Vote! Not 80+ million. Vote 90, or 100 million strong in ‘24. Kill this monster with our votes.

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But what happens when voters in some states vote decidedly and overwhelmingly against Trump and then individual state legislatures ignore the popular vote and send their own slate of Trump electors to the electoral college and the hard right US Supreme Court decides in these legislatures favor?

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Dana, I could be wrong, and I hope that it's never put to the test, but I just don't think that even this right-wing Supreme Court would do what you're suggesting. 1st, at least some of the Fake Electors are under investigation facing criminal charges, which I'm certain are forthcoming. This will, I believe, dissuade others from attempting it. Then, it's notable to me that when The Supreme Court could have given Trump an opening by validating his appeal on the 2020 Election in 2021, they voted 8-1 against it; the one being the execrable Clarence Thomas, of course. I'm not worried about the SCOTUS come 2024. I'm more worried about those of us opposed to Trump not being energized to turn out, because either they don't recognize the threat, or they're so put off by Biden's age. But, at this point, I'm still fairly confident that Biden will win against whomever Republicans put forward, especially if it's Trump. I'm not that impressed with current polling showing Trump with a significant lead, because right now it's hypothetical. But if the match up became real I'm certain that faced with another Trump presidency most people would vote for Biden, just like in 2020.

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I agree. But the voter suppression tricks are being put into place in ways that will be especially hard to mitigate. We are going to have to work the polls like beavers.

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Absolutely. I sure hope the DNC and the state parties are working together and focused like a laser on training poll watchers and recruiting poll watchers to work the elections. They need to know basic election law and what to look out for. They need to know their rights under state laws, how to challenge, and who to call when they suspect something. We need to work with the the all the state Bar Associations and recruit lawyers to be on standby for election night shenanigans . I have worked as an official poll watcher and it takes a lot of work to prepare for this and you can not wait until the week before the election to try and do all this.

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As for me, I will never vote for a Republican in my lifetime. Most importantly, I will never understand the lying, cheating and the corruption that happens to be the worst we have seen(though, I believe some will always be there) THIS was the worst... and it continues. Get rid of all of them. NOW.

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I appreciate your optimism Andrew and I hope and pray that you’re right about the high court.

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The MAGA game plan

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That’s the issue at hand.

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While I would hope that the supremes wouldn't let the legislatures simply override the voters, remember that these guys are "originalists." Look at the original constitution: senators were specifically elected by state legislatures. It took the 17th Amendment to change that. I can see this court saying "well, if you don't like the independent legislature doctrine, pass an amendment."

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It’s all we’ve got.

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Well said as always but I don’t think Trump’s main goal in running is political. He never cared for the job when he had it: it was too hard, too much work and detail and focus required. He wants to be President again only to save his sorry hide from all the crimes he has committed that will put the treasonous narcissist in prison. I hope his orange jumpsuit is being fitted for him right now - counting on ya, Fanni Willis and Jack Smith. Counting on ya. And please take his enablers out with him.

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Right, the work of President was not the goal, the trappings of the job are the allure. Gold curtains, showing off his signature like a first grade refrigerator art show these are his goals. Me a star!!! They let you grabum . Why are Americans so ready to bite the apple and lose the garden of Eden, America??

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@James Towner .. +1. .. Agreed. .. My In-law's residing in Germany ask a similar question; To that we have no answer. .. We've scratched our heads ever since Trump's 2016 candidate escalator performance. .. This con-artist, P.O.S. has nothing to listen too. ..

Fellow American's: Register and Vote. .. Cheers, Vail, Colorado

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Wow James Towner you nailed

It perfectly … truly don’t get it

Why Are Americans willing to

Let go of our freedom and the garden of Eden ? Hugs,Marsha

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Pat blessings for your thoughtfulness my heartfelt

Thank you🌹Marsha

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I respectfully disagree. Yes, he wants to avoid prison - desperately - but the presidency wasn’t too much work for Trump. Why? He never worked. Everything he did or said was seat of the pants. He didn’t read anything. He didn’t learn anything. And he loved the trappings of the office. The pomp. The circumstance. The bowing and scraping of sycophants. The marine one helicopter at his beck and call. All of it. Loved it.

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And don't forget the grift - the one that taught me the meaning of the word "emoluments".

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I’m sure Fanni and Jack never dreamed they would be in this position and yet here we are and their is a horrible burden and great expectations that had been thrust upon their shoulders of saving our Republic.

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Not a burden! It is a honor to take down the threat to American democracy and the souls of the American people.

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You nailed it, Laura! My reaction egggggsactly! And may those rotten eggs take the Orange Monster DOWN!! Fanni and Jack, may the wind be at your back! ;)

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Laura Schaible .. please let us know

Fanni Willis and Jack Smith please

You must summon your own courage and resolve to go after this bastard for destroying our pillars of

Democracy I always believed this is

The greatest and only country in the entire world people could come

Study get degrees and then choose to stay and work hard and build the dream of a freedom like no where else in the world and maybe because of Covid and all of us more

Aware of our fragile health with the pandemics we are more focused…

The mNRA Vaccine was a miracle

We Can work together We Can Live

Peacefully Respecting ALL Faiths

Christian is one but not above all others BESIDE and Equal …Respect

We can learn from each other

Love each other’s dignity.. Our

Country was founded on the


This is why in my training to be a pastoral care Hospice Counselor

I’m trained to pray the prayers of

Each patients faith silently or aloud

But respectfully showing dignity


I live and aspire to show kindness

Empathy and love ..then Choose carefully to surround myself with

Giving gentle heart felt loving souls

This is why I pray our citizens wake

Up to the Reality All Could be Lost

We Must Seriously Devote Time & Ourselves to Save America, Marsha

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As they say, “right on” as you pretty much summed up what the rest of us are feeling about the train wreck that CNN engineered with Trumps big political rally on the air. I’m still stunned at what happened and shaken to the core with what turned out to be a massive failure and another blow below the belt for broadcast journalism in the era of Trumpism in America.

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Thanks for another insightful piece. I stopped watching CNN years ago and this travesty just confirmed my decision. I now will never click on its website. The silver lining is that Trump's statements during the Town Hall likely will get him in more legal hot water. According to former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirchner: "CNN decided to give Donald Trump a microphone and a platform to spout his endless lies. During the course of the town hall meeting, Donald Trump gave prosecutors and plaintiffs directly incriminating evidence that undoubtedly will be used against him in future prosecutions."

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I thought I couldn't loathe him more...until I read this essay. I loathe him more than I did before.

I would love to be a person who says that I don't hate anyone. I am sorry, I do hate Donald Trump. I feel like the nameless voices of Rs who say they are just waiting for him to die.

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I am aware of how corrosive hating is to the hater, and yet I hate Donald Trump with every fibre of my being. I've just accepted that I'm going to continue to hate him... It is, as they say, what it is.

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Thanks, I am glad I am not alone.

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Unfortunately, Trumpism is alive and well and will endure past his demise. But not to have to see or hear him would be a major relief.

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Everyday I wake up with the hope he has died. God forgive me, but it is true.

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The Book of Job comes to mind. Man is tested by God and the Devil. Thanatos in Civilization and Its Discontents by Sigmund Freud. We’ve met the enemy in Manchester, New Hampshire. We experienced the enemy. Death to our Republic in Manchester on CNN. MSM created this monster. Entertainment is the enemy and Trump is loved by the white mob assembled by CNN. Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC reacted. He was accurate.

The Manchester Mob of CNN is the message. Trump’s love of Putin and his dislike of Zelenskyy and Ukrainians is classic fascism. His antisemitism is repulsive and dangerous and the CNN mob loved it and loved him.

DOJ’s Jack Smith and other prosecutors will prosecute, charge, try, convict and sentence Trump et al - or Putin and totalitarianism wins.

A Republic if you can keep it, said Ben Franklin.

Can we? Court is out. I have known survivors of Auschwitz and the Death March in the Philippines.

This is the ball game. And it’s the last of the 9th.

Everything is on the line. We are the frog 🐸 in the water rising to boil.

Manchester New Hampshire is the Republican Party, the mob of Hitler.

Where are the Democrats, where are the good guys?

I am sick with worry. Is democracy a short sale? Are we finished?

Steve, are we in the majority? Can decency prevail?

Is our experiment going to work?

Thucydides understood Sparta and Athens and reported on Pericles Oration.

Who will report on us?

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History.... unless the books are burned......

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Well said Sandy 👍🙏

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Once again, thank you for giving words to a phenomenon that's been and is happening.

"Whatever Trump’s crowd may be like one-on-one is besides the point. It is their collective intent and their leader’s malice that are the issue. It always has been, and it always will be." It's too easy for individuals to give away their agency for a collective, malevolent cause.

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I agree. What sickens me the most is that I know that CNN's "rally for DJT's base" will lead to more mass shootings. More American citizens will be slaughtered, including our little CHILDREN who are in school, where they should be safe. This collective intent leads to murder. Horrifying. They must be stopped -desperate times called for desperate measures.

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Lisa love your concern for the children.. I’m right beside you

Feeling the same concerns🌹

Angel Blessings, hugs,Marsha

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Those who ride the back of a tiger often end up inside...

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@Dana Buckingham ... No truer words.. Cheers,

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Both analogies are spot on Steve. CNN should be ashamed but the head of CNN has already said he is proud of Kaitlin Smith and doubled down saying "America was served well by this town hall".

We are in for more blatant, out in the open, far right, nazi extremism. Wasting no time, the Reawaken America tour is this weekend hosted by Eric Trump and his wife. They and a host of former Trump officials AND pro nazis will convene for God knows what, today and tomorrow. Here is Rachel Maddow's breakdown of this meeting on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Onh42TXYYtk&t=128s

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Wow, I have really missed Rachael!! Her message is really, really horrifying, disturbing, and real. Not a Steven King novel, but a fore shadowing of another “in cold blood” Truman Capote book. If you are called to action... we’ll get on board. We are at risk

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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023

I'm so sorry about the state of affairs down there in the US. And so fearful of the spread north, which may or may not happen (successfully - as it's on its way). Am a 20C historian by training and the US situation always reminds me of the DC Holocaust Museum's exhibit of the endless of scroll of Jewish rights being removed - maybe Jews could no longer drive on Tuesdays - oh well, there were still other days. Maybe they couldn't subscribe to a newspaper on Thursdays - oh well, at least they could read it on Monday. The boiled frog approach. In the US it's gerrymandering, redistricting. Lordy, it's birth control now - how bananas is that! I've made this Holocaust scroll comment so many times over the years on so many sites and it kills me that I still think of this exhibit all the time and frankly, I've got faith in the young 'uns but know there's a tough road ahead in the meantime and one that honestly, I'm relieved I'll not live through. How could Margaret Atwood have been so prescient? Boggles the mind.

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Some of us are not running away from anything. We are not descendants of fearful people. It is now our turn to do our part in saving our republic from forces both foreign and domestic.

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May 13, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

Steve - I love your analogy and this one was excellent !! My experience watching the town hall became very dark and twisted in a hurry.  I  instantly understood what was happening.  It made my blood boil.  I started thinking about the movie Conspiracy with Kenneth Branaugh, Stanley Tucci, and Colin Forth.  My God - I felt so manipulated  - as if CNN shoved me into a boxcar headed for extermination along with thousands of other American citizens.  How many CNN executives, investors, or whoever the hell is behind all of this sat in a room like Hitler's generals and came up with this plan?  Who listens to this and does not STAND up and say STOP?  

This entire evening was the most disturbing thing I have watched since Jan 6 riots.  Giving this insane man the spotlight was unforgivable.  Listening to Trump and his plans to continue to destroy our democracy is like hearing fingernails scrap over a blackboard.  I can't handle 5 minutes of him.

Watching his endless joy as the audience fawned all over him was disgusting.  He gloated over his role in the Roe vs. Wade decision &  how he would end the Ukraine/Russia war,  The separation of families at the border.  Shocking !!   My God the impact on young women's lives as he works to "finish the job" on the abortion decision and ends NATO and gives Ukraine to Russia.  Immigration - separation of families. Pardon Jan 6 rioters. Good Lord. And then to top it all off Chris Licht has the nerve to scold viewers for not liking or understanding the need to put this on the air.  And he then used one of his star women anchors to do his dirty work.   THAT !!!  is abusive.   And Anderson Cooper - WTH. Get out of that boxcar before it's too late.

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Deb, your comment speaks my mind so well -thank you!

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Deb bless your synopsis this is

Hell on earth and why aren’t people in the house and Senate Both Parties and all Governors ✅

Condemning this fiasco????

Bless you for Writing! Marsha

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Unfortunately, as you all know, presidential elections are won or lost in a small number states by razor thin margins. Until we eliminate the electoral college, we now get to face the very real prospect of a fascist - Trump, DeSantis, pick your poison - winning the presidency every four years. It’s mind blowing and exhausting.

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It makes a lot of fearful and poorly educated people stick their head in the sand and pretend the danger will just go away.

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Exactly. For news networks it's not the "red" or "blue" but about green money. Entertainment , slapstick sell. Many don't want to leave the comfort of funny web videos showing fuzzy cats or jerks failing homemade challenges. Dems are seen as party poopers - lamenting the enviorment, taking our gas fueled beloved autos, welcoming destitutes over the southern border, and allowing women and minorities to claim equality. Today the lifeboats are filled with white men armed and sharing locker room jokes. No thinkers allowed.

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One of your best, Steve! Your analogies are stark, riveting. Will they move your readers (including me) to use every muscle in our bodies to crawl across the flooded, splintered deck to save ourselves and others? The lifeboat is there but can we summon the strength to run to safety? Can we rise above the crush of looming authoritarianism to turn words into action?

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They aren't called the Cretin news Network for no reason.

The good news is, E. Jean Carroll is ready with a third defamation suit, one that will include WBD honcho David Zaslav and major WBD stockholder John Malone - who ordered CNN to "become more Republican-friendly" as well as collection of clucks at CNN, and Trump, whose defamation they all enabled.

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Trumps first act in office will be to fire everyone in the justice department, including the FBI and dismantle our institutions. Nobody will stop him. He’ll appoint an acting Attorney General that will do what he asks. There is already a Schedule F plan to dismantle the “administrative state”. This is not hyperbolic speculation. It’s what they want to do. It’s scary and conceivable.

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