If Biden loses, it won't be because of that debate. It will be because half of the country hates enough to want Trump and is stupid enough to vote for him.

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And because Democrats formed their firing squad in a circle, as usual, instead of rallying around Biden, as Stuart Stevens said. Biden can’t win if we don’t have his back so please support him.

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This issue didn’t arise on Thursday night. We have had Biden’s back, and defended him when the MSM made age an issue over a year ago. Biden has had every opportunity to defend his record and has fell flat.

Yes, Trump lies, but Biden was supposed to bridge the future leaders in the party of tomorrow; today. He closed ranks and forced all other candidates out of the race early; like Hillary did in 2016.

Now we’re caught between a rock and a hard place. The fault lies with Biden and his team, not Steve, the voters, or the MSM.

This is a presidential race. If Biden wasn’t at his best, he should have stepped aside and helped shape a younger generation of leaders to take his place.

Instead, he decided that he was the only person capable of winning, when all evidence has been pointing to the contrary.

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Jul 2Liked by Steve Schmidt

Robert, As someone as steeply invested in this matter as you, taking my cues from NYTimes editorialist Michelle Goldberg, I believe the core issue is whether Biden can think and speak extemporaneously, admittedly a low bar for a president but one nevertheless Biden no longer can be relied on to clear.

Accordingly, if last Thursday really were just a bad night, Biden could reassure us by sitting for interviews and appearing for unscripted town halls. If he’s not doing that, I would imagine it’s because neither he nor his campaign believes he can pull it off.

I underscore this point because I plan to press this issue until Biden either confirms that Thursday night was an outlier or finds a gracious way to release his delegates, and soon.

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I agree. His campaign team, frankly, looks incompetent.

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Sigh. "Who loves ya', baby?" I totally disagree with your characterization of the 2016 campaign. Hillary won fair and square. She ran a better race. (If you want to hear weird and disjointed, relisten to Bernie's Q and A with the NYT editorial staff, which got about zero attention.) In 2020 almost all the other Democratic candidates dropped out in large part to prevent Bernie's becoming the nominee. However, the rules for choosing a candidate after the convention are somewhat reassuring we won't be saddled with a nominee like Bernie. Still, Trump murdered hundreds of thousands of people through incompetence, intransigence, and malice. Now half the country wants to vote for him again. I call that their fault.

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Yes, and didn't Trump dog whistle to Putin to amplify "Hillary's emails!" and "find her emails"? "But her emails" propaganda was intensely amplified through social-media algorithms, foreign and domestic, (and on Fox news, etc) which swayed voters away from Hillary and Trump stole the election.That was election interference and sabotage. It was not a fair election. Trump does whatever he accuses others of doing.

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Fair enough, but Hillary cleared the field before anyone could get out of the gate. Remember the super delegates? She sowed up more than two-thirds of the delegates as soon as she put her hat in the ring. It was similar to when she ran for senator in NY. She only agreed, if she had no primary challenges.

As for Trump and the asinine voters, you’ll get no argument from me..:)

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A big part of this is Biden’s hubris, “…I alone can beat Donald Trump!” and his deep state circle of enablers whose own jobs depend on his re-election.

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Do I ever agree with Steve on this one! I am sorry he was hit with some nasty reactions from those who seem to feel we owe Biden personal loyalty, some of whom are protective of him like a mother or other family member. He is an elected official and you don’t know him! Most also thought that changing the candidates now would be too difficult to do and could not possibly succeed in winning the election. I do not believe this would have to be true if Democrats seriously made the effort. It would also be dramatic and interesting to the public and stir up some enthusiasm. I too would have been hit with nastiness if I had been quick enough off the mark with my own opinions in the few places I join in.

Steve is a very good writer and communicator as well as being honest, experienced and of long, and pertinent, historical memory. All of this is very important to me. He is so good at seeing key points and expressing all this well with feeling, apt metaphors and a dramatic style.

Though I have heard the story of the Titanic off and on through life by a few obsessed with it, the story never got under my skin or felt like the big metaphor of our times that it could have done. However, when selling my last car from home, I met the son of a man from Woods Hole Institute who designed the robotic deep ocean-exploring vehicle which was first to get down to see the ship and remains. The son said, “Robert Ballard took the credit but his father designed it.” He and his good friend stayed for hours as I was so interested in their stories. The other young man was buying his first car much later than most because of a traumatic surprise car accident. He had been sitting next to his twin brother when they were 14, mother safely driving, when a vehicle crashed into their car and immediately killed his brother. So these two young men brought the reality and feeling of those two great accidents into my empathic experience.The one who had once been paralyzingly fearful of driving did decide to buy my car, after a careful test drive with me in which I could see him still working with his fear. (It was a very safe type of car with low mileage and I had taken really good care of it. I was really happy that he got it because I wanted him to feel safe and have good experiences with it. His mother even called to thank me afterwards. I was most thankful to have heard and felt their life experiences.

Steve’s article here also brings me into a feeling experience with the Titanic’s crash. If Trump wins, we are indeed headed for big trouble.

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Well said

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Without proper education in history, civics and critical thinking skills, we're doomed.

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Geez Steve, its sounds like you’re trying to make a case for “Steve’s Always Right”, arguing the it’s Biden’s fault that the media refuses to highlight all of his accomplishment as you attempt to convince us that those accomplishments don’t matter at all; but rather “which candidate can look impressive for 90 minutes spewing lies

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With all due respect, this isn't about me always being right. Not at all. Biden and his team have been unable to communicate their accomplishments for a very long time now -- and the debate put a shining light on that when he couldn't articulate his position on a number of issues, including abortion.


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Steve, Biden had ONE bad debate! You have rarely promoted Biden's accomplishments.

We need to see what happened which caused Biden to present so badly in the debate.

You know his speech in Normandy was powerful, that his SOTU address was clear and powerful, despite his stuttering challenge, and that he was ON POINT and powerful the day after the debate in North Carolina. Biden's prep-team messed up. Biden was on cold-medicine. Biden was prepped with way too much information, which pressured him and prevented him from speaking his own mind. Trump's only real tactic is to befuddle his opponents with lies and false accusations -Gish Gallop Method-which did throw Biden. He should have been prepped for this; he was not.

Please don't use this debate debacle to play into the smear campaign that Trump/MAGA uses to exaggerate Biden's frailty and questions his ability to govern. Biden leads!

PLEASE fight MAGA, not Biden! You are so good at destroying MAGA! You were a Republican strategist not very long ago. I don't feel you are the one to jump into being a Democratic strategist yet. Fight MAGA. Thank you.

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Actually Steve, you appear as an interloper. Biden’s record speaks volumes. The fact that the Media isn’t reporting it has nothing to do with Biden. You’re supposed to be politically astute. You don’t have the intestinal fortitude to stand up. You are part of the problem

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it's the god damn press that has kept his accomplishments basically secret and you know it.

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It's easy to see, Steve, if people choose to look, but they don't. Thanks for what you do to help people see. That's all you can do.

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I think that Steve makes a good analogy between the Titanic and potential disaster if President Biden decides full steam ahead.

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Which un-named mythical candidate will be up to full speed by November?

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Why should the media highlight his accomplishments if the campaign can’t articulate its accomplishments themselves?

This issue didn’t arise today. We have had Biden’s back, and defended him when the MSM made age an issue over a year ago. Biden has had every opportunity to defend his record and has fell flat.

Yes, Trump lies, but Biden was supposed to bridge the future leaders of tomorrow, today. He closed ranks and forced all other candidates out of the race early; like Hillary did in 2016.

Now we’re caught between a rock and a hard place. The fault lies with Biden and his team, not Steve.

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The fault lies with weakness. Steve is weakness

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Dave, Steve is NOT weakness! He has been fighting MAGA 24/7 for years! He co-founded The Lincoln Project which helped save our Democracy the last election. I'm not on the same page with Schmidt about Biden, and that's okay. Thanks.

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Ultimately, when it counts, Steve is caving to the MAGA narrative at a time when both Trump AND Steve want Trump to run against some mythical Unicorn Candidate to be named later. Anyone but Biden. That’s weakness personified

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Trump and his right wing billionaires are flooding the battleground states with debate videos of Biden being incoherent, rambling, starring vacuously, and looking even older than his 81 years.

Biden's accomplishments are no longer relevant to the undecided voter. IMO, his debate performance has permanently changed the landscape.

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Yesstef, because facts don’t matter and Reality TV nonsense does? You’ve given up up faith in the American public

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

No, actually facts don't matter to nearly half the electorate. They are presented with and believe alternative facts, something promoted by TFG and his administration before inauguration 2017, expanded exponentially throughout his 4 year term, and continues to be more significant today. What do you do about the ill- or misinformed? You seem to conveniently forget about them.

As for "faith in the American public", you mean the roughly 63 million who voted for him in 2016, or the 11 million more or 74 million who voted for him in 2020, after watching 4 years of failures and chaos. I'm supposed to have faith in that American public? Are you trying to be funny?

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Mike. Biden got more votes than Trump in 2020. Faith

State Referendums on abortion rights are demonstrating a shift away from MAGA. Have faith

Trump endorsed candidates are losing special elections and primaries. Faith gets a boost to reality results

The Radical MAGA Court is destroying precedent and has its lowest approval ratings in ages. Their decisions are almost entirely without any basis in law. Millions of voters are smart enough to see the trainwreck coming

You can either wring your hands in despair or recognize the trends that indicate Americans are voting against MAGA even in Red States

Women, Minorities, LGBQT, Intelligent White Male Independents, non Evangelical Populist Christians are all voting against MAGA

Have Faith, but get busy

PS, I didn’t conveniently forget about the ill informed. At the moment I have no solutions for deprogramming Cult members. I do however understand that MAGA is not a majority movement. They’re just loud and unfortunately have control of the Imperial Court, for a while

Vote. Have Faith. Despair never motivated anyone to action

Be Resolute. Be Resilient . Put on your game face

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Fair enough, Dave. I appreciate your response. Yes, more people voted for Biden in 2020 and Clinton in 2016. Now more than ever, it's where those votes are that matter. A few thousand votes here and there will be the difference.

I wish I could share your optimism, but I just don't share your faith in the American public, and if it goes to SCOTFG, we know how that will turn out.

I'll support and fight for Biden or if he steps aside, his replacement. There is a genuine threat to democracy and I will do what I can. I'm a realist and pragmatist, so I'm not willing to pretend my concerns can be wished away. Having faith requires that I ignore my (to me, they're mine) concerns. If you don't share them, it's fine and I respect that.

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Mike, I believe that the media promotes bullshit designed polls to confuse the public. Two courses in Stats 203 and 204 that describe how to create an unbiased sample size of 1200 data point is imperative. I took those courses, many don’t. Its a failure in the sense that illiterates believe in something they don’t understand. Today’s polls do not have an unbiased sample. Nobody answers their phone AND other polls require you to pay to play

I’m a realist also. Voters vote, polls suck. Voters are moving in a direction that gives me faith

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No it hasn’t, but if it changed your mind, that says something about you

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I’m not with you on this one Steve. Yes, it was really painful to watch the debate. As Biden struggled, Trump just lied. But I’m not voting for the best debater, I’m voting for the best man to be President. Trump too was a total failure in his bragging and mendacity. Biden was not himself. One bad night does not prove incompetence. And I don’t believe the White House staff gaslighting us either. We’ve all seen Biden too many times in all kinds of venues to know better. I’m sticking with Joe.

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Steve said yesterday (Gaslighting is Sin, not a Strategy) "Make no mistake, the Biden team is fueled by resentment, grievance and self-interest every bit as much as the Trump team, to whom they have handed the issue of honesty (!)." What?! NOT TRUE!

Steve is now playing into 'both-sides' mania. He is saying that the Biden team is SINNING.! That plays in to right-wing extremist propaganda. He seems to be using some of his anti-MAGA rhetoric against the Biden team. This seems divisive to me. Thanks.

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Jul 1Liked by Steve Schmidt

One point I haven't seen made yet is that authoritarians thrive in the court of public opinion when they appears strong (think Putin on the horse and Putin in the hockey game), and Biden's weakness (his clearly evident aged weakness) plays directly into Trump's marketing scheme. The strong man vs weak man has a very strong impact on voters, even if for many it is a subconscious impact. Voters will gravitate towards the strong man, who will be relentless in exploiting the difference. Biden's age would be a weakness in any pre-2016 U.S. election, but given the strong-man authoritarian he is up against now, it is particularly important that the Dem party put forth an alternative.

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I say this often. I completely agree.


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There are way too many anti Trump voters living in denial right now. Let’s get real here folks. Biden did not just misspeak and get lost in his thoughts a couple of times during this debate…he stumbled through the whole god damn debate and left many of us in a state of asphyxia at the end of this. It’s time for an old fashioned brokered convention again. We can do this and still win in November with a younger, highly intelligent and charismatic leader that our youth, disenchanted independents, and old school Republicans can get excited about and beat this evil Trumpism like a drum.

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As a New Yorker, I’ve known exactly who the criminal donald trump is since the days of his first marriage, when his three eldest and now-execrable offspring were mere tadpoles. Although I am not a political animal, I voted for Joe Biden enthusiastically and believe he has done a wonderful job. So imagine my surprise when, five minutes into the debate, all I could think was “doesn’t this country deserve better than these two bozos?”

I fear that if Biden has lost the enthusiasm of voters like me, we are in big trouble.

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I too have known all about the Trump family since the early 1980’s. Tabloid seeking Donald, a penchant for very young girls, including his own daughter and a trail of lawsuits and mafia style lawyer tactics by his personal consigliere, defamed Mc Carthy aide, Roy Cohn. Never watched his fabricated show of him being a big time business mogul. Watched in horror and dismay when he was elected President and for every day of his four year term. Aghast that had the gall to run again. Now a convicted felon with diagnoses from psychiatrists and neurologists that should disqualify him for no place except an assisted living facility or prison. I would vote for a cardboard cutout of Joe Biden over Trump any damn day of the week. I emphatically disagree with Steve’s current assessment of the upcoming election, with Biden as our candidate.

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Steve, I love your commentary and so want to follow your lead on this. But you were wrong about Dean whatshisname and you were betrayed by John McCain, a man you really believed in who lied to your face. I am just so confused right now. Nixon won after Johnson dropped out late in the game and I don’t want to repeat that disaster. Biden has trouble with verbal communication but damn, so does Trump! And he lies like a rug. If Joe decides to back out, I’ll enthusiastically support his successor, but it really breaks my heart to see all these people I respect jump ship when Biden needs us most.

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I am hoping that Steve isn't about to drop a 'Dean Phillips surprise' on us. It feels that way.

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No surprises, just my perspective.

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Thank you for your reply, Steve. I'm on pins and needles about this mess we're in!

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You and me both, and I appreciate your support and views -- as always -- even if we aren't always aligned.

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Tani's position that the much of the media has not focused on Biden's age defies credulity. I'm sorry, but Stu is right. As Rick says, it's ride or die. I'm begging you to use your considerable talents to help Biden win.

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Steve Schmidt: Fight MAGA, not Biden!

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If anyone should drop out, it should be the convicted sex offender, felon and sociopath, tRump. Biden has and will continue to build a better America if we can get him elected to his next term to finish the job of restoring voting rights, abortion rights and so much more. He has an excellent administration and knows what he is doing. I can forgive his lack of oration skills this time in confronting a liar and propogandist. He came out swinging the next day at his rally. His message to us is never give up and fight for what is right.

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Yes, there is a powerful Biden-TEAM which already done great things for this country.

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Yes, the next day, Biden looked great reading from a teleprompter. Look, I love and respect Biden, but raising concerns about what everyone saw Thursday is valid, albeit uneasy to digest. Also, 51 million saw the debate. How many watched his rally in NC? Pretty sure it was much fewer.

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Steve let me get this straight, your hinting that Joe Biden and the administration hasn’t made his record of accomplishments known?

I may have misunderstood, but it sounds like once again you are undercutting the POTUS.

The ship has sailed, you’re either with us or not. Usually the house and senate races depend on the coattails of the top candidate. Maybe it’s time for them to get on board .

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Steve said yesterday (Gaslighting is Sin, not a Strategy) "Make no mistake, the Biden team is fueled by resentment, grievance and self-interest every bit as much as the Trump team, to whom they have handed the issue of honesty (!)." What?! NOT TRUE!

Steve is now playing into 'both-sides' mania. He is saying that the Biden team is SINNING.! That plays into right-wing extremist propaganda. He seems to be using some of his anti-MAGA rhetoric against the Biden team, instead of using this platform to WARN against the convicted felon, the rapist, the fascist, the 35,000 time LIAR who LIED 35 times in that debate!

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I'm posting this reply, above, a few times. I'm concerned about Steve's attack on Biden.

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Steve, why are you not demanding the convicted felon and adjudicated rapist with 34 guilty verdicts drop out? Why is it the guy who has stewarded the country not only ably but brilliantly after the felon nearly destroyed it the first time? Because of one debate? Joe had a bad night! It would be utter madness for Biden to drop out now, as I’m sure you’re aware, the chaos that would be unleashed would almost certainly put said rapist/racist back in, along with his horde of maga crazies.

Maybe write something on how we should all pull together to make sure Biden wins in a landslide and the felon goes down to well-deserved electoral oblivion and hopefully prison.

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Steve said yesterday (Gaslighting is Sin, not a Strategy) "Make no mistake, the Biden team is fueled by resentment, grievance and self-interest every bit as much as the Trump team, to whom they have handed the issue of honesty (!)." What?! NOT TRUE!

Steve is now playing into 'both-sides' mania. He is saying that the Biden team is SINNING.! That plays in to right-wing extremist propaganda. He seems to be using some of his anti-MAGA rhetoric against the Biden team, instead of using this platform to WARN against the convicted felon, the rapist, the fascist, the 35,000 time LIAR who LIED 35 times in that debate!

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Lisa, I don't see Steve doing that at all. As I see it, the Biden Inner Circle, because of their resentment, grievance (grievance that the media doesn't cover them fairly), self-interest (they don't tell Biden what he needs to hear, only what he wants to hear, for fear of being pushed out of the Inner Circle) have failed at delivering a winnable response to Trump and his machine over the course of many months if not a year or more.

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Mary, to equate the 'gaslighting'/SIN of the Biden campaign with Trump's is way off.

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I think it was more like 300 times 🤦‍♀️ according to the fact-checker afterwards. Yeah, I don’t get the whole equating the Biden team with the maga extremists at all, I think it’s a serious mistake on his part.

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Biden for the Win, no doubts!

Trump told 602 lies (Seth Abramson) so much for your Biden should go end his Stride in the Democratic Republic.

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The problem is, everyone knows TFG lies and is a despicable piece of shit, yet it rarely costs him votes. He is held to a different standard than any other politician in our lifetimes? Not fair, but who said life is fair?

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From the trenches of North Carolina: the year 2029 is a lifetime in political terms and there is discomfort in this state with the possibility of Kamala Harris having to assume the Presidency during a second term. It is not personal about her as much as it is a distrust here of politicians from California. You may not like to hear that, but it is a truth here.

The voters here, who know the MAGA Fascist is also an elderly man, will be watching closely who he selects for his Vice President. Many here will weigh that choice against Harris and vote accordingly. We’re only one state, but an important one because of the innate idiocy of our Electoral College. I believe MAGA, unfortunately, will win this state as things stand.

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Thank you for the report from North Carolina. We heard from Sarah Longwell weeks before the debate about folks planning to vote against the Nazi for governor, but for Trump as President. However, I have to wonder if, for many of the voters you describe, "California" is dog whistle for "black."

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I actually don’t think it is.

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I respect your input and realize you are stating your opinion about who will win NC. My approach instead of predicting is to work for DEMS and contribute to their campaigns, which you are probably doing too.

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My opinion is mostly formed from what I see and hear where I live. It does not mean there is no hope or little hope of changing the dynamic, as a boss of mine liked to say.. Rather, it means it is just more of a challenge. I’ve always found that if I want to address something, I first need a grounding in what the issue is.

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Yes. I am doing everything I can financially, and also with legwork, persuasion, talk, and listening, to support Josh Stein and other Democrats here and regionally.

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You are consistently bringing awareness to the corruption in NC. Way to go!

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Interestingly enough, Mark Robinson has been trying portray a softer side working on behalf of families. He has been Lieutenant Governor for almost four years and has not accomplished one thing. I realize that the position is largely ceremonial, but most people across the country serving in the position will advocate for an issue or two. It might be literacy, or park expansion, or infrastructure renewal. Robinson has done nothing, zero. And he has plenty of Republicans he could have worked with. So people here need to wake up to the fact that his only accomplishment has been slandering others on social media. That’s been it.

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How sickening Robinson is. I hope more people, like you, keep speaking up!

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Steve, we Americans can no longer say that "No one is above the law". SCOTUS has again failed the Constitution of the United States. As a retired and disabled veteran, I am appalled. Sedition, insurrection, conduct of a traitor, trying to halt the Congress from proceeding with the peaceful transfer of power are official acts immune from prosecution?

Dark day in America. And GOP heads will implode when I say that Secretary Clinton was correct in her warnings back in 2015/2016.

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Besides trying to influence this outcome with donations, we should spend time educating the public about aging. Given Biden's current state and the way he has aged over the last few years, we can predict what he will be like in one year, two years, three years, etc. in terms of memory, agility in thought, communication skills, etc. Let's have non-partisan experienced geriatricians involved in the conversation. I've spent the last 12 years managing elder care. Aging is a progression, it's not a plateau. And come one, let's stop comparing an extemporaneous debate with scripted remarks. It's insulting.

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Maybe Steve can interview a geriatrician as I described? It's not just the debate. There is also the Robert Hur deposition. It's only a matter of time before the Biden-Hur video is released. Let's not be surprised.

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Agreed, and Thursday's debate may be exactly why Biden and team have prohibited the release of the Hur interview. They released the transcript. Exactly what many bending the knee for Biden said after the debate: "Read the transcript and Biden won". FFS. No one reads transcripts.

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Well I found the answer. Today the SC ruled that the President is immune if it's an official act.

So Joe can fix it all right now.

Justice Sotomayor's dissent: “Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune."

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Yes there is. And Joe Biden has been way more than Donald Trump.

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