there are no words for this level of depravity........can't even call it a human being.......this fu*ker needs to be locked up in a mental institution for the criminally insane.

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Facts: he seriously needs to be locked up.

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Make sure he, and the others, are locked up with virtual reality glasses and, instead of solitary confinement, they have to wear the glasses 12 hours a day in a variety of virtual situations. 1) As a soldier storming the beaches of Normandy or the jungles of Guam or the hills of Concord and Lexington or the deserts of Iraq 2) As a mother of four with an abusive husband coming through the door 3) As a researcher at NIH who’s just gotten a job termination notice. 4) as a woman with an ectopic pregnancy about to die…….etc etc etc

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Trump is obsessed with gold. No wonder he is interested in the gold in Fort Knox. I used to drive past Fort Knox on my way to work every day. Now I am concerned about the gold in Fort Knox - surely Trump will claim it as "his."

Selling a gold card for citizenship is another step down in disgusting ( I looked up a synonym for disgusting - they ALL fit). The video for Trump Gaza is about as tasteless as a person can get. He just keeps surpassing himself in



























































beyond the pale







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It seems to me that Gold Card citizenship would enable Trump to swiftly assemble a loyal cadre of malevolent Russian oligarchs. As they do in Putin's Russia, these oligarchs would support him financially and politically, and in turn, he would allow them to pursue, unencumbered by the rule of law, their self-interests, the most important one being siphoning off America's wealth. The 5-million-dollar Gold Card price tag is cheap compared to all the oligarchs stand to gain in Amerika.

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Let me understand this. For $5M a Russian oligarch or a Saudi prince can get citizenship, but a child born here with undocumented parents cannot. Apparently, the hell with the Constitution.

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No surprise here. Jared Kushner's sister was selling Green Cards for $250000 during his first stint raping our Democracy. No one is objecting, no one is calling out his utter disdain for the constitution and our laws. People don't seem to be enraged calling for his ouster. No, Americans are just taking it, thinking in 4 years things will change. They do not realize this might not be possible in 4 years. The damage done right now might not be reversible for years!

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It is not immigrants Trump hates. It is poor people. He is a 78 year old spoiled brat who thinks the amount of money a person controls, no matter how acquired, is what determines whether or not he/she is a person worthy of respect.. I feel it is appropriate to re-post something I posted earlier as it is more relevant to this topic:

The American oligarchy will soon crash; it will be the crash that will be heard round the world. From the ashes will arise a new America, a country that realizes that without economic security, democracy and freedom are impossible. We will become a new “shining city upon a hill,” once again valuing the most noble human impulses, a beacon to all others, a vision of a world dedicated to the good life for all people.

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Bless you Anthony & Steve for ringing the Liberty Bell of Truth

& showing how we all need to bring this madness to an end.

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Thank you. And continue resisting in any way you can.

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I wish I had your hope and confidence for that, Anthony; I just feel that most Americans, everyone who voted for Trump or didn’t vote at all, are indifferent to the damaging destruction they’ve done to our country. 😔

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Continue struggling against Trump, write letters to the editor, reason with the indifferent and undecided, participate in national boycotts, strikes, and demonstrations and this terrible era in America's political history will end. A new administration will apologize to our allies and renew the struggle for human rights around the globe. Don't give up.

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National Boycott, like tomorrow !!!!!!

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I love your writing. I hope that I live to see the crash of the oligarchy.

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Thank you. I love exchanging ideas and discussing the crises America and the world face on this site. I am inspired and encouraged by Steve and so many others who contribute to our dialogues.

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Elderly and disabled Medicare covered: check your statements. After almost 20 Years Paying for and receiving Medicare and coinsurance benefits I’m seeing unbelievable denials by Medicare.

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The concerned citizens of these MAGA town halls need to ask their representatives this question. What did Trump promise you? Did he promise you need not worry about future elections? Did he promise you riches and power beyond your wildest imagination? What did he promise you, that gives you no pause to be concerned with the needs of your constituents?

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Excellent questions that definitely must be asked. My guess is along those lines, but not exactly. What he & Musk have promised them is unlimited amounts of money will be spent to defeat you with another candidate in the primaries, & unlimited number of vicious threats of rape & death to themselves & their family members by trump’s loyal militiamen.

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Powerful message of succinct unadulterated truth.

Thank you Steve!

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Rich white men are selfish greedy weak individuals. Action needs to be taken to impeach this person. They tampered with the election machines to steal the election. Musk tampered with voters to make sure they didn’t vote for VP Harris by offering them the possibility of winning a million dollars. We the people of America have more rights than we think. Along with the oligarchs, republicans, democrats, independents trying to destroy the Constitution. All of the individuals that have taken part in this coup of the government needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Is it true that in the 1980’s that he was recruited by Russia to help to destroy our democracy. If so, why was this not exposed? There needs to be a complete overhaul of the political process. Term limits, businesses should not be allowed to give more than $20,000 to politicians.

The SCOTUS should be impeached for their role in granting immunity to a known criminal.

The Heritage Foundation and the christian nationalist which is a hate group. These people are hurting children, the working poor, the disabled, seniors, and poor. We the people want justice for all that have been affected by their lawlessness.

Poor people need to learn that republicans and any politician will lie and manipulate you to vote to put them in office and make changes in the government that will hurt you and will divide us. 1% of the population shouldn’t be allowed to attack the 99% of the population. Their goal is to steal from us and to enrich themselves.

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You speak truth, thank you

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Offensive. Despicable. Gutter trash.

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Now foreign spies can become citizens for less than covert residency would cost. Wonderful.

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Can he really just sell these? Doesn't there need to be a bill in congress?

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Again, he doesn’t care, and neither do any elected Repugs

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“Animal Farm”, some of us are more equal than others.

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The"Gold Card" is a truly sickening development. (as is everything trump does...) I really love your passion and look forward to your posts every day. Is there any way you could change the Marilyn Monroe poster in the background? I am such a loyal follower and seeing the black and white graphic image of Marilyn every day is kind of distracting.

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He’s going to sell our country to Putin!!

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