Steve... You must issue an apology...MSNBC has ripped the banality and lying of FOX and Tucker Carlson hour after hour.. starting with Way Too Early and Morning Joe, hour after hour to midnight... Joy Reid, Lawrence O’Donnell, Ari Melber, Rachel Maddow and all others have done a fabulous job of slamming FOX and the Australian that runs the business, his sons and administrative staff...there are no exceptions. The MSNBC effort is spectacular.

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Steve Nicolle Wallace is doing a really good job. I do lay a great deal of this at the feet of McConnell. He could have stopped most of this, but could not rise to meet the moment. He took a pass and here we are. There are others, but McConnell knew, as did others, but as a leader, McConnell hung the American people out to dry.

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The only small issue I have with this and every other writing about these liars and the damage they cause, is that people keep calling them Fox ‘news.’

I refuse to call them anything but Fox Propaganda, which is their only business since they first went on air. They are the Propaganda arm of the Republican Party, spewing lies and ignorance, stoking fear and hatred in their constituents. Always have been, always will be, until they’re gone.

It’s what Fox television was created for and it’s all they’ve ever done. The fact they have a spot on the White House Press Corp does not make them legitimate “news.”

Roger Ailes, may he rot in hell, wanted a channel Republican voters could turn to and have “their thinking done for them.” And that’s exactly what they’ve done for over 30+ years.

And the state of this country is what we have to show for it.

Rupert Murdoch should be held liable, should have his citizenship revoked and him along with his sadistic son, be booted from this country.

Don’t know and don’t care where they’d go; Australia and the UK don’t want them, that’s for damn sure.

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Check My Ads Institute does great work. I recommend checking them out. They've been quite effective to date. They're now taking aim against Fox. Fox has to be stopped. I'm not accepting that it's hopeless, as your piece today suggests. Great piece though. Very clear and strong.

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My question is how and why in the middle of a lawsuit, is tucker allowed by Murdoch to lie this week about the J^ footage?

Also, I really wish you would write about what is going on with education now at the college level, in FL but expanding to other states

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We, as the grass roots, need a plan. How can we bed rein them in? FCC? More suits of of actual malice? Justice department on incitement charges? We need a legal brain trust with psychologist and sociologists input working on this 24/7. We also need a rapid response team to call them out instantly. Let’s get organized.

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It is all quite simply mind blowing but it is always there. Humanity's four fires of greed, hatred, ignorance and delusion have been, and always will be present. They are currently a raging fire in our country but how many of us realize this? Not enough I am quite sure. Thank you Steve, please keep up your powerful warnings to us.

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Yes to all of the above. The Republicans in the Congress suddenly speaking against Fox News yesterday? Too little, too late. Were it not for Speaker Nancy Pelosi, there would not have been even a January 6 Committee investigation. Were it not that two Republicans stood up and against the weakness and destructive nature of their own party by not going along with the fraudulent claim that the 2020 election was illegitimate, a moral illegitimacy for all to see on a daily basis since Donald Trump entered the White House and eroded one by one the tenets of democracy along with his egregious attack on the Constitution of the United States, the Democratic Party would have been devoured by the Murdoch Dynasty. We shall see what will happen at the White House Correspondents Association, if they will actually be pressured by the news media to repudiate Fox News or will the news media continue to benefit from Trump being the center of all discussion and moral outcry without the claws that come with it.

Fox News is a sensationalist propaganda outlet and its viewers are hooked to it like any other vice that overwhelms the human system by incapacitating its ability to break free. Tucker Carlson is so open when hidden from such an audience, so frail that he needs the studio lights to energize his incompetence, because, when closeted, he actually hates Donald Trump passionately! The toxicity of the Exxon Valdez disaster is everywhere Donald Trump thrives. Money rules. In politics and corporative power. What America needs now is the Rule of Character, the ultimate move that will demand a separation in the Republican Party and the Republicans who give it its name. Republicans in power must be willing to put power aside and show that their oath to the Constitution is their belief in the democracy that America stands for, not the extremism that has overtaken it.

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I still can't wrap my mind around Tucker Carlson and the other Fox liars. They know they're lying. They must know they're hurting people's health with the covid related lies and hurting our country with the insurrection and cover-up lies. They must be money addicts, plus some kompromat somewhere in the mix for some of Murdoch and his crew. Should we not only be thinking that they are MAGA propaganda, but also an arm of Russian propaganda? I think that's the right frame. The president needs to, at somguye point soon, declare to the American people that were under attack from Russia (and other countries) in a war of disinformation. Pier Giles, an English Russian disinformation expert and author of the new book "Russia's War with Everybody," says this is an essential step in fighting a disinformation attack. Other countries' leaders have done this. After I read his book, I'll know where. I assume it's in countries like Estonia.

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The only way to truly hold FNC accountable is to go after their money. Greed is all the Murdochs care about so if you go after companies who advertise on FNC and start giving them bad press they may pull their ads off FNC. Perhaps if enough advertisers leave FNC it will hurt Ruppert's pocketbook enough to fire Tucker Carlson. It worked once before when they got rid of Bill O'Reilly. The Murdochs will never change without incentive. Perhaps, if we get enough companies to pull their ads from FNC it will force Murdoch's hand.

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Steve, what is the deep business relationship between CBS, NBC and ABC on one hand, and Fox on the other?

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Steve, can you explain the Federal Communications Commission's Fairness Doctrine that was repealed in 1987. From what I understand, when this was repealed it ushered in the beginning of the party polarization we have now. Why aren't new bills proposed by our Dem lawmakers to reinstate something similar that also applies to cable, satellite and internet? A news station that is repeating lies or not correcting lies should be against the law.

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The 4 horsemen/women of the Apocalypse: Haberman, Carlson, Hannity and Trump.

Is it possible to shame them all so seriously that they cave or quit in disgrace?

That's a tough challenge when dealing with people who CAN'T be shamed

Haberman, who I have particular contempt for, was complicit in Trump's ascendence, writing 54 columns about "her emails" and never once mentioning Trump's mob ties which were well known in NYC. 7-8 years later, she and Trump still reach other via speed dial, she's got a gig on CNN, wrote a book and probably has another one coming to aid and abet his 2024 run.

Her mother still does work for the Kushners.

Why does she still have a job?

She clearly prioritized her own career and money over her own dignity and proper journalistic responsibilities, and today she's still skulking around, sniffing his ample orange a**, looking to print more Trumplandia bullshit..


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First, shout out for your words in Monday’s writing, “A bloated Norma Desmond!” Made my week!

Senator Mitch McConnell is responsible for eight years of intentional, ruinous mayhem caused by the twice impeached Donald Trump.

The Senator stands complicit for both the demise of democracy and factious behaviors. History will not be kind.

Senator McConnell turned away from his leadership responsibility to preserve his own power and financial gain.

Hearing the word, “mistaken,” from the lips of Senator McConnell is way too late.

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Come on! Everybody!

Fox is “Every Night Live”

Don’t you know they are all actors!

It’s a Show!

It’s a Script! It’s a play!

The American naïveté on lack of knowledge of what’s Propaganda and what is truth and news is absolutely stunning!

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One of the best books I ever read was "The Fan Man" by William Kotzwinkle. There is one chapter where the main character — Horse Badorties — utters a single word over and over again: "dorky dorky dorky dorky dorky…"

Picking up on that theme, and applying it to the "news" media, where Steve rightly contends that none of the networks will ever "come down" on any of their "brethren", I offer the following: "eyeballs eyeballs eyeballs eyeballs eyeballs……."

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