beat the pants off Trump in their debate, but lost handily. Joe Biden's fault? But name another candidate who might have had a better chance than Biden. He or she is not out there. I would rather argue that the "Dump Biden campaign" from Democrats - or people pretending to be Democrats - was "the biggest factor".
We are now at a point where we are excoriating Biden's staff who "gaslit our nation" by hiding Biden's true state of mind. Instead of advancing the evidence for this serious charge, we get quotations from savage right wing commentators. Here's a challenge to such accusers. Let Schmidt publicly interview 2 or 3 of Biden's close advisors. I recommend he start with Secretary of State Blinken. Ask him about Biden's rapid cognitive decline. And then apologize to the rest of us for helping spread vile rumors invented by the country's enemies to fool the ignorant and the gullible.
Steve continues to select targets among Democrats to berate for the loss and then he lacerates them to a fare-thee-well. He is creating nasty noise that does no one any good, and misses the real targets out there wrecking our country. Many of them are Republicans residing in the Senate, striding around, amused, chuckling at our quandary like buffoons. They are co-conspirators with actual votes in the Senate that would place that array of garbage the reins of our government into their soiled hands. Here's a simple question. What kind of true American could stand to see the likes of - you name them; they make me sick to my stomach - in charge of the giant apparatus that runs this country. What decent American would vote for Hegseth to lead the Pentagon? Truly, what sort of awful person could vote for him? Are they angry? Vengeful and want to hurt us? Sadly, I can tell you what sort of person. The sort of person voted into the Senate by Republicans. Name one of them and you put your finger on one of the people about to wreck this country.
What sort of analyst and commentator would complain, in these desperate days, about some questionable decision made in good faith by some nonentity in the midst of a campaign. I'll answer that question too! Steve Schmidt, who lathers slop on minor figures with no say on whether this group of failed human beings gets to run the country. Steve is busy wasting his frenzy on Democrats as if he is not even aware that it is Republicans, all of them apparently, that are about to vote these people into office.
They probably should filibuster but it might make matters worse. A majority vote would get rid of the filibuster, one which would almost be mandatory in a Trump regime.
Dems won’t win until their elderly in Congress retire. Young Dems need to be groomed to win elections. Current Dems don’t know when to retire or how to win elections.
There needs to be a complete transformation. Of the democratic party all the old farts need to leave there needs to be a generationsl shift. Dems in congress and the senate need to leave their egos at the door. They need to focus on how to reestablish the constitution and the rule of law
Why when Repugs are outnumbered they still get their way, get what they want? McConnell always gave the 'middle finger' to the Dems with no question and told them how he wasn't going to let them have anything!. Why can't DEMS push back the same way and rally together and NOT confirm these corrupt individuals. There has to be some Repugs who are uncomfortable but scared.They may be able to persuade some of them to grow a backbone....gotta keep hope alive?? DEMS are still too busy trying to compromise's very frustrating to read about and watch! This is NOT the Reagan republicans of back in the day...they're long gone and DEMS need to start acting like it or we're doomed.
I did see that Chump and Vance released their Official Portraits. Damn. The kid from The Omen has nothing on these two. The Two Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
We just don't have the numbers. I was thinking this morning that I'd like to send a replica of a human spine to every Republican for them to try on, to see how it feels to stand up to their false prophet Trump. The fact is: the G.O.P. Republican party is now DEAD, but unburied. Republicans need to face facts: It's Trump's MAGA party from here on. One of our multitude of jobs as liberal pluralists is to put a stake through the walking dead MAGAS at the midterms, in only 18 months from January 20th. During the same period, there are millions of fine conservative Republican Americans who desperately need to be lead by a new Moses into a new Party which will need a great sounding name. Someone ethical, principled and charismatic has to step up to a new plate in an old, worn out ballpark and smartly point out a new, nearby promised parkland and the bright future that will exist if they follow her or him there. We have our work and they have theirs.
NanceeM: You are correct. I checked, and a simple majority can cease debate on nomiations. I would hope that the Democratic leadership has other avenues to stop the degradation of our government.
Your "new Moses" might never appear. Have you ever imagined millions of ordinary people arising and making the necessary changes? There are many ordinary people around to do this, better odds than waiting for one individual to save us.
Yes, Gary, but I am not able to help Republicans to find THEIR Moses. I am a liberal and am actively working on a concept whose goal is to unify liberal pluralists on a new platform. If you haven't read it already, I strongly recommend Adam Gopnik's "A Thousand Small Sanities". It's become my gospel and my guiding light.
Oh God, yes. That is what I'm thinking the whole time I'm watching. STOP. Put on sackcloth and black and be silent turn your backs. Rage at the Republicans giving away our democracy, handing it over in their suits and polite, Thank yous.
Ye fucking gods. Thank you Steve ,you have been right and right and right. WHY does no one want to be a hero. The Germans are marching into Paris sneering at all of us. I do not understand. Power does blind a person but this is ridiculous. Who is lamenting? Who is lecturing or begging the Republicans. So shameful, Joni Ernst and the other Republican women refused to meet with the woman Hegseth raped.
I live in TX. Our governor along with "Cancun Cruz" have long been MAGAtized ...too late for TX but hope other Senators will be pressured to do the right thing
Yes, obviously they should. I have tried to do my part by repeatedly contacting my Senators and demanding they not vote for these creeps. And I’m pretty darn sure they won’t. But they’re both Dems. It’s the Republicans that are beyond reach and have capitulated completely.
In general, I prefer transcripts to audio and print to podcast. But in the case of "The Warning," Steve's expressive and impressive command of the spoken word is a serious added value that is more than worth making time for. There are many incisive and essential commentaries out there, but for me, none are as focused, hard-hitting, enlightening, and inspirational as "The Warning."
I’ve been thinking about these nominations and I do not believe any of them will be rejected. There is much to worry about — I have an active duty relative in the Army.
I have posted this episode twice on BlueSky. Schumer needs to be a leader or get the fuck out of the way. Bide screwed us and leader is doing more screwing. Stop the nominations.
Should is the operative word here. Won't be is the actual outcome I expect. The shameful capitulation of the senators (small s for small people) in their role as supposed gatekeepers offering advice and consent. What a joke, a sick joke.
Well said.
The reality of these hearings is hitting me. It's not normal. It's an invading army. I wish wish wish the Democrat senators would react accordingly. That is fear in action we're seeing. As long as they act normal, the ship might not go down. Ship is Going Down. Those Republicans don't give a shit about democracy or nothing. Be brave enough to face the truth. We'll face it with you. Then maybe we can all fight back.
What precisely can Schumer and the other Democrats in the Senate do legally to stop any of these terrible appointments? If there is something, and they refuse to do it, they are as bad as you say they are. If there is not something, then you should stop wasting time belaboring them and start attacking all those other Senators, the Republican Senators, who are directly responsible for enabling Trump.
It's very hard for me to be silent about your continuing false accusations against Biden. You are simply wrong in what you say. It is dishonest and harmful to the cause. Strong feelings don't justify spreading falsehoods.
Really? Bidens refusal to step aside was, by far, the biggest factor in the ascension of Trump as president. Biden and his enabling family and Schumer..gaslit our nation and plowed the road for the MAGA takeover. Sorry, but Biden and co. are worthy of every word of vitriol they are getting from Steve and everyone else who is disgusted with the horrid situation we are now in.
The American voter had the facts which they chose to ignore.
We all know the economy is at an all time high and that Harris is head and shoulders above Trump, but she is also a woman which like the ERA is a political death knell in our male centric culture.
Being black was also a factor
They didn't have the facts because Democrats didn't know how to talk to them, just like we are being all polite now. Nancy Pelosi knows how this works
Yes, the American voters had the facts but they chose to ignore them. They have participated in the homicide of the Constitution and the Republic. The oligarchs are virtually in control. The People are mute.
Trump was elected by 53% of white women very sad. I would say the country was not ready for a black women. The racidm and mysoginism is what had trump elected. I agree with Steve. Trump did not press the DOJ to move on tr Trump trials Merrick Garlanf sat on it for 2 years. If the delay he imposed was not there i am sure after reading smith’s report trump would have been enfucted and convicted of insurrection.
I wish you all would search and read contrasting views especially about why the cases of Jan 6 and the stolen documents case were not able to be brought to trial… I sure wish Garland or Biden would do something to allow the wide publication of the Volume 2 by Jack Smith…documents case.
Both things are true. Biden didn't create a disaster, but he also lead us to this spot. I think his decision to seek a second term after he said he wouldn't put the keys right into Trump's hands. Harris never stood a chance because she couldn't run away from Joe. Another candidate may have been able to, and a second term was completely unrealistic at 82 years old.
"Bidens refusal to step aside was, by far, the biggest factor in the ascension of Trump as president." Really? Not even close. I could more easily argue that nominating a person who campaigns as Black who is a woman was the single largest factor. Harris ran a very fine campaign, lavishly funded, and beat the pants off Trump in their debate, but lost handily. Joe Biden's fault? But name another candidate who might have had a better chance than Biden. He or she is not out there. I would rather argue that the "Dump Biden campaign" from Democrats - or people pretending to be Democrats - was "the biggest factor".
We are now at a point where we are excoriating Biden's staff who "gaslit our nation" by hiding Biden's true state of mind. Instead of advancing the evidence for this serious charge, we get quotations from savage right wing commentators. Here's a challenge to such accusers. Let Schmidt publicly interview 2 or 3 of Biden's close advisors. I recommend he start with Secretary of State Blinken. Ask him about Biden's rapid cognitive decline. And then apologize to the rest of us for helping spread vile rumors invented by the country's enemies to fool the ignorant and the gullible.
Really? And this expression of belief by Steve and you will assist going forward exactly how.
Steve continues to select targets among Democrats to berate for the loss and then he lacerates them to a fare-thee-well. He is creating nasty noise that does no one any good, and misses the real targets out there wrecking our country. Many of them are Republicans residing in the Senate, striding around, amused, chuckling at our quandary like buffoons. They are co-conspirators with actual votes in the Senate that would place that array of garbage the reins of our government into their soiled hands. Here's a simple question. What kind of true American could stand to see the likes of - you name them; they make me sick to my stomach - in charge of the giant apparatus that runs this country. What decent American would vote for Hegseth to lead the Pentagon? Truly, what sort of awful person could vote for him? Are they angry? Vengeful and want to hurt us? Sadly, I can tell you what sort of person. The sort of person voted into the Senate by Republicans. Name one of them and you put your finger on one of the people about to wreck this country.
What sort of analyst and commentator would complain, in these desperate days, about some questionable decision made in good faith by some nonentity in the midst of a campaign. I'll answer that question too! Steve Schmidt, who lathers slop on minor figures with no say on whether this group of failed human beings gets to run the country. Steve is busy wasting his frenzy on Democrats as if he is not even aware that it is Republicans, all of them apparently, that are about to vote these people into office.
They probably should filibuster but it might make matters worse. A majority vote would get rid of the filibuster, one which would almost be mandatory in a Trump regime.
Dems won’t win until their elderly in Congress retire. Young Dems need to be groomed to win elections. Current Dems don’t know when to retire or how to win elections.
There needs to be a complete transformation. Of the democratic party all the old farts need to leave there needs to be a generationsl shift. Dems in congress and the senate need to leave their egos at the door. They need to focus on how to reestablish the constitution and the rule of law
Why when Repugs are outnumbered they still get their way, get what they want? McConnell always gave the 'middle finger' to the Dems with no question and told them how he wasn't going to let them have anything!. Why can't DEMS push back the same way and rally together and NOT confirm these corrupt individuals. There has to be some Repugs who are uncomfortable but scared.They may be able to persuade some of them to grow a backbone....gotta keep hope alive?? DEMS are still too busy trying to compromise's very frustrating to read about and watch! This is NOT the Reagan republicans of back in the day...they're long gone and DEMS need to start acting like it or we're doomed.
Oligarchs & Evangelicals: Perfect Together.
I did see that Chump and Vance released their Official Portraits. Damn. The kid from The Omen has nothing on these two. The Two Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
We just don't have the numbers. I was thinking this morning that I'd like to send a replica of a human spine to every Republican for them to try on, to see how it feels to stand up to their false prophet Trump. The fact is: the G.O.P. Republican party is now DEAD, but unburied. Republicans need to face facts: It's Trump's MAGA party from here on. One of our multitude of jobs as liberal pluralists is to put a stake through the walking dead MAGAS at the midterms, in only 18 months from January 20th. During the same period, there are millions of fine conservative Republican Americans who desperately need to be lead by a new Moses into a new Party which will need a great sounding name. Someone ethical, principled and charismatic has to step up to a new plate in an old, worn out ballpark and smartly point out a new, nearby promised parkland and the bright future that will exist if they follow her or him there. We have our work and they have theirs.
Doesn't the power of the filibuster work here? Make the orange dick use temporary appointments. Just don't roll over.
Only a majority is required for these confirmations, so no filibuster applies.
NanceeM: You are correct. I checked, and a simple majority can cease debate on nomiations. I would hope that the Democratic leadership has other avenues to stop the degradation of our government.
They aren't very good at following road maps.
Your "new Moses" might never appear. Have you ever imagined millions of ordinary people arising and making the necessary changes? There are many ordinary people around to do this, better odds than waiting for one individual to save us.
Yes, Gary, but I am not able to help Republicans to find THEIR Moses. I am a liberal and am actively working on a concept whose goal is to unify liberal pluralists on a new platform. If you haven't read it already, I strongly recommend Adam Gopnik's "A Thousand Small Sanities". It's become my gospel and my guiding light.
Oh God, yes. That is what I'm thinking the whole time I'm watching. STOP. Put on sackcloth and black and be silent turn your backs. Rage at the Republicans giving away our democracy, handing it over in their suits and polite, Thank yous.
Ye fucking gods. Thank you Steve ,you have been right and right and right. WHY does no one want to be a hero. The Germans are marching into Paris sneering at all of us. I do not understand. Power does blind a person but this is ridiculous. Who is lamenting? Who is lecturing or begging the Republicans. So shameful, Joni Ernst and the other Republican women refused to meet with the woman Hegseth raped.
Steve, please give us a brief script re the exact wording of how each senator has the power to hold up the cabinet nominations.
I need more details before I lambaste my two New York senators.
Simply demand that they do whatever is in their power to block the nominations.
I live in TX. Our governor along with "Cancun Cruz" have long been MAGAtized ...too late for TX but hope other Senators will be pressured to do the right thing
Will do.
Having been inspired touring Independence Hall and the Museum of the Constitution yesterday, I’m driving to Monticello via the Hart Senate Building.
Yes, obviously they should. I have tried to do my part by repeatedly contacting my Senators and demanding they not vote for these creeps. And I’m pretty darn sure they won’t. But they’re both Dems. It’s the Republicans that are beyond reach and have capitulated completely.
We have handed the leadership role to the Chinese. Mandarin may be the language of choice before the Republicans leave office.
and the World is Watching 😩 Thanks, Steve, and will reStack ASAP 💯👍
In general, I prefer transcripts to audio and print to podcast. But in the case of "The Warning," Steve's expressive and impressive command of the spoken word is a serious added value that is more than worth making time for. There are many incisive and essential commentaries out there, but for me, none are as focused, hard-hitting, enlightening, and inspirational as "The Warning."
I’ve been thinking about these nominations and I do not believe any of them will be rejected. There is much to worry about — I have an active duty relative in the Army.
I have posted this episode twice on BlueSky. Schumer needs to be a leader or get the fuck out of the way. Bide screwed us and leader is doing more screwing. Stop the nominations.