When have you ever put the country first? You, Tim Miller, Charlie Sykes, act like it was Trump that corrupted the Republican Party. He’s just the guy who ripped away the mask to expose the rot that lay at the heart of all you and the gang did to degrade your base. There was no lie you all didn’t cheerfully embrace to turn out your gang. Obama wasn’t a real American, trickle down economics, liberals cheered 9/11, Sarah Palin, lying us into war with Iraq. Trump offends you because he’s so unashamedly degenerate. Where did you think all that lying and double dealing would lead? And now you want us to abandon Biden, who’s accomplished more great things for this country than any president has for decades. I’ll stick with the man who has a history of integrity and not with the people who helped destroy their own party and now want to turn their talents on mine

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When have I put country first?

I co-founded the Lincoln Project to defeat Donald Trump, which contributed to Biden’s election success. I have been vocal against Trump since 2015. For that I have been constantly attacked, called a pedophile, smeared, had to move houses because media outlets published my address, and have had the FBI show up at my house because of a bomb threat. The list goes on. Despite the significant personal and professional costs, I have not let up in my attacks against Trump.

Since July 2022, I have suggested that Biden not seek re-election, and we are seeing the consequences of his decision to run. I believe that Biden will lose if he refuses to step aside. Putting country first means that he needs to do so.

Does that answer your question?

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Steve Schmidt, Lis Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Rick Wilson and other Republicans who left the parrty to fight MAGA and Trump deserve our admiration, not scorn. They are good people who share our values but believed in different ways to achieve them.

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In fact, not in so grand a manner but in the same spirit, those of us who called for Biden to step aside, like Republicans rejecting Trump, put country and values before party affiliation. The difference between the Democrats and Republicans is the Democratic party responded to our concerns. Most Republicans chose loyallty to a corrupt fraud and con man over the country and historical progress toward noble goals. Pathetic GOPS like Graham, Cruz, Rubio and a host of others, knowing how bad MAGA was for the country and world, kissed the ass of the man they had previously roundly condemned in the interests of personal gain. Thus, the GOP was corrupted.

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I look forward to having a strong democracy where I can vote against Liz Cheney with all due respect.

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Although it appears Liz Cheney is moving toward the center politically, I would not vote for her because I believe we need more socialism and democracy and well-regulated capitalism to survive and live well, i.e. fight climate change, reduce dramatically the gap between the rich and the poor, etc.

But I respect her and other Republicans who stood up to a man who is a bully, a wannbe dictator, a mysoginist etc.

I despise cowards and ambitious fools like Cruz, Rubio, Graham, Stefanik,

McConnell and all the other kissers of the Orange Ass.

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Don't get me wrong, this is a different world right now. Democracy vs Fascism. I would happily vote for Liz Cheney vs any of those traitors you mentioned. What I meant was I'm looking forward to a having a country where we differ in policy but not core precepts. In fact, I think Liz Cheney said this herself. She said we can survive what she thinks is dumb policy, but not Fascism.

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thank you Anthony ! I agree whole heartedly !! Now Joe has stepped down finally.

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Keep talking Steve, a lot of us are listening.

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No, a lot of us don’t speak Steve’s new and frightening language and don’t care to read it. SO disrespectful and uncalled for on this day or EVER. Criticizing and stabbing President Joe in the back today sounds more like trump than Steve and I’m heartbreakingly disappointed.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

I hear you but I believe in Biden Harris. So there it is, at least for me. I only wish, the Washington Democrats listened to you about JD Vance and not have let him win. But they didn’t. And now they are doing the same to Biden what they did to Tim Ryan. But this time you are on the opposite.

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No. It doesn’t. Neither you nor any of your cohorts have once stepped up and acknowledged how we got here. I’m glad Trump was a bridge too far for you but I see all these Dems and Never Trumpers nodding their heads and following along but here’s the thing: I know you hate Trump but that doesn’t mean you and I share any other values. You also hate social security, the social safety net, regulating corporations and capitalism, a strong middle class, strong public schools, taxing the Uber wealthy…And you just managed to knee cap the guy who was making these things a reality. And you did it by publicly humiliating him.

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You have no idea about my values, nor my position on any of these issues you’ve listed, and to imply that you do on the basis that I felt that Biden shouldn’t have sought reelection, and should step aside, is absurd.

I did not publicly humiliate Biden. I have been consistent in my view that Biden should never have decided to run for reelection since July 2022. I referred to it as a national catastrophe, and the majority of Americans didn’t want a Biden-Trump rematch. Biden would have lost to Trump, but with his act of courage yesterday and what he accomplished during his presidency, he will be remembered as one of the greatest presidents in history. Now, the Democrats have the opportunity to defeat Trump and his fascist cause.

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He wouldn’t have lost. He would have soundly beaten him. Hopefully, Kamala will now do it. Ok, so what’re your values, Mr. Schmidt? You good with a wealth tax? Do you want to drive a stake thru the charter school industry? Or how about banks? Should they be more heavily regulated or was the S & L debacle (another Republican shitshow starring your old boss) a feature not a bug? And, since I’m asking, why Dean Phillips? What makes him special, other than he has zero creative ideas and zero interest in changing anything?

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Actually he brings up his guilt every now and again, but moves on quickly and deflects just a little, which I suppose is understandable. I can remember in his essays here bringing up Palin, Alito, and the forever wars. I think he's trying to do the right thing here. The situation is pretty clear, though. I am most definitely left of Steve Schmidt on the majority of issues. I agree with Liz Cheney on absolutely nothing, with the exception of fascism. But if it were Liz Cheney vs Trump, I would very happily vote for Liz Cheney.

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You’re right. And you have been since 2022 at LEAST. This nightmare would not have happened if Biden had been the transitional president he promised to be. WHY IS HE STILL DIGGING IN?? I don’t get it. Doesn’t he understand that all he is proud of will be signed away in one day??

Take Tucker for a swim and kiss Mabel on the lips and know that you’re a patriotic and trusted voice in this swirling vortex of a fucked up moment.

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For all of you thinking that Harris would “welcome a challenge” and that the convention should be “open”, may I suggest the following:

1. Please google: democratic convention Chicago 1968 and see if you would like to live through that. I did and it was not fun. And it also gave us Nixon.

2. Harris is The Best Qualified to step into the top spot. She is smart, a former prosecutor, and has been VP for 3.5 years. At this point she has more experience than Obama did when he first entered the White House.

3. With Harris on the ticket, the Biden/Harris war chest (aka MONEY, the life blood of the modern campaign) remains available. If she is not on the ticket, the money goes back to the donors.

4. If the Muckety Mucks that brought us to this, point somehow pass over Harris, there will be a huge, angry out cry from women, especially women of color. You know, that demographic that saved our bacon last time. The DNC has taken us for granted for far too long. And for many of us, dissing Harris would be the final straw. You are on notice DNC and Big Donors, you are on notice.

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Biden has stepped aside and I feel as if a weight has been taken off my shoulders.

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I feel exactly the same way. Now Harris needs to say she welcomes any challenges and this is where is COULD get good if the Democrats have enough sense to NOT form another curricular firing squad and line up behind the candidates and ROAR and take this putrid mess to DONALD TRUMP AND JD VANCE, and whip them into a distant memory.

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I agree. It is likely that the best candidate would emerge from an open convention. I think all the potential nominees on Steve Schmidt's list would be winners. I would add both Kamala Harris and Tim Ryan.

I wonder if Kamala Harris would consider remaining on the ticket as VP?

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Even if she wanted to remain on the top she has some advantages. When the ghouls start in with the racism and the misogyny and JD Vance does his thing, and his thing is nakedly repulsive (I saw an ad where he opens by saying DO YOU HATE MEXICANS?!) the majority of the American public will be having NONE OF IT.

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If she did that we would lose the Black vote for sure. I wouldn't blame them.

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no way would she remain on the ticket as VP ...It's a matter of pride. I don't blame her for this ..but god I hope it's someone else.

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Steve, you are right about everything. Frankly, I don't know all of the details of how you may or may not have contributed to the rise of MAGA, but judging from all you say in your blog, along with your co-founding of the Lincoln Project, tells me all I need to know about you.

To those who feel the need to blame Steve for anything at this point, consider this: Your anger about what conservatives have done in the past has no bearing whatsoever on Biden's ability to win this election, which he can't. If you are angry about the GOP's history, sticking with Biden because of all the good he has done won't right those wrongs.

It's not a question if Biden's administration will continue to govern well. It's a question of can he win, along with this question, which is my number one:

How can Biden watch HIMSELF in the debate footage and think "only I can beat Trump"? That right there proves that he has become mentally ill, which I hate saying.

The debate image emblazoned in my mind is the one with his mouth hanging open and him staring into space like so many elderly living their last days in a nursing home. And yet this is the guy we'll pick to face the antichrist? (I use that word as a metaphor, although if the antichrist has truly arrived, he is Donald J. Trump.)

Biden supporters must get a grip on their feelings and start THINKING. Steve, please keep up the incredible strength you are showing. Please keep LEADING on this. The definition of a leader is guiding with a steely vision when we are in chaos. It's not easy, but it's heroic, win or lose.

Biden needs to be reminded of Neville Chamberlain, who quickly and graciously stepped down when he lost the vote of confidence in Parliament. This allowed for Winston Churchill to lead the British to victory against Nazi fascism at the 11th hour when all seemed lost. (Watch "Darkest Hour" for inspiration.) We can do this and we will. Be brave, people. Do what's difficult. Do what's right. And for God's sake, Steve, don't stop. DO NOT STOP.

I wish to God I could do more.

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It doesn’t matter if Steve is ‘right’; he isn’t running for anything. He could be a whole lot more restrained in his public thoughts about President Biden. So disrespect from a man I once admired for doing the right thing.

Where did THAT go? President Biden has had COVID and running around the globe like a blue-assed fly for this country and Steve has to talk about him like this?

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I 100% Agree!

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I hear your sadness, Ginger. I can hear your heartbreak from here, and I feel it too. I hear the love you have for President Biden that is real and sincere, and indeed that's what he is. Real and sincere. I simply don't hear Steve being disrespectful in the way you do. He spoke pragmatically, that's all. Now that Biden has stepped down and I feel relief, the love I feel for the guy has surfaced again in the absence of all that worry. In the coming days, the gratitude and outpouring of love for him will be enormous.

Biden went beyond the call of duty and now deserves to rest. Michael Moore did a beautiful tribute to him last week.

Just an aside...I watched the film "Bad Faith" tonight, a documentary that shook me to my core. We need every brainiac we've got to defeat these Christian nationalists. I mean, I knew they were bad, but I had no idea that their desire to overthrow democracy in America WITH VIOLENCE is what we're facing. It's all bigger than I originally thought.

It's on Prime as a 99 cent rental. I beg you to watch it. We must come together now and FIGHT this onslaught. It's worse than you know.

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I’ve got a question: does putting the country first include the vile remarks and criticism you’ve posted about President Biden. There are ways of making your thoughts known without sounding like something a Proud Boy would come up with. Disrespectful doesn’t even begin to cover the horrible things you said about this kind, selfless, QUALIFIED man.

I hope Steve can’t sleep tonight because he feels so ashamed.

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Geez, Steve, you are always so sensitive about this kind of comment. I think this is an internal struggle for you. By now you should know that you have a LOT of supporters of your efforts, including me. But you will never get absolution from everyone, no matter what you subject yourself to. Just keep going.

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But there is/was no way to speak about President Biden like you just have.

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There is no question of abandoning Biden. He is simply too old to be president. That is not a tragedy. That is life. Biden is a religious man, he must understand the seasons of life and where he currently resides in the cycle. I am angry that we were lied to by the White House about his condition, but that doesn't diminish my respect and gratitude for what he has been able to accomplish. But it is done now. It's over. He is not currently capable of running for president. That is not abandonment. that is not a tragedy. It is simply life, and he has had a good one.

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Well said. Life has its cycles and now the cycle demands are too far along for another four years of a Biden presidency.

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I am a lifelong Democrat who has followed the advice of my grandfather farmer who told me in 1974 at age 80 to never vote for a Republican because they only work for their wealthy patrons and then siphon some of the monies for themselves (now legalized by the fascist clowns on the U.S. Kangaroo Court). Joe Biden is too frail and mentally unstable to beat Trump and serve another four years. I lost my father this past April and he died just 21 days shy of his 95th birthday. He was more cogent than Biden showed at the debate or the subsequent interviews! I am upset at Jill and Hunter Biden because urging Joe to go on is bordering on elderly abuse! Let him enjoy his final days in retirement or serving as a foreign policy advisor for the New Democrat team that can beat Trump/Vance!!!

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Now, Democrats we have a chance to show America how a true democracy works by having an open convention in Chicago and put our best team forward. The ENEMY IS NOT FELLOW DEMOCRATS BUT THE TRAITOR/RAPIST/FRAUDSTER/34X FELON DEMENTED DON THE CON AND HIS IDIOT HILLBILLY FRAUD JD!!!

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See Democratic Convention 1968 and subsequent defeat of democratic nominee by Nixon.

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I disagree. In my opinion abandoning Biden is a sure thing trumpf will win. Biden's team will do just fine a second time around. It seems they're a very competent team. Why rock a boat that's been smooth sailing (for the most part) and risk getting an electric boat surrounded by sharks that's sinking because it can't float and Hannibal Lector wants you for dinner?

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Using the word "abandon" sounds synonymous with betrayal, and that's an emotional response during a time when we need reason and solutions. Questioning why we should rock the boat after it has capsized implies that we should stick with Biden because we owe him, or we "feel bad" or might hurt his feelings, or whatever. It's simply not PRAGMATIC now that we are faced with sheer evil. Please see the film "Bad Faith" for the facts and history on this maga movement. You'll be amazed at what has been kept from us.

Also, maybe Biden's team would indeed do fine the second time around, but that won't happen if Biden loses. And he will. HE WILL. Please wake up.

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For all the ones saying “gee, he’s just too feeble now”, 2 points 1) other than a crappy debate, show me where his age has kept him from accomplishing his goals, and 2) I don’t need him to run a marathon. I need him to just keep being him. He’s demonstrated he’s heads and shoulders above the crowd. And Dean Phillips???? Mr. Schmidt might want to explain why he isn’t throwing his lot behind Kamala Harris who has been VP for 4 years, did an amazing job as the AG of California and would, arguably, continue the Biden agenda. Instead, in Mr. Schmidt’s opinion, the mediocre, untested, middle aged white man is just what this country needs. Please

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Biden has been under the microscope nonstop from the day he gained momentum in 2020. He especially has been under a giant tornado since his debate. But we only witnessed the same old Biden who came out swinging since. Believe me we have our eyes open and watched his every move. And we are voting for him and supporting him.

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That movie is now over May. I thought that Biden gave a very good speech at the NAACP convention, but no one in the MSM covered it or talked about it. So now I like the of idea of mixing things up with Kamala and Adam Kinzinger. That would really be a unity ticket.

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Because none of any of this matters. This time, winning is all that matters. You and I would vote for a baked potato before fascism. So it doesn't matter who WE like, or think is qualified, smart, or who we feel loyalty toward. Zero. What matters is the vote of about 100,000 very low-information people in a few states. That's it. And they don't subscribe to this page, and they can't spell fascism, and they don't really think they have agency at all with any of those politicians. And frankly, if we were really serious about winning those people, we'd nominate Michelle Obama or Taylor Swift.

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I’ve never been as disappointed in my life as I have with Steve’s disgusting and tasteless comments he made about President Biden. He should apologize immediately to the Biden’s but he is sounding more like trump than the Steve I threw my lot and passion behind instead so I guess Joe will be waiting forever.

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Geez Di, I was kinda wondering where you were coming from until you said "and now you want to abandon Biden," but yeah Trump just took that stew out off the stove and served to all the empty vessels and they continue to eat it up. After September the dust'll settle and it'll quiet down and everyone'll get behind Biden. This thing'll gain momentum, you watch. I keep my faith and continue to fund Joe. I'm gettin' on in my years too but he's the best president I've ever seen in my lifetime, hes done so much.

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Best in my 65+ years. My fear is he looks so feeble he may not make it to the election.

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I know. It seemed to happen so quickly. He looked so vibrant and healthy and all of a sudden he just looked old. Let’s look at what the presidency

did to much younger men. I think Gaza took its toll. Whatever he decides to do let us remember what a good man he is—shouldn’t even be in the same room with Trump. Best President in my lifetime

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I appreciate your position. However, to win an election, you must consider the electorate more broadly. Politics is about power and fitness to survive. Now President Joe has the survival instinct, but the electorate has lost faith in his power. So, as ugly and animalistic as it is, that’s politics. America before party is my position.

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I agree. Let these ppl supposition among themselves who is best fit to replace Biden. It most likely won't happen. I'm suspicious of both dems and "friendly" republications that give voice to Biden stepping down BEACAUSE HE CAN'T WIN or HE WON'T WIN. Well he DEFINATELY would have if they'd didn't cast all of this doubt. Professor Allan Lichtman is confident Joe has the best chances and will win. He's some guy that's has a pretty accurate formula to predicting who will be the winner. But I believe Biden should have a 2nd term not because of just this guy's opinion. A president doesn't run a country all by himself. He has ppl he assigns to different offices and jobs and the ppl Joe has appointed are pretty damn good. If trumpf wins he will appoint half-wit know-nothing yes-men with extreme incompetence to important functions. We will have a non-functioning, non-existing government. Even if Joe is a doddering old fool the ppl in his administration are not. If there is a puppeteer pulling his strings better that then Putin & The Rest pulling Trumpy's strings. But whatever. I am prepaid for a year so I guess I'll continue this subscription, just to be able to comment.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

You can go online and sign the petition for ENDORSE THE BIDEN-HARRIS 100-DAYS AGENDA:

Can find on google or you can just show support any other way you can.


Don’t be an election denier like Trump, by only following the primary election result if it matches your plan. Manufactured outrage at the 14 million voters will not change their votes no matter which elites are on your side. There are not 14 millions of elites to back up the election denier on the left.

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Go ahead, stick with the man who will be sure to lose. Very smart.

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Biden is LOSING. There isn’t anything he can do to recoup, because he can’t articulate a message and, if he could WHAT IS THE MESSAGE? He did great things! But now he is drowning in his own refusal to face realty and taking US ALL down with him. It WAS TRUMP who corrupted the Republican Party. It was easy, because so many Republicans are vile and they WANT to hurt people, and Trump just pounded out the permission slips.

This isn’t Steve’s fault. What you’re describing above is regular politics. Like Tina Fey’s razor-sharp impression of Sarah Palin. Didn’t that rip away a few masks?

Trump is a powerhouse of deliberate malice. All he cares about is himself, and he is a useful idiot and a vehicle for all of the TRULY despicable characters that surround him.

Do you want to FAFO with a drowning Joe Biden and form a circular firing squad while the country swirls into a dystopian nightmare?

I’m in AZ. Steve is right. Mark Kelly could kick Trump’s ass into yesterday, where is belongs. It’s a travesty that we are still doing this shit after NINE YEARS.

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Lady, although u have an absolute right to state u opinion, as I do madam, you are Dead Ass Wrong! You’ve been horn swaddled by the MAGA bullshit of a con man and his minions. I hope for your sake you wake up to reality. Smell the real good coffee It is wonderful.

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Diane. try and be present.

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Biden just quit!

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

Honestly the passion and the urgency I have been hearing in support for Biden is coming from all levels of the people including yours. Of all color, ethnic origin and economic or educational background and I am pretty encouraged by their participation in our democracy. We have to ensure that we don’t disenfranchise their votes for Biden by short circuiting it after his debate stumble.

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The guy looks and talks lke he gets lost in his own livingroom. You have your ass stuck in the past. The reality us now and the problem couldnt possibly be more clear. However, if anyone wants to niominate Harris, you might as well keep the guy who thinks Harris might be Trump, and Putin is the president of Ukraine.

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Steve: while I admire your political acumen, I think you are dead wrong that anyone other than Harris can replace Biden. If she is passed over as you suggest, minorities and especially black women the backbone of his support, would revolt. As well they should if a bunch of billionaires and party elites deny her opportunity. I also would like to see a response from you in regard to your role in what is happening behind the scenes.

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I was totally blown away by the awakening of the non white electorates and the immigrant voters including Europeans’ passionate and strong electoral politics, post debate. Millions of rabbit holes where they are very protective of the fragile but a dedicated ally President Biden, was not the event I ever imagined. You may see the stumbling and mumbling senior citizen, where they see a strong statesman who stuck it out even as he was knocked down. I think your view and the views of those much below your rank might not have converged but it depended on the height of the ground you stood on?

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I wish people reading Steve’s substack would quit blaming him for his honest opinions. You don’t have to agree with him, but attacking him isn’t doing the Dems any good at all. My impression is that Biden’s family, friends and advisors have known for a while that he isn’t up to the task. Those of us with contacts in high places now know that we haven’t been informed about issues he’s been struggling with. In any case, I would vote for Biden even if he is incapacitated (I’m not saying he is) or ANYONE else the democrats put forward for president. Anyone, anything is better than the orange pumpkin headed fascist.

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Steve is the mirror mirror on the wall where many serious people check the temperature of the political current because they know he does not lie.

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Timothy Snyder’s substack is an important read today (and most days). https://open.substack.com/pub/snyder/p/both-sides?r=nfch3&utm_medium=ios

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Timothy Snyder is a legend and a force to reckon with. Thank you!

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Steve, I was asked by my sister last night if you were behind all the Democratic House members asking Biden to step down. And did you have any influence on the millions of PAC dollars being withheld from Biden. I was gob-struck and she asked if I wanted published articles of this. It appears it all started with you helping Dean Phillips to run for the Democratic ticket. I am hurt since it is bad enough that Trump is now making his toxic speeches, polls going up in his favor BUT to undermine the Democratic ticket is heinous.

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I’ve had nothing to do with the decisions made by others, nor about the withholding of donor/PAC funds. I am in agreement that Biden should step aside, and have long held the view that Biden shouldn’t have decided to seek re-election.

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After Biden bows out, we need "Country First" to be emblazoned on Blue Hats everywhere.

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I haven’t seen any indication that Biden plans to step aside.

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I don’t think he plans to

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I find all this talk about Biden completely nauseating. He is not the issue. Trump, the Republican Party, the Supreme Court, the Heritage Foundation, the Electoral College, the news media, and the 1% greed are the real problems.

Face it, replacing or not replacing Biden changes nothing. The Democrats should be able to win, if they ran a monkey. This is a messaging issue. Either the message is not getting out or the people are too stupid to understand it, probably both.

If there was any sanity left in this country, Trump wouldn’t be even be an issue, he would be riding out of the picture on a bed of tar and feathers. The fact that he isn’t, has nothing to do with Biden. This country is in deep trouble. The American House is collapsing and we are trying to repair it with a bandaid.

Where were all these voices when the country was be prepared for the slaughter? As soon as Biden leaves or stays, it will be business as usual. The continuous voices of doom and gloom will keep hammering the story, but nothing will be equally said about the real problems.

We have got to this place because this country has been self serving from top to bottom. The last 60 years has not been about country or patriotism, it has been about “Me”. MORE, MORE, MORE, is the anthem. From the millionaires and billionaires down to the wannabes the call can be heard from sea to shiny sea. Give it to ME not to them, equality for ME, not for them, freedom for ME, not them, followed by I got MINE, now try to get yours, but not on my watch.

This is what we have come to and Biden in or out, is not going to change that. It is time to stop pointing fingers, put your hands in your pockets and start working on what really has gone wrong. It is time to start sacrificing for the good of all. It is time to say I have enough, how about the other guy. Many have pulled themselves up by their boot straps, but forget how they got the boots to pull up.


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Jerry, you are spot on. This is a messaging issue. Donald and his gang lie and deceive and promise a return to the fascist policies that Americans fought and died to stop. Steve gave us a strong list of contenders. But are ANY of them speaking out, with power, against Trump World? There should be 100+ Democrat and Independent elected public servants yelling their heads off DAILY! Instead? Crickets. The Dems lay low.

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"Crickets. The Dems lay low. "

Could it be that they're afraid to speak up? Because nobody knows when the boxcars might come to transport them to the concentration camps and gas chambers?

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There is an element of truth in what you say, but there are a lot of us that are not descended from fearful people.

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That makes two of us. What is so hard to understand? Nero, fiddled while Rome burned, our leadership talks nosense.

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Do sales people tell lies if it gets them a sale. Maybe the MAGA folks aren't stupid - they know better, but they have their sales techniques. They are amoral, but use this Christianity for sales reasons. The Dems can't point that out because that might negate belief in Santa Claus, which would be highly unpopular. Best not say anything, I guess.

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Frauds tell lies to get a sale. Donald isn't a salesman. He's a lying deceiver. And his MAGAs and the Press are his marks, his victims.

Professional sales people identify a prospect's needs and if they have a product or service that satisfies a need, they tell the prospect the truth about the product or service and how it satisfies their needs. Salesmen who try to sell something that doesn't actually satisfy a need are wasting their and their prospect's time.

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Over the years I have been a mediocre salesman (and I probably didn't charge enough). I've met salespeople good and bad - and of course there are the lemon laws. It's tough for me to understand Trump and his supporters - run away people! How could anyone expect a bloodless coup.

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Hear!hear. You are absolutely right. It is a messaging issue and the Dems have not been very good at it. The MSM has been hanging on whatever comes out of Trump’s mouth since before 2016 and still doing it.

However we got here it is high time we think in terms of democracy. Is it too late?

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Jul 21Liked by Steve Schmidt

I'm sorry these jerks on Twitter have been smearing you. I've noticed that for awhile now no matter what you post, there is an entire battalion of people with reflexive pro-Biden opinions chime in to attempt to discredit you. Although it doesn't seem like a bot army, it's not impossible. I've found that holding the mere opinion that Biden is not the strongest candidate provokes a torrent of hate, anger, and accusations of anything from racism, sexism, to being pro-Putin. This is what happens when Dem elites artificially manipulate a primary to prevent any debate about who is the best candidate. When you prevent a healthy debate early, you end up with a very message argument later, and that's where we're at now.

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Jay, I think this is what happens when people, including myself, are terrified that TFG is going to be given another go at destroying our country. Though Biden IS noticeably more feeble, I am voting blue no matter who is at the top of the ticket.

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I was away from the internet most of the day yesterday. Sat down last evening, jumped on Twitter and there were all these anti-Steve Schmidt tweets. Took me by surprise.

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All lies, and despite my insistence that they stop spreading misinformation and delete their posts, they haven’t. Despicable.

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I laughed as I scrolled through tweets. I didn’t stay on long, found it boring and ridiculous.

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Not me. A lot of people these days are selfish, mean spirited, and vindictive. Some people blame CoVid for the rise in anti-social behavior, I blame Trump for modeling this kind of behavior.

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We have #Cult45. Now we have #Cult46.

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Tragically, I don’t believe an all black or all woman ticket is strong enough to defeat Trump. I agree that Mark Kelly, an authentic American hero, is the strongest candidate, but, would hate to loose him in the Senate. A Harris + Kelly ticket would be my choice if Biden steps down.

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My choice would be the reverse: Kelly/Harris. Mark is a much stronger candidate.

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Oh, right. A white guy coming out of the blue and jumping ahead of a black, experienced woman.

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That’s all you’ve got? Really? Do better, Ron.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

It would be an insult not only to Harris, but to black women, who put Biden in the White House.

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So, we should just accept mediocrity because of gender and race? No matter whether the candidate’s shortcomings could put Trump in the WH? Priority is to not hurt anyone’s feelings? Again…really?

How about arguing for her attributes? About why she’s the best candidate ?

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My concern is that ditching her would lose lots of votes for the Democrats.

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Sorry but it's laughable to think that Harris would agree to stay in place like a good little girl.

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I have SUCH mixed feelings about this. Mark is likely the stronger candidate, but, Harris should be able make her case. And I’m not sure Kelly would leave the Senate for VP.

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I agree. Harris seems to me to be an intelligent, sweet, giggling, political lightweight.

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Max, you embarrass yourself with such a sexist post. In my opinion, Harris is more than capable, the deficit is in an electorate that still doesn’t see women as equal.

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Sorry, Diane, I see her the same way. It’s not sexist, it’s perception. She doesn’t inspire confidence. There were and are many, many more competent women who would admirably fill the bill: Val Demings, Stacey Abrams are two who come to mind.

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Why does this feel like Republicans have shaped this narrative. This is what they did to Hillary Clinton. They set the trap, we walk right in. Have we NO ability to shape perception?

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It’s not Republicans who shaped the perception, for me. It’s Kamala herself. She wasn’t my choice when Biden named her. But I was willing to be convinced. I’ve followed her over the last four years. That is what has shaped my perception. In the end, I’ve not been convinced. She was, and is, in my view, the wrong choice.

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Where would be now if Biden had selected Amy Klobuchar for VP. I think Harris helped Biden win but she wasn’t my first choice. Not convinced that

she could beat Trump

Won’t the Republicans try to stop a change of candidate by legal means thereby sending the election to SCOTUS and we all remember

what happened then

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Yes, Gerry, I fear that too. But perhaps it’s just because I don’t know about the legalities or Constitutional direction in this kind of scenario.

I’d like to hear more about what could happen in a “Changing horses” situation.

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Tim Ryan. Great complement to Harris and no elected position to relinquish.

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That would also remove Kelly from the Senate.

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I am an Arizona democrat and we have a Democrat governor. She would replace Mark with another Democrat! Kelly/Harris can beat Trump/Vance!!!

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Yes, this is the only real downside. It may be a necessary sacrifice to keep the White House out of Trump’s hands.

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Conundrum. The Trump lying is epic. Decent people, who put country first, wouldn't put up with it. Maybe Americans can become decent. If Biden has accomplishments, they need to be communicated - they are not opinions.

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There is only one name you mentioned to run for president that the majority of the electorate will recognize. How do you win with a candidate that has very little name recognition?

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This is so stupid it makes my head hurt.

Exactly how are we going to win the Senate if Mark Kelly drops for the Presidency?

And do you honestly think any woman or Black can get past the spewing misogyny and racism that is pumped out daily by our Press? Boys, if you think the ageist crap was bad, just you wait, women know how much worse it can get.

I think the lack of thinking through responding to this artificially manufactured crisis, all the sloppy plans offered up, with everyone running a completely different list of possible replacements, is very telling.

This chaos was deliberately stirred up by people who do not want a pro-Union President who is political savvy enough to get the toughest legislation on regulations and voting rights through. Crypto capitalists, the flip side of the Thiel coin, want their damn money, and want a weaker President they can manipulate.

1%ers are panicking, not any of us out here. Democratic Party needs to get a damn spine.

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I think women might be getting sick of mysoginistic men like Vance, Trump, and Robinson. I believe women, especially women of color, will be inspired to vote in droves for Kamala Harris, especially in light of her strong pro-choice advocacy.

I believe clear thinking real American men, White and Black, will happily vote for Harris over the repulsive Trump/Vance MAGA offering.

If Senator Kelly accepted the D. nomination for President or VP, Gov. Hobbs (D-Ar.) would select a Democrat to finish his term.

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Steve, since Joe Biden's failed debate you have drawn the lines and laid down the stakes very well.

What's the better gamble: unite behind the presumptive nominee with the stellar track record of leadership and a running mate he chose to fill his shoes, or start from virtual scratch a hundred days out from the most consequential election in America's history?

I go with Joe.

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Jul 21Liked by Steve Schmidt

Now that POTUS is stepping aside, UNITE! UNITE! UNITE! 💪

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The absolute best-and most logical VP pick is Tim Ryan of Ohio! Why? Let me count the ways:

1. White

2. Male

3. Real (!) son of the Midwest

4. True blue collar guy

5. Can contrast brightly and favorably with the faux hillbilly, misogynist Vance.

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Jul 21Liked by Steve Schmidt

Thanks so much, Steve, particularly for your comment that the country doesn't owe Biden anything; that indeed it is the reverse. From all I read, Biden, in his bunker, is taking the most direction from his wife, Jill and his son, Hunter. Maureen Dowd said it best: both are engaged in "self-interested fantasies". To your readers who think Biden is the greatest president of their lifetimes, you are engaged in a fantasy. Biden is a 50-year political hack, whose career was revitalized by Barack Obama, for whom Biden now expresses contempt. Biden has accomplished a great deal in his first term, assisted by Nancy Pelosi, Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumer, for all of whom Biden now expresses contempt. If you want to know and understand Biden, I recommend Richard Ben Cramer's 1992 seminal work on presidential politics, "What It Takes: The Way to the White House", a group biography of six of the candidates in the 1988 presidential race. Here is how I see Biden in this race: "No one is going to tell me what to do!! I am running!! Well maybe I'm jogging, no, well maybe I'm walking, no, actually I'm shuffling, but I'm going to win!"

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A Biden dropout now will have repercussions we haven't considered or thought about.

The elite/media/donor class will double down on removing Harris and the big tent party will be in free fall. We will lose.

Trump v Biden hand wringing is a distraction from the policies and achievements of Democrats and Republicans.

Stop. Just stop saying he can't win. This is not the time to be a centrist. This is not the time to be a moderate. This is when we trust each other enough to let a seasoned captain guide the ship to the best of his ability through uncharted and turbulent waters.

Democracy needs all of us working together as a team. Set aside your opinions and think about the realities of throwing the swing states to SCOTUS by removing Biden from the ticket.

Every single f'n individual holding a position of public trust needs to reevaluate themselves and tell us using words - precisely and exactly what is your plan? What will you do with your next term? What will you do to resurrect the people's trust? What will you do to ensure human rights? What are your goals for America beyond saving democracy? What and who will you fight for?

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You clearly haven't looked at swing state polls. In fact, more states are now turning swingy. Biden's stepping down was absolutely critical to changing this dynamic. Now let's go!

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Yes. Let's go and let's get out of own way. Let's cease the gloom and doom talk that hastens the demise of hope and trust.

Yes. I want them to tell me what they will amd will not compromise to secure freedom for emerging leaders and future generations.

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I see people throwing out names, but who is really willing to run? Is anyone stepping up or will Biden run after being trashed by the media and “experts”? Our democracy hangs in the balance. The knives are out for Biden. If no one electable steps up, where are we?

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