I saw that Chump is hawking watches with the Chump name on it for $100,000.

Interestingly enough, I own the same exact watch, but without the Chump name on it.

On a trip to Manhattan, I purchased the watch at Battery Park from a guy who had a suitcase of them. $25.

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I heard Hulk Hogan bought one for $100,000. He should have contacted me. Unlike Chump, I am an honest man and would have charged him only what I paid for it — 25 dollars.

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Thank you Steve for expounding on your contempt for the DOJ, Fani Willis, Merrick Garland, and if you didn't mention her Aileen Cannon, plus 3 SC judges. This has been on my mind a lot for the past 4 years. All these people were entrusted to work for the American citizens and all have failed. Or, they were not as good as they were originally billed to be. Utter failures.

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I agree with almost all your points except for a few minor exceptions. Former President Bush should speak out. He can do it diplomatically if he desires but he is a past President whose opinion does matter. Saying he is retired and a painter is today's version of bone spurs. He is taking the easy way out when patriotism calls for more action. Put down the paint brush and pick up a microphone and let America know you are alive and still care about this country and its government.

My only disagreements I have are regarding Merrick Garland. Yes he dropped the ball but he has been thwarted by a bias Supreme Court and trying to hard not to seem political. He should have started his investigation into Trump and January 6th the day he took office. His excuse of not wanting to interfere with the Congressional investigation is ludicrous. Furthermore, he was never going to convince Trump supporters that it is not a political hit job because they were used to Donald using the DOJ as his personal hit squad. As for Jack Smith and the Donald's new legal troubles, we can only hope fate doesn't step in to rescue him again. However you are correct, it is up to the people to make the final decision on the issue of Trump on November 5th and hopefully in Court rooms around our great country.

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Meanwhile Trump continues to sound and act like a complete idiot. Quotes from his meandering speech in Prairie Du Chien, Wis:

"I will liberate Wisconsin from the mass migrant invasion. We're going to liberate the country." Keep in mind, he prevented a bipartisan strong and effective border reform bill from being brought up for a vote in the House through his puppet Mike Johnson, the self-righteous Christian hypocrite and bigot.

"...he also offered asides about climate change, Harris' father, how his beach body was better than President Joe Biden's, and a fly that was buzzing near him. I wonder where the fly came from. Two years ago , I wouldn't have had a fly up here. You're changing rapidly. But we can't take it any longer." And Joe Biden stepped aside because of apparent mental decline while no Republican is suggesting Trump step aside and the MSM continues to downplay his mental deterioration?

And there is this gem. In reference to news coverage of Harris pointing out that Trump "prefers to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem," Trump said, "And who puts it on? Fox News. They should not be allowed to put it on. It's all lies. Everything she says is a lie." Out there in the MSM, he just warned you that he will control the news through you; you will be puppets in his fascist state.

"At Trump's event, on either side of the stage were poster-size mug shots of men in the U.S. illegally accused of a crime." This is the essence of prejudice and racism, assigning negative characteristics to all people in the group you hate based on suspected crimes committed by individuals in that group.

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The quotes are from an AP article in my local paper.

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23 hrs agoLiked by Steve Schmidt

I might not have agreed with everything George H.W. Bush did during his presidency but, he was good and decent man. I believe both he and Barbara would have rebuked Trump in no uncertain terms. Happy birthday Steve. Let's all celebrate November 6.....

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Barbara for sure. George probably

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To be frank, the idea that only the citizens of this nation can save it from its continued descent into chaos, and that, therefore, they will do so in November is, regrettably, a tenuous one at best.

Sorry to break it to you but:


It is precisely the responsibility of the people of this nation that we are, in 2024, in the exact same crisis that we were in four years ago, and in 2016.

I have been preaching acceptance of this REALITY repeatedly and I remain astounded that it still has not sunk in.

This is what we are as a nation. And the reasons for it are all around us.

Just open your eyes and your ears.

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Based on the current polling in the swing states, I agree with your opinion. I cannot fathom how any sensible American would vote for this MAGA duo. It is how I feel about women (and men with daughters) who will vote for Mark Robinson, a misogynist who has expressed support for slavery — and wishes women could not vote.

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I agree that Cannon is corrupt and in Trump's pocket; I agree that Garland is a weak-kneed incompetent AG; however, I read the indictment brought by Jack Smith. It was easy to understand and every charge was fully supported by evidence. His failure is a result of incompetence and corruption in our judicial system, much of it emanating from SCOTUS which has enabled Trump to continue eluding justice.Judge Merchan ran a near perfect trial, though at times even he bent a little too much backward in Trump's favor. How can there be justice in our system when a man like Alito, flying an upside down flag in support of the 1/6 insurrection and favoring a Christian nationalist state by flying their "Plea to Heaven Flag" at his summer home, sits on the highest court in the land?

We need serious judicial reform: term limits, a strict code of ethics with a review board to hear cases involving ethical outrage and malpractice by all federal judges, with the power to remove "judges" and "justices" like Cannon, Alito, and Thomas, and more elected rather than appointed judges.

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I agree with Steve’s assessment of George W. Bush. He must take a clear, resolute, and forthright position. We expended so much blood in Iraq and Afghanistan. What was it for then?

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Merrick Garland has been a big and dangerous disappointment, very much afraid to do his job “without fear or favor,” despite what he likes to say. That the House impeachment committee had to show him the way is beyond pitiful. Jack Smith, on the other hand, I believe has been very adept. It’s not his fault Garland waited almost two full years after the insurrection to appoint him or that the judge in charge of the case is coo coo and extremely biased in favor of the defendant. Even though these cases have provided fuel for MAGA outrage, I believe everyone should be held accountable to the law. Letting Trump do what he wants gives license to everyone else to do whatever they want. But I am always incensed by public officials who are so reckless about their responsibility to the people and show so much hubris that they don’t bother to avoid conflicts of interest in their personal relationships. I could not care less who is sleeping with whom, unless it’s likely to get somebody we really need to do their job investigated, fired, or blackmailed. It’s not just Fani Willis. The list, going back in time, is quite long and shameful.

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And Steve is quite right -- Everyone has been waiting for the judicial system to save us. It has been obvious for some time that it won't. It appears most high-ranking republicans, past or present, are not willing to pitch in either. Americans must save democracy themselves.

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Yep. Recently, Eric Adams, Bob Menend3z, Mark Robinson, Cuomo (bith if them), Richard Burr, C and G Thomas, Alito, .... the hits just keep coming.

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As someone who lived in New Jersey most of his life, Bob Menendez was awful. He was in politics for so long and corruption was always around him. It was not there because of a coincidence. Then we had the $400 million man — Senator Jon Corzine — get bored with his Senate job and wanted to become Governor. We had a decent man, Richard Codey, as Acting Governor, and he got pushed out by Corzine’s money. Corzine went on to become one of New Jersey’s most incompetent Governors and did us the double disservice of appointing Bob Menendez to his former Senate seat.

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We shared the same birthday week Steve I was born on the 23rd, many years before you. We share much more than a birthday week, and love of Native American art and the great outdoors which is reflected in it. Deep down in the base of our characters we are both patriots who deeply love our country and all it stands for, especially including its unrealized potential. I love your sunset photo, if you were on the east coast it could have been a sunrise photo. You have been blessed with a voice that reaches many who are encouraged by what you have to say, me included, I thank you for that 🙏

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Well, Happy Birthday to you! Today's mine too! We Libras need to stick together!

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Happy Birthday! Mine is October 1. I will tune in at 9pm. We think alike. I too have toured Nazi death camps to pay my respects and see the relationships to what is happening here. Thank you

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I learned in grade school that we have 3 "separate but equal" branches of government. This seemed like a beautiful thing to my young mind, but I no longer see it that way. Trump, especially, made me aware the Executive branch has too much power, including the power to silence those that disagree with it. The Legislative branch has given up its duties in favor of stagnant partisanship. And how many times has it used its power of the purse to threaten us with bringing the government to a stand-still--fiddling while Rome burns? And the Judicial branch, perhaps the biggest disappointment of all, has become a travesty of itself, bought off by billionaires and oligarchs to do their will, not be an instrument of the law.

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Glad you had 24 hours of peace and in a beautiful place, Steve.

Trumps rhetoric is ramping up to a level that is comparable to that of the 1930's Nazis. His demonization of migrants is now at a fever pitch. (Check out the comments he made re immigrants in yesterday's Nuremburg rally ). Trump seems to be laying the groundwork for something horrible should he win in November. With that in mind...GWB, where are you? It would be unconscionable if he sat this one out, watching from his ranch as TFG put our Republic into a death spiral.

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Happy Belated Birthday 🎉

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Could the refusal of ANYBODY of stature, including past presidents, to endorse Harris be caused by the unspoken threat used by Trump and his minions in organized crime (aka MAGAts) of retaliation of some sort, probably by swatting of an individual using the Springfield, OH playbook?

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