Why is the resistance movement against Trump sputtering? 248 years of consumer capitalism combined with Trump's relentless bombardment on our Democracy has made Americans fat, dumb, and complacent.

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You ever tried to start a push lawn mower that has sat idle for a while? You will pull your brains out on that cord, the mower will spit, sputter, and almost run, then peter out, seeming silent. You don't give up, you pull that cord as many times as necessary, making small adjustments, and after one of those pulls, that mower blade reaches terminal velocity and revs up to max speed so you can cut down ANY thing in its path. We the People are that mower, the Trvmp/Mvsk shitshow is the grass.

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👍👍💪Great metaphor for what WE must do!

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Love it!

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I’m saying nothing new here but adding my voice to others. I’m a liberal without a party as of the last couple of months. The corporation that has been the Democratic Party is nothing to me any longer. We are in a constitutional crisis (most people who have a scant understanding of civics truly do not understand this). The Democratic leadership says nothing; they stand for nothing; they DO nothing; they do not lead. Avoiding absolutes (there are none in life), there are some voices from Democratic leadership. But they lack unity or direction. I’ve been loyal in my vote based on ideology, thinking they will step up, listen. (They pretended Biden was mentally capable, pushing a second term, hiding the truth, even now. As someone who watched my mother and her 3 sisters succumb to dementia, I knew what I saw.) They are part and parcel to where we are at this moment. I don’t fault MAGA who fell to voices louder and angrier than ours addressing very real concerns. I blame media who fed them lies constructed 40 years ago by greedy men for profit and Democrats who have been silent and deaf. I’m ready to be lead and will gladly contribute time and money to that leadership when it coalesces.

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Agree. And to boot, both Dems and Pubs commit insider trading with impunity. I cant figure out how they can get away with this. Lets face it, the two parties we have are not working, as is. Im going to change my voter registration back to Unaffiliated. Ive been registered Dem for less than a year.

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I think we need to start preparing for the 2026 election to be (somehow) canceled/invalidated. I fully expect the GOP to pound the drum of election fraud and that will be the justification for invalidating democratic votes. These people are not going to give up power willingly; they believe that it is right that they should rule over everything.

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I'm having trouble understanding people who say we should prepare for an election more than a year away. I think this moment is much more serious and needs to be dealt with now. Our election system brought us to this moment -- a system that could be circumvented.

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Agree. We need to act now. We cant wait.

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I think we need multiple channels in this fight. There are elections this year, why not sign up to be an election inspector or worker with your county Board of Elections? It would be good to get training and experience in an off year (local) election in preparation for the larger 2026 vote.

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Thank you for your suggestion -- it's not something I'm willing to consider and wish you luck in your efforts in that arena.

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Thanks! After Jan 6th, I joined my local party and ran for office. I've since moved to a new county and after the November election joined the local party. I'm currently in the process of petitioning for the 2025 election and I've also built a web site for them. I've volunteered for my local Zoning Board of Appeals, and I am considering volunteering to be an election inspector (trying to get some other items off my plate right now). From the floor will shall rise.

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Thank you both so very much!

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Yes, thank you Steve and Stephen for that powerful interview. Truth! A call for ACTION!


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Why can't we do a class action suit as "we the people" because Trump, Musk and the other ones broke our social contract?

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Musk out!

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Thanks again for another great show. I agree, we have to shut down the government in order to reclaim it. I have said, all along, I put full blame upon SCOTUS. They have allowed this tyranny, not knowing how far it could disengage our country. Short-sighted, too caught up in the elegance of their own power.

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What about his power, to install Marshall Law. Do you think he has a Para military?

Mary Hanaki

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I'm not sure a government shutdown is going to help. But what do I know?

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It will

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I'm worried it will just lead to more chaos and panic. Retirement accounts getting drained so rapidly.

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Excellent conversation! Your take down of the Camerons of the country was masterful, singling out Cameron, then including the rest of the traitors. Schumer has got to go, he should face a primary. New York can do way better!

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This was a great interview.

Steven, I love what you have to say. Your passion is great. The historic context you put this in is CRUCIAL because this is not happening in a vacuum.

But please-1 criticism: please give your guests more time to speak. By your own admission you take time that you should be giving them.

This is about balance. We are all struggling due balance, so again-please. Give your guests, who are experts in their own areas and as passionate about this situation in their own ways as are you, their due.

Thank you.

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I loved the discussion, but Steve you kept Michael from speaking or did not adequately acknowledge his comments. It’s almost as if you had a message to deliver and he was just a prop.

I absolutely hope you continue to do these, but if you are going to have a guest, please allow them the floor and make it more interactive. You will have your moment when it is just you. You shine when it is just you.

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Thankyou. I’ve left a similar request: to please give guest speakers time. They’re there for their passion and expertise in approaching this. ALLOW THEM TO DISSEMINATE WHAT THEY HAVE TO SHARE….

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Fascinating observations just past 45min in (actually engrossing from 1st minute), but to Steven's point, on "colluding with the enemy" or "collaborating" is impossible, ditto for having a reasonable conversation with the Repos, then we are left in an intractable, literally ungovernable, fix.

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We must stop the CR as it gives the President new powers to steal legally and to tax citizens in a way that puts the funds under Executive branch unilateral control. Give the purse to a felon? We must stop the CR. It gives the President new powers. https://hotbuttons.substack.com/p/fraud?r=3m1bs

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Trump is running the federal government like a crime boss. In 2019, Trump attempted to gain an advantage in his re-election campaign by pressuring President Zelenskyy into investigating Joe Biden. He threatened to withhold congressionally approved military aid if Ukraine did not comply. Currently, he is threatening to withhold U.S. intelligence as well as military aid, trying to force Ukraine to cave into Putin’s demands and simultaneously gain control over Ukraine’s mineral resources for the U.S. He has made enemies of traditional allies, thinking he can cajole them into ceding territory to the U.S. or becoming a state. He has engaged in a disastrously incoherent trade war that threatens ou economy and the world economy.

Trump is a con man who has become president of the United States. He settled a lawsuit brought by victims of his Trump University scam for $25m. and has sold millions of vastly overpriced items to gullible Americans. Trump has given enormous power over government agencies to ketamine addict Musk who spent more than $250m. backing Trump and other Republican candidates. On March 11, Trump helped Musk sell Teslas on the front lawn of the White House.

Many believe Trump was ordained by god to be president, though he fits the description of the antiChrist.

Americans feel a sense of unease, of embarrassment, and danger as ever more signs of corruption and incompetence become evident even to evangelical Christians. It is time to take whatever actions are necessary to let Republican members of Congress know that they have a constitutional duty to end the outrages of the Trump administration; if not, they will be removed, as will Trump and his band of sycophants, by the people of the United States of America.

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🎯👍👍 Great distillation of the dire situation we're in, Anthony. We must fight this!

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I may be missing something, because I certainly don't know what Newsom has in mind by bringing on maga extremists to his new podcast. I do not see him challenging them enough and in that I am so disappointed in our governor! What is his end game beyond presidential goals? How does this podcast serve to bring justice and safety and sanity?

I've been a Californian since 1970. I have not by any means always agreed with Newsom; I find a lot of hypocrisy in his policies. Ex: he is backed by the correctional officers union and vetoed 8 bills this past year that would have made important prison human rights reforms. He touts his plan for homelessness but buys a $9 million home in tony Marin County. He backs high speed rail to LA, which will only benefit richer people who can pay for it and who travel that route.

And he was married to Ms. K. Guilfoyle.

Nevertheless ... clearly he is gunning for a presidential run in 2028, but to bring on as his first guests the likes of maga extremists Kirk & Bannon, is basically kissing the ring imho. He may think this is great strategy to mend fences or get buy-in, but mostly it is just pissing off more CA Dems.

He may be a nice guy, but he has a lot of baggage too. And I have some good experience as a lobbyist and activist in our carceral system for 15 years. He hasn't listened well; when it is politically expedient, then he will listen. He also takes credit for things that he didn't really initiate, like the California Model for rehabilitation (starting at San Quentin). In fact he didn't even include the incarcerated population until they organized and demanded to be included. And so he doesn't pass legislation that would increase carceral reforms, but then goes all out for this rehab model that gets lots of press? Seriously ...

So I appreciate this conversation, and with all due respect I beg to differ on some points, from my own experience, and I also hold out hope because I agree that he is smart and strategic. His play of T on the LA tarmac was classic.

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