I love the Schmidt Storm. Thank you for the sage wisdom, Steve.

My fear is based on something you pointed out. I use North Carolina as the example. This state elected Mark Robinson Lieutenant Governor, despite his constant slandering of women or calling school shooting survivors “little bastards.” He defeated a woman who projected normalcy and decency by 300,000 votes. Imagine that?

So, I do have this fear about the people around me and I remain unwilling to cede to them the future. I just worry that I have found myself outnumbered.

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I agree, it is scary. Mark Robinson is a complete wacko.

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I love “The Schmidt Storm,“ Steve, especially your answering subscribers’ questions. Here’s mine:

I have read countless pieces by opinion writers, Substackers, etc., as well as commenters to such, excoriating Trump. However, I have encountered precious few addressing his supporters. Trump is only the symptom of a deeply disturbed swath of our country (almost half!). To me, this support is the most underreported story out there.

Why do you suppose this is? Are political reporters/writers afraid of offending his supporters?

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Nicely put, Ron. I think I’m more fearful of Trump’s supporters than I am of him. They’re going to be here a lot longer than he’ll be and they’re even stupider.

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This is the truth we face. As awful and as dangerous we know things could be, a huge portion of our society — in the vicinity of half — support it. We’re not dealing with a worrisome, but small segment. We’re dealing with half of society.

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One further comment: the picture of the MAGA candidate and others giving the thumbs up while standing next to headstones. Who does that?

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People who are self-absorbed and lack the humility, appreciation, and the ability to comprehend where they are and what it represents: the ultimate selfless sacrifice in the name of our country and for democracy.

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If Trump wins, the United States will have succeeded in reversing the outcome of World War Two. This would destroy our country in a similar way that the German parliament ceded their authority over to Adolph Hitler. Just at the moment when the remaining veterans from WWII have passed. How could our county be so sick as this to even being on the ballot in November 2024. How did we get here?

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That has been my question for some time now. How do we have 70 million voters in favor of making the United States into either a Banana Republic or the Fourth Reich? The numbers are there to accomplish it, given the idiocy of the Electoral College.

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Passionately communicated insights, Steve. You hit the nail directly on the head by focusing on Trump’s deteriorating mental health. This election is first and foremost about the sane and rational majority among us shifting the gestalt of the race to an overpowering and unstoppable reframing of political conflict into the medically warranted and supported wisdom necessary to protect and preserve Americans’ mental health and psychological well-being, the sine qua non not only for normal political life but for normal, functional human life writ large.

Yes, Trump is dangerous for a host of reasons. He is, inter alia, a fascist, an incompetent and violent threat, but all those descriptors have their roots in his incontestable medical reality and diagnosis as a classic psychopath or, alternately, one afflicted with ‘antisocial personality disorder,’ as delineated in psychiatry’s nosological bible, the ‘Diagnostic and Statistical Manual,’ defined as:

“The presence of a chronic and pervasive disposition to disregard and violate the rights of others. Manifestations include repeated violations of the law, exploitation of others, deceitfulness, impulsivity, aggressiveness, reckless disregard for the safety of self and others, and irresponsibility, accompanied by lack of guilt, remorse, and empathy.”

Defeating Trump electorally and politically is necessary but not sufficient to purge American society and culture of his metastasizing mental cancer. A victory for Harris-Walz and Democratic control of The House and Senate must herald a more protracted movement to restore America’s mental health by rooting out the latent Trump psychotic contagion that has so perniciously damaged the nation’s well-being and soul.

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More evidence that Trump is mentally ill. Does any sane individual think this is true:

“But the transgender thing is incredible. Think of it. Your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what’s going to happen with your child and you know many of these childs [sic] 15 years later say, what the hell happened? Who did this to me? They say, who did this to me? It’s incredible.” – Trump, going on to tell the Moms For Liberty audience that public school boards are “like dictatorships.”

Is there any doubt that he is a bully and a liar, appealing to the lowest common denominator?:

"DonaldTrump spoke at the Moms for Liberty summit. He brought up Imane Khelif and suggesting she is transgender again. Bullying and demonizing people sells very well today."https://www.joemygod.com/2024/08/trump-claims-schools-perform-gender-surgery-your-kid-goes-to-school-comes-home-with-an-operation/

The flip-flopping he has done on abortion and IVF has to have set an American political record for political opportunism.

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Trump's flip-flopping is further evidence of his mental decline. It is not based on any consideration of new information. He is without principle and utterly detached from reality. He will say whatever he thinks will help him in the immediate moment, without thought or reference to anything he might have said in the past or might say a few hours later.

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Absolutely true James, he is nothing but a performing con man.

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One fascinating and horrifying aspect of Trump's fascistic chicanery is doing exactly what he accuses Democrats of doing, rigging the election. New rules devised by Georgia’s State Election Board aim to create chaos and ultimately have the election thrown to the House, where Trump would be assured victory.

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I can only wish this Warning could be played nationally since it is concise, accurate and paints the inconceivably scary picture we would face with another Trump presidency.

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Excellent piece!!!

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Steve, as usual an excellent program, one small correction. You refer to Joseph Emerson of shrooms fame and say he was charged with “83 murders”. I assume you meant to say “attempted murder” as no one was killed.

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You got it right !

We have to put faith in the American people to vote Trump

Into past history forever !

On top of that as we get closer to election and the time period afterward we will witness Trumps insanity try to move his threats into action. Our country must be alert to all manner of depravity that Trump may bring. He’s spoke of plans that are likely already put into motion and if we observe thjngs that aren’t in our best interests action needs to be taken to curb things that could harm people or interfere with anything that delays or attempts to stop proceedings . I’d expect an overwhelming amount of security and any and all measures required to prevent illegal interference of any kind.

All thjngs known and unknown are to be expected. Can only prepare as best we can . Making those thjngs available that may be needed is best course of action.

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Yes Steve, this IS a sick country, when at least 40% of the country hold t-Rump and all his minions in such high esteem.

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Another great post. Liked not only for content, but for the use of terms like "our national 'shroom pilot" and "whackjobbery" to describe the Republican candidate and the actions of his enablers.

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Great view points on the Schmidt Storm! I agree with everything you said. I am pondering over whether Trump losing will cause him to fade away into some other grift mechanism or he is just going to hang out as an extension of his role in the Apprentice and “play” President. He will try to be a shadow President for the MAGA crowd. What’s your take on that and how can that be stopped? Trump is probably breaking a few laws but there does not seem to be the ability to prosecute him on major crimes?

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Anyone who needs proof of Trumps unfitness or mental health issues should look at that Arlington National Cemetery photo. That sick bastard chose to go to one of our nations most hallowed and sacred places and to use it as a prop. There he is, standing and smiling, thumbs up, surrounded by grinning kids and goofy, chucking adults, posing like they are in front of the "Welcome to DisneyWorld" sign. It is disgusting, disturbing and pathetic.

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