And good thing he has such a giant bottom - they can save time and do a group kiss.

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The balls of that bastard. To show up at the scene of the crime looking to overthrow the government of the United States. And to have a throng of ass kissers there to welcome him in.

The sedionists need to all be run

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Thatโ€™s a certainty! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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Itโ€™s a well known fact among law enforcement, that the perpetrator always returns to the scene of their crime.

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Jun 13Liked by Steve Schmidt

I enjoy seeing you on Scripps News, Steve, and thank you for your service to our country with The Warning.

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The fallout from the conviction/s is really taking a toll on him. The media needs to keep pushing the criminal narrative

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RIGHT! His desperation is nauseating. He thinks he can get his magat

friends in the House to nullify his conviction. Ha!

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The bottom line:"America or Trump". Pure powerful excellence, Steve. Keep hitting hard! Thanks!!!

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Amen! Iโ€™ve been saying what Trump is, a fascist, for months. He MUST be stopped. Also, we must stop allowing the MAGA GOP and Trumpster fire to label themselves โ€œconservativeโ€. If you know the definition of the term conservative and the history behind it, it is the last thing they are. They donโ€™t believe in minimal government, they believe in TOTAL government. A government that controls everything about you- your religion, finances, vocation, sexuality, and perhaps most importantly, your thinking, your thoughts and your beliefs. They are fascists/ authoritarians- totally antithetical to the Foundersโ€™ ideas and why they sought to break from the British empire and its monarchy. And now we have a political candidate that wants to establish himself and his family as our monarchy, dissolving our democracy. Itโ€™s easy to see why Putin and other dictators want so much for Trump to return to the presidency (besides staying out of jail). Heโ€™s just like them in his thinking and he so much wants to be like them.


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I wish someone would ask Trump or one of his coterie, how it happened that Trump initially called the 1/6 insurrectionists members of antifa attempting to undermine him and now calls the convicted felons among them patriots and hostages whom he will pardon when, Jupiter forbid, he returns to the White House. I think I know. His enablers in Congress, Andrew Clyde, MTG, Gaetz, Gosar, et. al. used the "Big Lie" technique constantly employed by their "Chosen One" to convince their gullible minions that they didn't see what they saw. People swarming about the Capitol and climbing up the walls while assaulting police officers were tourists, not interested in jamming up Congress' role in certifying the results of the election, just tourists. What "trumped up" nonsense. I will never understand how so many Americans are fooled by this two-bit con man and the pathetic fools who continue to cling to his coat tails, forgetting that America is a nation ruled by law, not wannabe tyrants, sacrificing love of country and morality on the altar of ambition.

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Congress should be carefulโ€ฆ there are criminal laws that forbid aiding and abetting a felon in the commission of a crime.

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Alito should recuse himself, he should be expelled for corrupt and being unfit to serve because he simply canโ€™t be unbiased

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No silent โ€œmain streamโ€ Republican is any better than Lauren Boebert. The residents of the building must decontaminate it. If they fail to do so, they must be soundly defeated.

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I have no doubt that they strategize on how they will obstruct and interfere with the election.

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Thanks Steve...I lost my mind when he went there today...and he met with the Senate too.. It is a dirty filthy party ..It is no longer the party of Raegan. They make me sick. Who are they ? These are the people who went after Bill Clinton....on and on about him lying under oath about a sexual daliance with an intern. You would think he sent violent followers to the Capital and had them wreck it. Bill had to turn in his law license among other things...besides being shamed continuously..You asked what does the flag mean to me.. I revere it.. I would never disrespect it .. Yet I understand that free speech allows people to do what they want with it. This is what it means to be in a democracy.I was thinking about Trump and his bringing up Hanibal Lecter ...He loved telling the story in 2016 about the scorpion and the frog crossing the river ..The scopion kills the frog once he gets to the other side. .And he always delighted in the last line which was the scorpion said You knew who I was when you helped me.. Trump loves the story because that's him... Now he loves the story that Hannibal invites someone over for dinner...He is telling us that it is ging to be scorched earth...He will do horrible things to perceived enemies.... Finally I have to add if he gets in some of this is going to be Joes fault .

I will not forgive him for not stepping down and givng a younger person a chance...Yes I know we have Joe and I pray he wins...

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A great deal of this is happening because we donโ€™t teach history. This has all happened before, but we have failed our youth by not teaching them of the dangers of extremism.

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The embrace of extremism and the culture of ignorance in this country are a terrible thing to see. The MAGA moron running for Governor of North Carolina has said the reason we fought in Europe in World War 2 was to help the Communists in Russia.

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In my high school history class our teacher asked how many of us had a relative who served in WWII. A question was asked before we responded: do women who served count?

The count of 12/22 was increased by one so 13/22 of us had relatives who served.

We all paid more attention to the lessons and material on WWII after the showing of hands.

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Hi Mr. D., If a subject matter is not made relevant to the students' lives, it becomes 'learn it and forget it.' You had a high school history teacher who understood this. Thanks :-)

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Read โ€œIn the Garden of Beastsโ€ and youโ€™ll see that history is doing its best to repeat itself. https://eriklarsonbooks.com/book/in-the-garden-of-beasts/

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Steve, you have no idea how Iโ€™ve leaned onto your understanding, common sense, and command of the English language. When Trump was elected in 2016, I felt like I was living in Mad Magazine. This just canโ€™t be happening, my mind said. Sometime in there, I began to reading and listening to you. Iโ€™m not overstating it when I say that you got me through it. Just having your voice of reason that I could count on helped me keep steady and believing in the future.

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Lemmings and sheep move in huddled mass, as do led-a-long nincompoops. Outside of their herds, left alone on their own to cope, they quake and shiver. Animals in fear can find comfort in compliance, no matter the shame of the optics.

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OMG there must be a powerful drug in that Kool-aid

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The MAGA Clowns meeting in Washington today remind me of the clowns who gathered together to sign the Tripartite Pact.


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