Oct 4·edited Oct 4

A brilliant post that should be published widely in schools, newspapers, and social media and read aloud in congress.

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Yes Max...this was extremely well written & I must save this somehow

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Brilliant analysis Steve! My deceased Uncle Gene helped liberate NAZI concentration camps and after General Eisenhower toured one camp he issued an order to round up the local German citizens to be forced to tour what their “blindness” had wrought. Traitor Trump has already stated there will be mass deportations and if you think he will stop at illegal immigrants you will be sadly mistaken when they come for us Democrats! I signed up this morning to send postcards to potential Democrat voters in my home state of AZ. I have given a lot of monies to VP Harris as well as Democrats all over the USA! I consider it an investment in the future of a free USA! The time is short and we must win! I want my granddaughter who is due in 2 weeks and will be my first grandchild to grow up in a democracy!!!

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Welcome to your darling granddaughter, Mark Lee. That is perspective!

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Thanks Lisa! Little Elizabeth will be coming to our house for day care starting in January and I told my wife I am altering my work schedule to take care of her two days a week!

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Welcome Elizabeth 💙 we will all vote to protect her bodily freedom. Bless you for being part of her care. Grandpas are an essential part of the picture ❤️

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Thanks Bobbi! Today, Morning Joe on MSNBC said Harris was lagging behind a bit with men over 60? Project 2025 will gut social security and medicare! Do these older men want their grandchildren to grow up in a dictatorship run by a demented clown?

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We can only hope not! Congratulations on Sweet little Elizabeth! Love to hear that Gandpa is looking forward to helping out!

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Congratulations on your new Granddaughter Mark!! ❤️🎉 You're starting her out right on Morning Joe too. 😆 🤣

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How beautiful! She is already so loved! She is a treasure -and the future :-)

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Thanks Lisa! I am looking forward to meeting her in 12 days from now!

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Liz Cheney gave a substantive, emotional but controlled, sincere and heartfelt speech in Ripon, Wisconsin at the Harris rally, the site of the founding of the Republican party in 1854. She made several critical points. Trump is not a Republican; he hijacked the party and is using it to achieve his personal goals: more power, wealth, and adoration. He has no regard for the rule of law, our Constitution or governmental norms. She underscored the threat to democracy he represents by vividly outlining his illegal and violent efforts to stay in power against the will of the people. She strongly endorsed the Harris campaign and pointed out that country and allegiance to our Constitution, rule of law, and norms must take precedence over party affiliation in the face of the grave threat to our way of life that Trump and Maga represent.

What a marvelous, admirable woman she is. She will be revered in the future. Cruz, Rubio, Graham, Greene, Stefanik, Gaetz and their ilk will be forever reviled.

People like Pence and Romney need to step up if they want their legacy to be positive. To remain “above the fray” is the same as helping in Trump’s efforts to destroy our country.

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Well, Said Anthony! I wholeheartedly agree.

Trump is not a Republican but a self-dealing con man serving his party of one. Trump is not a Christian, but he does arrogantly preach to anyone who does not serve his individual will to go forth and "hate one another." Trump is not a Patriot. He puts the safety and care for our Country last. If elected, he would quickly dispose of our legal system and government's somewhat democratic framework and replace it with a personal throne and scepter.

I hope we will view Kamala's and Tim's election as the beginning of the end of this 50-year fascist movement.

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I agree with you; our governement is only "somewhar democratic." We need to eliminate the electoral college, pass legislation to remove federal judges, including SCOTUS justices, by petition and popular vote (recall), and represent states in the Senate according to population. You could keep the Senate at 100 by guarateeing each state at least one representative and assigning two or three to the more populated states. Also, we need to reverse Citizens United and institute public financing of elected officials at all levels.

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Excellent list of items to eliminate....but Dems have to stop being timid about altering long lasting traditions....

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Agree, agree, agree! Somehow concentrated money and political power needs to be circumscribed to prevent endless delays by individuals and parties that can afford endless appeals on specious grounds to delay and so subvert justice.

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Yes yes yes to all of the above!!!!

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Great post. Thank you so much.

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I had never heard this story during WWII and it brought me to tears in recalling the coming together of our Charlottesville clergy, from all denominations, after the 2017 United the Right Rally, when we were were targeted by the far right invaders. Our congregation held a service the following weekend, attended by many Christians. It is comforting to know that our country is not as divided as trump portrays it, and that we are all Americans, who stand together when necessary. Liz Cheney is an exemplar of that fact. Great piece, Steve.

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What a fantastic read this was.

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The supreme irony of American Jewish life is that, if there's ANYPLACE where it's relatively safe to be Jewish, it's here. Than you for that beautiful story about the actions of Master Sgt Edmonds at Stalag IX-B, who saved 300 of us and then never even spoke a word about it after the war. Very timely this close to the election, but also timely to hear during the Days of Repentance between Rosh Hashonah and Yom Kippur. I'm going to say Yizkor for him every Yom Kippur for the rest of my life; in saving 300 of us, he saved us all.

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As a Jew in the Marine Corps in the late 60's it was a little difficult for an 18 yo exposed to some of the worst anti-semitism. It has never stopped over my lifetime but at 74, I'm tempered

and wise enough to pick and choose battles. I'm not a cynic but I've been around a bit to know it'll never end. And I say Yizkor as well.

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Outstanding...a compelling commentary and an historic document for the ages. Thanks for your bright light, Steve!

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"What matters around Liz Cheney’s endorsement isn’t the political impact, but the moral force of the argument that has forged a political coalition big enough to include Bernie Sanders and Dick Cheney. What could possibly be so powerful and so unifying that it could conceivably accommodate such divergences in opinion?"

The media continues to miss all the important points. Their false equivalences are an insult to all who are choosing honor above fealty.

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Roderick Edmunds’ bravery stands in stunning contrast to the cowardice of Republican “leaders” who in this moment are called to do far, far less. Tim Miller’s brilliant, scathing piece in Morning Shots today and this compelling post summarize the extent and impact of a rot we thought impossible in contemporary America. How bad is it? Police and Firefighters unions are declining to endorse either candidate, a non-stance that functionally endorses Tr*mp. We have seen the enemy, and he is us.

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Oct 4·edited Oct 5

My mistake: it’s the Teamsters, not the Police, who have withheld their endorsement. The Police have endorsed Tr*mp, thereby demonstrating a disappointing disdain for law and order and members of their brotherhood.

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This piece of brilliant writing should be praised and published for all who call ourselves American to read and internalize!

Thank you!

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

"What could possibly be so powerful and so unifying that it could conceivably accommodate such divergences in opinion? What cause could be so great and important that people who see the world so differently and disagree on so much could be so united on something so fundamental?" Brilliant, thought provoking comment. Thank you

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Very Brilliant and Beautiful!

Steve can really write ! So powerful!

Made me cry, again!

Keep on keeping on, Brother!

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Stand in the Light. And the Light is NOT in the tRump candidacy. Please think carefully before voting.

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Unfortunately political reporters do not have a fraction of the historical knowledge that you have Steve. If they did they would perhaps understand the similarities to Germany beginning in 1933 with the present and could understand the grave risk Donald Trump poses. Instead he is treated as just another Republican politician running for President.

There were only 2 people in the Republican Congress, Liz Cheney and Adam Kissinger, who not only recognized the looming danger of Trump but came forward, spoke out and sacrificed their careers and indeed put their life and the lives of their families at risk for a greater and essential cause. Others may have recognized the danger of Trump but did not have the courage or strength of character to put the greater good, democracy, over their political aspirations. History will remember the cowards and honor the brave.

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Brilliant essay, Steve. When I cast my ballot on Tuesday Oct 8th when early voting begins in Ohio, I will be voting for democracy in honor of Sgt. Edmonds.

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"Trump has held and is holding a gun to America’s head." That is the hard-hitting truth.

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