I think a lot of people in this country are poorly schooled in history — and also do not care about it when voting. A bad mix. The culture of the oblivious and the self-absorbed and the vapid.

You cannot find a better example of this than the moral degradation of North Carolina to elect a Holocaust Denier to the Office of Lieutenant Governor.

And there is a very good chance he will be elected Governor here in November.

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I wanted to like, but the last two sentences sent me into depression.

It is inconceivable to me as was 1933 that "Perpetrators, Victims and Bystanders" (Raul Hilberg, 1992) are re-emerging with the perpetrators counting on the bystanders to do nothing. It is why DJT acts with impunity. he expects you to not fight his evilness and those behind him are helping (including judges). He expects to make normal - in public - his evil desires.

Yet, here they are pounding against the gates of our Constitutional Republic. If the bystanders and ignorant fail to see the victims and fail to stop the perpetrators this will be the last election for USA.

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Chump has called North Carolina’s Holocaust Denier “Martin Luther King on steroids.”

And the ignorant and the malevolent here lap it up.

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Ughhhhhh. Lots of work to go to get to November and stamp out this. The fact Orban thinks we don't want people to live their lives as they wish is just insane as they push their Christofascist movement onto the world.

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John Oliver, host of Last Week Tonight on HBO, covered your Lt. Governor in his latest episode this past Sunday, along with the video of TFG's endorsement that you reference. I only wish this was unreal rather than surreal. Hopefully the word gets out more and more.

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I’ve been around a long time and I don’t think I ever encountered someone like Mark Robinson. Every time he opens his mouth he spews hatred.

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Without proper education in history, civics and critical thinking skills, we're doomed.

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Yep. And as a Retired Boomer, this country will be better off when the Boomers are gone. Not all — but from my vantage point — most are cranky, privileged whites with a boatload of money in the bank, collecting Social Security, draining Medicare, and wearing MAGA hats. Ugh.

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I'd say from a veteran view point a lot still want to look backwards and are caught into the Norman Rockwell, "Father Know's Best" era of imagery that they believe was utopia.

This view never considers all the other people in USA that never experienced this, nor remember the constant threat of the cold war. Others, welcome the idea of a "stable" cold war re-emergence.



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Just like high school, elections turn in to popularity contests and it is difficult to change the minds of the people in one camp or another. They think, “He may sound like Hitler, but I don’t like Biden” and still stay true to party. Logic be dammed. History be dammed. Truth be dammed. We be damned. Vote!

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"Just like High School" sent me into a deep, negative memory of the BMOC group that ran the school and adored by the teachers. Football Quarterback, dream girl prom queen, etc. The rest of us - outsiders.

No wonder "The Lord of the Flies" rings true to me with this new cult as a lot went on to in-distinguished lives of trying to live on that past high point. The 20 year reunion was the same cultish club of yesteryear.

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Don't go to 25. Nothing changes.

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I'd be on 40 now but correct, nothing changes and I had not gone since.

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Hitler was literally Trump's mentor. He read his words more than anyone else. Trump admired him like he admires Putin, Orban, and other dictators.

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It is said he kept a copy of adolph’s speeches at his bedside, and although I don’t think he reads it himself I picture the wife reading it to him with her accent giving the words just the right inflection for him. Yuck.

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The ugly Richie Rich with no friends he doesn't pay for. (Maybe more like "The Toy"'s petulant child that never learns to grow-up?)

So, he must be better than all and rule to satisfy that deep grievance. DSM,++

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From Hitler to Trump and Putin, the appeal of the authoritarianism is the extreme and distorted ideology, in the name of protecting the race and the territory. Interestingly today, their supporters would have trouble explaining the abysmal performance of Trump in 2020 to protect the nation from a virus, and just today, Putin’s Russia is being invaded by his own Russian opponents. https://youtu.be/ss6_pEDU66c?si=PyituOMThl4qvAOD You can see in this video that Putin, like Trump, is leaving Russia unprotected and weakened. So much for authoritarian strong men protecting your identity and making your country stronger. Don’t be duped by liars like Putin, Trump and Orban. They destroy not build our countries. Russia that Trump so admired has been exposed as a weak and failing nation not a giant among the powers of the world, said here https://youtu.be/eOSrVOu58hk?si=wAx7pNPy20AFzprX

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"Don’t be duped by liars like Putin, Trump and Orban. They destroy not build our countries." Thanks, May, for posting these videos. Encouraging!

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Every great empire is never beaten in War; it dies a slow death from apathy, internal strife and exhaustion, or a death by a thousand cuts. The Roman Empire fell due to many factors; however, a major factor was the infiltration and influence of religious zealots, who we now call Christian’s. Sound familiar?

America’s death will be at the hands of the same demonic forces, including an illiterate and apathetic electorate, and a religious fundamentalist movement, that has infiltrated every government institution, voter suppression, and an electoral college that benefits a minority of our population.

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Mar 12
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And I agree about Jesus. Many of the evangelicals wouldn’t know Jesus if he were living on earth and teaching the gospels. They’d probably have him crucified again; as a radical, liberal Jew…:)

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Fair enough, and there were many factors for the fall of the Roman Empire, including expansion, division of the empire, and invasions by the Germanic tribes; however, Christians were a major factor, and the reason Constantine converted to Christianity before he died; to keep the empire together. It had the opposite effect because it weakened traditional Roman values.

“Edward Gibbon, in his work "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire," attributed the fall of Rome to a combination of factors, including the adoption of Christianity. He argued that the introduction of Christianity weakened the traditional Roman values and contributed to the decline of civic virtue.”—-Encyclopedia Britannica

I didn’t mean to lump all Christian’s as part of the zealots, and I apologize for any offense.

I know most Christian’s are good people. I’m Jewish and feel the same way about the ultra religious as well; especially in Israel.

These religious fanatics of every religion are bad for society. They stifle freedoms, especially when it comes to science which to me is ludicrous….:)

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Mar 12
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I am dismayed that religion would be thought of as genetic with DNA component.

I am a true believer in humanity in all its diversity like a god planned just as the world of all biology is diverse. I use small "g" as I believe Locke, "If an omnipotent God wanted to show one true religion he surely could". Religiosity gives our spiritual pursuits a bad name.

Again, I use "he" euphemistically as I believe that my version of god is just pure love that is so hard to hold close in this world, but that is a light. It is we humans that can't be satisfied in such a greedy cultured world.

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Mar 13
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We agree.

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Excellent post…:)

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In the great movie “Judgment at Nuremberg” starring Spencer Tracy there is a scene where the judge played by Tracy is talking to the people who work on the former Nazi estate where he is staying. In their conversation the uneducated and rather ignorant husband and wife say “Hitler did some good things for Germany, for example, he built the Autobahn.” Of course the Autobahn was intended primarily to move troops. The movie is worth watching because it focuses on the trial of some Nazi judges who perverted justice in the service of Hitler.

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I've been reading some of Orban's speeches as research for a piece I am writing on the hostile takeover of New College of Florida. Along the way, I've also happened upon the writings of Rod Dreher, an American expat living in Budapest, who routinely extolls the virtues of Hungary's illiberal democracy. He claims in almost every essay that Orban has won reelection four times, each one 'free and fair.' This is no more true for Hungary than it is for Russia.

Published just today, here is a piece written as a letter to Michael Beschloss, one of our most thoughtful and esteemed presidential historians. If you can get past the dripping sarcasm, it demonstrates the kind of Orwellian doublespeak that is alive and well on both sides of the Atlantic.


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There is nothing "American Conservative" about Orban or Putin or Trump. The United States Constitution was written by political philosophers who strove to prevent government to restrict the personal freedom of each of its citizens. The Founders' concept of the right of the people to live their lives without oppression was influenced by Kondiaronk (the right to question authority), Locke (rule of law, not men) and Montesquieu (separation of powers to restrict government power). Monarchs, oligarchs and dictators strive to interfere in the lives of their "subjects"., without being held to account. Apologists for dictators are radicals, not conservatives.

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MAGA has hijacked the label, among so many other things.

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And now the RNC is defunct "as it was" and is wholly owned subsidiary of the DJT corruption enterprise.

I am wondering what the moderate republicans may finally discover with this? I note one laid off on Monday stated, "I never thought I'd be thrown out after my loyalty". Boy have they a lot to understand about the DJT narcissistic, megalomaniacal creature.

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I believe every word you have written here today about the America first being a fascist movement. I believe it because the leader of the movement tells us every day of his intentions. Trump is ignorant and even worse he is belligerent because he doesn't heed advice or criticism. Victor Orban is Trump in a cheap suit with an accent. They are both foot stools for Putin. I believe useful idiots is the term for their capitulation and admiration for the dictator. He is strong in their eyes because he has the power to destroy lives and not suffer consequences. However, that is not strength it is the weakness of a bully who fears everything so he must lash out to prove his dominance. The best way to deal with a bully is to show strength and draw first blood. Republicans no longer wish to lead. They capitulate first to Trump, then to Putin. We need show strength and support our President, Joe Biden and stand with our allies and not back down in the face of tyrants.

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Excellent! (You're a gifted writer!)

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In nine years after Hitler became chancellor the Nazi Party was born.

In nine years of Trump the RNC has become the Republican Party Nazi party.

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So I asked the participants at another discussion board I frequent "What's with Trump's admiration of Victor Orban?" Most noted Trump is enthralled by that "strong man" character, and he seriously seeks to be one. But they rarely went beyond that, even claiming "It doesn't even necessarily have to do with any specific politics or policies..."

Well, I wanted to point out that it's more than that, as Steve's current article affirms, and it is really showing recently with Trump's Hitler rhetoric and this Orban invitation.

But it started very early on with his comments about murderers and rapists coming up from the southern border. Then it was really revealed in his "good people on both sides" comment about the Charlottesville night march with torches blazing and chanting "Jews will not replace us!" If you don't think Trump is a white supremacist, then you've certainly got to admit he is immensely troubled by "the great replacement theory." Didn't he say something like "Why can't we have immigrants from Norway rather than from these shithole countries?" He's a white nationalist, and his policy propensities are more like Hitler than many seem to realize.

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Once again a really interesting and illuminating post on history as it relates to contemporary times by Steve. Of course, he's preaching to we in the choir. What do we say to the people who don't understand any of this, or have any inquiry about it? I say this: if you're wrong, and Putin doesn't stop at Ukraine - where is the America that will stop him in Estonia? If you're wrong, and China makes a grab for Taiwan, who in America will defend it? Surely not Trump. Not the current GOP congress. But if gasoline prices go up another $2 under Trump's watch, what will the GOP lead America do then? It seems to me, it's all about $2 more per gallon of gas. Sure, that's probably painful for people in Wyoming and Nebraska and Louisiana. They drive trucks long distances. But for all the folks on the Coasts in the suburbs of great urban multiplexes who vote MAGA in November, remember this: You're giving over a Democracy handed to you by your forefathers; the one your great grandfathers fought for in Europe and Okinawa. And for what? Another $25 at the pump? Another $50 at the grocery store? That's it? I think this generation of MAGA voters should be re-labeled the "Put Upon Generation." Put upon for the extreme sacrifices they've had to make, like paying $2 more at the pump.

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This was so hard to read but I know I will read it again and again. One needn’t be an historian to know the hate that surrounds us. I have always know from the time I was a little girl which groups (and I should say gender) were favored and which reviled. As an Irish American I was sickened by Kelly’s service to Trump. Did he not know the history of “KELLY” in America? Since it’s well known that Trump can never keep his mouth shut, Kelly must have heard vile hatred come from Trump’s mouth. How does anyone get to think they are exempt from this hatred. How can anyone who is Jewish or anyone at all not revolt against the very use of the Hitler name.

It has been part of the white wealthy business men to keep the everyday guy too busy to react to or even see how trapped we are but William Levitt in selling his mammoth development to Congress said to them, “No man who owns his own home and lot can be a Communist (or in today’s world Nazi or Fascist). He has too much to do.” This became the mantra of the Conservative movement. Can you hear the reeking disdain of the haves AKA the Republican/Trump/MAGA party.

Wake up people. If Trump is elected you will have no free choice, only that which is dictated by the Fascist Party and you better go agreeably with the Party. This is not fantasy and I know many people will be so cocky as to think they are above it. At 77 I’ll be gone and unable to say I told you so and thus you’re on your own.

Thanks to several substack writers there is a movement to get out the vote which is our only chance to curb the hate. My friends and I are committed to giving all we can to this especially for our kids, grandkids, nieces, and nephews.


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We have such short-term memories in the United States. Our prosperity has created an entitled population with no ability for delayed gratification. Social media is a misinformation juggernaut that requires critical thinking, and education which we sorely lack. Our institutions will not save us only we can. God help us.

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We need better education systems and to fund them as a priority.

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So what are we going to do about it? This won't wait until November.

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Good question, maybe get our two networks to stop showing and talking about trump as if he is just a normal candidate. I find it totally disgusting.

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Continue to pound the messaging until the dullards wake up that are not paying attention. GOTV like it is a starved meal. We won't change the devoted. Their hate of multicultural society is deeply ingrained. I know, my sister is indoctrinated through her church.

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I hope we don’t become numb to Hitler.

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You “nailed it” Steve. And the sooner we Americans wake up and recognize the fact that what Trump and his MAGA cohort are peddling is the same fascist authoritarian dogma that Hitler, Mussolini, and other “strongmen” like them advocated, the sooner we can stop this path to destruction they will put us on. They don’t make it a secret. They’re telling us what they will do. They’re even bringing Hungarian strongman Viktor Orban to Mar-a-Lago to give “dictator lessons” to his “Apprentice” Trump. Trump authoritarianism must be stopped. Americans must in their vote casting this fall send a message that’s a resounding “NO” message to Trump and his MAGA adherents. No- we don’t want want you’re “selling” Mr. Trump! We must become alert to this very real, looming evil. God help us if we do not.


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As the philosopher Santayana has said, Those that do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

As Steve so eloquently tells us, this is exactly what is happening today in America, and the result is the rise of fascist white supremacy groups who want to get rid of Jewish people and everyone they define as “others “.

This is what Donald Trump and his MAGA acolytes are disgustingly appealing to through Trump’s promotion of people’s feelings of victimization and resulting anger and scapegoating of Jewish people and also of people of African and South American ancestry and anyone he characterizes as “other”.

And these and all of Trump’s deadly lies need to be fully revealed now to Americans —- and also to the world.

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It's called generational memory for a reason. Great wars seem to follow the period when those that fought the last have left and the young have no memory of the true misery of war.

At least the recent wars in Ukraine and Israel/Gaza have awoken people to the atrocities and most are trying like hell to figure out how to stop those doing the flame throwing (Putin primarily).

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