From the trenches of North Carolina:

I ask this question many times — how did 2,856,000 of my neighbors in this state decide that Mark Robinson should be our Lieutenant Governor?

I am also surprised that this poorly-educated misogynist did not say that the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor. He has the bravado of the ignorant: they know nothing but bellow loudly that they know everything.

It has been sad times with this man as Lieutenant Governor and it may get worse if we continue on our journey of ignorance and malevolence by making him Governor.

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Well....to answer that...I remember seeing a local news interview here in TX with an older lady in the last Ted Cruz campaign with Beto O'Rourke. And the reporter asked her, as a Republican, what she thought of Ted Cruz. And she said she hated him with every ounce of her soul, that he was a terrible senator and a worse human being. And then she was asked who she was voting for. She said Ted Cruz. Why? "Because he's not a Democrat."

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That could be replayed in North Carolina with the same answer. What is even more bizarre is that approximately one million women living in this state voted for him after he said things were better when women did not have the vote.

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Robinson has all but promised to take away a woman’s right to vote. He is abysmal and if Stein does not win, we are in a world of hurt. I just do not know where he got this mindset unless all of MAGA minions have had lobotomies or something. I am embarrassed to live in NC if he wins.

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I would like to think he will be rejected, but he won the Lieutenant Governor position by a strong plurality (300,000 votes), so I honestly do not know what to expect.

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Well I know the ad where he says that pregnancy is due to women not pulling their dresses down hit a nerve with all women. Pissed is putting it mildly.

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Yeah but somewhere, in messaging, or process, or all of it, the Democratic Party has become so reviled that people like this and their agenda is in front of us, and THEY are the ones saying they are fighting for democracy and against fascism. We can sit here debating the causes (many) of all that, but here we are. We say they are a cult, and they say we're an evil conspiracy. Who or what can make everyone shut up and listen to each other for a minute, I don't have that answer. Historically it's required a lot of death and destruction. I hope not.

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Both parties are failing because neither offers what Americans really want and need from government. Americans are easily fooled because most have no idea how the government and economy work nor what kind of government/economic system would work best for them.

The Democractic party has a wing that offers policies that would help everyday citizens; that wing is the Congressional Progressive Caucus. However, our failing educational system has resulted in a population that does not understand the difference between socialism and communism. They are unaware that a socialist economy can be coupled with a democratic government to advance justice, tolerance, security, and continue the fight for a more equal distribution of wealth while retaining the best aspects of capitalism.

Millions have been fooled by billionaires into believing that policies favoring the ultra wealthy somehow help them also. Trump is the ultimate trickster;

he doesn't care about the environment or climate since he and other billionaires care only about themselves, not future generations; he loves the uneducated (by his own admission) and he has convinced befuddled religious fanatics that he has been sent by God, the "Chosen One," to restore "morality" in America.

There are many Democrats who won't support progressives because "they can't win," which is why they lose.

Our only hope is to get Biden to step down and nominate vigorous progressives capable of explaining how and why the general population has been fooled by MAGA and moderate Republicans and Democrats into voting against their own best interests. There is a long list of men and women capable of articulating that message clearly and convincingly. That list includes Katie Porter, Elizabeth Warren, Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell and many others.

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Well said Anthony!!!

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I have never seen things so polarized in this country. It is sad. There are a lot of various reasons for it, I suppose. A million deaths from opioids, with government failing abysmslly and not protecting people, is one of many reasons.

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And see, women are saying things against women just because of some kind of social conditioning. I almost think a woman could never become president because of that. Sort of sad.

The lead picture shows Biden looking a little orange. That can't be good.

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I think a lot of it has to do with the growth in the population of the social conservatives. The male and female population will vote for a Mark Robinson because he espouses their values. It does not matter that this includes the subjugation of women because it still conforms to their thinking. I personally do not agree with it, but there is a huge population in this state that does.

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I’ve seen this before, I’m betting this elderly lady depends in large part on SS & Medicare and other programs for working families and the elderly. All of which came from the Democrats.

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That thought process is very common in the South. There are people here, working poor, who rely on Medicaid and other government programs. Yet for over a generation now, they consistently vote for politicians who do everything possible to eliminate their government assistance. Time and again. It would be comical if it were not so tragic.

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Lincoln should have let the South secede from the union. In a few years or less, they would have begged to rejoin. They needed the North for economic reasons, and they still do. But they're so brainwashed, they can't think straight. They're angry at giving benefits to the poor, especially Blacks and Hispanics.

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When I look at the Senators that South Carolina and Alabama gave us, it would have been better succession was permanent.

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You took it further than me, but I agree.

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Just like Nikki Haley, Rubio, Graham, etc. All voting for trump.

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Omg. That sounds like what they say here in Indiana. Both sides have demonized each other so badly.

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It’s terrible. Alabama, for instance, had a decent man, Doug Jones, as its Senator. He was trying to accomplish things and improve lives. He was a lifelong resident of the state. What did Alabama do? They removed Jones in favor of a MAGA traitor and incompetent named Tommy Tuberville. We try to fix stupid, but it is not happening in Alabama.

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I know John. I loved Doug Jones!! He was awesome. I donated to his campaign. My Mom is the same way. She despises that the "immigrants are getting all this free stuff" she believes. Not realizing her own Party has been working to undermine her interests for decades.

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Pure ignorance

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Would strain credulity even as a character in “Idiocracy”

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Robinson must be exposed as the awful person he is. Progress is being made toward that goal. This is from today's "Raleigh News and Observer." The full story can be read by clicking the linking following the excerpt:

"As Republican Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson runs for governor, questions are being raised about his past bankruptcies and his failures to pay taxes. But there’s another problematic part of Robinson’s history that hasn’t received attention – how he and his wife were cited for numerous violations at the child care center they operated from 2000 to 2007, including a charge that the center presented falsified certification documents to state inspectors.

State inspectors made several unannounced visits to the center and cited it for dozens of violations. Some were minor and corrected. The violations included sanitary, safety and nutrition issues, but the most significant ones involved falsified documents. According to state records, the Robinsons presented documents attesting to their training certifications and the completion of criminal background checks that the state had no record of issuing."


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Why am I not surprised? The man is busy attacking women and making up history, but cannot operate a business competently or in compliance with the law.

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What does that tell you about your “neighbors”?

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Nothing good.

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John, it feels like the twilight zone…. I say the same every single day - who are all these trump voters? I’ll never understand it or them.

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I will vote for the anti-Trump whoever it is. If it’s Biden, and he loses, I will never forgive him or his party. I’m all in but I’m worried.

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You should be worried. It's not your vote or mine that is at stake here. It is the vote of a tiny, tiny number of people in a few states that matter. Maybe 40,000-100,000 in a country of 330M. They will have little information, they won't know what fascism is nor will they believe it is coming, and they will be politically unsophisticated. The debate needs to be around that. Who can capture those votes?

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Why do we all believe that the constitution is such a sacred document when it allows a SC with a lifetime appointment and no requirement for recusals even for obvious reasons. The electoral college is a farce. The Senate gives states with meager populations 2 senators, the same as states like CA, NY, PA with millions of residents. And why are the Dems afraid to eliminate the filibuster?

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We need a clear communicator and neither Biden or Harris have the skills.

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Michael, I believe that determinative vote, in large part, could rest on how effectively we deliver a readily accessible and relatable understanding of Project 2025. I would note that last week a friend sent me a one-page listing of its provisions. While, in its current form, the document neither is relatable nor accessible, my task is to wrap those provisions around a framework that makes transparent the agenda’s controlling themes and narrative. My intent is to try not to exceed 1 page back-to-back.

For contrast, I, or someone else, will create a companion document covering both achievements and plans moving forward under a Democratic administration.

Presuming our work is deemed effective, we will shoot for broad circulation.

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It is about the swing states and even a few others may be in play now like New Hampshire. Remember the Freedom Buses in the 60’s that went to the south? We should do the same and do some eye popping things to get media coverage. Freedom 2025 buses, vs Project 2025.

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It’s the same feeling as when they nominated Hillary as I knew in my bones she wd lose, only this is worse. I’m scared also.

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I agree with you. I'm extremely worried.

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AMEN. You speak for many of us.

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“If you stay in, and Trump is elected, and everything you’re warning about comes to pass, how will you feel in January?” Stephanopoulos asked.

….“I will feel, as long as I gave it my all, and I did the — good a job as I know I can do, that’s what this is about,” Biden replied.”

Really? That’s what this is about? We’ve been told, and rightfully so, that Trump is an existential threat to our democracy, yet Biden’s going to give it the old, college try. God help us all!!!!!!!!!

Sadly, he, his family and advisors, are starting to sound and act a lot like Trump and MAGA; he’s living in a state of denial, and Biden believes “only he alone can fix it—beating Trump. I guess the same way he beat Medicare. Ugh!!!!!

How ironic in a country of 330 million, our options are reduced to a narcissistic, vindictive, authoritarian sociopath, or an affable, cognitively declining octogenarian, with delusions of grandeur.

Good times…..:)

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I read the transcript from Stephanopolis and Biden responded that he would eveything in his power to support all Americans. He told the truth that he has many Intelligent, Patriotic. people of good will to guide him. Trump has only Traitors and Criminals. I wish that was brought in the interview. I hope CNN and the mainstream media strart showing More proffessionalism.

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Fair enough, but he still can’t articulate his successes. And worse, he continues to have senior moments where he loses his train of thought.

Additionally, this issue didn’t just arise last Thursday. We’ve heard ramblings about his cognitive abilities for over a year. We chose to ignore it because other issues were considered more critical: inflation, housing and the cost of living.

Look, Biden has my vote, I just don’t think he will win, and this issue is definitely not going away, so any chance to change the narrative will be lost.

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Here’s my question (I’m a nurse) - Why on earth is no one talking about the clear signs of DEMENTIA coming from Trump?

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The same reason they talk about his treason, his authoritarian tendencies, his criminality, and all the nefarious plans that he and his minions have in store for this nation, should he retake the Oval.

Instead, the media smells blood, and they’ll milk this story for every drop it’s worth. And let’s face it, Biden and his team aren’t doing themselves any favors right now….:)

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Of course, Biden has my vote, but I'm worried that millions will stay home on election day and hand the victory to trump. People see an evil thug and a septuagenarian and they're very worried, as am I. Is there time for someone else to campaign if Biden resigns?

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I have heard Biden speak about his successes on several different occasions, Robert.

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There are approximately 70 million Americans who will vote for the MAGA Fascist in order to burn down the house. Sad but true.

Mark Robinson was elected Lieutenant Governor here in North Carolina after saying things “were absolutely better” when women could not vote. Sad but also true.

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You’ll get no argument from me…..:)

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Yes, Biden implied that even if he loses, it's OK because he really tried hard. If there's a god, we need help--FAST!

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Exactly, tho when you scrape away the veneer and the mythology, I think you will find Joe has always been a narcissist and no one has ever looked at some possible reasons his children have had struggles. I always felt sorry for his first wife, left alone to buy a Xmas tree w 3 babies while Joe was being feted in DC as the 2nd coming, DE Kennedy, king of credit card city Wilmington.

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C’mon, Nancy. My guess is that his wife was thrilled for him and it had all been discussed in advance. On the day of the automobile crash, to which you refer, his wife may have been a bit sad not to have been in Washington with Joe, she may have wanted nothing to do with Washington D.C.. That we will never know and to suggestion is cruel. As far as his children having problems, I don’t know. I certainly think drug addiction is pretty common these days. The other two are/did fine. Heck, his son, Beau is a decorated veteran.

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I’m sorry but I’m not engaging. I have much in the way of personal anecdotes from living in kennett square, pa. In the 80’s. I can show you a letter I wrote to the local paper on the great choice for him to be VP under Obama. So I choose not to engage w you as I am conserving my strength.

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Be well, Nancy.

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Agreed. It’s also the audacity of Biden believing that only he can beat Trump. He’s sounds and acts like Trump: an overblown ego, hubris, and delusions of grandeur.

This isn’t a sporting event. Elections have consequences, and this election could be the death kneel of our democracy. Yet, we should put our faith in a guy who can’t keep his train of thought, walks like he’s about to keel over, and is living in a bunker.

He should have been out front and center after the debate. He should have had a media blitz, showing why the debate was a one-off. Yet, he shows up the next day in NC, giving a teleprompter speech and takes no questions until last night. This is a recipe for disaster. When you become the story, you’ve already lost.

If Biden stays in the race and we lose, I will blame Jill and Joe’s advisers. Clearly, half the time Biden doesn’t even know where he is. It’s almost elder abuse….:)

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Yeah . . . what the fuck is wrong with Jill Biden? Somebody ought to be suggesting she take some tests. And I'm not talking about tests for cognitive abilities.

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Most definitely, makes me wonder about just what he is really holding up? I really think it is a white male supremacist structure aided by older misogynist Black men and then his following among the LGBT followers and all those trust account kids who work for him and think it’s a season on west wing. We’re doomed

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Mary, Do you know the Talking Heads song about once inside the pleasure dome, no one wants to go back home? Jill vs Biden is facing dealing with an increasingly angry and fearful man who is dying but won’t face it.

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I don’t think we are doomed. I think the media and the clergy will be exposed for inciting this new age civil war. All you pretty boys and girls with your cushy jobs and secure futures, think again.

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if dems continue to prop up biden they will lose by a landslide

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Steve, please keep calling it out. It is both depressing and sad to read your commentary but so needed.

The interview did not nothing but confirm that President Biden needs to declare victory, having fought the good fight, and allow a new younger generation defeat the fascist Trump.

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I don’t think Steve’s messages are depressing and sad. I think they are courageous and enlightening, the words of a true truth teller who knows what the hell he is talking about from both experience and education. The world needs more people like him.

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Both things can be true. Steve's posts are indeed courageous and enlightening, but that enlightenment leads us to depression and sadness. And anger.

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Agree. He should take the win and move on

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While Biden’s “debate” was disastrous because he looked unwell and was hard to hear or follow, the transcript was lucid and despite a few flubs, factual. Trumps statements, on the other hand were primarily the same lies he tells in his campaign speeches. Trump made no effort to answer moderator’s questions.

Biden has an experienced administration advising and backing him up, while Trump has sycophants with questionable experience.

Any effort to replace Biden at this 11th hour will be sized upon by Republicans and the media as desperate, chaotic and contentious. Democrats’ bigger problem is our inability to control the narrative. That won’t go away if Biden is replaced.

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I respectfully disagree. 74% of Americans would rather have anyone but Trump or Biden as president. That’s an opportunity. In normal times, I’d agree with your assessment, but nothing about this election is normal.

Biden was ahead in all the polls in 2020, and he barely squeaked out a win (40k votes in three swing states). Biden has been a great president for the first three years, but he’s lost ground with Muslims and the youth over Gaza; they want their pound of flesh, and Biden is the one the blame; whether real or imagined, they believe Biden can control Israel, even though he can’t!

That said, a new candidate would immediately get billions in free media. The candidate can distance himself/ herself from Gaza, and instead of spending countless hours talking about Biden’s cognitive decline, we can reshape the narrative.

Is this a risky proposition? Absolutely! Yet, when you consider that Biden is down in every critical battleground state by almost double digits, and is even losing the popular vote, it may be our only option.

My premise is that the election is already lost. Even though he’s unfairly being blamed for inflation and other issues that are out of his control; he’s president, and the buck stops with him.

His biggest problem is he cannot articulate his own policy wins. More people believe Trump is better for the economy and as a defender of democracy. Of course, this is nonsense, but apparently more than half this country didn’t get the memo, or couldn’t care less.

Our only option, is a fresh start. Kamala is a good prosecutor, and better prepared to discuss abortion than Biden is. Again, it may be a Hail Mary, but I see it differently; it may be our only chance to right the ship, and win the election.


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Biden could influence Israel by cutting off all American military aid until they pull out of Gaza.

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I’m not sure any president would completely cut off aid, but Bibi (duplicitous putz) is definitely running circles around Biden…:)

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I agree whole-heartedly.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

Everything you said I'm on board with EXCEPT the Kamala thing. She is a no-go IMHO. Put a Wes Moore in there if you need the black vote and another woman running mate for the abortion debate.

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The only reason why Kamala maybe the only choice is because the campaign funds. Biden has over $100 million that can only be used for his campaign which includes Kamala. All other candidates would have to start from scratch, which is a difficult task…:)

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Agree 100% Robert. Very well said.

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Perhaps all things you said are true, Diane. The problem is 51 million watched him fail epically during the debate. He looked lost walking out and was nearly incoherent in his opening statement. And very few people will read the transcript. This is the exact same thing that was said about his interview on classified documents with the partisan hack, Hur. They refused to release the audio/video, and stated the transcript was great. No one cares about the transcript. This is just a pattern of his staff and admin hiding what we all plainly saw during the debate. Denying the reality doesn't change reality. It merely let's folks close that cognitive dissonance gap.

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Robert and Mike, we are indeed in Hail Mary territory. The vast majority of Democrats will vote for whoever is on the ticket. It’s the Independents and undecideds who will decide the win.

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Sure, regarding D voters. And also agree about the Is and undecided (how that's even still possible is hard to fathom, but I digress). I want to return to your final statement in the initial post: "Democrats’ bigger problem is our inability to control the narrative. That won’t go away if Biden is replaced." The reality is the narrative has already been lost IMO. The only possible chance of changing that is IF Biden is replaced. As Steve has pointed out for months and months, the loser will be who the election is about. It's all about Biden, and that's a huge problem. We all know TFG is a complete horror show and POS, but his supporters don't care and the media has completely normalized that.

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You're so right Mike.

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I don't think it was 51 million. I thought I heard that it was only 8 million, so we shouldn't worry. But I don't know if we can believe it.

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The TV viewership numbers state 51.27 million. Not sure where the 8 million came from. Regardless, 99.9% (a number I developed using the DOMA method) of whatever viewership will not actually ready the transcript. Too lazy and too easily distracted. And considering the election will come down to a few thousand votes in 5 or 6 swing states, it's a problem.

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Well said…:)

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Steve, like you, throughout the interview last night I wondered how removed our politicians seem to be from reality, all politicians. Biden isn't alone in this. But I found it shocking when he admitted he hadn't watched the video from the debate. For me, that said more than anything else. And I wondered, if I were a democrat, (I'm an independent), and in Congress what would I do given my complete fear of an evil man as the alternative? Would I want Biden out? Would I prefer an alternative in this shortened timeframe? I'd make a decision, but I'd find it wrenching and stressful. At the same time, it's shocking that Biden has been so insulated. The time for a change was last fall and I am angry not only of the party but of his family for trying to hide all of it from us at the risk of so much.

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Reagan’s dementia was hidden from us and I was pissed.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

I don’t mean to be picayune; Biden’s response to GS’s question about whether he had watched the debate was “I don’t think I watched it”. This to me was an acknowledgment that he is being protected by those who love him and who refuse to own up to the disaster at hand. His response to that simple question was inadequate and he will continue to make errors given the level of stress surrounding the negative comments following the debate. He needs to pass the torch, hold his head up high and accept the fact that what he’s done for the US and the Western World is immeasurable. Alas, he simply cannot finish the job that he wants to finish.

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He was there. He already knew he messed up. Would that be the best use of his time? Campaigning while running a country?

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He "messed up"? Uh, this was not a "mistake", he was bumbling and unable to even rebut Trump's many lies. now he’s being carefully managed and hidden, and only presented in carefully selected infrequent occasional events. so let me ask you this: suppose it’s a month down the road from now and Biden still on the race and he has another disastrous or even week live presentation without a teleprompter. That would be truly the end. So they’re carefully controlling him and it’s obvious. anybody who could turn in such a catastrophic performance is at risk of faltering again and he seems to be getting worse by the month. It’s time for him to step aside because it will be too late very soon. The impression has already been cast among millions of Americans of a guy who is just too old and aging fast. even if you were to pull off a win, which I think is impossible at this point in time, Harris would be sure to replace him within the first year or maybe even a few months. he didn’t “mess up” it’s his aging brain which is beginning to show itself to the nation and has been basically managed and hidden from us and no longer.

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So then Harris will replace him. What is the big deal? It will be a much easier transition later than now. The campaign money stays in the same hands. The staff and the programs all stay in the same administration. All my friends are still in favor of Biden and he received a lot of donations AFTER the debate, so the grassroots are still on his side. People need to STFU and realize the Kamala is not going to make any major changes and will keep the country safe from Project 2025. The polls are hardly ever right. Many people don't want to answer the different polls because they also get hit up for donations at the same time.

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But even if some rally behind Biden, enough people will have peeled away from Biden because his performance at the debate was OLD and INDELIBLE. It’s going to make every swing state into a Trump win. EVERYONE recognizes OLD and FEEBLE, and like I said earlier, he’s got months to go and he cannot look weak or old or get sick or fall even once more, and it’s GAME OVER.

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So you are saying that people would prefer a lying, rapist, traitor, to an old guy who has a great team behind him? In that case there is no hope for the USA.

Who do you think would be a good replacement?

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No, of course I never said that. I'm just saying that all it would take is for a certain percentage of independents will peel off from Biden and just not vote for either one. It's hard to conceive that there would actually be 'undecideds' at this point. But Biden didn't just have a 'bad night' or 'make a mistake'. Word is out big time that he's OLD and FEEBLE and nothing of the little he's done since the debate has repaired that harm or reassured dubious voters. Plus, like I've said, just one more event before the election will be the knockout punch. He's done. The election is now all about Biden's fading capabilities instead of the EXTREME DANGER represented by Trump. He needs to resign now, Kamala takes over, and we can certainly create some excitement about her instead of the Old Dog, who would not be able to serve out his term, he won't even make it through the first year (I mean assuming he doesn't have an MI or stroke or breaks a hip), so it's going to be Kamala, let's just do it now!!!

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You are playing into the Project 2025 faction/GOP hands. Stop the hysteria. You've literally got a choice between democracy and authoritarianism. Joe is in better health that Trump - mentally and physically. The team that sticks together wins. We're blowing it.

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Relax. The next day he did well.

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Did well? So everyone should now relax based on him "doing well"? He hasn't done well, aides are now saying he is only able to function or be productive between 10 am and 4 pm and needs to be in bed by 8 pm? He can't even do a 30 minute interview! It's coming out now that his aides have been carefully managing and limiting his exposure. This isn't about being knocked down and getting back up and fighting on, IT'S OVER! Nothing can make up for the debate catastrophe. His inner circle, including DOCTOR Jill,Biden need to stop trying to pump him up and just tell him, he's going TO LOSE.DJT is in the strongest position he's ever been in and here we have Joe taking the short steps on Air Force One. "Relax"???

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Debra, a person who has diminished capacity to recall and discuss things they could before may very well not remember from minute to minute that they screwed up or even if they watched the tape of the debate. It sounds as if it may be that bad. It’s pretty sad.

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He stated exactly how he messed up. Democracy works. It doesn't depend on just one person but it does depend on the majority supporting it in action. Right now we're down to one party doing that plus a corrupted Supreme Court. Look how far the GOP has come with literally demented candidates - because they stick together. The party with morals has to stick together. Quit hand wringing and hoping for a more perfect solution. Work together.

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I think it's unbelievable that he didn't watch the debate. With all the publicity about how bad it was, he had to.

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Biden has entered into the land of delusional, irrational, and self- serving thinking that will doom this nation to a Trump presidency that will annihilate the constitutional process that served this country through domestic upheavals, economic collapse, and two world wars. His obliviousness to the consequences of his selfishness and stubbornness will obliterate his reputation for all time.

In order to save this nation and, by implication, the world from his monumental hubris he must be crowbarred out of this campaign and, if necessary, the presidency itself.

The single most jaw dropping takeaway from his ABC interview was his cavalier remarks about how he would react to being defeated by Trump. Essentially, it’s no big deal!! Absolutely incredible. If that insight into his thinking doesn’t scare the hell out of anyone then you are insane.

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I agree Mark. I was floored. It was like No big deal. I'll just retire to my mansion while the rest of us eat cake. Unreal!!

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Please say this to Biden via Whitehouse.gov.

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Sent several messages to the White House….. never get a response or acknowledge of receipt

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"I will feel, as long as I gave it my all, and I did the — good a job as I know I can do, that’s what this is about,”

WIll the American who loses their job, because he or she said something negative about Trump think that was enough of an answer?

Will the American journalist who will be imprisoned, because he or she wrote the wrong thing think that was enough of an answer?

Will the thousands who die from poisned food or water or unregulated CO2 emmissions, because all of the civil servants in government took a loyalty oath to Trump consider that

was enough of an answer?

When Medicare and Social Security are 'fixed' will the people who lose benefits think that was enough of an answer?

When Ukraine is overrun by the Russian army, because Trump would not continue to ship arms to them and when the US pulls out of NATO, will our allies think that was enough of an answer?

These things must be considered. Trump must not be allowed to assume the presidency.

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Biden should yield to Harris. She can use his campaign money. She can run hard on women’s rights and legislation that will codify roe v. wade; she can run on a new voting rights act that inhibits racial gerrymandering that is against rampant; and she can run on the promise — if we give her a democratic Congress — to create a presidential commission or support a congressional commission to study how the Supreme Court has become partisan, lost the trust of the country, is perhaps in the throes of a bribery scandal, and how that can be addressed by the other branches of government and by the public. And she CAN RUN AGAINST THE CRAZY OLD MAN WHO’S TOO OLD AND SENILE TO BE PRESIDENT. Her campaign can turn the tables on this whole shit show by throwing it back in the smug, post-debate faces. And if questions come up beyond women’s rights, voting rights, and judicial reform, she can point to the most successful bi-partisan administration of more than 80 years and that she was second in command of that administration and now has the experience and support to be in command. I think she could get the energy of young voters, of women voters, of voters of color and of never-Trumpers that could ward off MAGA. I’m hoping so.

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Two delusional men. One intent on evil. The other hoping for the best.....

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That is so cynical and not based in reality.

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Cynical? Perhaps. But deadly accurate. Not sure how you can say it's not based on reality.

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Defeatist attitude. You've already given up.

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You don't know me. I asked you what you based your "reality" comment on, and you take the time to respond in this manner because you are unable to answer the fairly easy question. Dennis said, "one is intent on evil" and that clearly describes TFG. He then said, "the other is hoping for the best", which is clearly an interpretation of Biden's response in the interview this ENTIRE essay is about when asked what if he loses in November.

That's not giving up, so rather than not answering the question, why don't you explain your response. It comes across as dismissive rather than substantiated, just like your response to me. That's what TFG does, so congrats, I guess.

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It's based on you can't foretell the future. No one can. There's one blip and everyone is panicking. One side is clearly incompetent. The other has been competent and had one bad night. Let's get up, brush ourselves off and finish the race. Democracy is literally up for grabs.

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Fair enough, but still not an answer to the question. Don't be troubled, I know you won't provide one so I won't ask again. It's not defeatist or giving up being concerned with Biden's response in the GS ABC interview when asked if he lost, he said, "I'll feel as long as I gave it my all and I did the goodest job as I know I can do, that's what this is about." Uh, that's what we "hoping for the best" which is the exact comment Dennis said and I was referring to. I'd also call it wishful thinking about giving it the ole college try, which is bullshit, because too much is on the line.

And you're in complete denial of reality if you think the debate was one bad night, but help yourself to your opinion. Biden has been trending this way for years, As far as I know, there is no fountain of youth that will reverse aging and its effects.

All said, I will support Biden if he remains on the ticket, which is his choice, not Steve's, not mine, and not yours. We all want the same thing - to defeat the colossal POS that is TFG.

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BTW, do you know who else can't predict the future? Joe Biden, who has repeatedly said he's the only person who can beat TFG. That he said he would be a one term transition away from TFG and restore our place domestically and internationally, all of which he did, yet then decided to handcuff the democratic party and DNC by running for re-election, thus killing any chance of a primary and a transition to a new generation of D leaders. But I apparently digress.

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Steve, I suggest if you want to win this debate, it's a bit of a misdirection to even mention about Biden's future cognitive skills at age 86 or even 106. It doesn't matter, and as a teacher (to me) of history you know we've had at least a couple of Presidents who had lost more cognitive skills than Biden, and still had a staff, and democracy still survived (Reagan for example).

All that matters THIS TIME is winning, Defeating fascism. Preserving democracy. That is all. I don't care if it's Biden, Taylor Swift, or a ham sandwich, so long as it's a small-d democrat.

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Reagan didn't live in a time of social media, deep fakes, cheap fakes, and algorithms. For that matter, FDR didn't live in a time of television, so his disability wasn't front and center and in people's faces every day, dozens of times a day. Different world that you can't adequately or justifiably compare.

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So it matters? It's ok to vote for Trump because you fear what will happin in 3 years when Biden is eating soup?

I understand that the MEDIA (i.e. all of it, social and darkweb inculuded) is a threat because of how they might use this issue to win the election. I DON'T uderstand why we'd need to make this issue for them NOW. Steve doesn't say "the opposition will use this to say that." He just makes the case that at 85 he'll be worse. To which I say: I don't care. Will he win? That is all I care about.

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Sorry if I didn't make it clear. No, it is not OK to vote for TFG...ever. And not what this discussion was about. The media will spend the next 4 months pointing out every Biden mental gaffe, glitch or hiccup, slight stumble, whatever, because that gets them clicks. TFG is awful in every capacity, yet they've normalized his behavior and his supporters don't care. If Biden has declined since 2020, and he has, it is a normal and rational concern to raise how he may be affected in another upcoming term. MAGA is already saying a vote for him is in effect a vote for Harris. That's preying on people's fear, but after the debate, it's not a very far leap to make. That doesn't make it right, but it's a logical next thought. Still doesn't mean a vote for a nearly as old POS TFG, but again, that was never the point.

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I’ll take that ham sandwich & I don’t even eat meat !🍖

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Thank you for your passion and eloquence. What occurs to me is, why can't someone get through to the Biden camp that if he passed the election torch to another candidate he would free himself to complete and advance his progressive agenda? Without the massive distraction of campaigning he could use executive powers to great advantage and cement his legacy as a towering public servant and effective legislator. His risk to himself and democracy is clear and this alternative is a win-win. We all know someone with an aging parent who won't stop driving the family car when it's clear that it is no longer safe to do so. And who would say, "okay, in the driver's seat for four more years."

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Jill and Hunter are telling him to stay the course because he can win. Apparently his close inner circle is still propping him (and his ego) up. This is a disservice to the country. The question is whether he can WIN in November, not what he’s done in the past. I love Joe and would vote for him even on life support if it was a binary Trump v Biden choice. But although he had my thanks and respect, he needs to step down so we can defeat the orange menace in November.

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Great points!!

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A recent Biden-Harris contributor of a material sum for me and my family, I’m in knots over the situation. I respect Senator Warner and think the time for action is now.

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I have been monitoring your site and videos and a few others. I'm a strong supporter of Biden and frustrated with all the mixed reports from the media and various groups who are strong supporters of Biden vs those who like you believe it is over for Joe.

Last night I stumbled onto a YouTube video group chat by Mark Halperin. He is reporting that Biden will not be on the ticket. - based on senior sources in Congress and from the campaign. No names of senior staff. But apparently, Schummer & Jeffries are aware and everyone is waiting for Biden to reach the same conclusion. Another recent report of what happened at Camp David says he was sick and woke up one morning unable to talk at all. So he had a day of rest. In the end, they ran out of time for proper debate prep. If this is all true how could his senior advisors allow him to take that debate stage? Especially if they believe he is not up to this due to mental decline. Add in inadequate debate prep & still recovering from the cold made it worse so canceling the debate would have been the right thing to do for Joe, the party, and the country.

I'm so angry and conflicted. Yesterday I did not believe he should drop out and did not believe all the stories. And now I'm so damn mad, and furious about how he will be perceived by the entire country and world if this is allowed to be played out in this passive manner.

Steve - I like your political skills, but I was furious with George's questions. Repeated questions about President Biden's mental acuity in that fashion were unacceptable. I'm assuming George had all the inside information that you and others have, and therefore, to continually drill him on whether Joe is aware of his issues is professional misconduct.

Yesterday was not a good day for the country. To use the media to make Biden aware of his mental decline was disgusting, shameful, and abusive.

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Agree with most of what you said, Deb. It is very difficult when you have no choice but to face and see that Biden is in trouble and his team have been gaslighting us which is so infuriating. Especially at a time like this. I do, however, think GS’s questions were fair. Biden could have answered them in a snap, but he’s just not capable of doing so. His team should feel shame.

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I disagree with the GS questions and my reasons are above. Re; answering the questions specifically.. I could be wrong because I do not know if he has a problem and is hiding it but did not want to reveal anything during George's interview. Or he is unaware he has a problem. I hope we get some answers real soon.

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Me too, Deb. Let’s hope 🇺🇸🗽

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I agree with you Deb

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

It's hard to watch President Biden go through these types of interviews. BTW - I found that Biden did have neurological testing during his annual physical this year. The link is in another post I shared a while ago. Here's another link. It's explained in Point # 6.


We can see so many people picking apart all of his responses. I found him to be quite effective in staying focused on his accomplishments in response to George repeatedly asking him if he was being honest with himself and up for the job. Which is pretty remarkable for someone they say has mental acuity issues. Denial? or This is Biden not giving George a massive media moment. That report has been out there for months.

Biden fulfilled his promise to George and was respectful throughout the interview.

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How is it the GOP can keep control of so much of the electorate with unqualified, demented candidates/office holders - up to and especially their Ex-president? Because they stick together. Granted it's crazy the lengths they've gone to but you can't deny it works. The Democrats are famous for their circular firing squads. The GOP doesn't do that. So rein it in. Stop feeding the frenzy. Stick together and plow forward. We literally lose our democracy if we don't. The time Biden could have stepped down without costing the Democrats the race is past. Biden is head and shoulders healthier than the other option. Yes it's close. So get out the pro-democracy message, get out the vote and pull together!!!

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It’s not GOP anymore- it’s maga.

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Absolutely. The party of Reagan is dead.

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Biden will decimate his legacy. Everyday he hangs on is a negative. Continuing is delusional.

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