“The surprise attack against the state of Israel by the terror group Hamas was unprecedented, savage and sophisticated. It is the greatest intelligence failure in Israeli history, but also a staggering failure of US and allied intelligence agencies, which were caught completely flat-footed. Twenty-three years after the 9/11 attacks, two failed wars and trillions of dollars in spending, the American intelligence community has failed again, utterly.”---Steve Schmidt

Sorry Steve, you have a bit of selective memory. American intelligence didn’t fail us on 9/11. The CIA and NSA were banging on the Whitehouse door for almost nine months, and couldn’t get any meetings prior to late August; two weeks before 9/11.

The Cheney/Rumsfeld administration refused to consider the possibility of an attack on the homeland. Yet, Bush’s first Treasury Secretary, Paul O’Neill, has stated unequivocally that war plans for Iraq were being discussed in Bush’s first cabinet meeting in February 2001. Coincidence, I think not!

Additionally, the FBI had two of the terrorists under surveillance for over a year while they were in the US. Furthermore, Moussaoui was caught trying to learn to fly, but not land a plane and FBI headquarters refused to allow the Minneapolis agents to view his computer; the decision came straight from the top.

And sorry, I refuse to believe that the Hama attack caught Israel’s intelligence service flat-footed. The warning signs were there. Hamas even said after the Al Aqsa Mosque violence by Israeli settlers, that they would respond in kind.

Additionally, Israel just happened to reposition troops from the South to the north one week before the invasion? Seriously? And we’re to believe that Israel, with all its high tech couldn’t see fighters on hang gliders entering Israeli territory? This makes no sense.

Netanyahu and his right-wing cabinet are as much responsible as Hamas. Hamas is a terror organization and should be annihilated, but Netanyahu only adds fuel to the fire. Their draconian policies in the West Bank and the stranglehold they have on Gaza makes life uninhabitable.

As Einstein once said, “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

Regardless of the outcome, policies need to change. Israel and the Palestinians can’t continue on this trajectory; it’s unsustainable, and every skirmish becomes even more brutal, especially for the civilians.

The only winner is Bibi. He gets rid of the whack jobs on the right and installs a war cabinet and solidifies his hardcore credibility with the right. The losers are the Israeli and Palestinian people; absent the settlers who continue to expand in the West Bank and make peace impossible.

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"Netanyahu and his right-wing cabinet are as much responsible as Hamas. Hamas is a terror organization and should be annihilated, but Netanyahu only adds fuel to the fire. Their draconian policies in the West Bank and the stranglehold they have on Gaza makes life uninhabitable." Agree 100%.

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Israel has become what the US will become if Trump and the magas get their way. We need to pay attention.

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Netanyahu believes in nothing but Bibi. He will say anything, do anything, to promote Bibi. He gave control of the West Bank to the Kach terrorist Ben Gvir as Interior Minister, and the police did nothing about the settler attacks (the settlers in the West Bank are largely fundamentalist American Jews - we're so good at exporting our self-righteous ignorance) over the past nine months on the Palestinians. Bibi did all that to keep his corrupt ass out of jail. There's no surprise why the greatest demagogue in Israeli history is good buddies with the greatest demagogue in American history. "Birds of a feather" as they say.

This is what happens when "fuck around and find out" comes knocking at your door.

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Netanyahoo is a thug, like Trump, a right-wing would-be strongman like Trump, dismantling the government like Trump, othering Palestinians like Germans othered Jews like Trump others everyone except those slavishly obedient to Trump,

So Israel is our Ally?

So was Hussein, once.

So was Saudi Arabia, once.

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Totally agree with you. Netanyahu is either taking advantage of the situation or is implicated. Perhaps both. Anything to stay in power and out of prison. Sure sounds familiar. Is our collective memory so short term we fail to see patterns?

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Sick Cheney and associates wrote a paper years before 9/11, “Project for a New American Century “. In it they called for war against Iran, Iraq and N. Korea. It regretted that there was not sufficient provocation. 9/11 provided it.

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Sorry , I meant to type Dick Cheney. But Sick Cheney fits..

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Additionally, Steven, did you forget have Bibi’s day in Congress “sharing” his support for the extreme right take over of our country….

Elected representatives need to have the courage, just as Senator Schumer has

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I think that Bibi Netanyahu is in serious danger of losing his premiership. Fingers are already pointing to him as the responsible party for the Intel debacle.

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Excellent writing. I cannot, however, shake the feeling that I wonder what $2 billion dollars to Jared Kushner bought .... what intelligence? what top secret information? and what dabbling in Middle Eastern affairs created?. And it is astounding to me that our House of Representatives will NOT investigate any of this but remains focused on impeaching a duly elected president for no reason and Hunter’s laptop. Power and Greed, not only in America, but everywhere it seems.

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Excellent analysis and commentary Steve on Israel’s domestic situation and the geopolitics associated with it. Reading it, I couldn’t help but see parallels. The parallels I see are between Israel’s leader Netanyahu putting his destabilizing personal desire for power above his nation’s interests and its security, and those of the leader of the US MAGA GOP here. As president, Trump did this repeatedly with Putin. All signs are he is prepared to do it again if elected. Hopefully many Americans see these parallels as they are so evident and see how great a risk to a nation’s security they are.


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I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment. I have long said that Netanyahu and Israel are prologue to the US if trump is (re)elected. The question is, will democracy minded Americans respond as those in Israel has? Has Netanyahu in some way orchestrated this in order to mute the protests by bringing all Israelis together in this moment of crisis?

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Agreed. I think people confuse peace with an absence of war. It’s not the same thing.

“Peace is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice.” – Spinoza, Theologico-Political Treatise, 1670.

Israel’s policies in the West Bank and the strangulation of Gaza, make like extremely difficult for Palestinians. Coupled with the expansion of settlements in the West Bank, and the Palestinians inability to move around freely or build on their own land, complicates the matter exponentially.

If both countries continue on this trajectory, then expect more of the same...:)

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A two state solution is the only way that any sense of peace will be obtained. Israel’s security must be assured however. A legitimate representative of the Palestinian people must take control of the West Bank and Gaza. It cannot be ruled by a terrorist organization.

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War is peace.

Orwell, of course, but same, too, Ike's Military Industrial Complex - endless war profiting those controlling the purse strings of our once great Democracy, once great country.

Liberalism-fueled unabashed capitalism continues to repress the majority of our population who, in desperation, vote for Trump.

History is repeating here.

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Meant neoliberalism-fueled.

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Frighteningly sad

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Like GW Bush ignored all the warnings about an imminent attack on us by Bin Laden. Cheney had been looking for a Mid East war for years

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This is the point. I am no genius, but the parallels are not brain surgery. Netanyahu's compulsion for authoritarian control of the government creating an unstable domestic situation and more importantly Israel's cozying up to the Sunni Saudis in opposition to Shia Iran, the Palestinian situation. A perfect storm of opportunity. In this Steve is spot on. A more frightening parallel is, no doubt, the despair leading to the "do or die" mentality that impelled Hamas to seize this moment in time. Unfortunately this is the same mentality of many Republicans and certainly The Freedom Caucus who foolishly and ridiculously see themselves as existential saviors of our founding principals by being willing to install an authoritarian government here to protect the supply side economics that they think the founding fathers envisioned. 🤣 This, 911, and the rise of Hitler and WWII did not happen by surprise. It happens an inch at a time in broad daylight.

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Honestly, we need to comprehend that Trump IS STILL DOING IT (Trump repeatedly “putting his destabilizing personal desire for power above his nation’s interests and security...”) NOW!!! He NEVER stopped doing this. He has been doing it at least since the early ‘70s if not before, and has only doubled down on it with vengeance & malice since losing the last presidential election. He never stopped. He is a clear & present danger to our country, our national security, and to our lives, happiness and well being as humans and as citizens. Not to mention there are clear signs of his devolving mental status, delusional thinking, disorientation to time and place, I could go on, but the fact is - if trump’s family were normal, they would be collaborating together to “take the car keys away from granpa” before he crashes the “car” (i.e., the ship of state). Unfortunately they are not, and our DOJ has not seen fit to take the necessary steps to defend us, the people, by removing this menace (even on grounds of mental health much less treason, sedition, spying, or the myriad valid charges that could have been brought concerning national security) from the public sphere and the day to day opportunity to do FURTHER grievous damage to our national security, our domestic security, and to the individual citizens he threatens publicly EVERY DAY.

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Agreed, and excellent points.

I’m just waiting for Trump to announce on Truth Social that had he been rightfully reelected as president, Hamas would never have invaded Israel. Biden is weak!....:)

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I find your analysis to be frighteningly accurate. I believe in the state of Israel’s right and need to exist. In this crisis and craziness we must not forget that Bibi and the religious right have fanned the flames of instability, and the Israelis must, absolutely must, work out an equitable solution with the Palestinians.

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We are potentially 17 +/- months from what is happening in Israel from happening here. Netanyahu is the Israeli tRump.

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Perhaps we could have a small measure of sympathy for the Palistinians who have lived under Israeli oppression for years.

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I sympathize with the plight of the Palestinians. But that does not excuse their use of inhumane and barbarian means of aggression. The people who perpetrated this attack are terrorists. They are no different than ISIS or Al Qaeda. The world cannot tolerate terrorism. That’s not a new thing. Consider the Barbary Pirates, or Boko Haram. All the same. No civilized society can exist if it lives under a cloud of terror (or a rain of rockets).

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Yes it is an occupation. But Israel would have LONG AGO stopped occupying if the Palestinians stopped their level of violence and accepted Israel’s right to exist. And lest you or others fall back on the European colonization canard, it is just that, a canard. The Ashkenazi Jews came from Europe but the Mizrachi Jews have been living in the area for 3000+ years. Jews are INDIGENOUS PEOPLES. The “Palestinians” are relative newcomers. Palestine was an invention of the Roman Empire, which replaced JUDEA. The fact that the state of Israel is only 75 years old is simply a reflection of centuries of oppression and dispossession. Israel is there. It’s not going anywhere unless the world decides to complete the Genocide of 80 years ago. I pray for the safety and peace for ALL residents of Palestine/ Israel. Would that Hamas and other terrorist groups would do the same.

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Thank you.. it always seems that the world forgets the basic issue..

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Thank you Steve. The intelligence failure reminds me of Pearl Harbor in another way. Most historians agree that FDR knew an attack was imminent. The exact time and place were unknown, but he knew America had to be spurred to enter WWII.

It is conceivable that Bibi Netanyahu made a comparable calculation, not for Israel’s security, but for his own political gain. A wartime leader is never removed. In any case, the dogs of war have been unleashed. Let’s hope that this is not an Archduke Ferdinand prelude to WWIII. All one can do is pray, while Israel suffers on the front line of this global conflict.

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FYI: back in the 90’s, many of the Pearl Harbor classified documents were released, including FDR’s diaries. We learned that the US had broken the Japanese codes a year earlier, and through FDR’s diaries, he was doing everything possible to entrap the Japanese into an attack.

His rationale, our isolationist Congress, with many Hitler sympathizers would never agree to join our Allie’s in Europe, unless we were forced into war.

Congress also cleared General Short and Admiral Kimmel of dereliction of duty, and reinstated them to their respective positions as four stars; they were previously demoted....:)

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This reminds me of President Biden’s situation in dealing with the extreme right in Congress. They remind me of all the isolations back in the 40s and the people who were supportive of Hitler. Remember the Nazi rally in NYC? 20,000 people attended.

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Oct 8, 2023
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It’s not a damn lie. Unclassified documents prove that we broke the code a year prior to the invasion. FDR’s own diary doesn’t lie.

And three days before the Dec. 7, 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt was warned in a memo from naval intelligence that Tokyo's military and spy network was focused on Hawaii.

Hope this helps:


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We did break the code - the diplomatic "Purple" code, not the IJN codes, which were not broken until January 1942 - and the last time the Imperial Navy's mail was read was may 29, 1942, in time to save things at Midway. Then the IJN changed the codebooks three times over the next eight weeks and the US codebreakers never caught up. All the information about the planned attack was kept off the air by order of Admiral Yamamoto. He then took the Navy radio operators from the Mobile Fleet and kept them ashore sending fake traffic because their "fists" were known.

I wrote four books on the Pacific War and you are not accurate. Sorry.

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Well, my husband's reading corroborates your obviously well researched history. So thank you for the clarity. What have you written?

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Oct 8, 2023
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Yes, actually, I do. My books are "meticulously researched." However, my publisher has discovered that most readers pay no attention to footnotes, so their policy is not to have them. It's in the instructions to authors. You can look up the bibliography that is there and find all you want.

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While I am certainly not an historian and don't outright dispute Mr. Jaffe's premise, I do question the validity of offering one obscure article from 2002 as consequential evidence. It certainly is not comprehensive historical evidence. I am married to a WWIi buff who reads widely about every aspect of the era. His reading doesn't confirm the extent of this assertion, only that the idea has long been posited.

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Fair enough, but two things occurred prior to the attack. We stopped selling Japan scrap metal needed to build their aircraft, and we froze their assets in the US in July 1941.

Additionally, we do know that their diplomatic code was broken prior to the attack, and Washington sent out a warning to Kimmel days before to the attack, but because of poor atmospheric conditions, the radio warning was blocked, and the warning had to be sent by telegram instead. That warning was delivered after the attack began.

Additionally, Kimmel received an order to move all of Pearl Harbor’s fleet in defensive positions ten days before the attack. This evidence was presented at Kimmel’s court martial hearing, since he never put the fleet on alert.

So if we didn’t know of an attack prior, why the warning, and preparation for an attack right before it happened?

The absence of a smoking gun does not mean it’s a conspiracy theory, when you have lots of smoke, or circumstantial evidence in your possession. It’s just not proven beyond doubt.

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The warning to Kimmel was sent the morning of December 7. The messenger from ATT delivered it to Kimmel in Hawaii at noon that day.

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Deliberately delayed perhaps?

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The Honolulu newspaper ran a headline 3 days before Dec 7th. It warned of an imminent attack by Japanese. A local woman still has an original page

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Well, I’ve learned a lot tonight by reading Steve’s post and the comments. Thank you all.

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As I stated in my original comment, he did not know when or where. But he clearly desired some shock to the system, in order to propel America into the hot European war. He correctly saw Hitler as a real threat to the Western Hemisphere and the US. Europe had collapsed. The Brits were very close to toppling (having deep historic relations with Germany; members of the royal family were Nazi sympathizers). Germany had plans to “invade” friendly nations in South America, and then work their way north. So FDR had no choice. If America had not entered the war, you and I would be speaking German or would be dead.

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I local woman showed a front page headline from a Honolulu newspaper printed three days before Dec 7th. It warned of an imminent attack by Japan. Her father had sent home a vase, wrapped in the paper. She knew it’s value, and kept it

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"A wartime leader is never removed." Which is why General Milley did not submit his letter of resignation to prezident drumpf, because he knew that the orange sadist was going to start a war in order to keep himself in power. Which is why General Milley contacted China to let them know not to pay attention to the orange sadist's bellicosity. And that is the reason that the orange sadist is now calling for the "EXECUTION" of the great patriot, General Mark Milley.

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I had this same thought and line of reasoning. In fact, this notion is far more plausible to me than thinking the vaunted Israeli Intelligence Service failed. It is far more likely, to my thinking, that Bibi made a calculated decision to further consolidate his political power by allowing this attack to materialize rather than taking pre-emptive steps to stop it.

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Maybe, Steve, but not all Palestinians are terrorists and Bibi is about as kind and understanding as Trump. In my view, Bibi brought this on.

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It's called "fuck around and find out," something the US government keeps re-discovering every 10 years or so.

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The Israeli government, formed by coalition, shows how a minority can control the actions of the government in order to keep their “leader” in power. The Israelis themselves want Peace, want to put an end to the ultra-orthodox control of society, and to continue to live as a democracy in the modern world. There are parallels to the US. Enemies do see division as weakness and may poise to strike. There is a big difference in scale, but this should be another wake up call.

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Israel, has attacked Palestine over 12 times in 2023, killing over 112 people including children. The US media never reports on these attacks, or the increased expansion of settler’s homes being built on Palestine land.

Israel has an internal civil conflict for over a year now. Citizens are going to the streets to object to Netanyahu’s government. The US media never reports on the internal conflict.

Hamas has a right to defend Palestine from Israel repeated attacks. The declaration of war is to deflect from the civil unrest and make arrest of Israeli people within the country, who are organizing against Netanyahu.

Our President has NO right in insert support for either party. The United States government cannot take sides in the middle east. There are too many players, and we should not be playing international favoritism in a region that is so volatile.

Israel is now fascist government the US should not be supporting a fascist regime.

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Excellent comment.

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I agree 100%.

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If you feel that whataboutism justifies such a horrible attack taken to such an extreme then you will be okay with what is about to happen to the Gaza in order to shut down Hamas and protect the country from ongoing assault. The ability to work on a solution to the real issues you describe has never come as neither side’s leadership really can form a solution: Hamas will never recognize Israel’s existence and Israel will not form a treaty with a terrorist organization. This is different than what the people living a day to day life in the region want. However, these actions by Hamas militants will not prompt Peace discussions. They are not an appropriate response to the suffering they have experienced.

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I believe that the attack was perpetrated by the over 22 attacks by Israel on Palestine in the past 10 months.

All of it is horrific, loss of life is never acceptable for political justification. I am looking at both sides not just the Israeli side.

I hope American Jews are able to do that.

I believe this provocative action was by design of Netanyahu and his ultra Conservative Party as cover for the civil unrest.

I stand with the people of Israel not the corrupt government.

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Israeli intelligence is supposed to be the best in the world--or one of the best. Was this missed or ignored? Does the government of Netenyahu chose to ignore the intelligence? Were we not privy to the chatter that is supposed to be so prevalent in the Middle East, or did we ignore? Or are the chatter lines no longer in use?

Did Russia, as in this case all roads lead to Moscow, thought this would be the low point for Western Powers? We have two senators holding up Ambassadorships and Military officer promotions. We have a vacant Speakership and chaos on Ukraine funding. We cannot brief the Congress on security issues: who will attend from the House? Who is providing the talking points for MTG, Bobert and that ilk? Would be interesting to know where they are coming from.

Does this do significant damage to the current relationships between Saudi and Israel, yes and why it was planned. Does it change Netenyahu's position with Russia? I hope so. Does it play into seeing where the holes are in our own military equipment, possibly. Will it spread? My concern too. I also am seeing the Balkans behaving as the Balkans are known to do.

Hoping for a speedy conclusion, but not expecting it.

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I read that Tubberville was holding up the promotions until Trump can get back into office and put his people in place. Sadly, I hope that is not true but I'm afraid it might be. Just remember there were many supporters of Hitler in the Congress in the 40s.

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I have read similar comments, but also know that there are ways to override a hold. McConnell may need to those this week both for the military and also for the Ambassador to Israel (a Rand Paul hold)

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My heart goes out to the Israeli and Palestinian people. No one wins in this war there are only losers. The only solution to this conflict is a 2 state solution with recognizable borders that doesn't favor 1 side or the other. Each side must compromise and then honor the agreement.

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This is insanity. We are regressing as human beings. Global leaders need to sit the fuck down and have a conversation to identify and root out colonial, territorial possession and oppression before they literally and figuratively blow us all up.

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When a people believe they no longer can survive the oppression forced upon them, when their land is being stolen, when their homes are being destroyed, their is nothing left to lose, they retaliate

History will identify the aggressor not as “The Redskins”, but rather the Invaders, intent on taking what they want because they can

Israel is just following the playbook. It’s not new

And America? Is Empathy a commodity of convenience?

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It is no surprise as countries choose more illiberal and theocratic leadership, nationalistic and autocratic forces escalate tribalism and belligerence.

The United States has maintained a unique and remarkable governing system since our founding. Our great power in the world resulted from the model of civilization we presented.

As we falter in our resolve to sanctify democracy as our North Star and the bedrock of our civilization, the wolves of the world are indeed salivating, nipping, and yelping. The growling of their stomachs amplifies as they smell blood.

Your warning is prescient and clear. We must herald our better angels and restore our balance.

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Agree wholeheartedly. But will we as a nation herald our better angels and restore balance?

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That is the pressing question. I believe that the majority of Americans are decent and compassionate people. If allowed to express our collective voice, I do believe we would prevail.

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Hamas has chosen to commit suicide for itself and so many innocent Muslims living in Gaza by a surprise attack on Israel. Death by religion is with us for the last thousand years. Black hatted settlers entering and praying in the mosque was just stupid and arrogant. None of those orthodox folks will have to die in the war as they are exempt from military service. That really pisses me off, and I'm not even Israeli. If Iran was part of this they can expect a violent reaction from Israel as well. We are talking about a years long conflict. I hope not, but it certainly looks that way now.

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Everyone is being duped. It makes sense that Netanyahu let the attack happen. This “war” distracts people from his wrong-doing and gives him a pre-text to strengthen his hold on power. Iran is playing the same game to dupe their people. It’s the oldest con game. And meanwhile poor souls on all sides die needlessly. And you could say, but Hamas attacked Israel. But Israel also sets up the conditions for Gazans to go along with the Iranians. Hurt people hurt people. It’s all very tragic.

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