Blueprint for Failure? Blueprint for Embezzlement? Blueprint for Dictator? Blueprint for maximum Personal profit?

Wake up MAGA Land - now that he's drained your bank accounts, he needs to go to the US Treasury and steal anything that isn't locked up and sent to Lard a MAGA down in Florida.

There are not enough descriptive swear words to describe this miserable piece of shit.

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No f'ing shit!!!

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Let’s be honest. Trump himself has no plans other than the moment it enters his head and leaves through his mouth as quick as it came. In a few moments he won’t even remember what he said.

The 2025 plan and all the anti democratic plans are being drafted and vetted by organizations called Heritage and Federalist and other patriotic names that are anything but patriotic. They wrap themselves in a flag to trick the gullible lemmings who are too caught up in the mass delusion that Trump cares or will fight for anyone other than himself, so they believe it also benefits them.

Trump will simply be told they have something in it for him and he’ll sign them. They will even give him the words to say.

Democracy will be over and the cult will wake up from their “wet dream” to find that all they did was urinate the bed. Too late for all of us.

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TFG is just a useful idiot. He has zero understanding of the history of the US, the tenets that we ascribe to, those ideas and principles that have guided our nation for nearly 250 years. What a crime that so many are ignorant of our history and willing to be led asunder by a complete idiot who is guided by the steven millers of the world. I despair.

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Terrifying. Everyone vote, contribute, and share!

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Third election in a row with Trump on the ballot. A nation of over 300 million can do better than this buffoon.

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Apparently not!

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Frank is likely a troll. If not, he is an embarrassment.

Anyway..we may look back on that Time interview transcript as Trumps "Mein Kampf".

Steve is 100 percent right when he says that everyone needs to be aware of what we are facing. And to the MAGA rally goers and Trump train riders I say....

Do you really want Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller running our country? Do you want to see military convoys rolling down your main st.? You have had your fun. Good for you. But, the game is over now. Things are serious. Stop being obtuse/clueless and get with the program re saving our Republic.

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Apr 30Liked by Steve Schmidt

The Warning indeed. Thank you Steve, for calling attention to the Time article, for shouting as loud as possible what Trump's nightmare will be. Published now in Time Magazine, It is far from a secret. If elected, which I hope to god he is not, no one can say we weren't warned. P.S. Also appreciate the Bad Faith recommendation--a powerful and important documentary.

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May 1Liked by Steve Schmidt

thanks, Steve. I miss you being on MSNBC. I served in the Army in the wind down of Vietnam, but was not stationed in harm's way. Okinawa 30 months. Then S. Korea for my last 15.5 months. I take being a Veteran seriously. Thanks for doing this. I shared your msg with about 30 friends and Vets. Hope some subscribe. I yield back my time. Good luck to us all.

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Thank you for joining our community, and more importantly, for your service.


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May 1Liked by Steve Schmidt

Color me weird, but like many of us, we don't want to be thanked. But to you I'll say thanks. I'm happy you're doing your podcast.

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Thanks for this latest post, Steve. It caused me to ignore my budget, a subscribe, or should I say resubscribe!

We must all pull together to get every voter to save our country by voting BLUE. This may be anathema to Republicans , but the alternative , putting trump back to destroy our country , is even worse. We must continue to show the world, our country, every Congress member how much we value our Democratic principles:

Separation of Church and State

Our system of checks and balances

Our bicameral system..not party over country.

That no one is above the law.

That we wish to move forward as a country, not backwards.

That ,if rules are broken, there will be accountability and consequences.

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Thank you for your support, and totally agree with all of these principles.


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Thank you as always Steve. Keep shouting it from the rooftops!! We must stop this horrible person from ever returning to power!!

Also thank you for reminding us of the horrific debacle of Viet Nam and the horrible price so many of our Vets paid and some continue to pay. May we never ever forget the price of War altho I think our Leaders sure could use a refresher course that's for damn sure!!!


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america wake up!!!!!!!!

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Traitors, Liars trump, greene, comer, huckabee for prison 2024!! vote blue!

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In Germany of the 1930s, while Hitler had his brown shirts that intimidated, threatened, and beat up those the Nazis despised (Jews, Communists, etc), that’s not the way he attained the Chancellorship. It was handed to him as a political bargain by the German elites/aristocracy (Hindenburg and Von Papen especially). The German wealthy elites thought they could control Hitler and his small rabble political party of Nazis and then do business with Hitler. They committed a fatal error of misjudging and underestimating Hitler’s lust for power. It did not take long for Hitler and his Nazi sycophants and psychopaths to take control, solidify a dictatorship, and control the elite cabal who mistakenly thought they could control Hitler. Their misjudgment destroyed Germany (and cause WWII). Let us not make the same type of mistake with Donald Trump and allow him to become the first American dictator. Trump is exactly the kind of populist demagogue autocrat that our founders feared could become president. It must not happen. He must be stopped, especially for the sake of our children and grandchildren.


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Thank You Steve... four of my five brothers served in the military..I have to say I marched against the Viet Nam War.. I am never disrespectful to veterans. And yes I always say thank you for there service.

A lot of change happened as a result of all the protests ..It didn't happen right away but it happened. Ther is no longer a draft. However I think young people should have to serve in some capacity. As far as Trump getting in in 2024 I can't bare it .. He was a screaming nightmare and now he knows what to do if he gets in..I hope that everyone votes .. All these Republicans that say Biden would be worse even though they know who Trump is turn my stomach. They are traitors to our country.

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But who among us hasn’t seen a dog running through the fields, not a care in the world, and thought, ‘You deserve to die’?” — STEPHEN COLBERT

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Thanks again, Steve. I am amazed at the historical ignorance of many of our fellow citizens. Trump and his disciples are taking advantage of this to create their own dystopian reality. We all need to educate the misguided people around us.

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I get the impression that old man Trump plans to live forever. He should have started his campaign for American dictator about 40 years ago. Even if he lives to win the election, he’s not gonna have very much time to enjoy the lush life of a dictator. I shall sit on the side lines and laugh in his face as he expires.

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