Kaitlin really exposed Tuberville’s racist perspective and his stupidity! Actually he unknowingly exposed himself to all viewers! Another elected official who is an embarrassment to his entire state and nation! Only voters can cure this “pandemic!”

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Of course he’s the dumbest. He’s a freaking football coach from Alabama. Not a stretch!!

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As a native of ALABAMA retired now in SC, I find your comment very offensive. Along with the 31 who liked it. “Of course he’s the dumbest. He’s a freaking football coach from Alabama. Not a stretch!!” You imply that his politics have to do with his home state; ma’am, you are indeed a bigot. I completely disagree with his politics and his current idiot behavior but I assure you there are educated professionals from ALABAMA who have spent their lives in the service to others. We are no less disturbed by his behavior than you. Since I am not aware of his campaign promises, since I now vote in SC, another “dumb” southern state, I cannot comment as to his constituents’ feelings about his current practices. It appears to me that many of our elected officials are less than transparent while campaigning to get votes. I do not know if this was the case. But never lump together “dumb”, “football” and “Alabama” in the same context and expect a welcome anywhere in the Southeast. As for my own experience, I was a masters’ degree prepared nurse working as the supervisor of our abortion inpatient unit at UAB in the dark ages of 1971. I suppose you’ve never enjoyed the national past time of watching the Super Bowl either?

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Don't take it personally. Most of us here recognize that there are many progressive, enlightened people in the states of the Old Confederacy. The problem for all of us, including you, is that there are not enough of them to elect decent representatives.

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Thank you, Dan. I believe she lit 🔥 the fuse of my frustration as a dedicated voting Democrat having listened to the saga of Trump and friends all day, feeling blocked at every turn, knowing my vote will not matter in this red state either. She insulted my beautiful if misguided HOME; I was happy there. On the week after Trump himself rallied in my back yard on July 4th. Now I have to put up with Senator Lindsey Graham whose lives nearby and was booed off the stage at Trump’s rally of 5-15 thousand folks out watching fireworks for the Independence Day Holiday. Not the 50,000 reported by the MSM. Time to turn it off and sleep. Tomorrow is another day, so said Scarlett O’Hara, right?

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For those of us who are Blue dots in a Red state, I can tell you nothing is more frustrating than this goddammed Electoral College system that renders our votes frustratingly meaningless. Missouri, the state I have lived and voted in for 45 years, has become Trumpy Red and has recently sent two of the worst senators in history (my opinion) to Washington. All I can do is apologize to the rest of the country and remind myself that the St. Louis region where I live is actually reliably Blue. Whooptidoo.

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One of my red senators is Lindsey Graham, no further comment necessary; the other is Tim Scott! Now a declared candidate for presidency 2024, GOP. Not a chance! We’re in trouble and I agonize every day but solutions are difficult for me as I am mobility impaired, homebound, can do only so much from my sofa and pocketbook. House Rep is Jeff Duncan, oil baron, disgusting career politician could care less about CLIMATE. Good to make your acquaintance, Rick.

We will carry on the fight in some way another day; today my three animals need my attention; they are my beloved family so I will be back later! Thank you for being here!❤️🇺🇸🌎😘🌊🌊🌊

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From auburn, though, which says it all.

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My neighbor & Republican friend here is South Carolina; his son is up for one of those promotions in the Air Force. He has been waiting for at least 1+ years. When my husband mentioned why to our friend the reason the promotion was being help up, he said he had NEVER heard about why the holdup. Of course, he only watches Fox & his son has apparently not talked about it to his parents. Since it is a Republican doing this, I wonder if he even cares. If it were the reverse & a Democrat was the cause, I can assure you, there would be outrage galore.

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Faux would be all over it 24/7.

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TT shocked me from the very beginning when he couldn’t name the 3 branches of government. He is remarkably ignorant and he views the world and this country from his own white lenses. For him, everything was much better when those black kids would just run up and down the field making him rich. An embarrassment to the US, to the Senate, and to Alabama.

BUT - I still believe Marsha Blackburn is (ever so slightly) more dumb than Tommy.

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I think they run about even. Every time that bag of hair opens her mouth, it's hard to listen.

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Bag of Hair is what I will call her from here on out - perfect 😂

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Your description of MB is a hoot!!!!🤣😂🤣

Between the legislative bodies in DC and Florida, I have NEVER heard such dumb, idiotic, ignorant, and stupid commentary from people in major decision-making positions in my life (78yrs). We citizens of these United States are in deep, deep poop 💩. It is truly shameful, disgusting, disgraceful, dangerous, and scary 😦.

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James Carville was on MSNBC last night and a clip of Tuberville (Gooberville) was played. Carville just shook his head and said, "There's truth in packaging there" and went on to say that Tuberville and his ilk make the South look like a bunch of dummies and an embarrassment. That guy doesn't hold back!

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Marsha Marsha Marsha (formerly a RN) is proof that you ALWAYS need to know the political beliefs of your medical professionals, lest you allow a moron, er, I mean a Republican (same thing), to touch your vital areas.

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I agree with Whoopi Goldberg. He's not dumb. He knew exactly what he was saying. I don't know why he felt comfortable basically saying openly that he is a racist. Some political calculation? for MAGA base?

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tuberville is a 40 watt bulb in a dark closet. Holding up promotions of our best military minds for something having no relationship to either military leadership or preparedness is just dumb-ass. His fellow republicans almost all are just as dumb and sit there in intelligence darkness not saying a single word, not trying to break this guy down. The US House of Representatives today is full of these people on the right side of the aisle. He says repeatedly that he will not back down. Where have we heard that before? My guess is his voters may see things differently. No one wants to put our military in a dangerous situation except Tommy. For him, it's either his way or the highway....so to speak.

What an asshole. Also, Hey Tommy! White Nationalists are racists first and foremost except you Tommy. Get some facts together next time before going on national television.

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You're giving him a lot of credit, thinking he has 40 watts.

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Yes, more like a flickering 5 watt.

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Yes! Maybe a night light?

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About to go out, Buh Bye

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You are sooo right!!! Try a flickering birthday candle. Pathetic!!

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If we dig down far enough we'll find it - a match in a wind??

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T/T is wayyy beyond STUPID. Only a Red State would put this joke in the Senate.

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Tommy Tuberville makes me embarrassed to be a Southerner. No wonder so many people from other parts of the country automatically assume that if you are white and from the South, you must be an ignorant racist. Dear God, I didn’t think it could get worse than Rand Paul, but I think you’re right, Steve. He is the dumbest--or at least I hope he’s the dumbest--member of the U.S. Senate.

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Consider Ohio's J.D. Vance is right up there.

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Vance's crime is he is actually intelligent - he chooses out of pure opportunism (he opposed Trump publicly in 2016) to play this game. His cynicism and mendacity are what is alarming.

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By "intelligent" you mean that he's educated? Has an high IQ? How can one be considered 'educated' if one spouts hate and harms others?

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Yeah, those are the current "determinants." He was literate enough to write a bad book that got adapted into a worse movie when Hollywood wanted to show their "concern" for the hillbillies.

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What was the Forrest Gump saying? "Stupid is as stupid does"?

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Advances case his stupidity is an act in order to obtain money and power. It's icynical opportunism. Pure evil, imo.

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He’s worse than stupid. He’s unkind & indifferent. Toxic combination.

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Sorry, but that is exactly what I assume unless shown otherwise. What a sad state the country is in.

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Thank G-d and our Georgia and national Democratic Party and lots of grassroots organizations for helping us defeat one who might have been even dumber....

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And sadly, my home state of Ohio, didn't. They too elected a person so like Tuberville, someone who made lots of money writing a book and speaking. Hate and ignorance is across state lines.

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Amen! Pathetic mountain boy!

Never compare someone with an education to their intelligence!

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Senator Tommy Gooberville: proof we didn't deal properly with his Confederate traitor ancestors when we had the opportunity.

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Hold on just one minute. There's some extremely stiff competition for that spot. An award of such stature requires careful consideration of the all other candidates. ln addition to that, the senator can hardly be more of an embarrassment to the state of Alabama than numerous other high Republican officials. While they're undoubtedly dumb, corrupt and dangerous, it's a safe bet that none of these people are members of Mensa.

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IQ, alas, does not make one 'smart'. One can have an IQ far lower and be far smarter in knowledge of others and in caring for others. So MENSA aside, Tuberville has chosen to have and espouse these beliefs. How do we differently define this kind of stupidity?

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Belligerently malignant stupidity.

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That works.

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Definitely not the smartest thing to do when Russia and China are posing a real threat.

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Sometimes you just run our of words with which to capture a thing, so extra and beyond and derivative is that thing, so spectacularly outside any parameters in multiple facets, absent of guardrails in many conditions, so you are left with two dimensional portrait of at least a four dimensional aberration.

There are so many layers to the wrongness that encapsulateT Tuberville and the miasma that birthed him.

May we find our way again.

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BTW, t/t has a very negative opinion about women! This is another nail in the coffin.

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Tuberville has an undergraduate degree from a state college in Arkansas. If brains were made of latex he wouldn’t have enough to make a French safe for a hummingbird.

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Let me guess, the degree is in "physical education."

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That Tommy Tuberville is an imbecile is undeniable. What concerns me more, however, is that he is one of a body of one hundred senators and there seems to be no way of checking his power, nor does it appear that any one of his colleagues will speak up against this outrageous behavior. This is the sickness and the lack of Integrity that we should be concerned with. One member of a body can be contained and made impotent. When much of the body is politic is sick, I see little hope for our democracy.

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I'm glad to see this one complaint about a broken Senate. The so-called rules of the Senate emerged from practice over years in previous centuries. In those days, the Senate comprised mostly people of character. Right now we have one political party that has lost its way and no longer can be depended on to work in the best interests of the country. We need go no further than to quote McConnell, leader of the Republicans in the Senate when he stated that he wanted only to do everything in his power to see Obama fail. Coupled with his despicable refusal to bring Garland's nomination to the floor for a vote paints a complete picture of what to expect from Republicans. What we hear over and over from the Democrats in the Senate is "Oh, woe is me! Woe is me!! What can we do?" Can not a single Senate committee subpoena Mr. Thomas and grill him about his finances? Can no one be censored for lying during the confirmation process? Can Mr. Kavanaugh continue forever to fatten the conservative majority when he was not investigated properly for his apparent bad behaviors? I could go on. The Republicans think nothing of loudly and wildly investigating for years over and over based on merely the desire to harm Democrats. What does the Party do to curb them? "Oh, woe is me!" Benghazi was 100% hoax and fake; the email scam was 99.9% hoax and scam. Poor Hunter Biden is being dragged over the coals over and over on minor infractions of one law or another. The latest info on their star witness should make the press, the mainstream media, all the commentators feel deep shame for putting up with this nonsense over all these years. Yes, I know. "Woe is me, woe is me! What can we do?"

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Um...hard to say that in the past the Senate was composed of "people of character." Do the names Preston Brooks or Jefferson Davis ring a bell? How about more recent luminaries like the 27 senators who voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964? These men were monsters, just like all their like minded colleagues, before and after. As for my personal opinion regarding what sort of punishment they deserve for their conduct, the best l can do is to quote a line by Bob Dylan. "And if my thought dreams could be seen, They'd probably put my head in a guillotine...."

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There are usually exceptions to any generalization and there certainly are to this one. Would "mostly people of character" sufficed?

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Absolutely, everything you've said is true. I am in the "woe is me" category, because honestly I don't know what to do. Today, I looked at the constitution to see if there was anything a citizen could do to bring a suit against the u s congress for failure to do their jobs. I couldn't find anything to support such an action on my part, which i'm sure people will find to be a hair-brained scheme. I really hate this feeling of helplessness as i'm sure many others do. When you have a deliberative body who makes all their own rules, how do people on the outside effect change? Of course I know we need to vote them out, but that doesn't happen quickly enough. Additionally, they need to be held accountable as a GROUP, not as one person accountable only to their constituency. Any ideas from folks out there a lot smarter than I?

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Thanks, Connie, for pointing out the obvious. What kind of government and elected officials do we have that even allows any member to hold all of us hostage? What kind of people are we that allow such a government? Yes Tuberville is stupid and malicious, vile, egotistical, self serving and he does all this on our tax supported income. We pay him for this!

Not a word said by the other pathetic elected officials who at some point allowed our government to be run this way. My stomach turns that there are so many weasels on Capital Hill.

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"What kind of of people are we..."? We are the 62,000,000+ who voted for Trump in 2016 and the 64,000,000 who voted to re-elect this dangerous, vile man in 2020; we are the 40 - 50% too apathetic or lazy to even vote; We are the citizens so ill-informed or stupid that we continue to vote against our own best interest year after year and wonder why things never get any better; We are the citizens who don't even know the three branches of our federal government and who didn't seem to care that Tommy Tuberville didn't either; we are the people so afraid of "wokeness" that the very mention of this misunderstood word invokes a hysterical fear that commumists or socialists or Fascists (pick your group) are going to poison our children's minds so lets ban books and for god's sake get woke people out of government positions; We are the millions who never read a newspaper and whose major source of "news," is Fox or social media where we can share our ignorance with millions of the other gullible and ignorant with the tap of a key; we are the people who proudly claim to be Christians and praise "Christian" leaders while espousing beliefs so un-Christlike that it's obscene; We are the people who are firm in our beluefs, and are impervious to facts: We are the fearful, the angry, the ignorant and the confused and we mistake bloviating power-seeking charlatans as our saviors to our increasing peril.

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