“Secondly, the commercials I saw were equally shocking from Mike Huckabee hawking sleep supplements for Relaxium in one ad, to a Trump children’s book in the next.”--Steve Schmidt

First off, I had no intention of watching that shit show; it would have been two hours of my life I could never get back.

Secondly, I was temped to go to Huckabee’s website just to see what propaganda was in the Trump’s children’s book and guide. Then my senses kicked in, and I realized, as soon as I gave my email and phone number, I’d be inundated with get rich quick schemes, donations to wing-nut politicians in Huckabee’s mold, and all the nonsense I try to avoid nowadays. Of course, If its a Trump book, my sense is it’s a pop up book; otherwise, it would be to complex for Trump to sycophants to understand.

Ironically, while Moms for Liberty and other right-wing religious groups are trying to ban books throughout America because of LGBTQ themes, and left-wing indoctrinations by award winning authors; it’s amusing how these wing-nuts have no problem trying to indoctrinate our kids with their Christian version of Sharia Law, and propagandist books with little educational value about the anointed one.

That said, I often wonder if Jesus were living on earth, preaching the gospel’s, and staring these people in the face, would they recognize him, or just have him crucified, again, as a left-wing radical, liberal Jew?

My money’s on the latter...:)

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Latter. Remember the recent story of the pastor reading the Beatitudes (Matt 5-7) and the congregations asked where he found those "woke" ideas. They have walked away from what we are called to do.

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Agreed and very true...:)

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If you desire checking a website for good children's books, try Syracuse Cultural Workers. I don't work for them and this is a blatant plug in response to the shudder I had that you even considered Huckabee's site and Trump's children's book! Oh and Darrin Bell's "The Talk" - get that for any young or not young person you know. I'm on a mission to get good education to children and young adults. Yeah, that kind of day so this kinda post.

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😂 sad but true and I can’t stop laughing!

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A mashup of burlesque and Dr Evil-esque sci-fi, with a smidge of Keystone Kops, topped off with a hearty dollop of Dumb and Dumber.

Well, there's always Relaxium in a pinch.

We are living Idiocracy

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You watch so I don’t have to, I trust your assessment - thank you; just seeing the clip screeching about curtains was painful.

I’m only uplifted by Jarvis in a stroller- impressive.

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Thanks for the picture of you strolling with the cat. Truly. That gives me confidence. We have a 16 year old dog that can’t see or hear very well any more. Plus he’s tiny so he gets tired. We have a stroller but I’m always self conscious of the comments, looks or stares I’ll get for taking this sweet old pup out for a ride. But if you can do it, so can I. 🙂

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Every one of my friends who are dog parents have a pet stroller! I'm thinking of getting one for my cat, Willow! You should never care what others think of you, your family, your kids, pets. This is YOUR life to live as you choose. if they are paying your bills, then maybe, just maybe you can give them a 2 second thought.

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First cat in the stroller is wonderful. More of a dog person, but seeing the cat looking thrilled with a ride is always a good thing to start the day.

Steve, you should run a poll of what should happen to the candidates at the next debate. I do like the trap door, and the gong. Might we add a hook or every one of them sits over a water tank. Bad answer, or booed by the crowd-- in they go! Or yellow and red cards from Soccer (or football to the rest of the world). Get a red card--off the stage you go!

I am sorry for the remaining few Reagan Republicans in attendance. Unless you're full MAGA, why would you be there. Why would you remain. Your party is not returning.

The only good thing from last PM---lots of fodder for the D political ads.

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I vote for having a 6 member panel of judges made up of random audience members selected by pulling seat numbers out of a lottery ball cage. A new set of judges will be selected every 15 minutes until the debate ends. Each selected judge is given a can of Silly String. When a debate contestant says something a panel judge objects to for any reason, the judge gets to spray Silly String at the debater. At the end of the debate, the debate moderator, whose primary purpose is to officially weigh the amount of Silly String and announce and record the results will announce the winner of the debate. The moderator must collect and officially weigh the Silly String that has fallen into each debater’s “Circle of Influence” that was designated, drawn, and within which each debater stands for the entire debate. The winner of the debate will be the debater with the least amount of Silly String by weight in grams found with their designated Circle of Influence.

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Why not go all the way and anoint the debater with the MOST silly string?

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Oh excellent. Had not thought about Silly String. Great idea

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I would suggest Paint Balls. Easier too weigh. (before sent) I

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That big X buzzer they use on America’s Got Talent for those acts that are too awful to watch to the end?

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Our cat won't allow us to pick her up - which makes vet visits awful. AND the idea is lovely, @Steve Schmidt.

I digress, a second time.

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See below, Biden already has a great one on what DeSantis said about the deficit and Trump’s addition

to it. I wonder if the the hosts went over the rules before the debate.

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Wow, Steve. You must have a cast iron stomach, nerves of steel and a finely tuned sense of gallows humor. Thank you for the shoveling so we didn't have to.

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Walking the cat. Wonderful.

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If you're on Instagram, find @Tradowlita - a fab cat guardian who cares for 3 one of whom loves to be outside. Latest photo: a shelter constructed w/ an umbrella bec one loves being out even if raining if sheltered. Third digression. Just that kinda day.

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Cats are in charge.

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Wow! My thoughts exactly-what a circus! I watched MSNBC, and one person on the panel stated that it was as if the GOP candidates just don't want to do the politics anymore! No policies, and no attacks on Trump! Yelling about curtains, when the leading candidate has been impeached twice, and indicted four times! When the leading candidate called the actions of General Milley treasonous! Come on! What are they so afraid of? Trump wasn't even in the room, this was their chance to really attack! Sadly, and also very scary was, that the one who didn't show up at the debate, was the one who looked the most presidential! If he had showed up; I could see him just standing there grinning, as the others tried to out talk each other, or argue about curtains! What a mess!

Another great opportunity for the Democrats; but, will they take it?

On another note. We will probably have a government shut down, in a few days! Millions of American citizens will not get paychecks! However, the members of Congress will get their paychecks!

I wonder what our allies are thinking, when they see the mess we are in! And Russia, China, and North Korea; well, they can hardly wait to take over!

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And communities like DC where I live will be further harmed which will make the GOP happy since they continue to want to take away more rights from us. In downtown, the number of empty storefronts, offices, and streets are terrifying. It's less safe w/ fewer people. And businesses are dying. It's on the GOP now.

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Our Allie’s are worried, very worried. Currently we are in the Netherlands. In every town we visit, expressions of gratitude are extended to us travelers. (from allied countries including United States) for their freedom. This is heartfelt and actively commemorated to this day. The maga rats have no clue the price of freedom the world has paid. The parallels with pre-WW2 do not go unnoticed by the Western European democracies. Such ignorant self-serving ramblings of the Republican candidates, especially the orange one, should be terrifying to all Americans.

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Today, President Biden gave a heartfelt speech defending our democracy. I emailed him, thanking him for his words. However, I wished that the message was given during prime time, so that more Americans could hear his words! Tonight, most Americans will either hear snippets of the speech, or hear spin or misinformation, or not hear about the speech at all!

Democrats cannot be silent anymore! Senators and Representatives, whether or not they are running for reelection, must inform the voters in their states and districts, exactly what kind of BS they witness in Washington! They must inform all voters, not just the Democrats, but the Republican and the Unaffiliated voters as well!

We are at war! War to save our democracy, our Constitution, and our freedoms and rights as American citizens!

In many "red states", women are already have lost their right to choose, voters have a difficult time voting, and the LGBTQIA+ community are not allowed to live or to love as they wish!

The majority of the American people want to keep our democracy, our constitution, our freedoms and our rights! However, I am afraid that the majority of our citizens don't really know how close we are to loosing it all!

None of us can be silent! However, it will be the Democratic candidates who can reach the most voters! A vote for Democrats is a vote for democracy! A vote for the MAGA's is a vote for autocracy! The Democrats must win!

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Biden‘s speech at the McCain Institute was one of the most inspiring speeches I have ever heard. It was so heartfelt and so needed. I too am saddened that more people will not watch it. He clearly does have the chops for another campaign and election, and he must win. I’m so afraid if we switch to a lesser candidate that Trump will win.

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So agree!

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Thanks for the review Steve. There is no way in hell I was going to waste one second of my life on that shit show.

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First, I loved seeing you walking Jarvis in a stroller! I think you should smile more. It will help in wading through the cesspool of whatever the republican party is and re-capping it for us. I can never express my gratitude that you do this because there is no way in hell that I ever could.

How so many Americans are enthralled by this "Gong Show" I will never understand. We need to bang the big gong come election day 2024 and get these morons off the stage.

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The fox "channel" we have at home had Trump ranting about his unfair persecution of course, while the UAW strikers were cheering for him...!!! So at 9:30 I found the debate on YouTube and I watched it while playing on my tablet. Nikki hates Vivek, Vivek is obnoxious, the guy from ND is weird, Desantis is looking crazy, Pence is boring, Scott is uninterested and Chris attacks president Biden way too much. His comment about Mrs Biden was tasteless. Like Newson said: a clown show

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No way would I watch the “debate” as your assessment is what I anticipated. Your intestinal fortitude saved me from having to watch the kindergarten clown show. What is really weird is they probably think they were shining stars. 🙄

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I agree with the others here - it is just the best thing to wake up to see a photo of your cat Jarvis enjoying a neighborhood tour with you at the helm. Just makes me smile.

The clown show...thanks for watching so I didn't have to.

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I didn’t watch the clown (shit) show last night. The “highlights” that I saw this morning bolstered Steve and Governor Newsom’s take. The Nikki Haley/ Tim Scott curtain kerfuffle was especially interesting. I’m surprised that the know it all, loud mouth Ramasmarmy didn’t contribute his two bits of nonsense........Arguing that that were both wrong, the window treatment wasn’t curtains but draperies.

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Nikki Haley was right about Vivek. He's not to be trusted. I'm very suspicious about him and wonder about his connections to China and Russia. He could be an asset. He's against us supporting Ukraine. That's a tell. I find Haley condescending and unlikeable. I was hoping Scott would do well enough to beat Trump in Iowa. He had a pretty good night except at the end. Steve, what do you think about Scott in Iowa? I liked Christie's comments about Ukraine and Russia. He's exactly right on this. Pence seemed off his game last night. Overall a clown show, but I was watching to see if anyone would do well enough to challenge Trump. Overall, the debate made the GOP looks very weak. Trump has ruined the party, not we must make sure he doesn't ruin the country. He hasn't yet and never count American out. We've made it through tough times before. Keep the faith.

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Four words: Cat in a stroller!

Five words: Curtains - who gives a shit?

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