Steve, everything is a spectacle with Trump. He’s all pomp and no circumstance. And sadly, all we hear from his former military advisors are crickets.

H.R. McMaster was hawking his book, and although he said he would never work for Trump again, he didn’t rule out voting for the guy. He also stated when asked about Trump’s denigration of service members said, “it’s out of character for Trump to say such things.

Seriously, “it’s out of character”? Where has this guy been the last eight years? In public, Trump denigrated McCain and a Gold Star family (Khan’s). Kelly said Trump called the dead at Arlington Cemetery and the WW1 cemetery in France, “suckers and losers.

What the hell is going on with these people? It’s like they want to have it both ways; calling Trump unfit, while still willing to vote for him, just like Barr and Bolton.

If these people truly think that a Harris or Biden agenda is worse than Trump, then maybe the “stink” isn’t just on Trump, he’s infected the entire party, including all the people who should know better.


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I watched McMaster being interviewed about his book and I was shocked by how he was almost defending Trump. I grew up all around military in Arlington, Virginia and I have no respect for McMaster!

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McMaster is 100% shallow phony! No standards or ethics there!

He will definitely vote for Trump! Trump made McMaster who he is!

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I have three older brothers who all served in the military and were all in for Drumpf in 2016. One remains alive today. He was a Green Beret in the 1990s and proudly wears his baseball cap informing everyone of his service daily. I cannot believe that he remains in the cult of MAGA. I am totally perplexed and sad. My only sibling I have left is so utterly lost in a cult of morose stupidity.

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I watched Bill Mahr on Realtime on Friday. He had Dan Crenshaw (former SEAL) and Congressman from Texas on the show.

Dan was livid that Palestinian protestors had showed up in D.C. and spray painted two statues; one of Jefferson; not sure the other. Most of the protesters were peaceful, but he said that they were burning the American flag. The Parks Service cleaned up the paint in a day, and Americans have been burning flags since the Vietnam War as a form of protest since they feel left behind or the symbol no longer represents them.

That said, my only thought was that Dan supports a guy who instigated an insurgency on the Capitol to steal an election (treason). And although they waved the American flag, it was used as weapons (sharpened polls). In the end, 140 police officers were wounded, and five people died. They were also carrying the Confederate Flag; a flag that represents white insurrection.

And this guy thinks that democrats are the problem? These people are clinically insane!…:)

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I watched it as well, and I was appalled by the sh*t that came out of his mouth, as was James Carville. I loved the manner in which he demonstrated his displeasure both during the show and the following episode of Overtime, sitting with arms folded and asking Crenshaw when he could get a word in without being interrupted.

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Exactly. Unfortunately Carville isn’t an economist. I could have destroyed Crenshaw with his nonsense about tax cuts creating jobs and spurring economic growth. If the bulk of the tax cuts went to the middle and working class, I’d somewhat agree with caveats. However, most of the tax cuts went to corporations and the Uber rich, and were in the form of tax loopholes and tax credits, which only decreases their tax liabilities on their investments at the end of the calendar year.

I hate when guys like that go unchecked. Crenshaw sounded like he was just regurgitating talking points from the American Enterprise Institute or the Heritage Foundation…:)

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No, but he did try to shut him down a couple of times. Alas, GOPers are all verbiage and no substance.

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Is he aware that Trump actively resents him for his service and thinks he’s an idiot?

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28

I read the same article twice, because of someone else's comment about his opinion article in the Atlantic. I was trying to understand his take on character and came to the same conclusion, he is selling a book. What always runs through my mind, when I read where they will still vote for him, is Trump's statement, "I'm smarter than the general's and know more about any subject than the experts". That in itself is denigration to ALL of them and should be worthy of no support. It may not be the exact quote but, we've all heard him boast about his intellect. Projection is a bitch; we all know he's dumber than a box of fucking rocks. H.R. McMasters just proved he's not much better off. IMHO.

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McMaster is selling his book, it's clear he's a Trumpian still.

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I share your mystification about the behavior of otherwise intelligent, talented people who get too close to Trump. I made a similar observation recently about Fox "reporters." It's almost as if there is some sort of miasma that surrounds him and infects others, like a virus, reducing or disarming their capacity for judgement. I also like your phrase "all pomp and no circumstance."

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Everything he is involved in turns into an unmitigated embarrassment for our country. This nightmare cannot end soon enough.

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"Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photographers, content creators or any other persons attending for purposes, or in direct support of a partisan political candidate's campaign…”

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The Tя☭mp descent into hell continues.

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Love the spelling of Tя☭mp. 👍

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I want all the details on what happened at the cemetery. The thumbs up photo is horrifying. Yet apparently the 5 time deferment fake bone spur clown received a warm reception in Detroit by members of our national guard.

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I am appalled by the police/military support of Trump. Worrisome too.

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Aside from the thumbs up, three women were throwing gang signs for white nationalism. Check it out, no one else in the press seemed to notice.

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28

I don't know if even Mr. Perpetually Spot-On Prognosticator Steven Schmidt could have imagined just how bad Trump would indeed "desecrate" Arlington National Cemetery yesterday. Just utterly nauseating.

Of course the diseased, projectionist minds of the Trump campaign needed to go the exrta 100 miles and lable the Arlington guard as "suffering from a mental health episode." Blatant projection at its scummy worst.

Apparently the campaign has video of the altercation. Hopefully there is more from other sources since--taking their cue from the Secret Service protect-Trump-at-all-costs conspiracy regarding January 6--these similar anti-democracy evidence blockers will also never allow such orange fake messish footage to see the light of day.

Keep your fingers crossed but almost surely the video will need to be leaked.

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Disgusting, but not surprising. These ghouls will do anything if they think it'll play well with their base.

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When I saw the picture of Trump’s thumbs up and s**t eating grin, I had a mental health episode too. Give that guard a bronze star for trying to stop it.

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From Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung:

We are prepared to release footage if such defamatory claims are made. The fact is that a private photographer was permitted on the premises and for whatever reason an unnamed individual, clearly suffering from a mental health episode, decided to physically block members of President Trump’s team during a very solemn ceremony.

The New York Times reports:

The cemetery released a statement saying that federal law prohibits political campaigning or “election-related” activities within Army cemeteries, including by photographers. The cemetery added that it had “reinforced and widely shared” to the Trump campaign the federal laws prohibiting campaign activities by photographers “or any other persons attending for purposes, or in direct support of a partisan political candidate’s campaign.”

Chris LaCivita, a top Trump campaign adviser, added in a separate statement that the cemetery official was “a disgrace and does not deserve to represent the hallowed grounds of Arlington National Cemetery.” VoteVets, the liberal veterans group, called on Mr. Trump to fire the members of his team involved in the confrontation. The campaign did not provide evidence that the cemetery gave them permission to have a photographer at Section 60.

Publicly claiming that someone is “suffering from a mental health episode” might be legally actionable.


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What Steven Cheung is suffering is far worse than a mental health episode. I'm no psychiatrist but it seems to me he is in the throes of a total Tя☭mp-brand Kool-Aid addiction. Who better to helm Tя☭mp's official truth backlash squad.

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Why would these events happen? Did Trump sneak into Arlington, unplanned and unannounced? Who is in charge? A bunch of kids chewing bubble gum?

This is a special place, and it has been for years of lost lives! Someone needs to answer - WHY Trump? Why is everyone so afraid to counter this jerk? Trump is NOT special and would only do this for attention and an advertisement! Shame on Arlington officials and authorities for permitting it! You need to read the rule book! Remember: Trump cannot read!

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Cheung said it was defamatory to claim there’d been a physical altercation and that the official had had a “mental health episode”? Talk about defamatory. 😡

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I would like to see charges filed against him and his entourage. I would like him held accountable for breaking the law.

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Let's not forget Trump's desecration of the American flag when he hugged it with a shit-eating grin on his face, rocking back and forth. It was a more appalling scene of disrespect for the American flag than Alito flying it upside-down at his house.

The man is the very symbol of everything unAmerican. I hope his little act at Arlington draws his biggest crowd ever, protesters carrying signs with his most ant-military and anti-American quotes.

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Aug 30Liked by Steve Schmidt

Not surprised. Just disappointed that we have to continue to see and hear of this vile man's continued disrespectful, entitled, and forever disgraceful attitude toward our military men and women. My family immigrated to America in the 1600s and 1700s (depending upon which branch of the tree you are studying). The men and women in our family have served in every war fought here and abroad. We are proud of their service and sacrifices. To see Mr Bonespurs denigrating this hallowed place and the brave men and women who are laid to rest in this sacred space is simply too much.

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He is disgusting pig.

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Agreed, but this even insults pigs :-)

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Hahaha. Good point!

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Pigs are intelligent, and are useful.

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I hope Trump's cynical ploy at Arlington draws his biggest crowd ever; protesters carrying signs drawing attention to "Captain Bone Spurs'" contempt for the American military.

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Trump’s rebarbative behavior in front of the hallowed graves of American military personnel at Arlington yesterday is the most graphic, incontestable evidence yet that this heinous Hitleresque barbarian is not only unfit for any public office but undeserving of membership in the human species.

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"What is my reaction?" I will convey my reaction with the same comment that I posted to yesterday's "The Good In Us' by Mary Trump and "Letters From An American" by Heather Cox Richardson.

"When I consider all that Donald has done, all that you & others have spoken and written about him, it is a mystery to me why someone with real skills, wherewithal and resources hasn't made him an offer he can't refuse."

For those whose first impulse is to point a finger at me and say I'm not serious, I kid you not. I am most assuredly very serious. The factual historical precedent in this area has been demonstrated in the wrong direction. Lincoln, JFK, King, RFK. To illustrate it more succinctly I'll use a comment I have used before, often after a school shooting. "All of the wrong people are getting killed."

This is my reaction.

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Steve: This story and incident bears more investigation. Yes it was predictable but nonetheless it's an outrage. Of course Trump staffers assign no dignity to the setting, Arlington National Cemetery, nor the people buried there. Of course the staff at Arlington were only doing their job. Of course it lead to a confrontation that included the Trump team pushing and shoving and acting like thugs. What can you say about these people? Their supporters love it and they live among us.

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I stopped reading the NPR piece because I was filling up with boiling rage. Disrespect and disregard for everything is in the Trumpian DNA. They dishonor and disgrace our country, defecating on all things sacred.

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Just when you think it can't get worse, it's worse.

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It's a campaign and he's flailing, so the gloves are off. He subscribes to the philosophy that "all publicity is good publicity". As long as he's getting mentions, he's in the forefront and will try to bullshit away what we see with our eyes and hear with our ears. It's how all this insanity has been normalized - and that's a huge problem.

As far as McMasters is concerned, he's selling a book. Not defending, but people doing similarly are tap dancing to avoid alienating potential buyers. The publishing house has certainly suggested if not outright told him how to talk about this. Just another shill and grifter.

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It would be nice if there was video of the altercation? I posted your article to my FB page yesterday for my veteran friends to see. I hope they pass it along to their veteran friends and family.

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My reaction is: this shit happens all the time and my befuddlement only has increased as to WHY ARE WE STILL DOING THIS and WTAF IS WRONG WITH THE REPUBLICANS THAT THEY SAY NOTHING WHEN THIS SHIT HAPPENS. And also WHY IS THIS EVEN A CLOSE RACE? Trump and his goons and thugs are repugnant crass coarse belligerent and disrespectful on a whole new level.

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My question as well.

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And where is Mattis, Kelly, Esper, on and on? Crickets…

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The Trump people pushing back on the report of the Arlington confrontation are Stephen Cheung and Chris LaCivita. Only Trump himself has less credibility than these two clowns, who will be out of jobs come Nov. 5. Cheung has been humiliating himself in service to Trump for years now, and LaCivita is licking his wounds from his failed Swiftboating of Tim Walz and whose word about anything and everything should never be trusted. Cheung and LaCivita are two of the most reprehensible figures in politics. It figures Trump would hire them. Only the best people, right?

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There is nothing he won't do to get votes. We know that, so why the surprise? Off topic: I was deep thinking this morning and realized that if Trump should win (highly unlikely) he cannot be reelected to a second term, assuming we are still having free and fair elections and the constitution of the US is still our guide. So, any statements about policy, promises, becoming more liberal on abortion, etc. he won't have to do. Saying he won't sign a federal abortion bill is meaningless.

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Prepare the rubber room for a new seriously demented potentially violent man suffering from severe religious ideation:

Donald Trump insisted in a meandering interview with television host Dr. Phil McGraw on Tuesday that he had actually won California, adding that all he needed was an “honest vote counter”—Jesus Christ, to be exact.

“If Jesus Christ came down and was the vote counter, I would win California, OK?” Trump said. “In other words, if we had an honest vote counter, a really honest vote counter—I do great with Hispanics, great, I mean at a level no Republican has ever done—but if we had an honest vote counter, I would win California.


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And yet today he said that the election was not what he had expected - not quite saying that Biden had won, but we’re getting closer full declaration, I would hope.

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I am a veteran. What concerns me, his clueless behavior is become normal for me. I begin to forget what respect or riverant behavior is.

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He thought laying a wreath was an open invitation to have sex.

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What I find truly alarming is that 45 percent of registered voters in North Carolina hold a favorable view of Trump. This poll was released yesterday.

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Trump’s behavior at Arlington and everywhere results from a mental disorder. George Conway highlights this, as has Dr. Bandy X. Lee for many years. When we’re looking at followers of Trump, we’re looking at mass psychosis, similar to what happened in Nazi Germany. Many of those aligned with Trump are also mentally sick: Bannon, Flynn, Stone, RFK,Jr., etc. As we all know, these sick people and this sick movement is extremely dangerous. We must fight it to the end into the ground and we will.

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Yes: "mass psychosis". We need to get a handle on this and stop this insanity.

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My reaction? Simple. When will my fellow vets realize that Donald Trump despises them for their service. He resents us because he doesn’t have the cojones or character to sacrifice for a greater good — and he’s ashamed of himself.

And he thinks we’re idiots.

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You nailed it!!

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It’s revealing that despite the fact that "Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photographers, content creators or any other persons attending for purposes, or in direct support of a partisan political candidate's campaign”, that Trump and his lackeys decided it would be okay to trample over the grave sites of our revered military dead in a vain pursuit of the highest Federal office in the land.

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I think Trump verbage has affected our country and the people's allegiance to our military. Trump doesn't respect them - why should they. You might think people are smart enough to understand right from wrong, but it appears that that is giving them too much credit. I don't understand why they don't. I imagine some folks are proud of the altercation.

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Yes, indeed, Steve…You called this one with 100% accuracy!

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I don’t understand why the family members photographed with Trump were also smiling. In a cemetery. Am I alone?

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All I can say is that this is another stop on his circus tour and it’s always sad to see that he finds people who allow him to manipulate them. In this case the people are grieving losses that could have easily happened if he had remained in office for a second term- after all he initiated the US / Taliban deal.

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Prophetic piece, Steve. Well done.

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I grew up in Arlington and I can’t believe that Trumpster even went to Arlington National Cemetery because it was all about him and not to honor these men and women who died for our freedom! A photo op and thumbs up? Really, it’s disgusting and sad that Trump, who called the military “suckers and losers” would chose this Cemetery to do a campaign stunt. He can’t get much lower. Oh, yes he can! What will be the next embarrassing moment!

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S. E. R. E Training (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) was a part of my preparation for duty in Vietnam along with weapons training at Camp Pendleton.

During the final stage we spent a week in a simulation of a North Vietnamese POW camp.

I won't go into all the details of the difficulties of torture, fear, deprivation and emotional distress which occurred during the "simulated" prison camp. It began to feel REAL.

On the last morning they took down the NVA flag, raised the American flag and gave us food. (A 55 gallon barrel of oatmeal) Which, after 3 weeks of starvation, was a real treat

When they raised that American flag the feeling of patriotism sent chills through me and probably every other man who had been through this with me.

For the last decade the Republican party has somehow believed that Trumpism is "patriotic." MAGA folks have come to think that the orange moron hugging an American flag gives them, and only them, ownership of our country's symbol.

It is the opposite of patriotism to support the monstrous criminal and would be dictator.

I'm hopeful that we, the people, can overcome this traitorous monster and unite ALL Americans to FINALLY rid our country of this tumor on the nation's soul.

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I’m already a subscriber and have paid my yearly fee of $75.00.

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Whata PIG

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Not surprised. Although the Dems must not stop until Election Day. Pull numbers must be higher than they are in order to prevent a repeat of 2016, and 2020. James Carville, former Democratic strategist, said “ Gotta win by 3 or higher in polls.” The hosts of “Morning Joe,” who Carvile was on, said we “gotta win by 5 points or higher. We gotta crush Trump at the polls to prevent a repeat. We shall see…

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When? When will we be able to rid ourselves of the slime and sceeve? How DARE he just move into a military cemetery with his slippery entourage and feign concern and respect for fallen soldiers and their families? Why weren't they (his crew) all thrown off the premises by a nearby gaggle of Marines in their dress blues? WTAF?!?!

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