“We are poor indeed if this Nation cannot afford to lift from every recess of American life the dread fear of the unemployed that they are not needed in the world.” This hit me as I read it. Mainly, “they are not needed in the world.” I think this type of thinking is prevalent in the minds of many. Some are worthy to be in our world and some are not. Those deemed unworthy are dismissed. We don’t help, we don’t aide, we don’t practice what is preached because we have determined that they are not needed, they are not worthy, they are not only beneath us, but not worthy of life.

While I recognize this has been the thinking for centuries, this morning those written words touched my heart. I had to sit with myself and question times that I felt someone was not worthy of my time and attention. Who was annoying with their complaints and questions. It is humbling.

Thank you, Steve. I also thought Oppenheimer was such a good movie. I always have a book at the ready when I watch a movie. My personal movie rating is if I pickup the book to read during the movie. If so, the movie is not that great. I didn’t pickup a book during Oppenheimer.

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FDR’s speech is a brilliant reminder of the true spirit of democracy. Anything can be weaponized for the love of money. AI is just a tool. A healthy society, based on solid democratic values, can and should protect the citizens from those who seek monetary gain or power while abusing or violating others, but we are currently in an era of massive greed and love of power.

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"Do not turn over America's future to small men who hate" - Steve Schmidt. Brilliant.

Get out and vote. Do whatever we can to support free/uninhibited elections. God help us!

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Like Steve, I used to like Lindsey even though he was not of my party. I thought his mind was always fixed on what's right for American. today, I have a hard time even looking at him. He seems to have turned to MAGA for his own self-preservation, forget the people of the US. Very painful. Regarding AI we have to get a handle on this science now before it's too late.

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Lindsay is sucking up to TFG He’s sold his soul for head pats from TFG. There’s dirt behind it though. I’m so disappointed in Lindsay

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Biden needs to give fdr’s speech daily. Dems need to constantly remind us what the purpose of a democratic government is and why we need to keep ours. Imagine the Maga crowd with access to your bank account and the power to take it.

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I agree with you Steve about AI: every technological advancement has a dark side; no different than humanity.

However, based on the abilities and technological understanding of the septuagenarian’s who make up the majority of Congress; unable to even operate a smart phone without guidance from their staff, the war to rein in “AI” bad actors, is a lost cause.

AI is already a moon away from Congress’s ability to understand its nefarious capabilities or even understand what it is. Even without AI, social media has proven to be a powerful tool of mass manipulation, misinformation and lies; indoctrinating tens of millions across the globe annually.

That said, I pine for the days when former PM of Britain, Benjamin Disraeli, profoundly said, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.”

I do agree, however, that Downey Jr. is a great American actor and was especially effective in Oppenheimer....:)

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Thank you, Steve, for putting FDR’s speech for us. I don’t think I’ve ever read so many words of wisdom in one place. His summation of the whole of human history is perfectly precise, concise and an exact fit to the conditions we face today.

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You are right about FDR. Staggering powerful speech. We are there again, and no one seems to care. The oligarchs rule and May soon rule totally unfettered by the people or government. I fear for my children and grandchildren. Thank you for this speech.

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Outstanding Steve. Well done. Keep warning. Some listen,some heed.

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Jerry Vaver

What Weakens Our Democracy

December 3, 2023

What weakens our country today is caused by the same thing that has always weakened it from the beginning. That one thing is, we as a country have always lived under one Constitution, but two forms of government, the one the people think they live under and the one they actually live under.

Average Americans are led to believe they live under the U.S. Constitution, but they are manipulated and kept under control because of this belief. Actually, they live under a government controlled by politicians, corporations, and the wealthy. While the People’s Government seems not quite able to function as it should, and is often confusing and presented as too complex, the Actual Government controlled by the politicians corporations and the wealthy operates smoothly and efficiently. The powerful few under this government do not have to adhere to the same rules and regulations, or suffer the same consequences as do those under the People’s Government, because they control and rewrite the rules and consequences to accommodate their behavior that allows them to maintain control of those who follow the People’s Government, while perpetuating their selfish way of life.

The big lie has always been that everyone is treated equal in the eyes of the law, and no one is above the law. The tax laws are the same for everyone, and the restraints of business are the same for all. However, compared in the open for all to see, it becomes clear that people under the People’s Government are treated differently under the law, suffer more penalties, pay greater taxes proportionate to income, undergo greater business restraints, and are threatened far more by competition and legal compliances.

If nothing else, the Trump era has clearly shined a light on the discrepancies between these two forms of governments. The rights in the U.S. Constitution better serve the politicians, the corporations, and the rich and powerful than it does the average citizen. In this respect the U.S. Constitution is interpreted far differently. When applied, the citizens of the People’s Government are protected far less and therefore have limited access to all the rights expressed and implied in the U.S. Constitution.

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Amen, hallelujah and spot on!

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“They have sold their heritage of freedom for the illusion of a living. They have yielded their democracy.” FDR’s words seem to encapsulate the trump voter & maga movement.

Where is our FDR?

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Biden and other Democrats must step up and speak about today’s “Morning in America.” It’s an America where we are on the verge of both losing our democracy and abandoning those in need. How many understand the stakes?

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I am always enlightened by your column. You have introduced me to more of our country's history than all of my rudimentary education. Thank you for including FDR's speech. I have always been a fan of the President because of his physical disability and leadership during some of our darkest hours as a nation.

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Thank you, Steve, for sharing your personal commitment, courageous Voice, and gift of articulating same so clearly - often bluntly on behalf of The People. Just watched (for the first time) this PBS Frontline on AI (2 hours. aired 4 years ago): https://youtu.be/5dZ_lvDgevk?si=NrOHqnFzAzZjdFok

My response:

Excellent piece. Staggering to comprehend and further consider the World level" impacts and consequences of AI, nevermind navigating "solutions" toward upholding inter-human ethical imperatives. Yikes.

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This was excellent, we (The Warning community) must spread this piece as far and wide as we possibly can..Steve has made this a public essay for a reason..It must make it's way everywhere..That's our job!

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What an orator. He is greatly missed in these times. We must get it back.

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