Jun 25Liked by Steve Schmidt

The MAGA politicos all look the same to me. The vacant stare of a vile soul.

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Some of them look as if they have just been hit square in the forehead with a two by four.

Some wear a phony smile and express amazement at the fact that people like us haven't "seen the light."

Some hate us and want revenge; those are the ones who model themselves after Trump.

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Happy Anniversary, Steve. I love reading your letters and seeing your videos but would love to see you some on TV. Does MSNBC not call you anymore? We need your powerful words where it hits the hardest.

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Steve, let me add my thanks to all the others and I agree with Aggman. If you can, get your message across on MSNBC, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, and PBS.

I first saw you on MSNBC and was excited about the clarity of your Trump/MAGA condemnations. You are as classy as Liz Cheney; I wish she was "out there" more often.

I believe you can influence many "undedcided" voters if only you had the opportunities.

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I agree 1,000%!!!

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Congratulations! Steve I have learned a great deal from you and from those that have posted replies and comments. I always come away with many things to think on, to turn over in my mind. Thank you.

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Jun 25Liked by Steve Schmidt

Thank you, Steve. You are providing a valuable service for all of us. I look forward to your daily posts on The Warning.

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Jun 25Liked by Steve Schmidt

For standing stalwart in the midst of this insanity, thank you Steve!

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Jun 25Liked by Steve Schmidt

I’m here and very appreciative of your efforts and the wisdom you impart to those who care enough to listen. Hope we all can survive for the duration of this frightening time in our history. Thanks for everything you do to educate and warn the American people.

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Jun 25Liked by Steve Schmidt

You are the first thing I read every morning and you are a trusted voice of sanity and reason. Thank you for telling us the truth, without all the BS.

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Jun 25Liked by Steve Schmidt

Your writings on true life in America in 2024 is EPIC. Trump is everything you say he is yet the GOP put turned this country into the nightmare it now is. They push the middle class down and stand on them to keep the power and money in their pockets. The midd

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Jun 25Liked by Steve Schmidt

…middle class built this country and the middle class need to take it back. Congress uses Americans in the pursuit of selfish greed.

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Jun 25Liked by Steve Schmidt

Happy Birthday to The Warning! It all started in Provincetown... :)

What an amazing adventure, so proud of you!

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Jun 25Liked by Steve Schmidt

Congratulations on the two years, Steve, and keep up the good work. No truer words written than your’s below:

There is a very significant “exhausted majority” of Americans looking to move past this rotten moment in American life.

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Jun 25Liked by Steve Schmidt

No way!!!!!! We turned 2?!! Thanks for this Steve. This has kept me from feeling isolated all this time. I wouldn’t have managed the past two years without you and all my new friends here at The Warning. True True True 💕

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Jun 25Liked by Steve Schmidt

Congrats Steve,

On a lighter note, I live in Miami and everyday when I take my dog to the dog park nearby, a man is always down the street waiving a Trump sign. I’m tempted to run him over, but then I’d be just like the MAGA morons. Although, would that be so wrong?????….:)

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Jun 25Liked by Steve Schmidt

Legally, yes... Morally, ambiguous... would society be better off... hell yes!

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Jun 25Liked by Steve Schmidt

Steve, congratulations! To you and to US for being the beneficiary of two years of your fantastic commentary. I’ve followed you for a looonng time. I remember on Election Eve 2020, you did a spot on MSNBC with Nicolle Wallace. She asked you if you were worried, and you said simply, “I trust the American people”.

I hope we, the American public, can pull it off again, landslide style, and get these assholes OUT OF OUR FACES. Otherwise, we will be living a dystopian nightmare that will be heartbreaking on so many levels.

I would love to watch the video. It says the video is private, and it won’t play.

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Thank you for the kind words, Julie. Try watching the video now. It should work.

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Jun 25Liked by Steve Schmidt

Thank you. I was able to watch the video. Powerful, as usual. I have been dismayed and horrified by Donald Trump for nine long years here in northern Arizona. In 2016 I was teaching AP psychology, and my classes and high school in general were filled with DACA students. The fear and anxiety on their faces when he won the election were palpable. I can’t believe we are here, in this moment, after everything he has done. I am disgusted by the “leaders” who have flopped forward at his feet. I can’t understand how millions of people are in thrall to his hateful gibberish. Which is worse with each passing day. Migrant fights?

I fervently hope we have what it takes to come together and unload him again in November. But even if that is the outcome, he will call out for violence and refuse again to concede. I don’t know what it will take for him to sink back down into the ooze.

But I am heartened by The Warning every day. Thank you for all you do, have done, and will do as we traverse this truly terrible moment.

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Jun 25Liked by Steve Schmidt

Thank you for all you do, Steve. We need voices like yours. Happy 2nd Anniversary to The Warning.

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Jun 25Liked by Steve Schmidt

Steve, You are a Warrior for truth.

You are a trusted News source.

You were right, we would rather have 2 younger candidates who are determined to rise America up again. That was not the option.

I've been here reading.

Congratulations on your 2 years Anniversary.

I'm a fan and I hope to read more of your work.

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Jun 25Liked by Steve Schmidt

Steve- You are beyond the beyond with your words of warning ⚠️ I watch everyone of your You Tube videos as well as when you are on Scripps- my only wish is that all of the news outlets would give you 5 minutes a day to reach out to the lunatics who think that the orange guy is "it"-

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