How is it not bigger mainstream news that Hannity is directing who the speaker is? I don't really understand both the media and the democratic party on not blasting this all over?

Could you imagine if Rachel Maddow was doing the same for the democratic leader? It would be 24/7 news. The democrats are woefully bad in communication

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What you point out in your remark is a larger truth about the trouble we are in: the role of right wing media in destroying this country. It has become increasingly obvious that Fox News, as one outstanding example, has poisoned public discourse to such an extent that Jim Jordan seems a reasonable choice for Speaker in the House. Hannity? He is a cheap and flashy tool of Fox News, which is a propaganda voice for right wing billionaires, who are protected in their infamy by the Supreme Court, itself a tool of right wing billionaires. The circle is closed and it is a noose around the neck of democracy in the US. Let's watch and see what happens with the Trump gag order. In my view, Fox News should have a gag order.

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It is wishful thinking to believe that this nation will survive this mass psychosis. It is exactly what happens under high capitalism.

Wall Street and Dow Jones cares about nothing but profit, and has no patriotism in its DNA. That is what high capitalism is.

Making munitions for new wars is a highly profitable trade, and those USA fat cats who own the factories are blissfully happy when a new war starts. They are part of the Dow Jones and Wall street, Fox News, the alt-right, and all the billionaire class.

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I found that news outrageous ! They screaming about social media censuring their bullshit during 2020 - if not for social media “ if only trump ( the incumbent) had hunter Biden fodder to feed to the public , he would have won “! Seriously ? But Sean Hannity calling everyone to get in line - wow !

There has to be MORE ( that we don’t know ) there’s a plan , an agenda , that trump is orchestrating with the GOP - pushing Jordan as speaker !

It’s not merely falling in line - it’s not just this or just that - it’s something much larger - that they are hoping to accomplish !

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Jordan is just a puppet for Trump/Putin.

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I think you mean Trump/Putin/Hannity.

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Or the political media is complicit with the GOP. Dems were mocked by the media for calling Jordan an “insurrectionist”--I added the quote marks just as NBC did even though we all know it’s true, not a matter of opinion. I am so tired of the Dems getting blamed for the media’s bias. They shouldn’t have to be screaming about this--the political media should be covering it as a story on their own. All of us understand what a disgrace and low point this is--except the political media for whom John Fetterman’s hoody was more disgraceful.

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The media are the oligarchs.

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The Democrats have always been bad at communication and apparently, still are. Wonder why that is so? Frustrating, indeed.

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I was just commenting about this the other day. My theory is this: Democrats think everyone is smart and savvy, so they don't see a need to explain what to them is OBVIOUS.

well they do need to EXPLAIN IT over and over until it is heard.

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Well said!! Dems at a garden party.

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I'm afraid the issue is much more complex than we realize. Here's an example. How effective are masks in reducing infections? Here's the truth (only my view, after studying what's known for years) they are moderately effective. It is possible that hundreds of thousands of lives in the US were lost because of false propaganda about masks. Who is to blame? Much more important, how can it be stopped, confronted, remedied? Let me know if you have an answer. Better, let us all know.

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I agree, hundreds of thousands of lives could have been saved if not for Trump villianizing the medical community re: masks and vaccines ( yet getting his own). Trump is to blame on this one along with Fox, and all the wacky right wing conspiracy theories.

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Chronic and now dangerously awful at communication strategy and execution. They think they can win support by being polite

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I wonder if, on some level, Dems believe that actions speak louder than words, and that being boastful is one of the deadly sins. They always (TRY to) do the right thing and believe that will be seen by the masses and appreciated.

Then I remember I learned, in Psych 101, that 50% of all persons have an IQ under 100. Some folk need to be led to understanding what is in their own best interests. There are many with the IQ well over 100 that need to be led to that understanding as well.

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Mass psychosis in the mental state of america...no different than Germany under Hitler.

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100% we are repeating horrid history

Nobody dares say this except for steve

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Did he actually say that this psychotic nation is no different than Germany under Hitler?

What I said, however, is that ONLY the mass psychosis is the same. The action of genocide and slaughter of whoever do not agree with our form of Hitler has not begun here, but with just a twitch it could.

The 78+ million that are lost cannot ever be brought to agree with me and Steve.

Now what?

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He compared the rise of Fascism to what is happening here. I intended to say that Hitler came to power without popular support. His ardent followers intimidated and subdued opposition. What is happening right now, right here, in the House of Representatives.

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Correct. Bulls-eye. Dems have zero strategic communications skills. No “moxie.” They stand aside me blink and wring their hands and pretend to be shocked …. Tepid responses are the norm. It was painfully obvious when Al Gore ran for Pres. His comms chief was without skill or savvy. A minor league player vs the forces deployed by George W

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People in Ukraine, Israel and Gaza are being bombed and tortured.

Republicans are afraid of a nasty tweet.

I could not agree with you more, Steve. And it is scaring the hell out of me.

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It is very, very dangerous for our country.

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So right, we've lost our way, scared of a tweet, crazy where we are.

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I feel the same. I’m terrified.

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“How is it that the most unfit people keep rising to the top of the MAGA/GOP mess and threatening the peace, prosperity and futures of 332 million Americans? What are we going to do about it.” --Steve Schmidt

How do the most unfit people keep rising to the top in Washington? Simple; Washington is a place where people fail upward. It’s the epitome of the definition of the Peter Principle: rising to the level of one’s incompetence.

In all fairness, people like Jordan have always been incompetent flamethrowers, but this is the new and improved Republican Party, where fitness is no substitute for loyalty.

And why are the sane republicans falling for this? Because they’re weak, and the fanatics are relentless as much as they are ruthless. In short, they wear you down emotionally and physically.

If Jordan succeeds, it’s game over. They will spend the next year playing defense for Trump and refusing to pass any meaningful legislation, unless everyone else falls in line, and accepts their despicable austerity measures, which will destroy the economy. Of course, they’ll lay the blame at Biden’s feet.

And don’t expect any aid for Ukraine. The biggest winner in this fiasco won’t be Trump, it will be Putin. Perhaps we should just indict these clowns for treason, and call it a day. The harm Jordan, TurDville and the rest of the Trump clown car is doing is unfathomable, and will reverberate in our country for years to come.

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GYM is merely a puppet, owned by Trump/Putin. If there had been actual swift JUSTICE after an ATTEMPTED COUP, perhaps America could be on the mend. But..nope..the traitors are still taking the government down from the INSIDE.

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Exactly! The entire Republican Party is directly influenced by, and at the mercy of, Trump! Many are worse than others, but every single Republican is hostage to Trump's threats and his influence over the MAGAts. Jordan is Trump's stooge and also is complicit and party to the coup to overthrow the US government! Jordan should have been dealt with (expelled) when it first came to light that he betrayed his oath of office. (Along with many, many others.) Trump should be in prison awaiting trial!

Yes, swift justice after an attempted coup was imperative, but the Democratic Party, top to bottom, the mainstream media, and most of all, the Justice Department under Garlands feckless leadership, dropped the ball, and we have paid an enormous price as a consequence. Democracy has been in peril for decades; now, it is succumbing to an authoritarian takeover.

We all agree that Trump is a monster, and the Republican Party is a quasi domestic terrorist group. However, the real threat to democracy, the Constitution, and the rule of law is a small but extraordinarily wealthy group of people who have enough money, and therefore power, to destroy the government of the leading economic power in the world. In the 21st Century, the obscenely wealthy have proven that you don't need armies to take over countries - billions of dollars is far more effective.

If we can agree to this, then it should be obvious to everyone, that the wealthy oligarchs control everything - local, state and federal government, AND the media. They have profound influence over the Supreme Court, the Executive and Legislative branches of our government. They essentially have so much money, they have influenced election outcomes for decades - for both parties. Furthermore, they get elected the most dishonest, duplicitous, and immoral people they can find.

A peaceful solution (aka elections) will not rid us of the wealthy oligarch's power and money over us. History is replete with examples of mighty civilizations, empires and monarchies that have fallen as the result of brutal oppression and servitude. This time will be no different if we fail to learn the lessons of history. Too many have already fallen, and it will not end well for millions and millions of other people, if we do not unite to destroy the power the wealthy have over us. We should never forget that the wealthy have no problem sacrificing others in their relentless pursuit of more wealth and more power! It is clear to me what must happen to avoid a total catastrophe - the sooner, the better.

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Only in the United States - do we allow the person who doesn’t win the popular vote - to win as president- only in the USA all other countries have changed their way of voting to,the majority of votes won - wins the contest ! (I’m thinking that this is where the “participation trophies” was born from ?)

Only in our convoluted way of governing - the “set up” a guy like tuberville can hold up our entire military promotions, hires, and readiness - this is so freaking dangerous !

And please don’t tell me that republicans aren’t colluding with oil companies while Bidens been president- they are !

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Colluding with Putin

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Jim Jordan and his seditious conspiracies , are just beginning with him as speaker ! Jim Jordan will turn over the 2024 election , if Biden wins

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Oct 17, 2023·edited Oct 17, 2023

No, not if the Democrats take the House and hold the Senate. A new Congress is sworn in on January 3, 2025. He would no longer be Speaker. Hakeem Jeffries will be seated. He WILL be the Speaker in 2025.

(But they will can his behind before that if they decide he isn't MAGAing the country fast enough....just like they turned on McCarthy.)

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Taking the majority in both houses is imperative in 2024. People in favor of freedom and democracy HAVE to show up and vote out the republican party. This is exactly what I tell everyone I can, and I spare no gruesome details. Life as we know it ends if these traitors are allowed to trash America. Tell that to everyone you can, and don't stop advocating voting. It is the only tool we have to put a stop to the madness.

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So many traitors have been trashing America for years now. So much for “Justice”.

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Well yes ! And thanks to Marc Ellias and his tireless work in making sure states and state legislators aren’t illegally gerrymandering and suppressing - voters - we are able to win ! Losing Louisiana governorship- was not helpful ! The republicans flipped it

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It’s hard to let the chaos play itself out, theres really not an option, but this .

2024 and BLUE TSUNAMI is end goal for us - that’s 12-15 months .

Can we hold the line until then ?

The real facts say we ARE.

Thus chaos gets crazier, that was a given...they’re desperate and have got to throw what ...even ketchup ..if necessary .

People are really getting tired of this constant ruckus, patience is hard to hold onto with the henhouse ‘s growing cacophony , but strategy in the game they play is to rattle the winning side, throw them off their game, disturb their focus,fluster the master .

You and I known who the master is.

They do too.

Can the whole blow up in our faces ...

Oh sure..

And we’ll STILL get blamed.

HOLD the line ....and then it’s ...


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Oh he is definitely MAGA grade

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You’re right. Jordan as speaker is a cog in the terrible wheel of events that will give us Trump forever. If he gets in again, he isn’t leaving.

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Oh, swell! SOMETHING else to worry about!

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You didn't know that already? Trump pretty much declared it; he can't keep his mouth shut, EVER! I hope like hell that he goes over the line often enough that Judge Chutkan puts his ass in jail...oh, what a joy that would be!! Come on, Trump, go ahead and try it. LOL (We should wager how soon he gets himself in trouble for blabbing about things he was told he couldn't blab about!!!) Ha ha ha ha ha - can't wait!

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Wouldn’t it be interesting if Jack Smith moved forward with an indictment of Jordan.

I said shortly after McCarthy was ousted that nothing could be worse. I was very wrong.

If he gets made Speaker those 18 republicans in Biden districts, who are already targeted, just tightened the noose.

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It can always get worse and we Americans have to watch it happen before our horrified eyes.

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I unfortunately have to agree. I guess I was foolish to think in that case it couldn’t. Guess nothing should surprise me anymore.

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I just cannot believe the lack of anything good from Republicans. Not one will stand with democracy because that would mean standing with Democrats, who are the sworn enemy of MAGA. This is really happening. Why don't moderate Republicans realize there is strength in numbers. They just need to reject MAGA and maybe stop worrying about politics for a minute. Our very way of life, our freedom is at stake. Vote these useless, spineless, amoral cretins out of our government. Vote Blue!

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BLUE looks good on everyone!

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It really does!

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LoL, Jim Fuking Jordan, America really is in Trouble if he's all they/we have!

Karma, it's a thing.

I'm sorry America, tried to warn you, actions have consequences.

Mr. Steve, SPOT on as Usual!

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You can tell a lot about people by how they behave in a crisis. Joe Biden is planning to go to Israel. House Republicans are going to try to elect Jim Jordan, an open insurrectionist who looked the other way when students were molested. No shame.

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But nearly every Republican presidential candidate echoes the party line that they would have to vote for Trump if he were the nominee because Joe Biden is such a threat to our democracy.

And not one journalist ever - ever! - asks them to explain or justify this absurdity.

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Can’t shame the shameless.

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We ARE in trouble. Of course the MAGA contingent has one -upped itself in finding a worse speaker than it had in McCarthy. Those who didnt see it, and encouraged a MCarthy defeat- shame on you. Youre all blind to how low they can go, which means youre asleep at the wheel. Because lower they will always go. If you haven’t learned that by now- you won’t my friends.

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I woke up this morning to Steve's rant against Jim Jordan. I felt a sense of relief. No one, and I mean no one, is better suited to expose the meaning of Jim Jordan - pardon me, I meant "Gym Jordan" - nearing the pinnacle of House Speaker. I am tempted to refer to the example of Caligula offering his horse for the position of Roman consul as a parallel. Not a good idea; too facetious. Humor, even sarcastic humor, is not appropriate these days. We are approaching Armageddon. What we need is exactly what Steve supplies this morning. He exposes, not a Jim Jordan, who has been strutting around in all his naked evil for years. Steve puts his searing spotlight on Michael McCaul, who poses as a responsible human being. No, he is not. He is a mortal enemy, as are all those who would vote for Jordan. And all those who favored the insurrection on January 6. We are where we are today not solely because the Hannity's of the world are being paid to help wreck us. No, the McCaul's of the world are the point of the spear aimed at our throat.

Thank you, Steve, for helping us see the truth.

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"This country is in big trouble if Jordan is elected". Couldn't agree more Steve.

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America's citizens are squarely to blame for this CF. We squander and dilute the power of our number. We don’t vote, we complain. We no longer empower the dream and quest for a greater good.

We fell asleep on our watch and then failed, quite epically, to comprehend wealth and privilege would set the people's House on fire.

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What does this say about the American voter, at least 35-40% or so of them, and also of the apathetic voters who may not agree but do not vote? We keep electing these people. We (collectively, not me) tolerate their actions. That, to me, is the real issue.

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Without proper education in history, civics and critical thinking skills, we're doomed.

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Eggzactly. People keep voting for them. If they weren’t voted into office they wouldn’t be polluting our airwaves.

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I have a bit of advice for Steve.....When assessing the character, rationality, and patriotism of a Republican politician, and I mean damn near every one of them, you will seldom be proven wrong if you assume the total absence of the above three traits. The two Mikes and the rest of the so called “sensible Republicans” will likely revert to form. Assume the worst, I’m sorry to say, and you will be spot on around 97% of the time. Wow, is right.

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We face the unenviable choices of suffering a continued shutdown of the House vs. dealing with the demolition derby team of Jim Jordon, escalating the clown team to ransack and eviscerate the core functionality of our government. We are in the eye of the storm now, hurricane to follow.

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Lately, it always seems to be Hurricane Season.

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I just got off a call to my Rep, Jim Banks. It won’t make a difference, but I did it anyway. He is MAGA. A big fan of Jordan and Trump. I just felt it had to be done and regardless our voices needed to heard.

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