I agree, have the Democrats hiding, fearful? I am beyond fear. Trump looks drugged, Elon looks like a taller Hitler. Do we have any chance to turn this around. I am 89 years old and a Democrat since conception. Never have I seen our Government in such a situation. I won’t be on this earth long and I hate to leave this beautiful country in a dictators hands😢

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Bless you Phyllis. I"m 76 and feel the same way exactly.

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Do not despair. If you live in a district or state with Republican reps, contact them regularly and frequently and let them know you don't approve. Call them out. We aren't going anywhere and are prepared to o claw back what's left of the country and rebuild it hopefully better. We are in a dark cycle. At some point this will pass. We may be gone but it will turn around.

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Sorry I live in one of those red states and they have their heads so far up Trump’s ass they can’t see. They all drank the kool-aid and want to hold on to their meaningless jobs. I’m just hoping they wake up eventually when their grandchildren die of measles or polio. They are so ignorant along with their constituents they can’t see the forest for the trees. Suffer the consequences!

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We will figure it out Phyllis. Thank you for posting, I admire you being here on Substack. Do not fear, there's many good people in this country, and with our allies.

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From your lips to Gods ears!

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We can plainly see the danger our country is in.

I urge everyone to join Adam Kinziger's "Country First." The other day, Kinziger led a group of Democratic Senators to visit USAID, and Musk's goons would not let them in the building - and these are sitting Senators, so that's illegal! That began an outcry that I think will lead to legal action against Musk.

But what can WE do? Every Thursday afternoon Adam's group does a Zoom focused on taking action. Last week he got 100 of us online to all call our Congresspeople. We were directed to connect via our laptops so our phones would be free to call. We saw 100 of us calling our Senators right then and there.

Also, sign up for Indivisible. They also do weekly Zooms that are very motivating, and full of specific action steps we can take.

And donate to the lawyers that are suing Trump every gosh-darn day. Democracy Forward and Public Citizen are two good groups.

Don't just rant and cry here - take action, good people.

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Great response! Thanks for the tangible suggestion about getting involved with what Mr. Kinzinger is doing.

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How did Musk’s goons prevent these senators from going in the building???

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The police stopped them; wouldn’t let them in.

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It wasn't any old police. It was Homeland Secuity, part of the Executive Branch.

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Homeland Security they said. The marrying of DOD and Homeland security is very concerning.

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Yes - how could his small group keep all of them out?

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Thank you! We need concrete actions we can take as citizens! I am tired of just reading about the problems- we need solutions!!

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Yes! I feel the same way… all this talk while the ship is sinking. I hate feeling helpless- I need to know concrete ways I can make a difference and fight back! I live in Montana- this state is full of MAGA and the filthy rich who now run this country. I want to hear more ideas on tangible and meaningful ways to fight back.

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Sue- call your senator daily. Let them know this is NOT acceptable! Join an Indivisible Group.

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Totally agree . Great ideas!

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Who are the lawyers that are suing Trump? Would love to donate

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Glad you asked- some good lawyer groups to support are Democracy Forward, Public Citizen, and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

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I am a recently-retired trial lawyer and life-long Democrat who will turn 83 in June. Once upon a time, I could disagree with Ronald Reagan's policies, or the policies of either of the Bushes, but neither hate them or fear them. I knew that they were, in there own way, just as patriotic as I was. They loved our country too. If John McCain or Mitt Romney had been elected over Obama, I would have consoled myself with the knowledge that our country would remain intact, and they'd deliver it safely to their successors, regardless of party. Those days are long gone and we now live in a uniquely perilous time where the fate of our grand experiment sits upon a knife's edge. Will we still have a Democratic Republic next year on the 250th anniversary of our founding? It's really an open question. I'm so very grateful for Steve Schmidt because he so elegantly and poetically captures my rage, using words and phrases am incapable of articulating.

Steve, you would have been a great asset to President John McCain, however he chose to use you. The sad thing is that half our countrymen will never have the benefit of your eloquence because they're hunkered down in their FOX/MAGA silos, deprived of the truth as I fear they may soon deprived of their liberty. Please keep up the good fight for all of us.

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We’re in a deep hole because there are 40 million Americans who view the Constitution as irrelevant to their lives and beliefs. There are millions who only vote on social issues, thus we get people like Greg Abbott of Texas or Ron DeSantis of Florida. A complete economic collapse needs to occur because the only ones left are those who do not vote. A collapse may force them to the voting booth — maybe.

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What you wrote supports Steve's view that America has lost a sense of community, common values and goals that transcend our differences, and enable us to reach compromises after presenting our points of view, sometimes heatedly, but never with intense hatred for the other side. The birth of misogynistic, patriarchal, narrow-minded, tribal Christian Nationalism in the 1970's gave us Ronald (President "trickle down") Reagan, a host of scam artist televangelists and duplicitous, incompetent, Republicans like Newt Gingrich and George I and II whose ideology came from fools like Grover Norquist. They appointed the likes of Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito to SCOTUS and Trump finalized the corruption of SCOTUS with a triumvirate of corrupt and evil nominees. The Tea Party lunatics morphed into Maga and annoited Trump their Messiah. Now we must contend with crazy people in Congress and drunken, conspiracy-minded incompetents at the highest levels of the executive branch.

Our government is infested with people who would piss on the Constitution for enough money and, in fact, are doing just that. We are right. We believe in democracy, rule by law, freedom of and from religion, human rights. They believe in autocracy, the fuhrer prinzip (leadership principle) with some above the law, one-state endorsed religion, a caste system with clearly defined roles based on skin-clor, sex, and other irrelevant characteristics.

And they are winning. If at all possible go to the ati-Trump, anti-Project 2025 protests at your state capitol buildings tomorrow, 2/5.

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I disagree that "wokeness" is a bad thing. To be aware that discrimination, prejudice and stereotypes, have caused pain, poverty, and legal mistreatment towards many minorities, including but not exclusively women, Blacks, and LGBTQ people is not a bad thing. Nor is it bad to try to give the generational victims of such discrimination a hand up through government action.

To ignore this obvious truth is wrong. As wrong as Trump and Maga are about what America should value and stand for.

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Why haven't they started impeachment proceedings? Why is Musk still operating illegally and not been forced to stop through the court system?

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KPez, the wheels of justice and the courts crank slow. The Congress doesn't have its own police force in order to enforce is mandates. They only have a Sargant-at-Arms, and their territory is inside the Congressional building of the House and Senate. There is no police force to do any arresting and getting Musk and his incels out of the buildings. Now, if the military felt that what was happening was a coup then maybe they could become the Constitution's police force and legally remove those individuals and lock them out of those buildings. But then you would need the military to hand the reins back to the Congress, or else we would then be a military junta. And talk about a Constitutional crisis between the military and the Executive Branch. OAC said this is a five-alarm fire what is going on, but I say it might just be an LA Santa Anna Conflagration happening.

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Need to form POGE .. peoples office of govt efficiency. First move? Cancel DOGE.

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Or maybe POGO? “Peoples office of government order”(we have seen the enemy and the enemy is us?)

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Once Elon insured a trump victory and is acting like the defacto president, my anger and disgust is directed at the majority of Americans. Stats tell us the following: they are undereducated and cannot perform above a sixth grade level. Public education is abjectly poor in the majority of states and many red state kids are home schooled by untrained parents who focus on Bible teachings. They function not on facts, but on fear based lies that fuel their hatred toward vast numbers of people, for their religion, race, gender or sexual orientation. Their bodies are fat and stuffed with junk food and booze; they are also very unhealthy, battling numerous serious illnesses. Our electorate, writ large , has descended into the depths of hell. They will surely reap what they have sown by putting the sociopath and convicted felon and his trillionaire buddy in charge of dismantling our democratic government. It is a purely numbers game in the house and Senate and we are just a few seats shy in both to regain control. We will have to wait two more years. My level of pride in being an American is as low as it could be right now. I am totally focused on

my health, fitness and family. Those are the things that I can control, and I will.

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Helene killed 104 people in North Carolina. In one village, 11 members of one family died. After this catastrophe, all people wanted to know is how they could help. Didn't matter if the victims were Christian, Jews, Moslem or Hindu, black, white, Asian, visitors from Mars, or Democrats or Republicans. Nobody cared. Their fellow citizens were devastated for them and they sprung into action. One guy rented 26 helicopters to transport food and medicine to the mountains. Artists produced benefit concerts overnight. People dropped off food and clothing at churches throughout the state. Farmers dug out houses and roads. Doctors and nurses were flown in. Americans are fundamentally kind, compassionate and resourceful. Our nation was built on the hard work and sacrifice of farmers, merchants, tradesmen, teachers and many others who believed that the power to govern did not reside in a monarch or a distant parliament. The power to build their nation belonged to them. Everyday Americans.

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I wish I could disagree with some of this, but I can’t. I am furious at those who helped hide Biden’s condition. And I’m sick and tired of the Democratic leadership in Congress who are clueless, feckless, naive, non-strategic, snd/or blind. I’ve been trying to shout that that to my congressional folks, but only a few are Democrats. I’m especially upset with Schumer and Jeffries. They should get the hell out of the way if they can’t develop the best possible plan to limit damage. They are gonna find themselves primaried and they’re going to lose, if we are allowed to vote again.

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Yes, Biden is to blame for refusing to accept the reality of his moderate and normal decline, but his condition is one of cognitive and moral robustness compared with Trump's severe mental illness and moral evil. Let's retain a skosh of clarity about the objective reality that too many Americans have consciously ignored or subconsciously repressed: Donald Trump is a deeply mentally unfit psychopath and homicidal brutalitarian right up there with his role model Hitler.

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Ditto that. I even unsubscribed from the DNC. I was afraid that if I read one more message about sending them dollars (!!!!!), I would throw my laptop on the floor.

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This is the sort of misdirected energy that Steve generates when he shrieks nonsense at the Democrats. I would ask what is on his mind when he does that, but very little mind is at work. this entire screed is a piece of crap. Let me just isolate three bits that demonstrate that foul expletive.

Said of Biden: He is the selfish old man who wrote this disaster.

Steve continue to beat up on Biden. What he says is very likely false at its root, depending as it does on a reading of Biden's mental health. But even if the propaganda pumped out by Fox News, et al, about Biden's dementia is accurate, that is not what brought us Trump. We should all know that. To believe that is to fall for the misdirection of the propaganda.

Said of Schumer: He is a fool being unmasked in the town square, where he stands naked pretending to fight back against something he didn’t stop when he could have, and didn’t see coming when he should have.

When did Schumer have an opportunity to stop Trump? McConnell had an opportunity to stop Trump, more than one. If I claimed this remark was about McConnell, who fits it in every detail, everyone could agree. Has Steve somehow mixed Schumer up with McConnell? Would that it were so, and that the time he has spent excoriating Schumer was spent more fruitfully on McConnell where it belongs. Yes, Schumer is limited. Only a fool or a fake could believe that he would be capable of stopping Trump. If there were someone in the Senate strong enough to stop Trump, he would have already replaced Schumer.

One quote more, the kicker: "Trump faces Jonestown Democrats. He is on the march, and they take turns guarding and drinking the Kool-Aid."

What an irony! Steve accuses the Democrats of drinking Kool-Aid. The analogy is to Jonestown has become handy in exposing followers so besotted with a leader to willingly drink poisoned Kool-Aid when commanded to by the Dear Leader. Watching the wild enthusiasm of the besotted crowds at Trump's rallies certainly does call to mind the maniacal look on the faces of those parental followers of Jim Jones who killed their children with poisoned Kool-Aid. The analogy applies aptly to those Republican mobs. Watch the Republican Senators pretend to examine the line up of corrupt fools nominated by the Dear Leader to head immense parts of our government. One can easily see them clutching and guarding cups of Kool-Aid. But not if you are Steve Schmidt.

All of Steve's usual villains on the left make their appearance in this sorry piece: Scarborough, Maggie Haberman, Schumer, and Biden, of course. It may be that they all committed petty crimes but few would doubt their patriotism. Surely, they are not blatant traitors doing their best to destroy our country. They are mostly honest folks trying with their weak best to defeat Trump's aims. Churchill had it right when Hitler invaded Russia. “If Hitler invaded Hell I would make at least a favorable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons”. Those on the of demons aren't devils and, unlike many soon to be in high government positions, they know Russia is a deadly foe. They are friends attacking our common enemy. Why are they so often the targets of Steve's angry rhetoric? Am I missing something? Does that somehow help our cause?

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Biden…. selfish ego took Ds down a path of having to “protect” him. He was not fit for office any longer and should have stepped aside to let a new generation lead. Ds nationally should have been choosing the person to replace him via a primary season and not just anointing someone. The time wasted by Joe’s ego and his enablers did not give us the best candidate.

Schumer….. a leader leads and he has tools at his disposal to “gum up” the system. Do u recall what McConnell did to Obama?? Slow the train down to a manageable speed so people can jump on and overtake the engineer (Musk) and steer us back (lawsuits) to the right track instead of simply getting run down. Where has his leadership been the past 2-3 weeks?? Lying on the tracks and getting run over, that’s where.

Kool-Aid…. my interpretation of what he is meaning is that Ds were forced to drink it and protect the “brand” even if they did not believe in it. And it lead the country to “death” (Trump). I am a center left independent, and I cringed at what the D party did for 2024. The leadership convinced everyone to drink the kool-aid.

And for the villains…. yes, they all fleeced us with either having us believe their hardcore rhetoric or sane washing of Trump. Both proved dangerous and now need to be called out for it. Corp America puppets!

Steve is not always right, in my opinion, but I prefer someone who stands up to the BS (and not like the actor…. Trump) and says what’s on his mind. U don’t have to listen to it, u can turn back to the media hacks who r told to go “soft” on Trump so they don’t get sued, or u can hang around and listen to a very knowledgeable man who doesn’t blow smoke up ur 🫏.

Have a good day. 👍

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PENNSYLVANIA HAS BEEN LOCKED OUT OF MEDICARE NOT Medicaid MEDICARE! Governor Shapiro is in front of media now to confirm

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The only thing I can find is from the Pittsburgh Post Gazette - 1/28/2025 - about being locked out of the Medicaid program sites. What are you referring to?

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“Maybe we’ll be stuffed on a military transport and sent off to imprisonment in El Salvador where Nayib Bukele, the 43-year-old dictator, has promised to house Americans whom Trump declares criminals, alongside his gangsters in the prison of no return.”

I connected the dots on this “agreement” with El Salvador earlier today and posted to local news outlets that are not honestly covering the coup.

The Felon is wet dreaming about sending his political opposition to El Salvador; politicians, reporters, any other vocal opponent that has ever made him look like the vile person he is in public. He said they would send “dangerous criminals”, but dangerous doesn’t mean the same thing to the Felon as it does to you and me.

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I saw a report on this, too, and my spidey sense activated.

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I join you in your trump toast, Steve!

I,too, am out of the loop, so I went looking online for organizations that might be helpful. I have not had a chance to really check all of them out, so this is not an endorsement, but I thought this might help (Google them):

DemocracyNow.org - YouTube -1 hr. left news/day Amy Goodman has been doing this since the 1970's, covers demonstrations, etc.

DemocracyDocket.com or on YouTube -Marc Elias, attorney, his organization has filed many pro-democracy suits against gov't.



People for the American Way

Working Families Party


Public Citizen - Citizen.org

Human Rights Defence Center

Groundwork Collaborative



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What do you suggest? I did see something on TikTok about boycotting companies and products based in MAGA red states. What do you think?

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I suggest a consumer boycott on Feb 17, presidents day. Boycott all businesses and media that are owned by the oligarchs or who bow to them. Amazon, X, Fox, Target, Walmart, Whole Foods, Home Depot, Hobby Lobby, etc. A total blackout on that day, ignore the vampire in chief and his drudges.

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Boycott all online use tomorrow and buy nothing. AmericanOpposition staging state capitol protests and if you can't go, this is a way to be present. Then we need to organize regular (weekly?) work stoppages, strikes, protests, and consumer strikes of any/all businesses noted by Beth W below!

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I am ready to fight back ... I am doing what I can. Whatever it takes I am ready . I cannot believe that these shitheads are letting us go down the drain. Not one has a patriotic bone in there body. I think your analysis was really good today .. Thanks Steve. Someone said that he looks like he's really sick. The thing is Vance could be much worse ...

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You are right, Vance could be SO much worse. We are in a very very bad place here

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Steve, we get it. We're watching a coup in real time, in full view. There is no adhering to protocol, no concern for the law. Trump and Musk are out to take over. They already control the check book, which is frightening. All of us -- and millions of MAGA fans -- will pay. The ONLY question is what can we do about it? Adam Kinziger's 'Country First' group has been suggested, as has Indivisible. Other specific ideas are needed. Any suggestions you can provide will be much appreciated.

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I’m sorry Steve, but your vitriol really is not helpful! Do you have a plan?

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Someone must be speaking this truth. It isn’t vitriol if it is truth.

What to do? Clearly, the young people will not rise up as we did in the 60’s. (Too many examples of why that is so to list here.) We had leaders and writers and performers that led us. Until that happens, Steve Schmidt never lets me forget!

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I don’t see it as vitriol. I see it as painful facts that are hard to hear. But we have to face them to move forward. There are some great suggestions in the first reply about what to do to move forward.

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Some blow the clarion call, others put on their marching boots, and some draft plans. Strategy takes time to craft, and I have faith that it will come. I appreciate Steve's daily clarion call, my boots are on, and I impatiently await action.

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I find it super helpful versus people discussing it like it’s just another day - we are in serious danger and he is sounding the alarm. As he has said before contact your congressional representatives and emphatically demand accountability in regards to the issues and ransacking of our government. We are

the resistance.

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I actually appreciate reading someone as angry as I am who is more articulate, and has a scarier voice! But yes, we all are eager for ACTION. Claire, we are doctors and our fight needs to focus on RFK Jr's plans to kill Americans. He's going to be confirmed now that he's out of committee, there's no doubt about that.

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I disagree. In these times when the Democratic party has no consistent and coherent message and leadership directing it, I welcome voices that speak the truth.

Yes we need to act however we all can contacting our representatives in red States and districts that may make a difference, letting your your Democratic representatives know to keep up the work and that we need to step up.

Meanwhile we need to call these outlaws out. They are crooks.

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Thank you Steve.Great post. Even though I am beyond terrified today I signed up with Indivisible.com and donated and I also called Senator Young's Office. For what good it did. I will keep calling though. I made another donation to the ACLU as well.

I also wrote a letter to my Maga mother. It didn't go over well and as of right now she told me to stay away. So I may've lost my job but I just can't keep this sh#t inside of me anymore. I refuse to be silent any longer. I've bitten my tongue for 10 years and I'm over it!!! It's time to fight like Steve said. Our country is at stake. 💔🇺🇸💙

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