I love this post! What concerns me, though, is that there have been SO many times when I have been completely dumbfounded by the absolute stupidity of SO many American people. I have NEVER found anything to admire about Trump, and having him elected as President was heartbreaking. I do not think that I will EVER understand how anyone could support him!

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From your keyboard to God's monitor.

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the man is a pig and always has been a no-class individual, a con artist who has done nothing but leave ruined people in his wake. And he's been trying to wreck this country since 2016, all to make more money. I hope he has a debilitating stroke that leaves him permanently disabled for the rest of his years. Sounds cruel? You bet it is. And he earned it.

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Although I agree with the sentiments, we’re putting the cart before the horse. He still has an election coming up in months. A win for Trump, and all the federal government indictments disappear into thin air.

And since a sitting president can’t be jailed, all of the state cases, including this one ( even if he is convicted), will be unresolved (he has several appeals) until he leaves office again.

Leaving office will be a big question mark should Trump prevail in the election. Then all bets are off.

Thus, I’ll wait until the second week of November before I start bringing out the champagne and offering high-fives…:)

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“… tribune of the aggrieved.” Perfection Steve. Genius, even.

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A perfect description of the Orange Lunatic. Question I have based on your thoughts is, what happens to the Republican party? My thinking at this point, especially in light of recent disgruntled members voicing their opposition to MTG and others like her is, they have to realize the party is in a whole heap of trouble and I don't even need to mention a woman's health and Roe v Wade issue? At this point the only way to prove that to the Republican party is to give them the most resounding defeat at the polls in November. Some of those disgruntled members see it coming and are beginning to jump off the Clown car. We cannot let up on the gas for a minute, in fact it's time to floor it.

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He was a Buffoon over 40 years ago when he ran the USFL into the ground. Now he is just a weak and tired Buffoon. No family in the Courtroom? We’re here for you, Chump.

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23

So gratifying. The dingy courtroom, the absence of his family, the farting, the fact that all his life he wanted to be accepted by people who despise him, and the ignoramuses who love him are people he has always reviled......

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Piece of Shit who needs to check out - permanently.

And when he is done + gone - what of the GOP? They are all going to be sitting there, with their respective assess hanging out and no one to be their flag bearer. At that point, I want to rub their grubby ass kissing faces in the shit thither stirred up. Because they all deserve to eat what they produced.

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trump is going to prison and it looks like it's going to be New York, but he has more trials to face, so I wonder if we will see which prison he ends up in.

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Apr 23Liked by Steve Schmidt

Touché Steve Schmidt! This one’s a keeper. Trump’s a sloth.

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You are on Fire, Steve! Your descriptive words leave me reeling. What a sad state of affairs this is, that millions of people are in thrall to such a decrepit but still so malicious specimen. Are their lives really so bleak that they cling to such a “savior”?

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“What type of person would look at this man and think he should have the most powerful position on earth?” Answer: Everyone who will make this race so close as to resort to violence when they feel they have been cheated. Again.

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It is both shocking and fitting for America to see this fraud unravel before our eyes. My only wish is that the trial was televised for all to see firsthand so we all could see irrefutably how badly we’ve been conned by a self-proclaimed “leader” who is nothing more than a second rate mobster wannabe.


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We definitely do not need reruns on this one!

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No uppers or other drugs can restore this mentally, morally and physically broken man. He has become fodder for late night comedians and others, focusing on his appearance and reported frequent flatulence. His cult fans are broken in spirit and mind as they continue to ignore reality. Trump is not only unfit to serve in any office, he is someone who needs to face justice and be held accountable for the damage that he has done to our democracy. He will.

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