Yesterday I watched a new Documentary on Hulu. It was “The Hidden Testimony” of the Nuremberg trials. The highlight was of new audio that was discovered. In fact all of the trials had been recorded. As I watched and listened, especially the part about propaganda, I felt angry and realized I have been walking around with this anger for several years now. I also realized a couple of other things, or maybe realized is not correct, but a moment of reality sunk in. 1. This Republican Party is no different than the words I heard spoken by those Nazis on trial. None. 2. The complete disdain for anyone “other”, their lack of value for human life. Yes, they proudly thump their chest and declare they are pro-life, but they are not.

It is not so much that one person in the party is the new Hitler, it is that the philosophy of the whole is the new Hitler, the new Nazi.

Lately I read calls to fight back, call out the lies of the GOP, to hold them accountable for what they say. It does not matter and it makes no difference. Just as Goebbels remained defiant, arrogant, knowing of the outcome, so do the Republicans. He continued his lies, his allegiance with a degree of arrogance that was breathtaking. So do our modern Goebbels.

No answers here. Some wishing. Wishing the DOJ would step up, had stepped up sooner. That voters in states like mine would stop voting blindly for the person with an “R” after their name, that we will reach the “enough is enough”, before it is to late.

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First, I don't get Hulu but might subscribe just because of the Nuremberg documentary you mentioned. I'm an amateur WWII historian, read a book on the trials a few years ago and the subject still fascinates me.

Secondly, everything you've written is exactly right. The legion of cowards and outright crazy people in positions of power grows every election cycle. If you saw Kevin McCarthy's interview with Margaret Brennan on Sunday, you saw a vacuous, deeply unintelligent, dishonest man who makes Newt look admirable.

He's 2nd in line to the Presidency, despite the fact that he has no power in his own caucus. The ultimate figurehead, not much different from Marshall Petain or Jaruzelski. A puppet

The ranks of his type will grow. One or two might get voted out here and there, but more will be elected, all from deeply red states where bigotry and racism is the prevailing 24/7 breeze.

The answer isn't 2024. The festering, infected, pus ridden wound will still be open, regardless of what happens electorally.

As I say in almost everything I write here, all roads lead back to the Murdochs and Fox News, and neither are going away anytime soon.

I have no solution except continuing to tell the truth, resist this menace wherever/however possible

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Our education systems need to prioritize the teaching of History and Critical Thinking Skills if we are to overcome Fox News and social media propaganda which is clearly cult-indoctrination and exploitation of mass numbers of Americans. If we can't differentiate fact from fiction, we are doomed. Also, if we have no accountability for crimes against our Democracy, it is a 'free for all', as we are now seeing play out in the GOP House insanity.

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With people like DeSantis in positions of power, the upcoming generations will know nothing about history. Just propaganda devoid of reality.

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Teachers have ways of getting around B.S. Many of us are ever more determined and as for the kids: reading 'banned no-no books' may become the IN thing!

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Here's hoping!!!

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As a 13 y/o, I was a fan of "romance magazines". Don't know if they are still a thing. But parents (&Mom) forbid them. My friends and I all shared them and hid them under our beds. It was a decade later that it dawned on me that the message in every one of the stories was the same message My mom preached: Don't make the mistakes I made!

I wrote a LTE in my local paper where book-banners were posting, stating the best way to get your kid to read a book was to ban it, and a few other points, of course.

Kids will find the information they seek when they need/want to find it. Banning anything makes the door shut on any discussion with parents and some teachers. Thankfully, there are teachers like the ones you spoke of above.

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That's inspiring! Thanks for sharing!

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You know what one of the biggest challenges the ed system has today?

Social media. Kids addicted to their phones, FB, Tik Tok, IG

Saw something yesterday, maybe CNN, a man with psychiatric credentials was talking about the harm being done to young kids who stare at their phones for hours/day. There's an initial dopamine rush when they see something that is of interest and then they're engaged endlessly. Their brains aren't close to being fully developed and this is a big detriment.

Many adults are no better. There's a guy, maybe 35-40 or so who lives in the unit next to me. About 20 lbs overweight and I've never once seen him NOT staring down at his phone. Out walking his dogs, head down the whole time. Going to his car, head down all the time.

It's turning us into a nation of idiots. At some point, this needs to be addressed.

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Have you seen the Netflix documentary 'The Social Dilemma'? Some of the programmers of social media algorithms, experts in psychology, come clean about what their algorithms are designed to do and how they appeal to the primal brain and the need for approval, targeting the various ages of development, particularly children and teens. These algorithms may be changing the brains of our kids and populace: Insidious warfare for the greedy power-hungry fascist motivated monsters who want control of the masses. This must be exposed!

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I haven't seen that. I'll look for it tonight. Thanks

I don't see how this terribleness can be reversed without a lot of social reengineering. It's a chilling problem

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Add AI to the mix. We’re watching children especially, rewired. Our dependence on social media has increased greatly.

When I grew up, we played sports outside and all of us worked menial jobs in order to get things are parents wouldn’t. I don’t see kids outside. Majority seem to spend their time involved in computer rpg’s or comparing themselves to others on social media.

And kids don’t want to/don’t have to work. Sorry situation.

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I have not watched that, thanks for the tip, Why can't all of the people who believe in democracy, empathy, equality, humanity get together to make the changes needed for the planet?

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I have been thinking a lot about this Lisa, and I think between substack readers and social media we could make impressive change. I have to think about how we start the process. Question, If reached out to you from substack would you be receptive to maybe a zoom meeting? Maybe other would also. I not a big fan of social media, but I do think it can used for purposeful things like connecting people and ideas.

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Damn right, Lisa. Do you know who these power-hungry fascist motivated monsters target? The unloved children --the same ones pedophiles target. Loved children know when something isn’t right.

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I feel certain the new Hungary fascists are themselves the product of the equally ignorant parents, THEIR parents, and grandparents, right back on down to the 17th century on our soil. Who could have stopped their ignorance? Nobody could have.

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Yes, we need to protect these children and expose their predators. Thanks!

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That is TERRIFYING!!! I had absolutely no idea that this was going on!

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I'm attaching a link, below, to an article a teenager wrote about social media and the documentary 'The Social Dilemma'. The point is made in the last paragraph, that if teenagers saw this documentary (and understand that their attention is 'the product' being marketed), that they probably would not want to be on social media any longer.


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Great conversation on Social Media and education! That doc “The Social Dilemma” is well worth watching. Lisa, are you a teacher? I so hope that you are correct when you say that teachers have ways of “ getting around things”!

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Thanks Diane:) Yes, "The Social Dilemma" documentary can be a wake-up call for people who don't understand that it is a person's attention that is intentionally being marketed through the social media algorithms. (That is so scary -students should all see this documentary, too.) So many people are addicted to their digital gadgets because of how these algorithms are designed. Yes, I am a teacher (mainly middle-school), now working part-time in alternative education and tutoring, with the goal of developing enrichment programs to assist with creative and critical thinking skills and interest-based education. I thought I might retire.....guess not! XO

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I didn't realize that you are teaching. Lucky students!

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You are exactly what is needed right now. Do you teach the teachers? We need more of the likes of you, Lisa. I’m going to watch that Netflix documentary tonight.

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I agree. But it’s very unlikely to happen. Parents (privileged) have made it known that “they” know what’s best for their children to learn and know. It seems History be damned if white euro history of America is spoken of in a negative light. We are witnessing the dumbing down of the average American. Their truth only fits their agenda/agenda. Parents and politicians don’t seem to care that history is warts and all, not selective. Watching this play out with family and friends. Disgusted how quickly we’ve reverted to the white bred 1950’s, it’s 2023 ffs.

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Teachers and Students and Wise Citizens of the U.S.A.: We Shall Overcome!

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Let’s hope.

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This "dumbing down" began quite awhile ago. After I had gone thru college and the Masters (almost, that's another story), the value of the higher education began to be talked down in media. Slowly, quietly at first..."Why are you struggling to go to college, there's plenty of work available and you can advance thru on-the-job-learning." Or "you too can be a self-starter" or variations on that. We had brilliant young men who were college dropouts but wowed the world with their work. Steve Jobs comes to mind. These persons were exceptions to all the rules. But their successes led to the thinking by some that education was not all that important. So, lower income people didn't worry about scraping together the funds for college for their kids. Just get a job and work hard...it's the American way.

Over the years, we watched the wealth of the country divide ever more between the "haves" and the "have-nots". We see youth being raised by wealthy educated parents who become spoiled brats with no work ethic. They are not following the path their parents may have taken, but expect the excellence to be bestowed upon themselves anyway.

Of course, this is a stereotype, a simplification. But we are now devoid of trades persons (whose jobs are going away), or farm help (immigrants work harder for less money). We have instead sales persons whose job it is to make you part with whatever money you may have. They get a slice of your money and the rest goes to the Owner. With ignorance, the anger grows. People no longer know how things work or how to make things work for them!.

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The reason the Republicans are attacking schools and education is to dumb down the voters. I always wonder why the people in red states keep voting for the very people who take away their voting rights, rights to control their own bodies, education rights, food supplement and healthcare.. The people in these states have never been taught how government works. No civic classes. I fear we have already lost.

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Yes, more historical education is needed. As I survey the times so recently past, it seems to me that social media--especially twitter--have trivialized public discourse, with meaningful debate having been eclipsed now by quick-tempered insultation and primitive, tribal instincts instead of civic responsibility and a desire for peaceful reconciliation for the sake of domestic tranquility.

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Absolutely. It’s the single most important thing. Education that educates. The only real education comes back to teaching the truth about everything.

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Sadly, even high performing schools districts like the one my daughter graduated from are so focused on testing and AP classes on one end and just getting kids to learn to read and do basic math on the other, there's a little time for engaged discourse promoting critical thinking skills about democracy and history, and the real threats that exist to our future

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Feb 1, 2023Edited
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Hi Janet, Yes, two years with no accountability for DT or his circle of corrupt ones -how insane this is! About the books, I really do feel that kids are going to want to read books that have been banned or on a list to be banned, as it is the new 'cool'. Great book choices for alternative education programs, too. Banning books from libraries? This is pathetic. Thanks:)

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You would think the book banners would know how that works. It only makes the banned books tantalizing the kids. I think those people don’t zoom out enough to see cause and effect, as in Trump’s case. What happens to a kid when you raise him like Donald raised his oldest son? you get Junior. I feel so bad for Don Jr. He had no chance with his father as a role model who raised him in a severe way. His parents not once looked at him with delight in their eyes. Unless it was for winning while someone else had to lose.

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Having DJT as a father must surely be horrific -yikes!

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I love the way you think about this issue!

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There are several Documentaries I have watched on Hulu and Netflix. Have always watched and read about this period of time, I think to try to understand, to answer the question why. For some reason yesterday, it all seemed to hit me, to sink in.

Agree about 2024. I think we are years away from a course correction. I will be turning 68 in June and probably will not be alive to see a change. Hope I do, but feel it is that bad now.

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I'm 69, grew up in the shadow of WWII. I too watch a lot of docs and have read a lot of books on all aspects of Hitler, WWII, Stalin, etc.

The Hitlerian phenomenon fascinates me. Never have I been able to understand how such an awful, hateful man could mesmerize an entire country of intelligent, educated people. And never did I think I'd ever see something similar repeated in this country. The Trump phenomenon is equally fascinating, but more infuriating because I'm living through it. People who I know and people I see on TV, highly educated men and women with a track record of success and credibility marching to this guy's drum ... wow. I. Just. Don't. Get. It.

Did you know Bob Dole turned into a Trumper? Think about that.

This past summer I did a WWII tour in Normandy, Belgium, Lux and Germany. It was fabulous and also eerie, 78 years later

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Did you make it to the Zeighaus in Berlin? I love their coverage of Germany after WWI and Hitler's rise to power. German's felt so overwhelmed by their economic woes. They thought it could not get worse. "Maybe we should give this young guy a chance."

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Unfortunately we didn't go to Berlin. Wish we had.

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Maybe it will happen some day.

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I bet that was a great trip. I would like to go to Normandy. I visited Dachau many years ago. I felt it was important to take the day to go there, but had no idea what to expect, really. It had a profound effect on me. I have never forgotten it or how I felt. I hope I never do forget.

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Yes, a fantastic trip. Too many amazing things to describe here. "So amazing" (puke)

In Normandy, which is God's country IMO, in the towns like St. Mere Eglise, Bayeux, Caen and others, there are hundreds of American flags still flying out of apartments and homes. I was moved by that. They haven't forgotten what we did for them.

Have a picture of me standing in a bunker in the Ardennes Forest (Battle of the Bulge) that's STILL about 5 feet deep. Dachau was of course ... no words. Hitler's Eagle Nest was a big disappointment.

I hope you do it some day

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Incredible! Thanks.

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Having accompanied a great friend, who was a WWII D-Day Veteran, to Normandy for a number of D Day ceremonies, including last year, one of the hardest things for him to understand was the outpouring of love and appreciation the French people gave to American Veterans. He had a hard time understanding how, after having their whole villages destroyed by American bombs and artillery, they could feel this way. It wasn't until one French villager explained that they had been under Nazi rule for 4 previous years. he said, "You don't understand 'Freedom' until you don't have it!" I think it would be important for ALL Americans to understand how close we are to loosing our "Freedom"

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Many great WWII museums in Normandy.

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Yes, we went to a few of them.

Utah Beach has a great museum; Omaha Beach, St. Mere Eglise too.

Also, just outside Bastogne - a GREAT town - there's a tremendous museum with Panzers and other German and American vehicles, weaponry, etc

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I agree Michael, I Just Don't Get It !! Especially since we have seen where this leeds!! To egnore history is pure ingnorance becauce it can happen here!

Hopefuly enough voters will be incentivised to vote BLUE and save this " experiment" of ours.

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Hundred percent agree. Almost 30 years of hyperbolic, divisive lies broadcast across the airwaves masquerading as news, Fox, the ultimate evil culprit. The industrial-complex lie machine stirred its dark pot of sludge, amped up racists and rubes, and enabled the most corrupt, dishonest, over-ambitious, deeply unqualified bombasts into the highest positions of American leadership.

Me, a news junkie since the 90’s, find myself slowly, year after year, becoming more and more alarmed. Awareness and cognizance an ailment — and these days catatonic, sleeping with one eye open, feeling the twitch of “what next” each and every day.

America, when she’s unwell, the entire globe in mortal danger. And here we are…

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Fox was the parent, and spin-offs were spawned from there.

I lecture myself to keep on an even keel. But I've never been as concerned as I am now.

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Public pressure and exposure to the obvious truth --and harping on it for years got most people to finally stop smoking. A habit almost impossible to quit.

MAGA beliefs and actions are purely ugly. They are mean spirited. Those beliefs and actions are utilized by sneerers, scoffers and smirkers who talk too fast, look strained and arrogant, and relate everything back to themselves and what they can get. They only see the surface.

So why don’t we change the surface. Make it unpopular, unpowerful, unattractive to be a person who believes and acts like that.

Fur coats were once the thing. Now wearing fur of an animal is considered ugly in many circles. It has made people stop wearing their furs. It’s because of the shame.

Can MAGA be shamed into climbing back under their rocks? I think absolutely. I quit smoking because I was shamed into it now that I think about it.

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I reread the above. Sounds dumb on the surface because they are already so hated but seem to have no shame. Can’t we find their shame button. Think vanity Think fear of humiliation. Both strong motivators for MAGA.

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The 3 monkeys who CHOOSE to hear, see or speak truth is what the GOP are , and only when they die off will we be rid of them...so in 50 years.

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Do you think America will still be around that long?

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No, the whole world, by what evidence I see, is doomed before that.

I was being cautious, in case people with children were reading my comment. It must be impossible for parents to face the damning evidence of doom that I see, see its logical conclusion, and then say what I say.

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Very, VERY well put. I’ve been ‘walking around for years with this anger’ too!

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My first red flag with Trump & eventually Trumpism? When Trump repeatedly promoted the "Birther" conspiracy theory against Obama. I immediately saw that as "otherism", on news show said he had the "proof" & that his "people" were coming back to show the proof. Of course, never did. Then when people voted for him despite that....& Mexican rapists etc. I was very alarmed right out of the gate. Also 1990's article had his ex-wife Ivana talking about how Trump had Hitler book near his bedside. He confirmed it yrs later.

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Susan … Bless you… your words

And response are spot on..

Our lives and children’s lives and

My Grandcildren’s lives depend on

What we accomplish in 2024 ..

Truly the world depends on what

Choices are made today..thank you

Heartfelt gratitude 🌹Marsha

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I was warning, friends and family, and anyone else would listen in 2015 that what we were seeing was our country becoming Germany in the 1930s. People laughed at me and said I was hysterical. It was crystal clear to me then and sadly everything that's happened since has only validated what is happening.

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I believe we will. Be loud about this, not defeated!

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Your accurate grasp of history is impressive and you ability to recognize the ominous situation we are facing with this thoughtless and morally-lacking Republican Party should be read and digested by ALL Americans. Keep talking!👍

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The depth, nuance, and comprehensive nature of your thesis is worthy of an entire college course. Alas, there are few academic institutions in the country which come even remotely close to studying let alone discussing what you have written, in what was likely one sitting. Our US willful ignorance of history is appalling. Without our understanding of it (as Lisa Beardsley has intimated in this thread), our ability to think critically is severely diminished. I humbly offer this quote:

“History gives answers only to those who know how to ask questions.” Hajo Holborn, German-American historian (1902-1969)

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Thanks for that powerful quote, Rick. Great quote for a classroom poster and/or book markers. I will use it and pass it on to others. It is so true and important!

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Glad to help, Lisa!

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That says it all.

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For many years I had a picture in my office with the phrase "When the winds of change blow, adjust your sails". The ship in the picture had eyes on the prow: a throwback to those of ancient times that expected the ship to see them through difficult waters to a safe harbor.

Steve, I would agree that the winds of change are blowing, and blowing hard. The potential for catastrophe is real and may swamp us. The potential for sailing through the change to a better world are also there. It's called a ship of state for a reason, and we're all in the ship together. Catastrophe and success are both are in our hands. Catastrophe comes from not doing anything; success comes from direct action to stop the internal and external evil we face, and yes they're woven together. We can do this, we can stop the evil, if we want to. What will you do to help right the ship, adjust the sails and go forward to a better safe harbor?

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Here’s the issue for me: why are extremists elected in districts of our country? Yes, it is important to call out the American fascists and, yes, this feels like Weimar (at least to me) as I have been saying for more than a year without assurance that very many people know what I’m referring to.

But here’s the bottom line in my view: our electoral process is such that only creeps, crooks and nutjobs will run. And then they get elected by low-information voters who don’t know that reality TV is fake.

America has become a deeply ignorant country. Financial and social grievances run deep no matter how much money the government gives out.

Why? We are so rich. We are so spoiled. The question to me is this: what’s in the American spirit that runs so deep and defies generational change that we find ourselves on the brink of trading Democracy for kleptocracy and fascism.

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Thank you Jane, very well said. You have answered your question: "America has become a deeply ignorant country" and ignorance is a very bad thing in any Democracy.

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That's it- power mongers exploit the susceptible and relentlessly push disinformation that would be comedic in a different setting.

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Do you think that if excellent, free education was given to all 50 states, all the way through college like they do in Norway, we would have such ignorance?

Is that education mentioned in the constitution?

Who controls the powers of granting that free and equal education, education of excellence, to all children?

Why are so many people ignorant? Do you think that is intentional or accidental?

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Education is basically down to the states. We have no national education requirements. Why you get the crazies in Florida in Texas banning books and dictating curriculum. I have no answers on why some students are ignorant and others are well educated. The problem is the percentages of each.

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When crimes are left unpunished there is no balance in the universe. I listened to that line in the movie 47 Ronin last night and thought it made sense. However, after further thought I have come to realize that people are not rational beings. We are emotional beings and we let our perceived reality sometimes over-rule actual reality. This is not only dangerous but as we all have seen can be deadly. Many of the people who have been tried and convicted for January 6th thought they were in the right. However, what they perceived and acted on were lies. If you expand this rationalization then you understand how wars become reality out of perceived injustices. This is why truth matters so much and those who pervert and distort truths are so evil. So yes, when crimes are left unpunished people feel grieved. Balance, truth and forgiveness are the only things that can save our civilization from killing each other and destroying our humanity.

What is past is prolog.

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Do you think that if excellent, free education was given to all 50 states, all the way through college like they do in Norway, we would have such ignorance?

Is that education mentioned in the constitution?

Who controls the powers of granting that free and equal education, education of excellence, to all children?

Why are so many people ignorant? Do you think that is intentional or accidental?

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DEFINITELY INTENTIONAL Tracy! The 1% fears and loathes and educated well informed populace! LBJ’s Great Society dream was shoved aside by Nixon and CRUSHED by the turn-coat Ronald Reagan. No, definitely a plan for a PERMANENT UNDERCLASS by the fascist 1% and their toadies!

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I’m not so thrilled about the Democrats who aren’t arming Ukraine as much and as fast as they should be. WTF are they waiting for???

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It’s walking on eggshells. There is a trail at play around the world at the moment. Moving to quickly may push Putin into doing something that Russia (and unfortunately Ukraine) might not be able to come back from. It’s horrible to say, considering the loss of life.

Plus China/Iran/Afghanistan. All of the Middle East/Africa/Central and South America. Everything is in play.

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Maybe the proxy of Ukraine, sta nding in for the USA fighting Putin's war, has to be kept just below the power to win, to avert a nuclear war. Therefore, the Uktainians will, have to almost all die slowly, yet never quite die completely. Many buffer wars like this have been i mankind's history

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I have been carefully watching and learning from political behavior . It is a culture shift brought to you by the many years of MCConnel. The grift , the greed, the rascism against a black president , the Tea Party, Limbaugh and Fox News hate and capitalism at all costs. The stock market rises and falls and more important than ANYTHNG. . Capitalism breeds greed. Money is the root of all evil as the saying goes. I think the rascism coupled with capitalism in our government has moved people to be narcissistic and no longer think about the human conduction . These are dark times and I fear a major world wide event to cure people of their ilks. Those of us that survive .

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There’s always been a “swamp” in Washington DC. trump and his cronies feverishly took advantage, whilst claiming that they were draining the swamp.

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This is rational negativity.. If you want to be well liked;

You must express optimism.

You must BELIEVE in the future. of the world

You must believe in mankind's collective Goodness as being the same an an indivdual's Goodness.

You must believe the wealthy will bond together to cure the climate crisis.

Otherwise, you are a downer.


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I love the way you write, Steve. Your message is clear all the damn time . It saddens me the way the world has become . I worry, awaken in the night about our adult children still making their way thru this terribly dark dark time. Your last sentence speaks to the Republican Congress and its lack of character .

All brought to you by the dark money of media , businessss having more power than people . Capitalism at all costs . Money and greed coupled with rascism insulates the wealthy people and companies from seeing and doing the right thing. Examples are, miss placed safety switches for Boeing, cancer producing parts in Philips machines, lack of necessary baby formula, production from Abbott, more recently egg production. Businesses are seeking profitability at all costs. The human condition is no longer paramount to our way of life, the GOP, dark money, advertising and media are contributing to the detriment of society as a democracy. When businesses and racists have all the power, we are doomed.

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I agree. So I recommend you watch W.C Fields and see what he knew. He makes me laugh every time. Yet, I laugh all day with no one to make me laugh. . I laugh at the absurdity of existence itself. I see the loveliness of nature everywhere, and I see humanity contrasted against it, and I suddenly laugh, out loud, all over the place. It is enormously funny.

THe world is just a passing show. Naturally, we wish it were a paradise and it hurts our whole being to see what humans have done to it. But one must see the whole matter as within your own lifespan and that is nothing.. Laugh, before it is too late.

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Again, my Canadian perspective is the same. Everyday I find myself asking has gone so wrong.

I’m a boomer. I was a teenager in the sixties. Yes, my generation went on to become well educated not only in colleges

university and trade schools. But, the big but is what happened?

The 80’s produced an era of I’m wealthier than you. Architecture

was about how big your house was and how many Palladian windows you had. You were no longer a sales person but a sales associate. I won’t go on but everything then became some dystopian dream. And it’s gone on to be a world lacking in plain old common sense.

I feel the next generations will not be able to govern. Everything has been done for them. And I blame us for not looking out for more self sufficiency, more empathy and more consciousness of “what’s going on”, thank you Marvin Gaye

We may still have a choice. Either we wake up and vote good people into government.

Think twice before driving a block to pick up something. And definitely read such brilliant articles like the warning or reliable news information. We definitely cannot turn our backs now. Sadly we’re all to removed from anything so many ignore it and that “many” are the ones could change our world.

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A big big BIG explanation for what’s wrong with our politics is, in order Fox News and Murdoch who pump out a dishonest narrative 24/7.

Uneducated, unintelligent people, which is a large % of Fox’s audience then take to social media, and repeat/amplify/spread that garbage and it becomes their truth

Studies have consistently shown that Fox viewers are the least well informed of all audiences. They thrive on disinformation

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Steve Schmidt, you are a hero for what you do! We need your continued clarion call, your gift of wisdom, reason and truth to blow-back these winds of turmoil.

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If only SS coulkd take control and rule the whole world, it would be a much better place, and if you were religious, you would want the whole world to believe the same as you do

I can't believe he would ever run for president, and maybe that's for the best, for when he only got .0001% of the vote or less, we would all be forced to face what the USA is, from now on., and forever. It would be crushing. I already am there, so I would not be surprised.

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This country is a nutty country though, and people like Lincoln came along and FDR , just at the right moment. So, there is always a chance for that kind of miracle. In those days, dark horses that could run for president were truly and literally in the dark and could suddenly burst into the light and be noticed. Today, with the cameras and the light shining on everyone, everywhere all the time, no dark horses are possible to stay hidden until they have grown enough to be a formidably educated, moral force against evil. The way the world is, no Gandhis can be born anymore, no Schweitzers, no Lincolns. Even if they were born and became bold enough to show grit and lofty intelligence and morals, they would be silenced immediately. Only evil genius can make it anymore, and therefore I see no humanistic gladiators of great heroic dimensions anywhere. Obama WAS , I thought possibly, a champion to right the wrongs, but as Bill Clinton said early on, he was just a fairy tale. He was being snide, and he didn't know why he was right, but was right., Racism can never be overcome here. Obama was an illusion that bore no fruit. It was impossible, and not his fault. Racism is too strong and always will be, here.

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MacArthur is right. Schmidt is right. Moral bankruptcy leads to a bad, bad place. I pray for the future of our country and our world for my children and grandchildren. The myopia of our citizens is heartbreaking. How can sane people follow Gaetz, Gosar, Greene and the rest of the insanity caucus know as the Republican party? Oh, I forgot! R good, D bad. We have lost our way, almost beyond help and hope. I pray not.

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Why pray for only YOUR own country? If you are a praying man, pray for the whole world.

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Yes Steve, this is a moment in which decency and respect must re-emerge as the central defining character of our collective politic. We must face history and learn the lessons that we bought and paid for with the tens of millions of human lives sacrificed to hatred in the twentieth century. The question you properly frame is clear; will a global generation of politicians and citizen-activists emerge, united by a shared vision of peace , justice and respect?

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I’m a pessimist by nature, and don’t believe that there’s a strong enough consensus for people to put aside differences. We’ve been destroying the world for decades, watched animals go extinct and have let millions (if not billions) of people die. Wether through war/Holocaust/lack of medicine or climate change. What will make the average person wake up and notice that every action has a ripple effect that affects us all.

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At the great Monte Carlo Casino on Mt. Olympus, the immortal gods are gathering to bet on whether the humans will survive.

"Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen! The choice is red or black. Place your bets. Voila!The wheel is spinning now, and where it stops, nobody knows"

..."It's Black!..."

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The United States entered a period of moral decay beginning with Nixon. The advent of the internet and social media with instant news, information and opinion without restraint or regard for facts and the inability of the Justice Dept to hold obvious criminals accountable have exacerbated the situation we are in. It’s seems we have crossed the rubicon as too many Americans are (excuse my candid opinion ) dumb af and can’t tell truth from lies, fact from fiction, but are also poisoned by religion to the point of being no different then jihadists. They will never attain a level of education or ability to think critically enough to get us out of this mess. The next few years will be interesting to say the least.

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Important reflexions and almost philosophical prognostication at this point.

As Professor Cox Richardson is fond if noting, the future is unwritten.

While we can in part employ the past as a predictive blueprint, there is no.way we are able to extrapolate expectations based in historical dynamic, as here we are confronted with such an amalgam of the bizarre, absurd, and unhinged, all of which lend forte to one another, that we are nearly met with a novel species who are, at best unpredictable!

It would seem we need some sort of profound reset in order to restore humanity across the board. If not, most assuredly we have not met the bottom.

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A reset is needed. We are quickly approaching the bottom with most of those in charge only focused on their best interests, not the peoples.

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Thank you Steve for your knowledge of history, your intelligent writings, your insights on our republic and mostly your honest assessments of this evil and destructive MAGA GOP. I'm so glad I decided to subscribe here.

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