You’re one of those stars in the darkness, Steve. Thank you for helping me to not completely despair. And not give up.

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This is powerful. So much that we need to remember, and that so many have forgotten. Will the Americans of today fall for the restoration of TikTok like so much modern day bread and circuses, and ignore the horror that is gnawing at the very foundation of their republic?

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yes, yes they will.

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There are many creators on TT who are trying like hell to inform their audiences of the truth. Jessica Valenti keeps us informed every day about the attacks against women’s reproductive freedom.

Good Trouble, another creator, takes on the maga creators & their lies & debunks them with cogent arguments of truth.

I’m not claiming that the platform isn’t a threat because of it’s Chinese ownership, but it certainly is not the only sm platform that is a threat; they all are if they remain unregulated.

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49.9% of the Electorate may have voted for this schmuck, but NOT the “country”.

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True, and so many of those people were gullible enough to believe the false promises of a shyster. We'll see what tune they carry when reality hits them. And it will.

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Sooooooo gullible. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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I’m just at a loss for words to describe this moment, we are the ones that have to oppose this, we were chosen to oppose this mess. Related , i remember reading black Elk Speaks, and reading about the Ghost Dance. Thank you, Steve.

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Magnificent column, Steve. I’m enlightened. AND inspired.

Believing is seeing.

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We made a considered decision to avoid any tv or radio that allows him on their show for the balance of at least 2 years. Need to detox. Skipped the sham inauguration. Enjoying several shows we’d missed over time. But completely off News except to support our local newspaper. Strictly local. No more WAPO or NY Times. Life is good so far! Avoidance is not all bad.

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We need to keep an eye on the enemy's movements as did the American committees of correspondence kept their eyes on British movements. Watch the newspapers for hints on what's coming at us.

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In December Don Jr purchased "hunting land" in Maine 35 miles from the Canadian border from the family of the Republican candidate who had just lost the Congressional election. Will it be used for a detention center for immigrants or perhaps as a launching pad for some type of military incursion into Canada?

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Ditto in this Canadian household. Read Substacks most of the day. Very interesting political viewpoints being discussed. I’ll have to be more circumspect when the time comes to renew, as I’m at the max of what I can afford for this type of publication.

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Joan, don't give in to the dispair. We need to keep fighting, if not we have ourselves to blame. Just wanted to share a little fellow sister support.

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Engaging with your local government is the best expression of democracy.

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Steve: You are one hell of a writer and you never cease to amaze me!

I think,however, that we are looking for something concrete that we can do. I feel powerless in the face of all this garbage.

Is the Democratic leadership ever going to speak to us?? I have been waiting in vain.


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The Democratic leadership keeps on overwhelming us with their shallow repetitive questionnaires followed by appeals for money. If you want to do something concrete then form a small discussion group of 6 to 10 people who are seriously concerned about the arrival of Fascism. These groups should meet regularly to keep abreast of the news. Ideally, many such groups may eventually reach out to one another and form a network.

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Clarissa makes good suggestions below. I would add speak up in letters to your local paper. While we all enjoy Steve’s blasts, I think of them as the coach’s pep talks to the team. In our letters and conversations to the public, I humbly suggest a more generous tone…. “I understand your anger at the status quo, but let me suggest that you have been conned by a master con artist. For example…, etc”. Pick one of his lies at a time and show the contrast to what he actually does. Keep it simple. No, don’t say you can’t write! Try to make it like a simple explanation to a child.

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The biggest action I think we can take:

1. Do not watch corporate media, depend on independent writers for information.

2. Delete FB and X accounts.

3. Never buy Tesla or Starlink products.

4. Shop local instead of Walmart.

In otherwords, every rich elite in his realm, dont do anything that makes them profits. This includes anything Trvmp sells.

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Gerry: Here's what I've done. 1) I started sending out links to my various substracks (Steve's included) to a few friends via email (about 6 or 7 friends). I didn't inundate them, just sent ones that I'd thought were particularly good. 2) These friends replied, positively, and three or four signed up to various substacks 3) I've posted my list of substacks to my personal FB page as an "offering" to my friends that the first step is to be informed and the second is to pass on information (not mis or disinformation) to be part of the opposition. Through my engagement with my circle, I'm seeing them gradually coming out of their fetal position and becoming more engaged.

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The orange scourge WANTS us to feel powerless and defeated. We cannot forget that for all the bluster, much of what its "leader" PROCLAIMS he will do, he never does or is thwarted from doing. Just keeping an eye on the "proclamations" is a start to "doing something". If nothing else, for every new horrible thing that's tossed at us, we all need to continue to loudly ask "But what all the things you "promised" to do for those of us (many of whom even jumped ship to vote for you) wanted: lower prices for eggs & other groceries, etc etc etc." HOLD HIS FEET TO THE FIRE. Something else we can each do: keep an eye on those US Senate and House reps to see who IS doing things to fight back. Support them. Send your questions, your ideas, your encouragement, - and yes, your dollars to help them stay visible to the general public as part of a better "ongoing" campaign effort, etc. We'll start to see who might be rising up as a key leader. Do it at the state level too. (It will also be interesting to watch the in-fighting that has been developing....bannon vs. musk and others, musk's efforts to be the top dog -- vivek has already departed the scene! zook trying desperately to swim with the sharks ... they are going to eat themselves up and may end up creating a useful implosion.)

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Your suggestions are many but they share a common theme: That theme is what you can do as an individual. But we are a social species. We want to do things together. Surely, we regular people can do things together. The politicians had their chances but they blinked as the Fascists among us started challenging our Constitution. Without an intact Constitution setting limits on those who are destroying Rule by Law we will degenerate to just another Autocracy (or Dictatorship).

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Steve has, in fact, encouraged us to find at least one other person in your community who believes as you do, & then work with that person to grow your group to at least 8-10 people.

Meet regularly to decide what to do locally. Perhaps attend city council meetings together, as a group. Assign each member one area of local & state govt to monitor & report back to your group.

Steve hasn’t ever promoted working alone.

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I have always been an avid reader of History, and it has been a great way of protecting my Mental and Physical Health. History is another beneficial factor of Knowledge is truth to Power. I love Ken Burns and bought his album of historical pictures. We have to keep Exposing LIAR, Convict, Traitor, Loser, Moron Trump for the Sick Clown he is!

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To be clear, only 63.9% of potential voters saw fit to participate in the democracy that ensures, for the moment, their right to vote; 49.9% of them chose to destroy that very democracy. For that, blame is shared by the Repugnican Party, an unaccountably somnolent Democratic Party, and a criminally insipid corporate media. Fat takers at every turn. They have all generously shown us who and what they are. We fail to believe them at our peril.

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You are an inspiring and well informed source for all of us. Thank you for caring and writing.

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Look. I heard what he said. I understand what he said. It is a comfort to hear that others heard and understood the same thing. I appreciate your bringing information to us that we cannot receive elsewhere. I appreciate that there are no lies here. Increasingly I am feeling scolded and reprimanded, and accused by you, however. Maybe I’m just too raw. You do know, dont you, that you are preaching to the choir? You do know that we agree with you? You do know that we are desperate for answers and leadership? I am NOT asking you to make us feel better but to be more focused about what and how to do. Am I missing this? AITAH??

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Connie, I think we are all feeling a bit bruised and broken right now now. Steve’s admonishments can feel harsh. His plaintive cries to rally the demoralized troops are pointed at Democrats who are still reeling from defeat. It does sometimes feel like he blames the Democrats more than Republicans, which I reject. Though I will say we were naive to think the truth would save us when we failed to listen to the frustrations of working Americans. The soaring stock market did nothing to help them/us pay for groceries or housing.

Steve’s style is harsh, his intentions are good however and his insights invaluable. Hang in there when you can, turn it off when you can’t. Take care, it’s going to be a long 4 years.

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Thank you for your comments Diane. I am at my lowest point. There are days when I don’t leave the house and I don’t know what to do. to hear the tone of Steve’s voice the accusations it’s just more than I can bear. I speak up when I can. I try to convince other people I write letters it’s all to avail. Nobody wants to hear this message and I have yet to receive the standard form letter response from any of my state delegates. I think I will have to take a break from this Substack for a bit, but there’s enough reason in me to wonder if in fact, Steve is driving others away as well. Others that would take some kind of action singularly or collectively, but don’t because we don’t hear the instruction. I am ready to charge but no one is raising a sword and giving the order

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Thank you for speaking your truth. Our physical and mental health is our foremost responsibility. Everything else follows.

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Connie, appreciating your heart. If you are not already aware of Dr. Heather Cox Richardson’s: Letters From An American or Joyce Vance’s: Civil Discourse … you might want to check them out. I find both very helpful and empowering.

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There is also Timothy Snyder an eminent European historian. Although he has a PhD and teaches at Yale, he writes clearly, succinctly and on point, and doesn’t come across as someone who sits in an ivory tower.

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Thank you so much. I do listen to Ms Richardson and Timothy Snyder (who actually offers suggestions to promote personal normalcy) but my heart aches for this country. For the million dead soldiers of the Civil War, for the future my grandchildren have lost. I have a much darker theory of the forces that brought us to this point and there is no human solution. It would do no good to share and so I never will. And, not to be flippant but the sun will still come up tomorrow (“After all, tomorrow is another day” 🤣🥴). Yes, the sun will come up, until it doesn’t. Nothing lasts forever.

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Hi to all my fellow downtrodden souls. I somewhat feel your pain.

I think we all have done well to get away from corporate media and start assembling a resistance based on Substack lessons. This is a marathon. It took the opposition 40 years to attain what they now have.

Our country is not going to be " fixed" in a year or two. We can only hope to start turning the big ship in the right direction. As the standard of living in the US starts to decrease, as it is sure to do, we will find like minded resistors exponentially.

In the matter of taking action and what those actions should be.

It will take "all of us" and I dont mean Democrats, there will be a coaltion of every type person in the US ultimately. It will be a freedom coalition.

I dont expect any substack writer, not Steve Schmidt, not Dan Rather, not Mary Trump, not Heather C.R., not Jen Rubin, well... you get the idea. No one person has all the answers. I lean on these substack writers to present historical perspective, sometimes come up with an idea or two, and for moral support. It will take everyone of us to redirect the current governmental systm. Imo it is unfair to look at one person (writer, politician, whatever) and ask them What should we be doing? If we needed to be spoon fed, then we could just be Maga. Did Ben Franklin ask what action should I take? Did MLK? Did JFK?

Everyone please grow a set, yes, all us women too. This is going to be a long and hard resistance. Let's take the first steps.

I have mentioned before, one step is to not purchase/support ANYTHING owned by Musk, Zuck, Bezos, VR et al. My sister thinks Im silly as hell for asking her to cancel Prime.

Well, you get the idea. Here's to a long resistance performance folks, may it be done with a better outcome than we can imagine!

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I'm with you. There needs to be ACTION, not just writing a letter or calling our congresspeople. They are powerless and have offered their voices to the orange one. What CAN be DONE?

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Steve's style may be harsh for some... but I see it and feel it more as a fierce riveting,clear, direct, bold and forceful and right now we must let them move us because our lives depend on it. It's time to find our inner badass people! These bracing and inspiring words satisfy like that sip from that mountain stream, and may shock like that snowball in your face - but let them wake you up, and sink in, or memorize them and make them your prayer each night, and sing them in the shower or your walk! Steve's telling of our true history bring to light what has was buried so that we may now anchor our full understanding for who we have been in the past, and how we recovered. It gives me hope that the truth always comes out- sometimes sooner, sometimes much too late.

It's time take what we know and put it to good use - let these words ignite our passion to do whatever it takes to restore our courage and be relentless, and resolute for anything that can bring forth the shining vision of light we know we aspire to be. In the 1860's and the 1930's things looked impossible too...and now it's on us to trust that we have the tools and conviction to make the revitalization of democracy the "come back" story of this century.

Each of us can choose every day how we want to live, what can we do to make a difference, and ready ourselves to get through this or any storm. There are hundreds of ways to start. Whatever your style or in your own time - choose to do something - anything. It could be small or large, loud and fierce, or a silent mantra when you walk, or nail up a quote on your gate every day. Some people have their little library's or poetry boxes - put up a daily Civics lesson or an inspiring Democracy quote!

Let's start a list:

*(Start small for now, and maybe it's "Hokey" but trust me people like hokey, they remember hokey)

1) Get a Cool sign! Remember those "In Our America ... all people are equal yard signs" ??? So many of us had them on lawns or fences just a few years ago?? They are still made right here in Oregon - look em up again!

2) Let's make a 2025 new sign! let's We can gather our best phrases and create a new one and help it catch on! I know the folks who made the other one and I'd help source any ideas to make some sassy new ones that suddenly appear everywhere by the thousands in neighborhood's all around the country and we can drive them wild.

3) Wear a button to the grocery store! My small button says "Make Fascists Afraid Again." Pin them on your hat, put a couple up on the message board at the post office with a note that says "free freedom buttons"

4) Tie a colored ribbon around your trees or posts! Remember those yellow tree ribbons - We could make a glow in the dark striped one that's Blue and Purple! *Maybe one day walk your favorite path and decorate a few twigs along the way.

5) Make a list of questions to ask the people you know who voted for Dono. Ask them how they feel about Musko, Zucko, and Bezo? I asked questions at a Christmas party this year and it was tough to stomach, but I was able to also offer my POV and continue to talk with them.

6) Connect with those you trust: We can connect here virtually, or in your home towns and safe communities to help invigorate our spirits and support each other to be strong and embody our convictions in a fierce and forceful way... whatever way that feels right for you.

Movements start with a spark and the best ones are grassroots that blossom and flourish as people and institutions replicate, and multiply what is deeply felt and known.

Together we are powerful enough to change the world...and strong enough to show the world how!

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Your list is a good contribution. We need an action plan. I don't know how to brainstorm in a comment thread? My suggestion is we focus on actions that can help us win back the House and Senate in 2026.

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No, you’re not!

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Your powerful words and insights invigorate and strengthen us, Steve. We are with you and will not give up.

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Jd vapid talks about a grey area about the pardons, the guy is so smart he is dumb, i will never forget that.

The orange turd is now using political violence, what?! , what was it when he said to beat the hell out of the guy at the rally 9 years ago, “i’ll pay your legal bills” .

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Smart + sleazy, equals sleazy.

He will not pass this test, he will not be the R nominee

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Points for "Jd Vapid". The "d" was originally for donald but he had it legally changed in 2013 to david. I'm thinking he probably regrets doing that.

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Your sharing of history is so important, and is of value in helping us gain a larger, more universal understanding of what's happening. Knowing and understanding history gives us the insight we need. It provides us with valueable perspective and helps us find needed balance.

Things were never as great as we remember, and very few of our leaders even came close to being saints. Washington, Lincoln, FDR, and more recently perhaps men like Carter and perhaps Biden, were men of character. Their goal was to make the country a better place, and was not personal gain and power.

It's hard to know what lies ahead; we are in some uncharted waters. But your daily perspective is important and we need it, so thanks!

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Truly one of the best, pieces I have read lately. Thank you for your work and service

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What a BRILLIANT piece!! Powerful, honorable, uplifting! Thank you! Terri, below, is right. You are a shining star in the darkness and we cling to you!! Thank you!!!

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