Here’s a good miss, but it relates to an older story. When Donald Chump introduced then candidate for Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina, Mark Robinson, in 2020, he compared him to Martin Luther King, Jr.

The hilarious aspect is that Robinson did not like the comparison and was offended by it.

So, here you have Chump not having a clue about MLK to begin with, and then the moron he compared to MLK took offense to the idiotic comparison. In the world of these two chumps, some things cannot be made up.

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You're throwing hard punches against Fascism from Poland: Education at its best. Way to bring it!

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Mr Steve i may have written this once before I don't remember exactly. But the do-nothing party is equivalent to them having burned down our half of Congress(in the House). Like the nazis did to their own Reichstag. This is where we are at. And who was the Democrat in Oklahoma who switched parties to join a MAGA? Ty

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You have done our nation a real service for if there is an appropriate time for an American citizen to visit the former concentration camps, it is now.

This is the most difficult period our nation has faced since WW2 and why there is even a semblance of respect for Mr Trump strikes me as very odd.

How fascism, which is not something that has ever been of concern to me, has taken hold in any of our citizens is beyond my experience.

Regardless, it appears our children may have a literal fight on their hands and even the will of an overwhelming majority may not stop those who are drunk with dreams of social control and the return of literal slavery.

The so called Christian Right are as far from Christianity, in which the majority of us were raised, as is possible.

I does appear we are very close to the entrance of a political house of horrors which if not literally destroyed at the ballot box this November will continue to haunt us.

We must vote and convince those who are on the fence of the very real dictatorial danger that is being unleashed by Donald Trump and his fascist supporters.

We cannot allow this present mouthpiece of far right control to regain our Presidency as he and his hidden support will destroy our nation and our children's future.

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I was not aware that Larry Hogan endorsed Chump. Another moron opportunist. We’re hitting rock bottom with people in this country.

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Not the issue of Poland............Why are we or anyone not talking about the WAR AGAINST WOMEN?

THE CONTINUED ISSUES THAT MEN HAVE WITH WOMAN, the religious and their desire to return to days gone past of 165 years ago, women that are routinely raped in AFRICA, the young women that have continually been Raped by Hamas and their unwillingness to return them because they are probably Pregnant...only one Israeli woman who was returned, was found to have many different sperms in her. This is not merely the U.S., it is now the entire world of men that have not progressed in thought, limited to a few. What is to be said about this?

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Marylander here.

Are you sure larry hogan has endorsed Trump? I can’t find a confirmation of that

That would be a super 180, would cost him any chance of winning a statewide Maryland vote. And his father would spin in his grave.

I Respect Hogan- voted for him @ least once. Him endorsing Trump would really throw me.

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See this story: https://www.axios.com/2024/03/07/larry-hogan-trump-vote

Hogan supports the GOP nominee, no matter who it is. He will not vote for Trump. This is doublespeak. His position is absurd. He supports Trump.


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Thanks, Steve i did find that article. Hogan has made some waffly statements about supporting R nominee- when he assumed it wouldnt. be Trump. But im not sure i’d this say this is an endorsement.

Ot maybe i’m just so appalled im biased against believing it! So many things so hard to believe. Will Trump endorse Hogan? Are those some pigs flying by?

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I had to read that Axios piece twice to try to understand what he was saying, and I still did not. I have no familiarity with Larry Hogan, but given what I tried to read, I do not see a profile in courage.

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It's not you! It's because it's doublespeak!

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Hits and Misses?

Don't we all wish we had Hits in this column when we express our views, and don't we all wish it were as well received, with love and fame, in the amplitude such as Steve Schmidt has gotten?

I do. Yet, I admire Stece Schmidt and know I am not nearly so garrulous and not such a well stocked vocabulary.

I wish my words were as beloved and quoted as his., and were HITS, I confess.

No one who is honest and who writes in this column comments here without wishing they were replied to with warmth and appreciation.

Humans crave love and appreciation as far as what I have observed about them..

I have gotten one beauty of a HIT, worth all the silence coming from my other comments, and I loved it; it came from Gerald Lewis.

One HIT is enough...Especially when it is an outsider.

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Hi Tracy, the video was not about Steve's 'hits and misses'.

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Ay-ay-ay! My mistake.

The title seemed to be about his programs, and I assumed it was about his own soliloquies and interviews.as being Hits or Misses' the most popular .

I don't watch things that are repeats and titled Hits and Misses; that's, because I have seen almost all of that he has put out..

However, I know I am right about the content I did write. of--- The human condition.

And no one cared.

It would be nice to get more responses, but my comments are not likely to get positive responses ( Except for three, and one was yours, in a nice reply)

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Your comments are always compelling and offer needed alternative viewpoints.

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You are too kind, as they say, and it is gratifying to hear my comments called something so favorable. Thank you, Lisa

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I'm diving deeper into Virginia Woolf now. Marxism is on the list, too -important.

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I read the Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels at 22, and loved it...its just a few score of pages in a handbook size....It stunned me. I found my deepest beliefs of how humans should be, beautifully exposed to my mind for the first time.Then I read all of "Das Kapital", the great work that made the dialectical materialism as the premise of collective communism into a "scrience". It's a work of tremendously detailed study, yet, all of it is as excitingly readable as "The Iliad" or "The Odyssey". He is a poetic, powerful author, and a much better than Mr. S could dream of. becoming. He created a new science of economics, single handedly. ..and then I read the wonderful Biography of Marx, but don't remember the author. I will look for it and if I find it I will let you know,. Marx's direct descendant, Eleanor Marx, in the late 1800's, wrote wonderful English translations of at least one of Gustav Flaubert's masterpieces. I find that true, unadulterated genius runs in the family, many times, don't you?

I will read "Orlando" after I finsh "To The Lighthouse", ..Lighthouse is a book of such incredible innovation in style and method (and some say style is THE most important thing an author must create, and to be great they must have a breakthrough in novelistic writing, a style recognizable instantly as all unique and unto themselves), that she she has insights into the mind that I am sure I shall find anything again that explodes my mind so much . She changed me, as she changes anyone who reads her. She has a loving humanism, and is called one of the 2 or 3 writers in the English language of the 20th century-people who love writing should start on her asap.

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