One thing I forgot to add. In a travesty, Tim Ryan didn’t win his election this year. But he definitely is a winner.

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Steve is teasing us. He wants a new generation of political leadership. He wants John and Bobby Kennedy reincarnated. One such person is here already. He is genuine and authentic, a candidate who can represent the forgotten and abandoned working and middle classes. Steve spent a lot of time with him up to Election Day. As Steve well knows, his name is Tim Ryan.

Robert Lehrer

Albemarle, NC

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From the beginning, I felt Biden should be a one term President. We needed calm, sanity. We needed someone to change the pace, mentor and bring forth a new generation. It was one of the reasons I voted for him. Biden, McConnell, Pelosi, etc. have a responsibility to bring forth a new generation, hand it over and move on. I think it is the way of life, this handing over. It can be hard (recently retired) but it is the right thing to do.

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Nov 17, 2022·edited Nov 17, 2022

Thank you for this perspective on history. I agree that after the Biden presidency ends there must be generational change. I disagree that President Biden should step down after one term. Here's one reason (among many) that I believe this:

Kamala Harris should be the next President, but she needs four more years to put herself in the spotlight and show the American people what a spectacular leader she is and can be. (If you don't believe me, please re-watch her grilling of Brett Kavanagh during his confirmation hearings.) The virulence and disdain from many on this forum whenever her name is mentioned proves my point (including Steve's "absolutely not" when asked if she could be the next President during the last live AMA). The corrupt and incompetent media has made her invisible at best, an object of derision at worst - I call it "getting Hillaried." A second Biden term, with fewer existential crises, can give the administration an opportunity to make her more visible and put her in the spotlight where she belongs.

We don't just need a GenX President - we really need a woman President as well.

Harris / Buttigieg 2028!

(And now, let the flurry of nasty comments about our Vice President begin...)

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First, extremely well written. Excellent sweep of history and innate understanding of the forces.

Yes, setting a vision and remaining optimistic is the true key to leadership. You need to see where the country needs to go, and read the winds to adjust the sails to meet the challenges. It's called the Ship of State for a reason.

The most telling part of Tuesday's announcement wasn't how long the speech was, nor the lack of energy. It was the crowd heading for the exits and being held back by the security guards. Truly a "Hotel California" moment if there ever was one.

Age is a false construct. Some people are old a 30, others are young at 80. Do they exhibit a self-sacrificing attitude, vision, capability, maturity and experience. Can they build a coalition needed to govern. Can they fight against the MAGA-darkness. All of those are my test for a leader.

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This was a very important essay Steve. Thank you for your contribution to American politics and history. People like you and Heather Cox Richardson have emerged from the Trump years as beacons of truth and reality from a larger historic perspective, that calms and informs us all, that we are just a part of this great American experiment, and are stewards of its great legacy toward the future. I believe we will adapt, survive, grow and thrive, but will also have to account for our messy and frightening history to future generations, our period of reality TV/ professional wrestling style politics.

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Easier said than done. First, I want to say I placed my trust in Biden and I believe he will do what is best for this country. I take comfort in the fact that Biden knows what he is doing on the day when missiles land on Polish citizens. Almost simultaneously, Xpotus-the-Official-Victim declares he still wants to be president. I turned 79 years old recently. I understand how it feels to fall off the bicycle and stare up into the sky, lying perfectly still on the concrete, not knowing how badly I'm damaged. That's how it feels right now about the political landscape. There is too much we do not know, so I will not let my guard down.

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Totally agree and I have loved President Biden thus far. We have to plan. 2024 is no time away. Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, Tim Ryan, Eric Swalwell, Amy Klobuchar, who will have the charisma, energy, appeal to a young electorate and is brilliant?

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I think this is Your best yet. Walking us thru history with high and low lights, wonderful! Your honest assessments of the leaders was enlightening and appreciated. I agree that President Joe, should continue to 2024 then step aside and support a new candidate who should win or lose on their own abilities. He has made great strides and has the right to promote those as his worthwhile and positive legacy.

I see that the “grappler” J Jordan is going to spend energy dragging Hunter Biden and then Joe Biden thru the partisan mud pit. Biden is under investigation by justice. What is the purpose of a congressional investigation? Naturally, to avoid the difficult job of governing and jump into the juvenile and trumpian food fight.

He should remember his grappling days and stay in his weight class. His rolled up sleeves, loosened tie, affection is tedious and no match for the truth. If Hunter Biden screwed up he should be punished by the justice system not the kindergarten cop wrestling coach

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Steve, thank you for this brilliant assessment. tRump has been a stain on this country and the sight and sound of him affect me on a visceral level. Your words have helped me because for the first time in years, I have a bit of hope. But Ron DeSantis is the Devil in a different dress, and I know we are not out of danger. In the meantime, thank you for sharing your insights.

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Nov 17, 2022·edited Nov 17, 2022

Biden is going to run. He is not going to step down. Are you really advocating we primary him? Is that what we're talking about here? It's political suicide! Don't take my word for it, listen to Rick Wilson's "Enemies List" podcast from November 15. He says it better than I ever could.

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I agree, it is time to move on but moving on is difficult. It requires taking a personal inventory then making the decision to go in a different direction. My personal experiences with making changes in my life even when necessary were still met with resistance. Is America ready to move on or will we still be fighting the same fight 2 years from now in the next election cycle? I think Joe Biden has done an excellent job except for the withdrawal from Afghanistan. I would like him to give Ukraine any and all armaments they need to push Russia out of their country to end this war before they lose the support of the American people and other nations. The longer the war drags on the more likely Putin will remain in power and the more dangerous he will become.

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Nov 17, 2022·edited Nov 17, 2022

Kudos Steve for an exceptional and extremely well written article. Only history will tell us if Biden makes the right choice in determining whether to run again. I for one do not have all the necessary information at this point. But there is one thing I am certain of. Joe Biden puts his country above personal ambition and will not choose something that elevates himself over his country’s welfare. Even if all his advisors tell him to run, he knows how to say no. So assuming that nothing drastically changes in his thought process in 2023, I am confident that in his mind, he will make the choice he truly believes is best for the country and not clouded by personal ambition. In the end, is there anything more we can expect from a competent leader?

I’m on the fence with Twitter, Musk shenanigans not withstanding. There is a cesspool there as you say but no one is forced to partake in it. On the contrary, I am grateful to have been following you on Twitter leading me here. Perhaps you underestimate the good your presence is there amidst the trolls and useless Tweets. My heart breaks when I read about the suffering of real people around the world, for example in Ukraine on Twitter. My heart is warmed by Twitter posts from Chef Jose Andres and the World Central Kitchen always doing good in a world ravaged by natural disasters and war. Who we follow and discernment skills can make the Twitter experience differ between night and day. Also, there are tools such as mute and block to take care of unwanted attention that could be useful to someone like you ( I’m a nobody on Twitter, so I rarely need to take advantage of such features).


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PS: It is not that Tim Ryan isn’t awesome; he is. It’s not that I wouldn’t love to vote for him; I would. But what I would love more is to vote for someone who breaks the mold of every other president save one. Tim Ryan can’t be the only person out there who could be a great president.

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James Joyce called it “almosting”. Not who you were-not yet who you want to be.

in the not ‘yetness’ people panic, Buddhists call it seeking ground, looking to reattach to the familiar. The energetic fulcrum is always imagining what could be, inspired to walk the unknown road.

Congratulations on the eloquent expression. I hope more citizens make it their intention to walk a new uncertain path.  PS you would love mastodon.

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One of your best pieces. Excellent. Some really great lines. Loved the one about Trump's announcement audience making a reality show reunion look classy. 😂 Biden is too old to run again, but he has a better chance of winning than Harris, Buttigieg and many others. On your Zoom meeting, you said yes to only one DEM who could win the general, Tim Ryan, and a maybe to Gavin Newsome. ( I share your concern about him being from San Francisco, a likely negative to many noncoastal voters.) Why should we assume Ryan (or even Newsome) could win the primary? Would Jim Clyburn and African Americans in SC rescue them like they did Biden?

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