I’ve been predicting a blue wave, because I believe you and so many others can and will break through. Yet I read the polls and nobody seems to be paying attention and all they care about is the price of groceries and brown people.

How can he still be polling at a point or so around Biden.

What do we need to do? Are we preaching to the choir? It is frightening how impoverished intellectually the voters are!

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Ok 24 hours later feeling better.

0% inflation for May portends 2 rate cuts this fall.

So maybe the wave is still coming 🤞

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As a Vietnam Vet I'm at the end of my patience and forbearance with these people. There is the axiom of diminishing returns but it appears its lying will never stop. After a week at Normandy, how can these fascist swine continue to lie when the lies go over the top. Yes, there is no bottom, no critical thought or empathy. Just utter, willful ignorance. As I watched the ceremonies at the landing beaches I didn't see or hear one of the fascist congresspeople, thank Dog. Many of Steve's readers have probably walked through the American cemetery at Colville. If your knees haven't buckled at the site then something's wrong. It is a gutpunch at the entry into that very hallowed ground knowing these guys had their lives taken from them. They gave their Last Full Devotion and yet are mocked.

For me there should be an imperative: that all Americans should walk through that cemetery and remember that the lives lost gave successive generations the greatest opportunity which is freedom. Currently we are a nation suffering from amnesia. I'm exhausted from all the violent rhetoric and violence around the globe. I'm gettin' too old for this shit. Thank you for your indulgence.

US Marine Corps 1968 (RVN)

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Against that war but when drafted, served honorably.

US Army, 1967 (RVN)

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Like when we lose an election, we accept the result.

It's what we do that makes us a democratic republic, that makes us Americans.

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Thank you 🙏🏻. All wars are hell, but the Viet Nam war was especially egregious because it gained nothing & lost so much. I am of that generation. Many ppl that I grew up with either didn’t return or, if they did, were terribly psychologically damaged. It was a terrible time.

Today is another terrible time where we are in extreme danger of losing our democracy.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15

My dad was in the 3rd wave at Normandy on D-Day. He was 17 years old. The men & 4 women buried in the American cemetery in Normandy wanted to fight for our country - they didn’t shirk their sacred obligation to protect democracy in the world, including our own. Tremendous respect for all our warriors (except that guy in Vietnam who was accused of war crimes - and Trump held him high, praised him). Trump has an uncanny knack of connecting with the worst of the worst. I’m worried - but we women are furious at SCOTUS (another bunch of lying extremists!). We must vote, vote big, and VOTE BLUE! 💙 P.S. My dad passed away in 2021 at age 96. He had a Navy-themed blanket from my cousin on him as he was dying. He was prouder of his service in Europe & the Pacific than most anything else in his 96 years!

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Your message is written with clarity. Greatly appreciated.

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You are so right! We all must vote Blue!

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I believe in the American people. Biden/Harris will win. It’s not over until the fat lady sings.

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There are 50-60 million Americans who are gaslit and conditioned. They may be lost forever. The challenge is to get the folks who are still reachable..the 10 or 15 million..to understand the facts. It is up to all of us to make sure that happens.

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I’m trying, but I can’t even get my younger sister & my nephew to see the truth. It just kills me.

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The Dems need to get strong in messaging to voters. Don’t drone on about policy but talk about hope and change and democracy. This election is about if you’ll have future elections. The Dem campaign needs to hire or consult with Steve Schmidt, Rick Wilson, George Conway, The Lincoln Project to improve messaging. Talking about policy only makes listeners sleepy. We need to appeal to voters emotions.

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Donald Trump needs to be living in a prison cell with no contact to ANY MEDIA or anyone involved with spreading his propaganda.

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I want trump removed from the campaign as ge is now a convicted felon. Why can't this be done. I know the Constitution does not mention it, but REALLY . COMMON SENSE LEGISLATION?! CAN'T we control our own sanity? Felons are not allowed to vote, but a convicted felon can run for President and Cannot vote for himself. It is beyond absurd. Help!

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Straight on fascist propaganda. Anyone who believes his lies is out of touch with reality, courtesy Fox news, Qanon. and a lot more, including those running the corporate media, who are afraid to tell the straight on truth and lose viewership and money.

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Thank You Steve...when he said that about John McCain you can see that he really meant it..it wasn't one of his Walter Mitty makie uppee moments.. It was horrible.. It has been said many times that he didn't want to go to Normandy because his hair would get wet.. I think it was in Carol Leonnig and Phil Ruckers book that he also didn't want to go because he couldn't go by helicopter due to bad weather. He didn't want to take the long drive.. John Kelly and his aid didn't want him to go at that point and agreed he should stay behind. Can you blame General Kelly ?What is absolutely horrifying and terrifying is all the people who believe all these lies . They are fine with the things he says and does. One of my friends that I had to let go of said to me about 1/6 He waited to long to tell them to leave. I said he told them to go there..She sees all the things he does and says but somehow she excuses it.... Yet she is a person who believes in law and order.. I do hope the American people see what is on the line...

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I do find his language about immigrants and the January 6 hooligans to be very concerning. Rounding up the former, perhaps at gunpoint, and giving praise to the latter, is poison.

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The Trump republicans know they can’t win a fair election. They know they are not even a majority of this country. Their engine runs on hate, bigotry, chaos and scapegoating.

They all have to be made accountable for their actions. Donald Trump has to put out in the light of day and confronted with his lies. Until this is done, people will believe him. The only thing that keeps him afloat is Joe Biden. Frail , non aggressive, can’t campaign and can’t make his message believable. The only thing going for the Democrats is Trump’s lack of character . The gaslit Americans are not going to be swayed.

Republicans are going to disqualify as many democrats from voting as possible. The will send goons to polling places to intimidate voters. State legislators will nullify the state’s vote if they don’t like the outcome. All of this will be enforced by the Supreme Court. Don’t forget the misinformation campaigns by Russia, China and others to affect the outcome.

Biden will have to have a super majority to win. But winning the election will not be the end because Trump and his band of patriots will not accept it.

Someone competent needs to run Biden’s campaign before it’s too late.

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I believe you are correct. Whomever is in charge of the Biden/Harris campaign, they are failing miserably. The campaign must get more aggressive & forceful. They must listen to Rick Wilson & Steve Schmidt immediately

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I have preached and practiced nonviolence my entire life but harbor one exceptional, fervent wish that one of those fed up Veterans whom Trump has so cruelly and psychotically dishonored manages to land a wicked punch that breaks this Bozo bully’s orange nose into smithereens.

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Genuine patriots march to a different drummer than incipient Republican fascists goose-stepping in America. I dance to the joyous, mellifluous bebob riffs of Thelonious Monk, while MAGA martinets genuflect to the dour, apocalyptic dirge of Felonious Trump.

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The question has been posed by me before and I will continue to ask it.

What country are you living in??

There is zero indication of a blue wave which will save the Biden presidency and the republic from the Neo-Fascists that support Trump. An extremist right wing tsunami is engulfing Western Europe and it is building across this nation. Make no mistake about it.

Biden should never have sought a second term at his age. The battle to defend our democracy needed to be fought by a younger,

more energetic and more charismatic candidate who could unite the opposition to right wing extremism. His candidacy is a high wire act fraught with monumental risk, not just for this republic, but for the entire world.

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I could not disagree more. Biden is exactly the man, and the president, we need. He has strengthened NATO, is addressing climate change (not enough but still more than any prior admin), has pulled the economy back from Trump's disastrous tax cuts without causing a recessing, and was spectacularly successful passing legislation. Why would his age be more important than his competence and accomplishments?

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Thank you Sabrina!

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It’s not the MESSAGE. It’s the MESSENGER. That is the key issue. I strongly suggest that you read “ Ruth Bader Biden “, in the latest issue of The Atlantic by Mark Leibovich. A concise argument that hits the nail on the head.

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Well Mark, we can fret about Biden’s age or we can get behind him….it’s pretty simple. One thing is for certain…we just have to get out and vote. Perhaps Americans are watching and listening but don’t want to get into the pig sty to wrestle with MAGA. I’m still hopeful that we will put Trump’s political career to an end and the trials will move forward and he will pay dearly for January 6th and for selling stolen classified documents. Fingers crossed Mark!

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Fingers crossed AND doing the work. Especially, in swing states. Many ways and tools to donate, write postcards, etc etc. I know I want to feel that I did all I could.

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This is how I feel. And also I try, through friendly persuasion, to get people to vote for Biden. And also for Josh Stein in North Carolina.

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Thank you for mentioning contributing to Democratic congressmen and women and senators in the swing states. It’s very important in this election.

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I would like a reporter to ask some or many of the Jan 6 insurrectionists what they think would have happened had they found Mike Pence, or maybe Nancy Pelosi, or Mitt Romney, or any other official.

Would they be alive today? I'll bet the answer is no. And then make a commercial featuring THAT. The difference between 9-11 and Jan 6 is results, not intentions.

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Shortly after 1/6, Trump claimed the insurrectionists were antifa and other left-wing groups attempting to undermine him, knowing he would be blamed as it certainly seemed (as it was) a final attempt to keep himself in office by halting Congressional certification of the election, part of the Green Bay Sweep, the plan Peter Navarro explained so well on Ari Melber's "The Beat." As Trump's lickspittle supporters in Congress and the general population began to accept and promulgate the story that the insurrectionists were tourists and, for the most part peaceful protesters, Trump and his brainwashed minions came to accept them as their own and deserving of a presidential pardon as they were magically transformed into hostages rather than convicted felons.

How any decent clear-thinking American can not see through the Trump-MAGA BS will always be a mystery to me.

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