If Harris or Walz said anything even REMOTELY close to that fake helicopter crash story, the press would have a complete meltdown before savagely and endlessly attacking the Democrat campaign. That is NO exaggeration!

The irony of course is that Trump is always complaining about getting the raw end of the media stick.

Yeah, whatever it takes to distract from the ongoing $10,000,000 Egypt bribery story where Trump almost certainly violated any number of very serious federal laws.

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What happened to that story? $10 million is a lot of cash! The Press got distracted by Gov Walz serving in the Army Reserves for 24 years. Like that was something bad.

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Aug 10·edited Aug 10

The helicopter/Egypt bribe stories absolutely ENDS any other presidential campaign in history. So you have to ask yourself...WHAT THE LIVING FUCK???

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When Mark Robinson was running for Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina, he said this country was absolutely better off when women could not vote. The word absolutely is not my inclusion. It is his word.

He won election with 2,856,000 votes, a margin of 300,000 votes over his female opponent.

At the time I was saying what the living fuck?

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Seriously, i'm adverse to bringing up tbe "paranornal" but ...

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That's true... True Tales.

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My query is why was the media so timid and soft on his overt and reckless lying? When they interviewed Biden the same day, they were talking over each other and wouldn’t let him answer one question before shooting out another. There’s nothing to gain from these events and the flimsy stories they tell afterward. PT Barnum was right about suckers. Murdoch’s stooges need to go, and take him with them.

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If you did not see The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell last night, Thurs, please look for it on YT or listen to it as a podcast. He raked all of the network journalists, including his own employer, over the coals about their timid behavior toward drumph. He called them stupid & compared the way they treated drumph with how disrespectful they were toward Biden; screaming at him like a bunch of starving hyenas fighting over a carcass. He was fantastic.

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Thanks, and yes, I did watch LO. What I am referring to is the people who were present at the press conference and the follow ups of various media outlets in general.

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Aug 9Liked by Steve Schmidt

God, God, what a great The Warning today. I WISH the election would be held tomorrow. It’s THREE months away, and I hope the Kamala momentum doesn’t slow down for a SECOND. Trump is a disgusting, desiccated, terrible person and he has done so much damage to this country and to all of us.

I hope nothing happens to make this corpse rise again from the fetid swamp from which he came. I hope nothing happens to turn the tide and he wins the election.

I admit it. I have a bunker mentality now. The media has been elevating this stench and he has been smearing his hate all over us every day now for NINE YEARS.

I hope Kamala wins in a landslide. We are going to be in trouble even if she does because of the election idiots running the election here in AZ and in other swing states. They will refuse to certify. “Poll watchers” will show up at voting sites ARMED to intimidate voters. It’s going to be a real shitshow. And then I hope to God we are DONE with Donald Trump.

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Thank you Julie for your cogent words!

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That "performance" had DEMENTIA written all over it!!!

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He's holding his story line. I don't think dementia sufferers can lie like that. His mental illness is more severe, and like Steve said, you'll see the madness bloom. Real dementia would be more peaceful. Trump will be like a bag with a hornets nest inside, boiling. Will the avid supporters know when to let go, before they hurt a lot of people? That's to be seen.

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Oh yeah.

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Aug 9Liked by Steve Schmidt

Thank You Steve ....Excellent !!! You took down Norma and Lawrence O"Donnell took down the press who were at the Mar a Lago press conference.. He was right too... I can just imagine them going after Kamala all breathless and screaming at her. Not one of them went after Trump and his sick lies... But what really gets me is all the people that support Norma that don't break the law ...Who are they ? They are my neighbors and I want to put them in the hot seat and say what is it you love about Norma ? what ? I mean no self respecting person could support him.. As a democrat I was losing my mind with Joe . And he's not a criminal just a guy who needed to step aside ..I never watch FOX or any right wing ourlets because it's a pointless exercise ....but maybe if I did I would find out what my neighbors are

seeing that makes them want the orange one. Thank God for the WARNING ..it's nice to hear a guy from New Jersey say get the fuck outta here . I'm from New York and I hear New Yorkers say that too. Really hopeful from the edge.

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Keep the faith sane patriotic Americans! We need to win by such a large margin that even though the MAGAts will try, even at the Supreme Court level, President Biden can right any wrong with ironically the new powers the Fascist Six of the Court gave to Trump!!!

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Aug 10Liked by Steve Schmidt

Say it, brother! Your confidence brings me as much joy as the Harris-Walz ticket. Not sure how to preepare for the aftermath of violence and cheating when Trump loses, but hopefully, clearer heads (Biden and good, honest governors) will prevail.

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Aug 9Liked by Steve Schmidt

As always, Steve, brilliant articulation of current politics. Buckle up! 🙏🏻

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Keep that New Jersey dialect coming Steve, because it's quick, clear, bottom line, and it reminds me of home.

If Trump had done nothing but invest the 400+ million his dad gave him in an S&P 500 Index fund, he would have been a very rich man today. He still could have had his gold toilet and we could have been spared his racist, misogynistic, self-aggrandizing behavior.

But no. Narcissism wrecked that for us all.

Even Trump's supporters don't understand they've been victimized by this man. They are flying monkeys, some of whom will never have a moment of clarity. And if Trump loses, they will believe the next "lost cause" narrative.

But lose he must.

May our invigorated movement led by Harris/Walz deliver that loss right on time.

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All I can say is WOW!

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Aug 11Liked by Steve Schmidt

"It's always darkest before it's completely black" - what a great quote... obvious, yet prescient : )

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Me again...THAT was no press conference! The members of the press in attendance did not do much in the way of following up. They seemed so passive to me.

Specific questions, asking for details and not letting him get away with the MLK comment or the Mephipristone (SP?) non-answer, were just allowed to stand. What are they so afraid of?


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I know I wondered the same thing ..why do they let him get away with the craziness... Maybe the press is tired too ...who knows..they can't be that thin skinned that they are afaid that he will insult them can they....

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I think maybe they are warned ahead of time that if they push back too hard trying to get him to actually answer a question, they will be promptly removed from the room & perhaps denied any future access to Der Fuhrer. If that happened their corporate bosses, who are ALL drumph supporters, would probably fire them; because god forbid they lose access to all those clicks & eyeballs that put money in their pockets. It’s disgusting.

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Want some hopium? Here goes- Trump has become so completely deranged, and in such nasty and racist ways, that only JD and the most extremist elements of MAGA world...think Stephen Miller, Charlie Kirk, Rudy G., etc are willing to speak out in full throated support of TFG. If we can get just a couple of respected "Republicans", folks like, Rubio, Cotton or Haley, to come out against Trump he and his movement/cult would likely be politically disappeared... forever. Lets hope.

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They won’t do that. When Nikki caved, the last hope for any kind of Republican integrity flopped to the floor next to her, and they’re all shining Trump’s shoes with their eyebrows.

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Even more pernicious than Trump’s subversion of democracy is his psychotic discombobulation and usurpation of objective reality. The spread of his psychotic contagion is worse than the metastasis of Covid which, ironically, his sociopathic denial of and indifference to potentiated its carnage and long-term effects.

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Dear Steve and Warning Advocates,

It is time that we ALL stop being apathetic and complicit with giving attention and silent affirmation to Trump's narcissistic, yes, but entirely successful and audaciously mezmerizing, bullying of the American people.

He is completely convinced that the American people will pay attention to his lies because he has hypnotized all of us with his ability to talk boldly and with loud and passionate expression of his total bullshit. He knows all he has is bullshit and he is completely comfortable wasting our precious time throwing it in our faces because we are all putting up with it by silently, in real time, just looking at him as he treats all of us like stupid idiots who he believes will vote for his lunacy.

The NABJ participants in Chicago just sat quietly, without protest, to Trump call Rachel Scott rude. Where was their suppoer for their colleague? Martin Luther King cannot have died in vain. He would not have believed that a room full of Black journalists would allow such a low level of disrespect to people who still, after all of the work he has done, know that they have to fight every day for equality. Where were their voices? Loud and clear? Where was their support for their own self-respect?

We can no longer allow Trump to waste our time disrespecting us to our faces. Journalists can no longer just fact-check Trump behind his face. He must be silenced face-to-face, live, in real time, every time, at every opportunity, with fact-checking, and push back. Journalists can no longer support Trump with their silent complicity as they listen to him, while later, in their offices, criticizing him, after he has completely demeaned our American democracy.

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I beg to disagree, those journalists in the audience did shout their disapproval at Trump when he called Ms Scott rude. They shouted their anger & disapproval at numerous gross things he said, I heard them.

Other than jumping up on the stage & punching the fool, what more did you want them to do? Remember he has SS protection standing very nearby who wouldn’t hesitate to shoot a Black man attempting to rush at him.

I suppose they could have stood up en masse & left the room? There were some who registered their protest ahead of time against him even being invited, one of them resigning her position on the board.

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In a stunning show of momentum, Kamala now leads the Fascist Twins in three key states: Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. (Siena Poll).

November 5th is also Garbage Collection Day. Out you go MAGA.

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