NBC's hiring Ronna McDaniel is vile.
Vile because it shreds what little credibility that remains with corporate news.
Vile because it eliminates the already weak pretense of delivering facts without bias.
Vile because it announces to the world what we already suspected but strenuously hoped wasn't true:
These beancounters don't give a tinker's damn about what they tell us, as long as we're listening (and watching) them tell us.
What's next? Hannity doing guest spots on the Today show?
Or maybe Laura Ingraham can muscle in on Hoda and Jenna a few times a week?
It's bad folks....
Real bad.
Sure as hell is!!!
That really sticks in my craw.
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NBC's hiring Ronna McDaniel is vile.
Vile because it shreds what little credibility that remains with corporate news.
Vile because it eliminates the already weak pretense of delivering facts without bias.
Vile because it announces to the world what we already suspected but strenuously hoped wasn't true:
These beancounters don't give a tinker's damn about what they tell us, as long as we're listening (and watching) them tell us.
What's next? Hannity doing guest spots on the Today show?
Or maybe Laura Ingraham can muscle in on Hoda and Jenna a few times a week?
It's bad folks....
Real bad.
Sure as hell is!!!
That really sticks in my craw.