Biden’s inaugural address, on Democracy: “Today, we celebrate the triumph not of a candidate, but of a cause. The cause of democracy. The people, the will of the people has been heard and the will of the people has been heeded. We’ve learned again that democracy is precious. Democracy is fragile. And at this hour, my friends, democracy has prevailed.”

Hillary Clinton: We Cherish ‘Peaceful Transfer of Power’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yh5OgirUFBw (Here, she shows the character that is so much needed in this country.)

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Thanks Lisa...great to listen to these words by President Biden and Hilary Clinton.

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Aug 18, 2023Edited
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I fully understand the intention of Steve's powerful post today. As I read and watched the video clips, the lack of equality and representation of women through-out the history of this country was as clear as ever. Sickening. And now women have recently lost hard-earned rights to control their own bodies! It is a horrible feeling and I was wondering if anyone else in this community felt this way. (Of course this extents to the lack of representation of other races, too.)

Also, I have never felt that the 2016 election was fair and free. I feel that there was foul play, including Russian interference through social media algorithms, which threw the election to DJT. Watching the Hillary Clinton clip, for me, shows TOTAL contrast of character between Clinton and DJT! She rightfully should have been POTUS. Her concession speech, though, is of the highest character that Steve is pointing to in today's 'The Warning', as is Biden's inaugural speech -and both during times of extreme duress in our country, including the lowest foul play and an attempted insurrection.

Yes, many people and animals are justifiably physically sick over the toxic culture we're now living in. We must take care of ourselves, each other, and all sentient beings.

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Lisa, your comment struck me. I agree strongly with the stacked deck of Russian interference and other kinds of pro right interference. I believe DJT did NOT actually win the election. I think it can be proven that his presidency was illegitimate all along. It’s just that we discovered it too late. Also the attempts to secure a subservient place for women to occupy in all its forms gives me the creeps. It’s a form of domestic terrorism.

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Yes, Susan, and here we are today watching a clip of Bill Clinton's inaugural speech when we should be listening to Hillary Clinton's inaugural speech. Infuriating. While watching that Bill Clinton clip, I couldn't help but remember what Hillary went through in the media circus over Bill Clinton's extra-marital shenanigans in the oval office. The media had a blast over that at both of Clintons' expense. The way Hillary held a higher vision through-out that fiasco, though, says so much about the kind of president she could have been. This is evident in her concession speech, too. What an example of grace and character -the highest I know of. What a shame that she was maligned for POTUS.

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Exactly. I agree on and also noticed all you said about Hilary and Bill --and who can forget the dastardly Ken Starr? I’m afraid what most people who weren’t paying close attention, remember from the 2016 presidential race are words to the effect that ‘Hilary is not a good person’ or words like that in many different forms. Those words were my first introduction to Trump’s outright lying about his opponents. I believe those words carried a very strong sway with people. I kept asking myself, ‘What is so wrong with Hilary?’ She seems like a fine person and great candidate.’ Oh yeah, I remember one oft repeated phrase: She is so ABRASIVE. She has an abrasive personality. (Classic misogynist trope). I especially hated the way Trump stood looming behind her at the debate. I was furious.

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I cannot say I was a "Hillary fan", in the way many are. I'm certainly becoming one. The sexism and racism embedded into our society is one of the core reasons that she wasn't elected to lead us, along with the overt foul play, as we've discussed. Yesterday's 'The Warning' newsletter about 'The Boomers' blew me away. Every American citizen should ask themselves the question Steve asks about who has controls the nuclear codes. Were it not for sexism and the misogynist tropes (as well as the corruption with Russia and social media in general which amplified the messages you've mentioned) we would NOT have had DJT as POTUS and we would NOT be in the mess we're in: we put a DJT in a position to destroy civilization and he may very well do that if given a second chance. He might enjoy taking civilization down with himself. The sexism we're discussing here helped put a maniac in office that could destroy not just our Democracy, but civilization and our precious planet. I can link sexism with DJT's rise to power and I hope this can be addressed more fully in the future. Our country and civilization may depend on it. Thanks.

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I apologize for spelling Hillary’s name with one ‘L’. I have a family member named Hilary and defaulted to that out of habit.

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It was and is "Crooked Trump"! Lock him up! Lock him up! LOCK HIM UP!

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Aug 18, 2023
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Yes, MAGA is a criminal terrorist organization (well organized!). We no longer have a two party system. We have the Democrats and a dangerous MAGA-CULT/ criminal organization that aims to destroy our government on all levels.

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The animals were feeling what you yourself were feeling, so strong was your aversion to that terrible, hateful man becoming the leader of our beloved country. And so in tune are our companion animals. My situation on that night, my feelings, that is, we’re like yours.

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Thank you for all you do to try to save this great nation. Your words always ring true and are a beautifully written testament to your patriotism. I wish your essays were required reading for every American.

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Thank you Steve, you have probably forgotten more about American History than most of us have ever learned. It’s great to be reminded how fragile our democracy is, and how all of us must continually fight to keep it.

It reminds me of the time Benjamin Franklin was asked, “what type of government does America have,” he responded, "A republic, if you can keep it."

Unfortunately, in the state of Florida, where I reside, and in many other former confederate states, they are whitewashing our history, instead of teaching the burdens of democracy, the crimes of our past and its significance to our future republic..

That said, it’s amazing how so many citizens are so ignorant or apathetic about our founding. When I see the MAGA crowd wearing tee-shirts that read, “I’d rather be a Russian than a democrat,” you know the burden falls on all of us to be engage and fight harder for our freedoms and liberties . For if we chose not to, our future is bleak!

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Well, this may be your best ever. Your compilation of the words and principles of our previous presidents provide a stark and concerning contrast to former Pres Trump. The compassion and courage of all the other presidents show how regrettably far we have strayed from our basic goodness and beliefs. It is the people who choose our presidents who represent who we are. The period of 2016 to 2020 should be remembered as a dark time when our worst instincts only briefly emerged to rule us. Let us work and pray that we can recover, let our true American idealism Re emerge to put us back on our great path to continue our great experiment to provide opportunities for all Americans to achieve the dream of, life, liberty and happiness which embraces all here. I pray that we will emerge from the great carnage of we brought upon ourselves and bring all of us back to the beacon on the hill which is the real America.

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Thank you

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Each spoken word by these past presidents, show exactly why Donald Trump should be held accountable for his actions. As well, the entire Republican Party should be held accountable for their support of his actions at the ballot box in 2024.

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Thank you Steve for helping us remember who we are, and how we best go about living up to our highest ideals.

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This is the reminder of who we are as a united people. We may not always agree with the policies espoused by those who spoke, but we are committed to the visions they shared: a shared history of peaceful passing of power; the commitment to service to the nation and the world; and, a that it is from the people our leaders derive their power. The incoming generation, those who are just coming of voting age, share the vision of commitment to service. I am glad they're joining us.

In a horrible way, I think DJT's election and continued lawless behavior highlighted what happens when we focus away from the commitment to serve, commitment to the common good. We see a John Eastman working to end democracy since the country's direction was not what he wanted. We see planed and executed fraud in multiple states to retain power against the will of the people, who knew change was needed, and voted for the change. We must call it out, prosecute it according to the law, and take the appropriate actions. History demands nothing less.

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Thank you for this.

Another tour de force from a true patriot.

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This is one of your best, Steve. Thank you.

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School is starting across this whole, big United (we can hope) States. This should be the first lesson from kindergarten to graduate school, no matter the discipline or course of study. How, Steve, can this piece get in front of the country for its consideration? You know people. What can be done to disseminate this consideration of how American power flows, ebbs and flows anew?

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This is a marvelous essay, Steve, and I wish that it could be a chapter in every Senior High history textbook: required reading, with a test afterward. *** "[W]e would be unfaithful to ourselves if we should ever lose sight of the danger to our liberties if anything partial or extraneous should INFECT [caps mine] the purity of our free, fair, virtuous, and independent elections." *** I had never read the first paragraph you quoted from Lincoln, and it was shocking -- the ferocious determination that the Union would triumph. And Mrs. Roosevelt's little unexpected twist at the end of her notifying Truman of the change in circumstances cracked me up. She was a truly brilliant, magnificent woman!

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Am I the only one reading and listening to this with tears streaming down my cheeks? Thank you for reminding us who we are.

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Sting's lyrics to If Ever I Lose my Faith in You, written 30 years ago, reflect what the common citizen also knows to be true throughout the ages and for us today, in this moment.

Some would say I was a lost man in a lost world

You could say I lost my faith in the people on TV

You could say I'd lost my belief in our politicians

They all seemed like game show hosts to me

If I ever lose my faith in you

There'd be nothing left for me to do

I could be lost inside their lies without a trace

But every time I close my eyes I see your face

Ten Summoners Tales, 1993

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Wonderful! Thanks.

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But what do we do about The Freedom Caucus and The Heritage Foundation? These feeder organizations that poison our system instead of making our republic stronger.. what do we do to stop their prowling our college campuses and law schools to groom them for their foul organizations?

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Or, and especially, the Federalist Society

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Although to be fair, it is two members of the Federalist Society that have stated that tRump is ineligible to run for the presidency based on their interpretation of the 14th Amendment. I doubt anything will come of it though; tRump's pet Supreme Court "justices" will claim the 14th Amendment doesn't apply in this case if the question is brought before them.

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I did not watch trump’s inauguration. I went on a cruise to specifically be out of the country. He isn’t allowed to speak on my tv’s. But, I will gladly watch him squirm in a Fulton Georgia courtroom with 18 of his alleged fellow racketeers. He won’t be testifying - of that I am certain.

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Exceptional! Thank you!

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