The only ones that have any balls about their true feelings of this despicable POS are the ones leaving office. The others are in pathetic and notably fake adoration for this clown who wants to tear down the American democratic experiment. But hey, as long as they bow down to their wanna be authoritarian god king, they have job security. Their collective and individual moral compasses are somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle. It's disgusting. Vote. Vote. Vote!

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Let’s not forget, every single one of the people leaving office, also confirmed every one of the three stooges to the SC. They are part of the problem. They may hate Trump, but they hate democracy and women just as much…:)

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The women in this kult photo op bother me most of all...😔

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I agree. Trump was found guilty of rape and I think those women are hopeful of such treatment. The self loathing in the US is astounding.

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have we heard about any recent peccadillos?

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I find myself bothered here in North Carolina by the support the MAGA Candidate for Governor receives. He has made the most misogynistic statements I have ever seen made by a public official. He is polling at 48 percent here. There may be an explanation for it. And whatever it is — it is sad and tragic and appalling.

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Mind-boggling. A gubernatorial candidate has called for ending suffrage for women and told them abortion should be illegal; to avoid pregnancy, they should keep their skirt down. How is it possible that he is polling at 48%? Many who plan to vote for him must be women. Do they feel they should be subservient to men as their sex makes them inferior? Has the evangelical movement gained power over many Christians' minds as the Taliban has over over so many Muslim minds? Are we living in the Middle Ages? Are people just plain stupid, uninformed (willfully) or both? My head hurts from trying to figure it out. Can anyone help? Maybe, Frank Lee?

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He also wants to end the teaching of science through the fifth grade. Whatever he has tapped into for his support in this state, it is a sinister under current opposed to inclusion and empathy and community.

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Unfortunately, there's a saying, "You Can't Fix Stupid." Let's hope that is not true.

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I think it's what the talking heads call "low information voters." And yes, many of them are willfully ignorant because they're addicted to the emotional highs from all the chaos and hate.

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There is no reasonable explaination for any of this. No words can grasp meaning. A famous anthropologist said that we have reached the end of our evolution & cannot go further. What happens in this event?..Humans revert to what was, no logic, no common sense, no reasoning...... We are subjected to ourselves, the Human race..the Human specie, which is none of such attributes that sustain. It appears, this time, with all the many wars that have now surfaced, the evidence of immigration into countries of Freedom with the crimes that are committed in Europe against the Free populace, that the end may entail possibly the unimaginable.

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lolololol, Good teacher, that one!!

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Hoping with the efforts of us whom they refer to as "woke", that 48% will drop to at least 40. 👍🗳🌊👊🇺🇸

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I think the word "Woke" is a stand-in for "Liberal." Reading Robert Kagan's new book, "Rebellion; How Anti-Llberalism is Tearing America Apart – Again." The Founding Fathers were Liberals but the Slaveholders were Anti-Liberals. It took the Electoral College offer to bring the slaveholder states in. And so it's been a seesaw battle ever since.

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You're absolutely right, Gary. I've come to adore the new "label" bestowed upon me by the majority of my "Maga" (new word for Conservative) friends. Their new greeting for me when we get together for Sunday brunches is, "Hey Miss Woke!". (Yes, I do counter. 😉) Hoping we can all continue to openly discuss and respect each other as we get closer to the day of reckoning. 🤷‍♀️😉

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"Woke" is from a blues song of the 30s. Part of black culture. Equality for POC.

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Whether that's true or not about their confirmation votes for SCOTUS nominees, I don't know but will certainly defer on that. But I'm not just referring to those leaving the Senate, but the House as well. They don't confirm. But the whole nomination, deliberation, and confirmation process is an entirely different concern. The lack of ethical standards and reform that Steve pointed out repeatedly earlier this week are all true but we can't control that. We can help eliminate the MAGA scourge up and down the ballot, so that has my focus. That, and only that, will have an impact on SCOTUS going forward, but no impact whatsoever on the cases being considered that we are currently awaiting their decisions. Personally, for that reason, I can't and won't waste the energy on SCOTUS right now. All in due time. Voting is what matters for the next 5 months.

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Agreed, but my point was just that they don’t mind religious fanaticism taking over the country, they just see Trump as a flawed, narcissistic sociopath.

And whether the House members leaving didn’t confirm the justices is irrelevant. Listen to most of them and their vision of our future is in line with implementing a White Christian Caliphate.

Maybe not all, but most. Otherwise, I agree with you 100%.

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Thanks Robert. Our Venn diagrams almost completely overlap. The rest is minor and irrelevant. No need in splitting hairs - we want the same outcome.

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Exactly, and I pretty much always agree with you, which is why I always click “like” after reading your comments..:)

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Yep. Exactly what lots of us have been doing for decades - vote, vote, door knock, march, speak up, email Congress, call Senate offices, run for local offices, stand up to corporate bullies - and we'll keep doing it but it's absolutely infuriating because in the end, this structure is not by ALL the people for ALL the people.

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‘…they have decided that if they help him burn it all down, they might have a comfortable nest in the ash.’

I think that clearly sums up the MAGA mindset and why anyone with two brain cells to rub together would support the moron.

Speaking of the moron, in today’s ‘Letter from an American’ HCR tells about a meeting that the moron had with industry leaders who described him as unfocused, rambling, and expressed concerns about him. About time!! I sure hope they share this with the MSM and the public. We MUST not allow this fool to sit at The Resolute Desk again!!

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“HCR tells about a meeting that the moron had with industry leaders who described him as unfocused, rambling, and expressed concerns about him.”

True, and those are Trump’s best attributes…:)

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😆 Yes, "unfocused" is charitable. I'm pretty sure most of them realize that 10% tariffs across the board would spell disaster for our economy. Those are the kinds of things I wish democrats would boil down for voters. 10% tariffs across the board means everything across the board will cost consumers 10% more.

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“Most every single clapping Republican/MAGA senator in the room would be the first to tell you how much they love Jesus — and how much America needs him — while cheering for a rapist who desecrates their faith — like their country — with almost every spoken word. The hypocrisy of it all is beyond the beyond.”

Let’s face it Steve, if Jesus were walking on the earth today, preaching the gospels on the streets, and staring each and every one of these hypocritical clowns in the face, they still wouldn’t know Jesus. Instead, they’d have him crucified; again, as a radical, leftist, liberal Jew!

And like you said, it’s all about power and position. Cruz said that “No real Republican with any credibility in the party is still blaming him for J6th?”

That’s only because there are no self-respecting or sane republicans left in the party. Can you say Bellevue?????

These people have fully debased themselves to curry favor with a false idol, and despicable demagogue. Bottom line, if Trump even had half of the brain of an Etruscan shrew; he would be considered gifted.

The irony is that Cruz, Vance and McConnell aren’t idiots. They’re all just a bunch of nefarious, narcissistic parasites, thinking they’re Alpha males, but actually resemble either the Gimp from Pulp Fiction, or Reek from Game of Thrones.

Either way, let’s just get Biden reelected, and then move to dismantle the entire deranged party for good.


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The “no self-respecting or sane republicans” quote should be attributed to Vance but no worries, Cruz is just as despicable.

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True, and thats why I said, it pretty much encapsulates the entire party…:)

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Robert - they’re too crazy for Bellevue. Unfortunately, the cult members view the craziness as endearing and entertaining — which is why we can’t let them control our government as you’ve strongly and repeatedly noted in support of Steve’s posts.

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Fair enough…:)

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Ain't that the truth Robert! I love what you have said here "they still wouldn’t know Jesus. Instead, they’d have him crucified; again, as a radical, leftist, liberal Jew!"

The TRUTH is that at Pentecost Christ gave the planet his personal Spirit Of Truth ( I believe that the Christians call that The Comforter.) It is his spirit that always tells us "this is the way" or what is true and what isn't. The people you mention are deaf to this spirit, so that tells you something about them if they can't even tune into that guiding Spirit influence.

My favorite book says this

"And now that he has personally left the world, he sends in his place his Spirit of Truth, who is designed to live in man and, for each new generation, to restate the Jesus message so that every new group of mortals to appear upon the face of the earth shall have a new and up-to-date version of the gospel, just such personal enlightenment and group guidance as will prove to be an effective solvent for man’s ever-new and varied spiritual difficulties.

194:2.2 (2060.7) "The first mission of this spirit is, of course, to foster and personalize truth, for it is the comprehension of truth that constitutes the highest form of human liberty. "

The Urantia Book

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Well said..:)

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The people in that picture take their inspiration from Benito Mussolini:

“Let us have a dagger between our teeth, a bomb in our hands, and infinite scorn in our hearts.”

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The reception Trump received upon his return to the scene of the crime was incredible in its sycophancy and obvious hunger for power from his foot soldiers. But the truly shocking, and stomach churning thing for me was…..the love on their faces, the adoration approaching religious ecstasy. There they all were; basking in his glow, paying witness to his official resurrection, ready and willing to follow to him to a hell of their own creation.

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I agree Tom. I am deeply baffled and troubled by the fact that of all the individuals they could have chosen to lead their party they chose the most unfit, amoral, disgusting, narcissistic ass out there. And their groveling, obsequious knee-bending to him is as repulsive as their choice. To me, the looks on their faces reveal a selfish and phony adoration. No one could possibly really revere this dangerous buffoon. They betray everything good about our nation in pursuit of their mundane goals. What truly awful people.

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Not to quibble, Anthony, but….You are right that Trump is unfit, amoral, a narcissist, etc. But first and foremost he is a CON MAN, and that’s important to remember.

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How did I forget to include CON MAN? Thank you for reminding us that Trump's essence is that of a con man. But there are so many perjoratives it is hard to list them all!

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Well said!

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They looked like a bunch of drooling dogs waiting for a bone. Made me sick!

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He owns them, every one of them. He must have kompromat on all of them. He definitely can end their careers by just telling MAGA not to vote for them….what a disgrace they are!

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The Republicans posing in the picture remind me of an aquarium exhibit fill with spineless jellyfish.

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Jun 15Liked by Steve Schmidt

Every word you wrote is true. I would add that in addition to greed and the lust for power, white supremacy is a key motivator for the GOP. You are right Steve, we are seeing the new Confederacy, an American fascist, anti-democratic movement. It is happening here, it gets clearer by the day. I am sad about the rancid decay in our country and am still stunned. The stench is overwhelming for lovers of democracy, freedom, and equality. The world is watching the GOP destroy itself and trying to take the country down with it. Millions of us will not go along with this national suicide. We must never stop fighting this. The GOP identifies as pro life, but they are supporting a death CULT. Putin runs a death cults and Trump wants to emulate him. Any elected official who embraces Trump at this point puts his constituents at risk and is unfit to serve. Same for the media that doesn't call this out for what it is.

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Elizabeth, I agree with everything you said too. As far as white supremacy, I know it was clearly tolerated if not encouraged with Nixon, accelerated big time under Reagan, and kept growing under Gingrich(my least favorite of every R until at least the last ten year insanity), but I truly believe the election of Obama and the rise of the “Tea Party” put white supremacy on steroids. “We have a black president and we will not let this stand.” Even many who would not say it out loud, HATED having a black President. Then Trump takes off the veneer of principles or respectability, and it is said out loud and proud by not just the worst of them but really all. Even my fellow “persecuted” white Christians who claim they are not prejudiced are quick to claim persecution for being white and for being a Christian. Really??

We are in a bad, bad place. I am 71 years old and have never seen anything close to where we are now. 40-45% of the country(much more in my “beloved” Texas) can live life normally, even honorably, but will vote for an evil madman for president (and vote for clowns like my Ted Cruz) without batting an eye. I literally cannot believe it……

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“Most every single clapping Republican/MAGA senator in the room would be the first to tell you how much they love Jesus — and how much America needs him — while cheering for a rapist who desecrates their faith — like their country — with almost every spoken word. The hypocrisy of it all is beyond the beyond.”

Nailed it.

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This reads like a Shakespearean or Greek tragedy. Cicero, too, might have some harsh words for this moment in our history. It is as if we are staring down the Devil in all his glory. The moral and political misguidance we are witnessing can do horrific damage to our republic if it is not stayed. That the king of slime McConnell fell on his knees before his orange tyrant comes as no surprise. McConnell already has committed lasting damage to our country. That Republican members of Congress are so willing to grovel at the feet of a mentally vacuous monster offers a bleak future. Whether that bleakness will be solely theirs or ours universally will be decided in November.

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I’m against Trump 1000+ %‼️

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Steve, every single word you said. Every one. As a Christian, I especially appreciate you calling out all those “fine Christian men and women” of the Senate and House. These are depraved and sick and disgusting human beings. It is bad enough to watch Steve Bannon, Charlie Kirk, Rudy G, Roger Stone and on and on, and their dishonesty and depravity. And Trump is Trump. These elected elections make me physically ill. I fear we have gone beyond truth, morality and justice not just in the public realm. Our citizens are now tribe members, and nothing else. My fellow “church members” do not even equate the immorality and lies and everything else with voting. We are lost I fear. In any sane world, Trump would get 10%(?) of the vote. But the tribe over all!!! People outside my world( the evangelical world, Baptist in fact-yes, me and pathetic Mike Johnson) do not understand that abortion has become over 30-40 years ALL that people care about. Anything else may have nuance or be open for discussion. For abortion, evil, against abortion, good. R good, D evil. Yes, even if the R is the most vile, evil and immoral human being, maybe ever.

I am terrified he could actually win. We need no longer wonder about how Hitler came to be. It may happen here. It is insanity!!!!!!!

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Check out John Pavlovich’s Substack today on “The Faith and Politics of the Christian Left “

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Rick A, perhaps it is time for you to graduate from the Bible, which is the teachings ABOUT Jesus, to the Urantia Revelation, which is the teachings OF Jesus. Jesus didn't teach about himself he taught about about God's love. Paul ( who also had a problem with women) made the gospel all about the crucifixion and the resurrection but forgetting the important part - Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man. Then Christianity got paganized with Mithraism.

“Religion does not grow unless it is disciplined by constructive criticism, amplified by philosophy, purified by science, and nourished by loyal fellowship.”

99:3.7 (1088.8)

A Thought to Ponder from The Urantia Book

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This moment should live in infamy in American politics. The former president, the man who committed the worst betrayal of our country by any presidential candidate, is welcomed by a claque of fellow betrayers to the scene of his crime. They have failed to honor their oath, their duty to country, and even fundamental civic decency. They have no business in the halls of Congress ever again.

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Kristi Noem backs Trump so strongly that she supports violence among his supporters to put him back in office. Of course, her reasoning has no foundation in fact as the people she advised to arm themselves for MAGA and Trump would be fighting for tyranny, whereas the American revolutionaries were fighting against tyranny. She had this to say at racist fascist Charlie Kirk's Turning Point USA event in Detroit last night, "It’s credible, isn’t it, that our founders were that young and they gave us this gift of this country. They were taking on the strongest military in the world and those colonists went and picked up their personal hunting rifles and their muskets and decided to go fight for freedom. If they can do that, we can do what have to do this election cycle, can’t we?” – South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, speaking last night at Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point USA event in Detroit.

That is why I believe President Biden must be prepared to call out the military to suppress any organized violence by private militias like the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys as authorized by the Insurrection Act of 1807.

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An overt call for violence by Gov. Noem. Even Michael Flynn is more subtle. This is getting very bad quickly and will get worse before it gets better. We knew this is where it was going and millions are prepared. We will defend our Democracy against these insurrectionists, who are fueled by conspiracy theories, bigotry, religious zealotry, and let's face it mental illness and mass psychosis. Millions of us are still thinking clearly, and the center will hold.

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Let's hope that you are right Ms. Carlson, or we are in big trouble as a nation. These crazy Christians who want to control a woman's body, IVF, & birth control are living in a dark age. Imagine if they said that a man could not have sex unless it was only to reproduce a child, nor could he masturbate and waste his sperm. No man would stand for it.

I am starting to think that maybe we should have let the South secede. Though that would not have have been good for the Black race. If we could only just put the stupid people in one area and let then run their own country, then things would be so much better for the rest of us "normal minded humans."

That did happen on a continent on a neighboring planet, and they now has a much more advanced civilization- but that is another story entirely.

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It seems extreme, but I have often thought we might be better off giving in to the wish of so many that the South should rise again. Perhaps the U.S. is too large. There could be a Republic of Texas, a Confederacy of Southeastern states; Midwestern states could choose between the two, or join the West Coast and East Coast liberals in becoming either Canadian provinces or indepedent social democracies like Fin;and. Denmark, Norway, or Sweden.

I am close to being serious about this.

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That is what the socialist party proposed many decades ago. They are well read and wise, and we ought to at least listen to them.-not to oblige them ,just to listen. We seem to listen to no one but ourselves.

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Spot on!!!

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Kristi Noem is now banned from ALL the Native American reservations in her own state. The last time I commented on this she was only banned from 7 of the 9 reservations; now it's a clean sweep. Tells us all we need to know about Noem's position of race issues.


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The Republican party--all of it, ever since Lincoln--is an enemy of the people. Maybe they Indian people were wise to have banned her.

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*It isn’t just tragic or sad, it’s evil and it’s wrong." More true words have not been said.

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Jun 15Liked by Steve Schmidt

Tell it like it is, brother. It takes alot of patience to deal with the MAGA mindset, thanks for hammering it home. The love of money is the root of all evil. McConnell and his set lost their moral compass before time began, and wow, what another fundraising show of the greatest gall of all time.

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Don't act superior to MAGA. You are not a better human being than MAGA people. This is pure Egoism if you think so. Instead, investigate what their grievances are, truly dig into it, and see what makes them as they are. You are not a better human being than they.

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