Dan Rather 'Steady' substack Aug 1: "Today represents an indictment of all who validated his vile indulgences, whitewashed his wantonness, disguised his depravity, legitimized his lawlessness, and acquiesced to his autocracy." ; "Special Counsel Jack Smith seems to have a meticulousness that matches Trump’s recklessness." May justice prevail over the worst criminal in U.S. history.

Thank you, Steve Schmidt, for your relentless fight against MAGA and for protecting our country.

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Thank you, Lisa, for giving us Dan Rather's words.

And yes, Steve is waging the relentless fight against relentless, debauched, dangerous evil.

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I read Mr. Rather’s words. They were spot on. Thank you for sharing them here.

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023

Thank you for the long John Adams section.

Three thoughts from yesterday: 1. Not a day for rejoicing but of solemnity 2. That all are equal before the law 3. That each is responsible for their own actions

I heard the arguments last PM that the charges violate First Amendment free speech (wrong) and that there is nothing illegal about fake electors ( wrong again)

Arraignment is scheduled for tomorrow. Glad Congress is home and DC is quiet

This is the first. Let us see who else is indicted in the coming days quiet for August

Now we wait for Georgia

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Georgia is important. Trump can’t pardon himself from state convictions.

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The Sheriff of Fulton County says that trump will be treated exactly like any other indicted person: mug shot, handcuffs (I think), the works.

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I have been thinking about Jack Smith and his team. Last night I wondered how they felt. How the burden of their findings, their moral compass led them to this historic moment. I would guess that Jack and his team members never dreamed that they would be indicting a former President of the US. I thought about their families, their close friends. I also thought of them as kids, riding bikes, doing what kids do. Their lives leading to this moment in time, this step that will remain a part of the history of this country. It is remarkable and I am so grateful for them.

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So true Susan. This is not just a group of folks just doing their jobs. Far beyond that. These are elite Statesmen and women. They are the cream at the top and I am moved by what they’ve done.

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I so agree, and thought the same of the House Committee members last summer. Statesmen and women of the highest order. I watched every minute of it. The trial of Donald Trump should be televised….

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I am moved also by Jack Smith and his team. Courage under fire.

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I thought about Jack Smith in particular. He seemed nervous at this announcement and I don’t blame him. I wonder if he realizes that so many of us are counting on his expertise? Regardless, what he is doing carries enormous weight.

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I also noticed his anxiety, although it eased after the first few sentences. That really touched me.

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Pondering moral compass = the law. Significant overlap, of course….

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I never ever laughed off what we saw because the actions at the Chicago rally in about March 2016, going after a woman in the crowd evidenced to me that nature of the candidacy. He was setting up, well before November 2016, doubts about the credibility of our institutions. Reading it in a single 45 pages, however, remains tragic, depressing yet courageous and more vital than much else we can do as a people. Everyone EVERYONE is subject to the rule of law.

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No Justice...No Peace.

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What do you say in response to the sick little tyrant trying to destroy our democracy to stroke his fragile ego? a public stoning is too good for this piece of shit. But his case I would be all for an exception

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Thanks Steve. Trump, with the help of many others and probably most of the voting population of the Republican Party, tried to be King of the United States. He with the help of others incited an attack on our capital which caused the death and injury of our police. But, our Republic still stands, shaky but standing. Everyone, including US senators who supported the assault must be tried for their crimes against the American people. Once that is done I and I suppose most of us will feel justice has been served. Trump and his companions belong behind bars. And elected officials who supported that insurrection must be stripped of their office at the very least. Wasn't John Adams the one who said, "you have a republic if you can keep it".

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Thanks Robbie.

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023

On a related point, maybe it's time for a constitutional amendment to eliminate or limit presidential pardon powers. While that might sound impossible in this hyper partisan congress, I don't think it would be a hard sell to the public at large. Furthermore, Republicans can champion this under the phony pretense of stopping the "Biden Crime Family" as a way to enable their real objective, which is a one way ticket to Palookaville for Donald Trump, once and for all.

I don't remember benign cases of presidential pardon powers in my lifetime, only the notorious ones: Ford's pardon of Nixon, Clinton's pardon of Rich, and Trump's pardon of Bannon, Manafort, Stone, Flynn, and other miscreants.

On the face of it, why should we allow our judicial system to be short-circuited by the wants and whims of one individual? Perhaps we should limit this exercise of presidential pardon power to the Thanksgiving turkey.

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Right On! Thanks.

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At the VERY least: take away a President's power to pardon himself!!! I've been certain for the past three years that the reason the orange sadist is SO determined to get back in office is so that he can pardon himself. Fortunately for us, he CANNOT pardon himself in non-federal courts (think GA, NY).

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Steve, even though I’ve believed Trump to be highly unethical, criminal and unscrupulous, I don’t think I had quite realized how extremely dangerous he is! There nothing he won’t do to get what he wants, while blaming others for his deeds! It’s my sincere hope that he’s tried, convicted and sentenced to prison time. I wish too that his unconditional support group (cult) would finally come to their senses!

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And what amplifies his dangerousness is mental disorder(s). This is frightening.

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There is zero doubt in my heart, soul and mind, that the republican party in its entirety — which includes thrice indicted Donald Trump — remains a clear and present danger to the Constitution, the People of the United States, and the world. It must be defeated the way the nazis were defeated. The force to be used must be the vote. And it must be used by Democrats, Liberals, Progressives and Independents with the power of a sledgehammer.

There can be no passengers in this war for the preservation of an American Democracy. Everyone of us need to be on board and make the choice. Either we will support the candidates of the Democratic Party — with all flaws, but with the knowledge that they will support, preserve and protect the Constitution of the United States. The other choice is to terminate the republic and Democracy and live in a Hitlarian-like kleptocracy. If you are staying home on election day, voting for a third-party candidate — you are mathematically supporting the end of the republic, and Trump.

We can all do what we want. We can vote for anyone, write in anyone, or choose to stay home. The vote in a democracy is sacred. But for those on the fence because Biden is too old, or you didn't get everything you wanted in his first term — there remains a mathematical reality that cannot be escaped. A vote for anyone other than Biden, other than the Democrat for House or Senate — is a vote to terminate the American experiment, and destroy the shining city on the hill.

The battle of 2020 is not over because we failed to terminate the threat. almost every republican everywhere in this nation remains in complete and total adulation for their hitlarian wannabe. He remains a threat and as their standard-bearer the entire party must be handed an electoral defeat at every single level of government.

Our message must translate every election day — not just once every 4 years or for midterms. Nothing short of our very life depends on getting behind Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and our slate of candidates.


Biden/Harris have done a TON of positive for the People work. As usual, the messaging from Democrats remains "soft," but if you look at the accomplishments, there is a great deal to be proud of. I certainly am!

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Great comments! Inspiringly conclusive at this point in time and succinct! Thank you Andre.

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Andre, this is very motivating and beautifully written -thanks.

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Waiting for yesterday's indictment almost felt like watching grass grow, but with a layer if anxiety covering each blade with morning dew. Deep inhale and exhale allowed for a momentary pause. Then the realization that the trial schedule will determine when and if trump will be held accountable before 11/24.

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After reading your column, one thought came to mind. "The Truth will set you free." It is righteous when you have truth on your side. It is evil when you proceed knowing the truth and disregard it for self grandiosity. This is what Trump did. He knew the truth and used his power of office to defraud the American public. He went further and spread those lies and corrupted average citizen to wage insurrection against their country. He has co- conspirators and they will also have their day in court. However, it is right to proceed with just one defendant. Furthermore, it should be televised so the American public can learn firsthand of the case against Donald J Trump. He is not a king or even a president. He is a citizen of the United States and will be able to defend the charges against him in a court of law. Not a court of opinion but a court of law like any other citizen of our great country. Truth will set you free. Free from bondage from lies of men who sought power instead of justice.

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"Not a court of opinion but a court of law like any other citizen of our great country." Brilliant, Patrick!

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Yes, Bull's Eye Brilliant: "Not a court of opinion but a court of law like any other citizen of our great country."

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Given that the Presidential oath is included in the Constitution, shouldn’t we the people, via lawsuit, sue Donald Trump for violating his oath and demand that the correction for that damage not be monetary but that he can no longer serve in any position of power in this country, including and especially President of the United States, for the remainder of his life, because he violated that oath. It seems incumbent on us to do that.

And now, as the Monty Pythons might say, something completely different: Is there a particular forum for subscribers to pose questions for “Ask Me Anything”? Or do we do it right here?

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I have wondered about the possibility of such a “public“ sueing. Isn’t that the same as the government, in the end? Since they represent us?

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Cool, maybe a conviction will remind people that using your power to tell lies is illegal and there are consequences. As a society, we seemed to have forgotten this. Nixon lied and was forced to resign. Reagan, Clinton and W lied to us without the same repercussions. We ended up with Trump, who lied nonstop. We need to restore honor to the institution or we are doomed. That goes beyond the lawsuit. It will require the public to hold the liars accountable, no matter what political party you belong to.

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Very interesting points of view from Steve Schmidt today, as usual. We are living in a perilous time, through no fault of our own for the most part. Despite the impeccable work of Jack Smith and his team, the irrational, self-absorbed, ego-driven, and corrupt "reign" of tfg and the complicity of his minions threaten just about everything we believe in. We all read our US history in high school and in university. We read about Benedict Arnold's betrayal. I;ve been tempted to compare that to tfg's betrayal but realize how wrong-headed such a comparison would be. I imagine that Benedict Arnold betrayed this country because he must have felt loyalty, a sense of duty, to the Crown and to Great Britain...so be it, and his name has no honor among us. Tfg, on the other hand, is proving himself to be far worse than Benedict Arnold was. Tfg's reasons for his terrible actions and their terrifying implications for our country are evidence of his well-documented selfishness, boorishness, lack of true leadership experience and skills, and his obvious intention to run this country like his own poorly managed businesses. If elected again, he will do to this country what he did in Atlantic City, but when he does so, it is we who will pay the piper. He bankrupted his casinos, (Taj Mahal, for example) and made millions from it. As he said in 2016, unabashedly, "The money I took out of there was incredible."

If elected again, rtfg will run this country into the ground. All the way. And you and I will foot the bill for as long as we live.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

I can’t help but think about all the people from all walks of life, that stood up over the past 8 years to do what they thought they could to hold on to this democracy. Each person, from Comey, Mueller, McCain, both House Impeachment Committees, Pelosi, Michael Cohen, Dr. Fauci, Indivisible organizers, Lincoln Project, MeidasTouch, Capitol Police, Liz Cheney, Jan 6 House Committee, Joe Biden, election volunteers, journalists, a few GOP politicians that spoke truth to power, former White House employees & so many more, stepped up to do what they felt was right. Each person, facing tremendous hardship, including death threats, did their bit. Alone, these things appeared to be insignificant. During this time over a million Americans died as our healthcare system fought a pandemic without the guidance, support & leadership of the Presidency. But, the cockroach continued. And more Americans stood up to do what they could. Journalists reported. Democrats, Independents & MAGA voted. Enter Jack Smith. I believe that all of the people that pitched in, in their own way, got us to this indictment. I remember Steve telling the story of his daughter & a few of her friends going online & signing up for tickets to all the GOP rallies with no intention of attending. Apparently this was a huge thing high school kids were doing. Kids, found a way to do something to slow down the madness without resorting to violence. Sure, it seems as if nothing can kill the cockroach or his following. Don’t forget, their are more of us.

It goes without saying we have a long way to go. What I’m going to continue to do is keep abreast of all court proceedings, campaign strategies & Biden’s successes so I can be a resource for my family & friends. I’m retired & have the time. This community has really been helpful & a source of inspiration. Huge thanks to Steve for this space, his articles, humor/wisdom. He was the first person I noticed, at the national level, that stood up to take on the cockroach. I will never forget it. I could not believe djt was elected President. Did people not see the grifter? Was I losing my mind? What happened? Then Steve’s mug was on tv & I turned up the volume. Ever the professional, he validated my thought processes. I was still a registered Rep. at that time so his words& presence were influential to me. It was like his hand came out of that huge tv, slapped me across the face & yelled, “Get out of bed & get a plan together! Remember when you were a high school American history teacher & you told your kids, if they don’t like something about their govt it was up to them to change it.” And that is what I did. Nothing big. But, millions of people doing what they can as long as needed, that can move mountains. That can get rid of the cockroach & his friends.

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