“She was wrong. Profoundly wrong, and she wasn’t a woman who was often wrong about anything….What was she wrong about though?….She looked at Adolf Hitler and saw nothingness. Emptiness. Preposterousness.”

It’s not the man that should worry us; it’s the ideal! Just as the fallacy that Netanyahu believes he can destroy Hamas through a war of attrition, he can kill as many Palestinians as he likes, but the ideal will live on, and threat will multiply.

The same folly of our generals during Vietnam. We killed 100 N. Vietnamese and Vietcong, for every American lost. Yet, even though we won every battle, we still lost the war. Or our escapades in Afghanistan: We never lost a battle, but as the adage went. “The Americans had the clock, but the Taliban had the time.”

We can’t view Putin, Trump or any brutal authoritarian kleptocrat in a vacuum. You can rid yourself of the man, but the ideal lives on, and if history is an indication of things to come, then the next guy is usually progressively worse.

We need to deal with the root causes of these ideals to win. And in this day and age of social media, with lies and misinformation spreading faster than the speed of light, we need to take the propaganda seriously, and develop countermeasures to deal with the threat! Education is key!

In regard to Putin; the West will coalesce, and deal with him appropriately. Russia has proven itself a paper tiger. The only way he wins, is if the West self-implodes. I refuse to believe that will happen.

Churchill once said, “you can count on the Americans to do the right thing; after they’ve exhausted all other possibilities.”

The West will do the same. And they are realizing by the day that the Putin threat looms large!

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It is not a war of attrition. It is a war to eliminate Hamas. You say Netanyahu doesn't care how many Palestinians he kills. Hamas has no agenda but to kill Jews and destroy Israel. How many missiles did Gaza rain down on Israel on October 7. Around 3000, Robert. Three fucking thousand. What people is supposed to do nothing about that? You can argue Bibi's strategy is wrong, but don't compare him to Putin. He's nothing like Putin, and Israel is not Russia. Yesterday Steve said no slogans, but here's one that means something: Bring them home! Release the hostages!

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Agreed about Hamas. They are a terror organization that is committed to the destruction of Israel. They are an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood who originated in Egypt as a response to the Peace Accords; eventually assassinating Sadat.

However, I disagree about Netanyahu. He and his messianic Jewish cabinet are no better than Hamas. Netanyahu made a deal with the devil, and will do anything to retain power.

Since Netanyahu became PM, he warned us that Hamas was the greatest threat to Israel’s existence: agreed! Yet, why did he allow Qatar to give billions in aid over the years, while simultaneously weakening Hama’s greatest threat outside of Israel: The Palestinian Authority?

As far as the three thousand missiles? How many caused death and destruction? This is why we give Israel $4 billion in military aid and billions more in humanitarian assistance to Israel annually. At what point does Israel’s right to defend itself, allow it become a genocide?

How many innocents need to die? Right now there are over 100,000 casualties and 30k deaths. Hamas is estimated at 30k fighters, which means at least 70k casualties are innocents. And since Israel has not completely annihilated Hamas, it’s safe to say the innocents are more than 70k.

Do we hold the entire Palestinian people responsible for acts of Hamas? Do you believe any of the Palestinians are innocents, you do they all deserve the fate they are currently experiencing; including the children?

So tell me based on your expertise, what casualty rate is acceptable to you? And what outcome is achievable? This “carpet bombing” is revenge, plain and simple. And as we’ve experienced first hand, that revenge never achieves the desired outcome. We fought international terrorism for decades and it hasn’t been eradicated. It grew from the Middle East to Africa with more terror organizations operating today, than before the “War on Terror” began!

And you say Netanyahu isn’t Putin? I never said he was, but his government is committed to expelling at least half of the population of Gaza. Two cabinet ministers have said as much. Bibi has dangled a two-state solution for decades and recently said, he has no plans for a two state solution.

In fact, all evidence points to the contrary! His policies since Trump became president has been to impose even more draconian restrictions in both the West Bank and Gaza; creating a tighter stranglehold.

And why did the toughest anti-terror PM ignore all the evidence of an impending attack for a year? Especially since both Egypt and Jordan personally warned Netanyahu that the attack will most likely take place on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War; the last time Israel was attacked, ignoring evidence?

Yes, this is a war of attrition that started in 1967 when Israel captured all of the West Bank and Gaza. It moved into Lebanon after the PLO created a state within a state during the Lebanese Civil War. And it has metastasized into the current political conundrum we are experiencing today.

Netanyahu is Israel’s version of neo-con; he’s never met a war he didn’t like and has been using this opportunity to detract from his corruption and fascist ideology. Did you miss the last year as he and his fellow travelers in the settler movement have tried to reduce the power of the Israeli Judiciary?

Were you sleeping when Netanyahu decided that the JCPOA was a bad deal? Why? “Because any deal with Iran is a bad deal!” No basis of fact, just that he won’t deal with Iran on any terms.

Netanyahu will not negotiate with the Palestinians under any circumstances that creates a two state solution. If you think otherwise, you’re just as delusional has Hama’s belief that they will eventually drive the Jews into the Sea!

You and I mostly agree. I read your comments often. On this, we can agree to disagree…:)

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An excellent distillation.

The US is utterly beholden to -any- sins of the Jewish state.

The bite of Karma will be a painful one.

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Inability to highlight the depth of inhumanity of the atrocities by Hamas’ surprise attack on Israel is very bad indeed. We cannot bury the underlying barbarism of the Hamas under the ruble of human shields they also instigated. At the same time we have to proceed with thoughtful and measured steps by not erasing our own legitimacy. That includes not wiping out another civilization to make our point or to make us feel secure.

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That is so true. Sad but true.

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To me, the real question now is why don’t those who criticize America to the extent they support Putin leave. There was a saying from the 1960’s hard hats “America, love it or leave it.”

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The surrender of Mike Johnson to Vladimir Putin and comrade Trump is breathtaking. But most of all if the American people don’t act to put an end to MAGA, we are going to have to salute to the KGB Hitler from Moscow soon. The profound ramification of this possibility is unfathomable now. But look at all the men Putin put to slaughter already. In Syria and in Ukraine’s frontline. And now Navalny in full view of the world, and all his enemies, and the defector who went to Spain who was just gunned down. Navalny knew Putin will find you. This election is our last chance while Ukraine is still holding the line to defeat MAGA and Putinism, the engrossing deviant idea that we are better off living under a strong man.

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THIS IS THE MOST ARTICULATE, PRECISE REALITY response WRITTEN. Thank you for this.....We have Fear to confront of what may become a reality...A severe ignorant push to the Right by many humans, again blinded & triggered by world events, forgetful of the past & incapable of any comprehension of it.

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Yes, the people who should be blocked from being in America, are not immigrants who want to be in a democracy, but those (even in Congress) who do NOT want democracy. Why are they still in Congress, they should not be allowed to enter based on their words. It opposes their Oath, don't let them in Congress. That will also help the Middle East.

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If ever there is an end to them in Congress, there should or must be strong action to move them out of this country, to somehow banish them from ever seeking office. This is not a matter of simple differences in opinions. It is their attachment to Russian ideals, & a severity of religious right wing obsessive Fanatics that similarly desire life & ideas to coincide with what exists within the religious right in the U.S. This is not acceptable..There are no freedoms or liberties that can exist in this manner...It is not Justice.

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??Did he make a comparison? I didn't see his remark as one.

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Not responsive to Steve's passion. Although you are saying some truthful things, his whole point was how dangerous Putin in.

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I value your thoughtful posts Robert. I take exception to the idea that "Education is key!" That sentiment is frequently expressed here. Sure, we have to try but how do you get thru to people who constantly express hostility to education? Their bible/pastor tells them all they need to know.

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Thank you and Fair enough; you’re correct. I’m at my wits end as to how to approach Trump voters. The cultists have jumped into the proverbial abyss; they’re too far gone, but I do meet potential Trump voters who are oblivious to many of Trump’s crimes and lies.

They are easier to reach, but you can’t be sure they’re not lying about where they stand because they’re very familiar with the fascist talking points from Fox and the rest of the propaganda media ecosystem.

Any suggestions?

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I lament the loss of the fairness doctrine. I've read that on an individual basis, you have to meet them where they are. Draw them out and try to find common ground by asking questions and challenge their answers to those questions. Trouble is, we need to reach maybe thousands of people in swing states (damn the electoral college). Looks like you and I are going to be busy. :-)

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Closer to home we have a Hitler/Putin wanna be. How are we going to deal with him? Is war on our soil inevitable?

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Exactly. It’s happening right before our eyes within our borders. He is the worst thing that has ever happened to our country.

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Ruling using fear. Trump is followed by a couple of hundred of our representatives in Congress. I wish we had a higher level of human morality.

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Feb 27
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Thanks Marion. I'm currently channeling a higher dimensional state to try and understand a way to deactivate fanciful thinking, and improving current Earth life. Perhaps if I can achieve my pursuits, then I might have time to work on their opinion of an afterlife - and I'm still exhausted in trying to understand the Catholic doctrine which feels like make-believe.

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YES, Putin will take over USA through Trump that is the goal.

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I have a new rule for myself: I can no longer say "I can't believe this" when talking US politics and geopolitics.

The MAGA believers are an amalgam of woundedness, ignorance, fear and rage. They don't think in abstractions. They believe myths are literal.

40% of Americans don't have $400 for an emergency.

And now I see a small group of hooded neo Nazis had a parade in my town yesterday.

The dark side of humanity is once again on the march. I believe it. Will the "better angels of our nature" prevail?

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Dark side of humanity indeed. Russians just gunned down a Ukrainian priest in the occupied zone because he refused to abandon Ukrainian Church for Russian Orthodox Church. Putin is out for blood and his culling list has just begun. Watch out for the hooded neo Nazi here at home. They all share the same signals that cross the globe.

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Trump and his Christian Nationalists are a danger many of us never imagined. Will the American people wake up? The MSM will have to accept its share of the responsibility. Why are so many afraid to discuss Putin and the dangers of Putin $ in the Republican Party? Will their “both sides” reporting lead us into the abyss? Democrats need to step up and speak up. Time to remember Roosevelt and Churchill.

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Carol, the Christian Nationalist scare me. I woke up this morning wondering what the hell has happened to us. Each state that that puts in place these obscene rules against women (mostly) terrifies me.

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Let them have their own Trump Nation and not take over our Democracy. Who how can that be done. They want a Civil War, well just let them secede, or better, executive order to let certain states separate! Now, get them out of Congress, they do not qualify based on their Oath. Where is that action?

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We should consider the dangerous 5th Column here that supports Putin. Tulsi Gabbard, who Chump said could be his VP choice, said this:

The U.S. and NATO should stop supporting Ukraine so the war will come to an end.

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Steve is asking us to FACE this reality.

He is adjuring us to THINK.

A knee jerk reaction will not suffice.

Let us re-read and ponder well

what this means for us.

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Steve, whatever can we do when the enemy is not only afar but among us? How, oh how, has this come to pass??

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I write this from Hong Kong where a small garrison of British, Canadian and Punjabi troops fought to the last man against the Japanese invasion of this city in WWII the day after Pearl Harbor. Their story is outlined in the Coastal Defense Museum which is remarkably accurate and objective.

I was there today for hours.

The allied troops were slaughtered, outnumbers and under equipped they had no chance and they were beheaded and bayoneted even after being shot. They received no reinforcement and all brutally killed a long way from home. May god bless them.

British General Maltby surrendered on what was the first time hostile forces had taken British land. He remained a POW the entire war but was reduced to a colonel because he quit after everyone in his charge went down swingin except him.

Steve your essays and videos exemplify the courage and stamina we all need and appreciate. Maltby could have used it god damnit and we need it now because the stakes are no different.

You keep going man. My WWII navy veteran dad and 4 brothers who all served would demand it.

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Two books come to mind: Jeff Sharlet's book, "The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power and "What's the Matter with Kansas?" by Thomas Frank. Both of those presciently laid out the basis for exactly where we are today. In the former we learn of the decades long, organized effort to subvert our government and turn it and us into a "Christian Nationalist" country. In the latter we can understand how today's Republicans are a mass of aggrieved, whining snowflakes who have been groomed for years to focus on social issues and imposing their limited world-view on the rest of us. And ignoring the issues that truly impact our well-being. Who we are as a nation rests very clearly on the foundation built over the last 250 years - the proponents of these extreme and dangerous ideas, as well as the deranged - yes deranged supporters of Donald Trump threaten the very existence of the America that was built by our ancestors and within which we grew up in. As a nearly 80 year-old man, who grew up in the 50's I remember well (and I actually did study history too) the histrionics and threats of the HUARC and that dark period of American history. We are on the verge of a much worse, very much worse, turn of events should Trump and his MAGA acolytes prevail. They must be stopped by all means legal and constitutional. Vote Blue! It is our only hope for survival.

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You say it correctly,

"They must be stopped by all means legal and constitutional. Vote Blue! It is our only hope for survival."

but I would add....

if not by legal and constitutional means, but ANY moral means possible, otherwise it is over. There is a time to go above the weak laws and do what is right to save Earth.

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Chaplin nailed the warning. This was 1940: Hitler is to Mussolini, as Putin is to Trump. All psychopathic devils skilled at lying convincingly to the masses.

Here is a free friends link to Chaplins and Washington's warning about Hitler...and Trump:


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Spot on.

Sadly, though, he has too many supporters and enablers here. Most of them are Republicans. In their twisted minds, they see him as a Defender of Family Values.

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Steve: Great and prescient words by MacArthur; thanks for printing them. What troubles me terribly is the way the republicans have coalesced around the grifter and putin. Liz Cheney put it well when she named them the putin wing of the republican party! Let's face it, we sort of have a fifth column in our nation in the form of grifter supporters and maga folks who have discarded all or almost all of the principles our country has been founded upon and based on for almost 250 years. Truth matters, and we must show them the truth somehow. We used to have a steadfast principle that partisanship ceased at the nation's borders. Sadly, no more. If we let these christian nationalists and religious fanatics get any power in this country, we will have no place to go, as they forget or refuse to acknowledge how this nation was mainly founded, by people escaping the religious intolerances of Europe! That is why we not only have enshrined in our Constitution, Freedom of Religion, but Freedom FROM Religion! VOTE DEMOCRAT AT ALL COSTS!

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Wow, Steve! Excellent! At least once a day, I think about how Putin’s ally isn’t humans, it’s the daily capitalistic grind and digital circus we have become accustomed to. It's our complacency, our being comfortable with the things we possess, and perhaps, or petty squabbling about issues that we think are important. To me, we have become distracted seeing from the picture you have painted here.

The present requires so much focus and energy that there is it dedicate to correlating history with the present danger staring us squarely in the face!

I see the issue here as fear! The western world is, in my view, seems to be extremely fearful of the consequences associated with upsetting the status quo to stop Putin… and i think he is using it to his advantage. Do you agree?

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No one has commented yet. I think you took an already-dark canvas and offered such an ominous warning, we don't know what to say. Maybe the details where we disagree aren't that important in comparison.

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I agree. Nothing new here but more fodder for panic. Stay the course.

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panic to action.

Don't stay the course do better, more, what ever that takes.

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Then again, maybe my phone just shows comments when it feels like it.

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You are right, it is happening, democracy is unraveling here in our homeland. It is unraveling because we can not stop a narcissistic, craven rich man/boy. Our MSM cant stop him, our news outlets like fox promote him, our nations GOP is a shameful bunch of mostly white men and women, who do not represent their citizens, who sent them to Washington to legislate laws that support the nation and its people. Instead they cower to a man, who is empty, same as hitler was. It is perplexing, why we can not rid ourselves of this craven man, instead we give him air time, media time and we have allowed him to unravel the Biden admin by never going away, by actually being the “deep state”, demanding the GOP to follow what he wants and not what is best for the country. Our legal system is taking too long, to apply justice and in this matter, we can not hope that even the SC will do what is right for the nation. It not Biden’s age we should be concerned with it is the totality of those who are not using all the tools available to stop him.

Are we really that afraid of maga, they are a “basket of deplorable’s”, who should be sent back under the rocks they crawled out of, including those with their 25 point plan to dismantle democracy, the administrative state, the rule of law and the freedoms that are our birth right; they have no good right to call themselves Americas!

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Trump plays a huge role. Who’s playing Himmler (Heinrich) and Goebbels (Joseph) roles? From a global perspective is it Trump and Xi ? Who plays these roles in trump cult? Stephen Miller and GOP? It’s truly frightening. We all need to wake up.

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