The nauseating delusions of grandeur from the Orange Hitler. NEVER EVER AGAIN

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Wow. Another brilliant #SchmidtStorm Steve!! Mark Levin is a sycophantic POS. Thanks for listening to all that garbage so we dont have to. Ready to hit the home stretch of the campaign with bells on. Got my magnet on my car, have been donating money and have signed up for online Training classes with the Dems!! Fired UP and ready to Go!!! 💙🇺🇸💙

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Very well done piece. It's such a refreshing contrast to the MSM to hear the words "imbecile" and "idiot" used to describe Trump. Direct and to the point.

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High school name calling from the underdeveloped vile left. Yeah, that is impressive.

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Pot calling the kettle black?

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Frank is apparently unaware that referring to us as the "underdeveloped vile left" while condemning our side for name calling is a self-indictment that renders his point meaningless.

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These ascriptions apropos Trump are not the smears, calumnies and Orwellian doublethink that you and your shared psychotic MAGA cohort performatively practice, Lee. Steve’s words are descriptive modifiers that reflect and express objective facts and states of affairs. Apparently you have not proceeded far enough in your treatment protocol at the psychiatric in-patient facility to learn how to discern the difference, eh?

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Much more impressive than desecrating Arlington National Cemetery with Trump and his goons who physically assaulted an Army employee? Right Frank?

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As you engage in high school name calling ... genius ...

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Every time I hear him describe another person he debases them, as he did Vice President Harris in that interview. That is a tell all day long. Such a petty, sick, weak man who will never step foot into the oval office again. We just cannot elect him again.

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He is everything you say about him and more. Please continue to bang this drum and rid America of the these asshats. Well done Steve.

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It was in no way an ‘interview.’ It was a free advertisement, presented as truth. FoxNews should be investigated by the FCC. It is simply not worthy of a broadcasting license.

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Steve, please name the Trump operative who assaulted the Army member at graveside in the especially hallowed section of Arlington. The media won't do it, you stated. Please tell us who the guilty Trump employee was. Thank you for your terrific analysis and reporting.

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Pure Powerful Excellence, Steve! Way to keep hitting hard! Thank You!

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November 5th is Garbage Collection Day. No need to separate recyclables. Everything MAGA in the trash bin and then to the curb. Thank you for performing your civic duty.

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Trump can ONLY take “soft ball” questions. He has no idea how to answer a serious question about a serious issue! Duh! And that who is running for President from the MAGA Party! GOP is over and out. A very sad, pathetic scene! VOTE Blue from bottom to top! Comma la!

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I am shocked, shocked I say, Fox propaganda not only feeds Trump easy answer to questions but they also try to feed him the right answers. Sorry Rupert, your propagandists missed the mark the people know who Donald is. We rejected him after he ruined our economy drove inflation through the roof in 2019 because of his terrible COVID response by telling the people to inject bleach as a cure. He further sewed doubt in the vaccines that would have saved more lives but his cowardice was evident and he rejected science for the most extreme snake oil medicines and cures that enriched a few of his grifter friends that peddled conspiracy theories. No, there is no resurrecting Donald so billionaires can get more tax breaks. We have all seen this movie before and didn't like it the last time. I am voting for transparency not for conspiracy theories. Besides Donald has another engagement, in the court of law that he tried to subvert.

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How anyone can believe this moron should be anywhere near the Oval Office and have access to nuclear codes is beyond me.

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Mark Levin is a shrieking harridan and smelly sack of crap. Try listening to him pontificating - oh that voice is worse than nails on a chalk board. And if he considers himself a lawyer, how can he let TFG say some of the things he did - it's OK to interfere in an election and all the other garbage he spews. No challenges at all. I didn't watch it, so I thank you for watching it so I didn't have to. It must have been painful...

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Levin is a constant presence on Truth Social, where he posts nothing but sycophantic, Trump pumping, seditious garbage. That is likely what bought him the Trump "interview".

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Levin did everything but kiss Trump! 🤮🤮🤮

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Some in the media, like the NY Times, spent a lot of time snd energy going after Joe Biden. Why wouldn’t they make a similar effort to get rid of Donald Trump, someone known to be a lawbreaker, a cheat and a Putin Puppet? Something is very wrong here. No one is fooled by the occasional editorial.

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No. No one is fooled by the double standard the corporate media is blatantly using

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