Once again the MSM has failed to report how serious a threat Trump is by not fully and honestly reporting his lies about the recent domestic terrorism, compounding his disinformation with an "in your face" all -capitals lie:
The character of an in-coming president is all-important. There should have been banner headlines throughout the U.S. emphasizing that under a compulsive liar, a mendacious tyrant like Trump, our country will face inevitable chaos, violence, pain, and loss of respect across the globe.
He always HAS BEEN lying about everything. Why do people believe him? Right now, this phrase is more important than it ever was:”THE PAST IS PROLOGUE.”
Mr Hate is always ready willing and able to jump in with his nasty unhinged rhetoric without checking his sources spreading hate and discord across the internet and news sites. This is the last thing we need at this moment in time. I simply dread his daily rants poisoning the airwaves . It’s like living in Nazi Germany which apparently we never learned a lesson and that man caused the death of over 50 million people before finally doing us a favor and taking his own life. We learned NOTHING from history did we? Our own citizens have elected a man equally capable of hurting our nation ! Why can’t Americans see that this man is not healthy? That he doesn’t care about us? It’s all about him? That he’s going through dementia and the Republican Party wants power so badly they are willing to risk everything for the power he may get them. This is a terrible CRIME they are committing upon us.
The election was bought and paid for by Elon. How does he have a right to do that? Because the laws were changed and now allow people to put any obscene amount of money behind the candidate for whom they want to buy the election! This must be rectified!
Too many Americans voted for Trump out of ignorance, apathy and because Elon Musk spent over $200 million to blanket the country with lies about Trump urging people to vote for him and those who are apathetic or not thinking for themselves, swallow the pill and voted for him. And now we’re in big trouble. People have to understand :
Right now, this phrase is more important than it ever was:”THE PAST IS PROLOGUE.”
People cant see because people are STUPID! And they are breeding more stupid. You can't fix stupid. We risk becoming Nazis ourselves if we admit this. Trump is not the danger - the preponderance of stupid is the danger.
A quote from heather Cox Richardson .... "The abrupt elevation of culture wars echoes the formula Republicans have used for the past forty years to distract from the reality that between 1981 and 2021 their embrace of so-called supply-side economics moved $50 trillion from the bottom 90% to the top 1%. Distracting voters with outrage over “welfare queens,” “Libtards,” and so on, kept the country focused on cultural issues rather than economic ones."
I really believe this was a result of Regan, who pushed this ideas and as a result the GOP pursuing these ideologies over the past 40 odd years along with implementing ultra conservative judges on the judiciary including the SCOTUS, have brought the country to full blossom to where we are now...a country divided with hateful and the ultra rich on one side and the other 99 % of the country of the poor and middle class subjected and controlled by the oligarchs and powerful politicians.
He was always going to blame immigrants, as would Vance. The Great Unwashed who voted for these two love it.
We’re not an intelligent society when you have this many people voting for this kind of thing. Even a majority of the working poor living in shacks here voted for it. There’s nothing that can be done for them.
And keep in mind that these people who voted for MAGA will likely lose Medicaid and other assistance. Remember that for 45 years now, Republicans said that ketchup was a healthy vegetable for school lunches.
I am at the Spotsylvania Courthouse Civil War battlefield where thousands of brave Americans fought, died and were wounded defending our country and our freedoms. As I listened to Steve's clip I cannot believe these brave soldiers sacrificed for the lies and hatred spewed by Trump and his acolytes. They fought for the promise of our founding, to preserve the Nation.
We must honor them by resisting the un-American policies coming our way over the next several years. Do not give in. Never, never, never. We owe it to those who came before and those who will come in the future. God bless America.
Yes, anyone who has done anything to protect and nurture our democracy did it for us, right now, for this very crisis. They are our guides, as we will be guides for those who come after us.
Sadly, MAGA only listens to co-presidents Musk and Trump and their approved media outlets. They believe that the attack was brought by an immigrant, and they’ll continue to believe it.
OF COURSE Trump blames immigrants. How else can he stoke the fires of hate? Trump fuels the lie with misinformation, disinformation and hyperbole. I am waiting for Trump to call attention to the fact the New Orleans assailant converted to Islam from Christianity. Muslims should be aware and vigilant. Trump WANTS upheaval and hate-driven chaos. That feeds his base, a population that for the most part is poorly educated, ignorant -- some of who will resort to violence. Trump WANTS violence.
Did Americans already forget that it is Trump who shut down the bipartisan border bill last year so he could run on immigration and pull these stunts? Yes, Trump WANTS violence.
They are a powerful connection to reality, a connection to hold on tight to in order to get through the pending storm.
You’ve got our backs, and we’ve got yours.
Like your regular posts, your interviews are terrific, and vitally important.
I recently suggested the possibility of your interviewing Ruth Ben-Ghiat re fascism’s strengths and weaknesses. I also wonder if you might interview Timothy Snyder re strategies for the opposition. I recently heard him make some compelling recommendations.
keep up the good work, I appreciate knowing you're in this fight. also good job on thom Hartmann, he's had me on his show a half dozen times and it's always great for free subscribers. cheers!
Thank you. I want to know what is happening, and then what is said to be happening. And then I would like to hear from Americans that think they are so smart who are telling the story wrongly. But, if there's are no more bombings and killings when Trump gets in, I'll want to know that too.
Knowing he was creating a propaganda machine, Rupert Murdoch’s first act in that regard was to call it Fox News, forcing everyone to call a propaganda machine “news”. Can we all just call it what it is? Fox Propaganda. Or, if that is too much, how about “Fox Ruse”? Or write it as, Fox “News”.
Dems all too easily step right into the language traps the radical Right sets for us: “pro-life”, “healthy Skies Initiative”…the ultimate language abuse being “Truth Social”. How about calling it was it is, “Trash Social”?
They are hell-bent on controlling everything. Why cede our language to them, too?
Frank Luntz, pollster and master wordsmith is the creator of those pithy impactful 2 word propoganda slogans. I wonder if he created the name Truth Social?? The one that rubs me wrong is.....'Job Creators'. Oh...and Luntz is married to a Muslim woman.
Right On, Sara! We need to take back our language and our flag. I like "Trash Social". "Faux News" is the way I think of Fox. It is all "fake news." (They even took those words!)
We need immigrants, not racist leaders demonizing brown-skinned people that are part and parcel of the United States. I can see all obstacles in my way. Obstacles will only be surmountable hills when the people say ENOUGH. With the mainstream media in cahoots, with healthcare broken, with the tax codes broken, with exploitation of the bottom on the rise, we are about to storm those hills. I am researching FDR’s lovely embrace of his second bill of rights. I almost feel like he is the father of Democratic ideals for which we should fight. It is up to us to make it happen, and to right the wrongs. 2026. https://hotbuttons.substack.com/p/marshal-then-arm-our-new-army?r=3m1bs
Trump hates immigrants from certain regions and of certain complexions the same way that he recoils from and detests the truths of objective reality. He fears the power of objective fact, evidence and truth as if they were poisoning the cerebral fluid and cells within his malignantly narcissistic cranium.
WE all know it is absurd to protest and hope OUR truth will be believed by the trump loyalists .. Trump spaketh and the religion he founded will never trust anyone but him.
When a Demagogue (say Demi-GOD) is worshipped like trump is then His Word is The Truth. If he says the New Orleans and Las Vegas killers came from across the southern border, in Mexico, then they came from Mexico.
False Gods are as Infallible as real ones.. All hail Caesar and all Heil trump.
It was futile for The Lord to say: "Thou Shalt Not have False Gods". That command has never been able to be obeyed anywhere on earth. ---but especially not after Capitalism got its toehold and foot in the door.
A Utopian place of worship is already flawed, because it says their god is better than anyone else's god,
No Utopian community has ever lasted long under a nation worshipping Capitalism, anyway.
They ARE infallible to those Who worship them, which is partially how I meant it to be taken Juli. But In also phrased iit delibeately and stealthily to call forth a response like yoursut, telling me exactly why you said. It do that hoping to find a thinking woman eho catches me on error, because iit's so pleasant to be replied to.when it is with tact and erudition, such as your reply dhows. Thank you
I wish, I wish we could hammer this home at MAGA social media sites:
Once again the MSM has failed to report how serious a threat Trump is by not fully and honestly reporting his lies about the recent domestic terrorism, compounding his disinformation with an "in your face" all -capitals lie:
The character of an in-coming president is all-important. There should have been banner headlines throughout the U.S. emphasizing that under a compulsive liar, a mendacious tyrant like Trump, our country will face inevitable chaos, violence, pain, and loss of respect across the globe.
Yes, and the failure of the media is one main reason we're in this mess all over again.
He always HAS BEEN lying about everything. Why do people believe him? Right now, this phrase is more important than it ever was:”THE PAST IS PROLOGUE.”
Please DO hammer this home by sharing this truth everywhere you can. Right now, this phrase is more important than it ever was:”THE PAST IS PROLOGUE.”
so spot on - I want the tee shirt
Mr Hate is always ready willing and able to jump in with his nasty unhinged rhetoric without checking his sources spreading hate and discord across the internet and news sites. This is the last thing we need at this moment in time. I simply dread his daily rants poisoning the airwaves . It’s like living in Nazi Germany which apparently we never learned a lesson and that man caused the death of over 50 million people before finally doing us a favor and taking his own life. We learned NOTHING from history did we? Our own citizens have elected a man equally capable of hurting our nation ! Why can’t Americans see that this man is not healthy? That he doesn’t care about us? It’s all about him? That he’s going through dementia and the Republican Party wants power so badly they are willing to risk everything for the power he may get them. This is a terrible CRIME they are committing upon us.
The election was bought and paid for by Elon. How does he have a right to do that? Because the laws were changed and now allow people to put any obscene amount of money behind the candidate for whom they want to buy the election! This must be rectified!
Too many Americans voted for Trump out of ignorance, apathy and because Elon Musk spent over $200 million to blanket the country with lies about Trump urging people to vote for him and those who are apathetic or not thinking for themselves, swallow the pill and voted for him. And now we’re in big trouble. People have to understand :
Right now, this phrase is more important than it ever was:”THE PAST IS PROLOGUE.”
People cant see because people are STUPID! And they are breeding more stupid. You can't fix stupid. We risk becoming Nazis ourselves if we admit this. Trump is not the danger - the preponderance of stupid is the danger.
A quote from heather Cox Richardson .... "The abrupt elevation of culture wars echoes the formula Republicans have used for the past forty years to distract from the reality that between 1981 and 2021 their embrace of so-called supply-side economics moved $50 trillion from the bottom 90% to the top 1%. Distracting voters with outrage over “welfare queens,” “Libtards,” and so on, kept the country focused on cultural issues rather than economic ones."
I really believe this was a result of Regan, who pushed this ideas and as a result the GOP pursuing these ideologies over the past 40 odd years along with implementing ultra conservative judges on the judiciary including the SCOTUS, have brought the country to full blossom to where we are now...a country divided with hateful and the ultra rich on one side and the other 99 % of the country of the poor and middle class subjected and controlled by the oligarchs and powerful politicians.
He was always going to blame immigrants, as would Vance. The Great Unwashed who voted for these two love it.
We’re not an intelligent society when you have this many people voting for this kind of thing. Even a majority of the working poor living in shacks here voted for it. There’s nothing that can be done for them.
And keep in mind that these people who voted for MAGA will likely lose Medicaid and other assistance. Remember that for 45 years now, Republicans said that ketchup was a healthy vegetable for school lunches.
I am at the Spotsylvania Courthouse Civil War battlefield where thousands of brave Americans fought, died and were wounded defending our country and our freedoms. As I listened to Steve's clip I cannot believe these brave soldiers sacrificed for the lies and hatred spewed by Trump and his acolytes. They fought for the promise of our founding, to preserve the Nation.
We must honor them by resisting the un-American policies coming our way over the next several years. Do not give in. Never, never, never. We owe it to those who came before and those who will come in the future. God bless America.
Yes, anyone who has done anything to protect and nurture our democracy did it for us, right now, for this very crisis. They are our guides, as we will be guides for those who come after us.
Right On, Pat. Here is a great 7 min. video by Timothy Snyder who wrote "On Tyranny" (Do Not Obey in Advance): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tocssf3w80&t=3s
Lisa. Just watched the video. It's very good. Thank you.
Right now, this phrase is more important than it ever was:”THE PAST IS ( or can be*)PROLOGUE.”
*do not allow this to happen! Pay attention and know what’s going on -don’t accept the lies & the racism .
Sadly, MAGA only listens to co-presidents Musk and Trump and their approved media outlets. They believe that the attack was brought by an immigrant, and they’ll continue to believe it.
OF COURSE Trump blames immigrants. How else can he stoke the fires of hate? Trump fuels the lie with misinformation, disinformation and hyperbole. I am waiting for Trump to call attention to the fact the New Orleans assailant converted to Islam from Christianity. Muslims should be aware and vigilant. Trump WANTS upheaval and hate-driven chaos. That feeds his base, a population that for the most part is poorly educated, ignorant -- some of who will resort to violence. Trump WANTS violence.
Did Americans already forget that it is Trump who shut down the bipartisan border bill last year so he could run on immigration and pull these stunts? Yes, Trump WANTS violence.
Steve, everyday your posts become more important.
They are a powerful connection to reality, a connection to hold on tight to in order to get through the pending storm.
You’ve got our backs, and we’ve got yours.
Like your regular posts, your interviews are terrific, and vitally important.
I recently suggested the possibility of your interviewing Ruth Ben-Ghiat re fascism’s strengths and weaknesses. I also wonder if you might interview Timothy Snyder re strategies for the opposition. I recently heard him make some compelling recommendations.
Thank you. Thank you.
Great recommendations for interviews!
You expected a different reaction from the racist and convicted felon?
He doesn’t like the guys name ..the end..
interesting as well as accurate. not trying to grab your thunder, but I wrote a fairly identical analysis yesterday. https://sabrinahaake.substack.com/publish/posts/detail/154061214?referrer=%2Fpublish%2Fhome
keep up the good work, I appreciate knowing you're in this fight. also good job on thom Hartmann, he's had me on his show a half dozen times and it's always great for free subscribers. cheers!
Worry not, no one can steal Steve’s thunder.
Yes, there is nothing like a good Schmidt Storm to clear the air! ⚡️ ⚡️
Thank you. I want to know what is happening, and then what is said to be happening. And then I would like to hear from Americans that think they are so smart who are telling the story wrongly. But, if there's are no more bombings and killings when Trump gets in, I'll want to know that too.
Knowing he was creating a propaganda machine, Rupert Murdoch’s first act in that regard was to call it Fox News, forcing everyone to call a propaganda machine “news”. Can we all just call it what it is? Fox Propaganda. Or, if that is too much, how about “Fox Ruse”? Or write it as, Fox “News”.
Dems all too easily step right into the language traps the radical Right sets for us: “pro-life”, “healthy Skies Initiative”…the ultimate language abuse being “Truth Social”. How about calling it was it is, “Trash Social”?
They are hell-bent on controlling everything. Why cede our language to them, too?
Frank Luntz, pollster and master wordsmith is the creator of those pithy impactful 2 word propoganda slogans. I wonder if he created the name Truth Social?? The one that rubs me wrong is.....'Job Creators'. Oh...and Luntz is married to a Muslim woman.
Right On, Sara! We need to take back our language and our flag. I like "Trash Social". "Faux News" is the way I think of Fox. It is all "fake news." (They even took those words!)
We need immigrants, not racist leaders demonizing brown-skinned people that are part and parcel of the United States. I can see all obstacles in my way. Obstacles will only be surmountable hills when the people say ENOUGH. With the mainstream media in cahoots, with healthcare broken, with the tax codes broken, with exploitation of the bottom on the rise, we are about to storm those hills. I am researching FDR’s lovely embrace of his second bill of rights. I almost feel like he is the father of Democratic ideals for which we should fight. It is up to us to make it happen, and to right the wrongs. 2026. https://hotbuttons.substack.com/p/marshal-then-arm-our-new-army?r=3m1bs
Trump hates immigrants from certain regions and of certain complexions the same way that he recoils from and detests the truths of objective reality. He fears the power of objective fact, evidence and truth as if they were poisoning the cerebral fluid and cells within his malignantly narcissistic cranium.
We are awash in lies and disinformation that will snuff out this country.
WE all know it is absurd to protest and hope OUR truth will be believed by the trump loyalists .. Trump spaketh and the religion he founded will never trust anyone but him.
When a Demagogue (say Demi-GOD) is worshipped like trump is then His Word is The Truth. If he says the New Orleans and Las Vegas killers came from across the southern border, in Mexico, then they came from Mexico.
False Gods are as Infallible as real ones.. All hail Caesar and all Heil trump.
It was futile for The Lord to say: "Thou Shalt Not have False Gods". That command has never been able to be obeyed anywhere on earth. ---but especially not after Capitalism got its toehold and foot in the door.
A Utopian place of worship is already flawed, because it says their god is better than anyone else's god,
No Utopian community has ever lasted long under a nation worshipping Capitalism, anyway.
false gods are in fact fallible - they are vulnerable to the inevitable coups, assasinations and chaos that follow. hubris is the ultimate weakness
They ARE infallible to those Who worship them, which is partially how I meant it to be taken Juli. But In also phrased iit delibeately and stealthily to call forth a response like yoursut, telling me exactly why you said. It do that hoping to find a thinking woman eho catches me on error, because iit's so pleasant to be replied to.when it is with tact and erudition, such as your reply dhows. Thank you