“The first thing to understand about the Boy Scouts of America is the scale of the abuse. It is epic. In fact, it beggars imagination. It dwarfs the Catholic Church sex scandal by victim count, and establishes the Boy Scouts of America as the largest pedophile organization in human history. I literally can’t believe I just wrote those words. Yet, they are true”—-Steve Schmidt

Wow! Yes, it dwarfs the Catholic Church abuse in the US which is estimated to have affected over 15k boys and girls, but in France alone, it’s estimated that over 330,000 boys and girls were molested or raped since 1950. Globally, the boy scouts have nothing on the Catholic Church.

And as anyone knows who reads my comments, I take a harsh stance on the Catholic Church, only because of their hypocrisy and the level of Catholic’s power in politics; politicians and appointed officials who want to inject Catholic ideals into government and our lives. From SCOTUS to the Whitehouse, to Congress, religion is infiltrating our government and it needs to end now. There positions on premarital sex, contraceptives and abortion have no place in government: End of story!

As for Mitt? Yes, he is an quasi-honorable man. However, he’s always been out of touch with the citizens of this country and has always represented the plutocrats. Remember, his 47% remark in 2011 of welfare recipients? Or the Coney-Barrett fiasco? Or how he wanted the Secretary Of State position so bad, he groveled to a man, who just weeks prior, called a fraud and a monster? So much for honor and integrity!

And like all republicans, with the exception to Cheney, Kinzinger and a few others, he waited until retirement to speak out. Yes, he was sometimes critical of Trump and voted to remove him from office, but he didn’t warn us of Trumpism in Congress or the shenanigans of his fellow colleagues.

He reminds me of Woodward and Bolton. They both knew how dangerous Trump was to this country, but instead of telling us about his experiences in real-time, we were forced to wait until years later, when the books were released. Oh wait, a book about Romney is about to be released. Coincidence? I think not!

So how is Mitt different? He knew about all the hypocrisy and disfunction happening in real-time, yet until now, he wasn’t willing to share? Don’t you think that’s information we could have used several years ago?

And frankly, is anyone really surprised at this point. Do you know anyone going, “oh my, I can’t believe this is happened?”

So sorry, Mitt is a fair weather, honorable man, who has done some good for the nation, but when democracy was on the line, where was Mitt? It’s a rhetorical question, no need to answer!

Just some thoughts...:)

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When you condemn the Catholic Church's views and encompass the White House and Congress, please leave out Biden and Pelosi. While they are devout Catholics, they certainly do not impose the Church's religious views on the electorate in matters of abortion, birth control, and contraception. I like to think that they are the wing that follows the Beatitudes.

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I wasn’t calling out anyone in particular, just those who cite religion while officials of the US government. Obviously, at least four members of the court fit the bill. Barr said secularism is the reason for the decline of American values while AG. Pompano used his time as Secretary of State to do the same. And the list goes on.

Please don’t put words in my mouth. I said, in general and understand not all Catholic’s use their religion on others. I was making a case for separation of state. I agree with you. I’m a democrat and voted for Biden and admire Pelosi and will do so again; for Biden. Pelosi lives in a different state.

That said, I’m also Jewish (non practicing), and attended a Jesuit University and loved it, and have nothing but respect for their religion, and all of the priests and faculty, as long as they don’t try to force feed their religion down my throat. If Jews in politics do it, my response would be the same.

Religious views should stay at home and at Church, synagogue, mosques or temples. They have no place in business or government.

If my words offended you, I apologize. I’ll try to explain my positions better next time...:)

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Happy Rosh Hashanah! I firmly believe in the separation of church and state and it grieves me to see politicians and clergy blur the lines. Our marching orders come in Micah 6:8 to act justly and love mercy and the collusion that is evident in many circles are acts of power that only serve to oppress people. I respect many faiths but I don't want their doctrines ruling my life. Shalom.

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Sep 15, 2023
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Read my response to Michele and maybe you’ll understand where I’m coming from. I didn’t denigrate the Catholic Church or it’s religion. My point was a separation of church and state. Period!

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I think Michelle agrees with your position, as do I, and she mentioned two folks who also agree. I think you were a wee bit snarky. We’re all adults. But above all be kind.

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I apologize if it came across snarky. It wasn’t my intention. However, I now realize some of my words appear to be attacking the church when it’s just attacking people, using the church and their religion as a cudgel. My sincerest apologies and I am not being facetious. Thank you for pointing this out....:)

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I apologize for the confusion. Sometimes I write too fast, and my meaning can be interpreted in a different light. My apologies for any offense and have a wonderful weekend...:)

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Mr. Jaffee, rarely have I read commentary from a subscriber with more interest and agreement almost entirely with what you have written here.

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Thank you, you are too kind. Have a great weekend..:)

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Agreed. In spades. A “fair weather, honorable man, ...”

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Well Said, spot on, on all counts!

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Oh Steve I am sorry you endured that as a 12 year old boy moving into manhood. Recent revelations about the BSA and their denial of wrongdoing need to be addressed

Think it is interesting your juxtaposition of BSA, Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell’s choice to ignore the J6 messages.

Ostrich behavior does nothing to resolve problems

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“Ostrich behavior” is very indicative of most of the GOP and Trump’s cult! It’s amazing what the thirst for power will do to people!!!

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Steve, I am sorry for what you experienced. At the very least, you must have felt awfully confused.

My sons are Eagle Scouts, as is my brother. Scouting helped my boys a lot and taught them things they couldn't learn anywhere else. I proudly served as a Scout leader for nearly 20 years.

I feel angry that wicked people used a good organization to gain access to children. I have come to understand that wherever there are groups of children there will be predators. Isn't that despicable?

Clean house BSA!

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Steve, thank you for having the courage to speak up about your abuse, not only for yourself, but for so many others who don’t have the emotional strength to do so.

Wherever there are groups of children, no men should be allowed. Plain and simple. There’s a reason why parents (should) tell their children, when you’re lost or in trouble in public- go to a woman for help.

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I remember my mother always telling me when they would leave for the evening "I don't care if it's your grandfather (a wonderful, beautiful soul), or Jesus Christ himself, you do NOT open the door to anyone"

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According to the lawyer defending the BSA, it would have cost too much to do background checks on the men applying to be scout leaders. That implies the BSA could have rejected pedophiles and chose not to. Cheap SOBs, putting money ahead of the safety of vulnerable children!

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Thank you for sharing your story, Steve. What can be said about organizations where children are violated by the people who are entrusted to protect & teach them? Don’t expect the sexually frustrated and stunted GOP to do anything but distract from true sexual assault & pedophilia while their reaction formation keeps them glued to “Democrat pedophiles” and young women’s genitals in sports. There are a couple of Twitter accounts that list those who have been arrested, indicted & convicted of sex trafficking, child pornography & pedophilia. So many are youth pastors, school employees or GOP operatives/members of GOP admins or campaigns. It is truly reprehensible.

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I am really glad you went on Joy's show. Preach it out, spread the word. Your voice is heard.

Your honesty about BSA and your experience is very appreciated.

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No child should ever be witness or victim to such vile behaviors by adults they trust. BSA must be held accountable and justice must be found for the 82K (and more) victims.

I found myself wide awake at 3am with heavy and anxiety-filled thoughts after reading the book excerpt. Yesterday was filled with many folks sharing their reactions to Romney's revelations. No one was surprised, yet all were awed. Our country is in a dire situation.

Reminder to breathe- inhale, exhale, repeat.

Resolve to stay focused on fighting for democracy.

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I prosecuted sex offenders for many years. The tragic truth is that only 35 percent of sexual assault cases are reported to law enforcement, far fewer than that are referred to a prosecutor for a charging decision, even fewer result in criminal charges, and even fewer result in a conviction. And even when there is a conviction, many offenders don't end up in prison. By some estimates by advocacy groups, only 1 percent of perpetrators will ever spend any time in custody.

Steve, I am so sorry this predator took advantage of his position of trust and assaulted you. I applaud your courage in speaking out in a public forum. As more survivors speak out, the stigma of shame that perpetrators rely upon to keep their crimes a secret begins to lose its power. Thank you.

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Thank you for all of your hard work. Appreciate you for the ones that you could put away.

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There needs to be a special place in hell for people who abuse children and a place beneath that place for those who sexually abuse a child.

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Powerful. Powerful

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Good to see you back on MSNBC, Steve. As far as I know you haven't been on in quite a while and I'm guessing your lengthy absence wasn't by your choice. Of course I could be wrong about that, but I have an inherent distrust of the mainstream political media. Was there some behind the scenes machinations from the offices of MSNBC or NBC? Were you exiled? I think the more the public knows about what goes on in our newsrooms and networks the better off we are.

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I have missed Steve’s voice on the Nichole Wallace show. Hope he comes back there.

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I thought Steve said awhile back that he was going to take a break from media appearances. I think it was right after his break with the Lincoln Project. I agree, his analysis has been missed.

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Steve, since I am aware that you have gotten help to process the heinous act perpetrated upon you, I would like to use your platform to help inform others that help is available for those who suffer from childhood sexual trauma. If any of your readers are or know someone who has trauma in their history, please encourage them to seek a professional counselor who is trained in EMDR. I have helped many survivors using this intervention and although it isn’t comfortable, it works quickly and well. God bless.

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I am so sorry for the way in which your childhood innocence was violated at 12. Thank you for your courage in telling your story.

One of the most powerful Oprah shows I ever watched (obviously, many years ago) was one where every member of the in-studio audience was a man who had been sexually violated in his childhood or youth. I believe that every person who tells his or her story makes it easier for others to tell theirs.

And thank you for talking about Mitt Romney. Every Republican (or former Republican) who speaks the truth encourages the rest to do the same.

Like you, I am quite certain that Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz--with their Ivy League undergrad degrees, Ivy law school educations, and SCOTUS clerkships--cannot possibly believe that Trump won the 2020 election. John Kennedy of Louisiana is another Senator whose academic background and history of prior government service makes it impossible to believe that he buys Trump’s stolen election nonsense. They must be exposed as the liars and political hacks they are. Please keep calling them out!

Thank you!

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Thank you for sharing your story. Mine involved a Catholic priest (think of the unwanted kiss of the Spanish soccer coach and the female soccer player but with a 12 year old girl). Religious organizations and the Boy Scouts created the perfect pedophile environments run by men and other men more than willing to lie and cover it all up. Two things to keep in mind.

1. There is no corresponding history of pedophilia in the Girl Scouts or among females in religious organizations. Pedophilia and sexual abuse are almost exclusively done by men and this needs to be discussed. Most men do not commit these offenses, but a lot of men do and other men lie and cover it up.

2. The lies and coverups are the same thing in the Romney story. While MTG, Boebert, Mace, Stefanic, etc. are horrid, there are no stories of them acting or talking differently in private.

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For the life of me, I can’t fathom, with what is now publicly known, how any parent would ever allow their children to be a part of either the Boy Scouts, or the Catholic or Southern Baptist Churches. These organizations need to be investigated and held to account. Even if McGowan is correct and the whole of society is similarly infected, it’s a disease that must be eradicated or no child will ever be safe and we may as well start that process by investigating and taking actions against the guilty parties within the Boy Scouts and the Churchs. To do otherwise, is to condone as a society, what was done to you and to so many other children. It must be stopped.

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I watched the BSA documentary. Painful content; beautiful storytelling. While it's a little off topic from your usual fare, it underscores the failure of those in a stewardship capacity to do the right thing on behalf of a vulnerable group. Some of the most powerful words spoken came from Whistleblower Michael Johnson: "being silent...is being complicit." His efforts were as courageous in this matter as Steve McGowan's were despicable. McGowan is complicit...and for what, his salary, career ambitions? The role of the organizations that fed children into this cesspool of abuse is no less contemptible, starting with the Mormon and Catholic churches. It deserves its own congressional inquiry.

Kudos for mentioning your own experience. I was never a scout, but I did grow up in a large household which happened to have its roots in Catholicism. I witnessed and experienced considerable violence in my home as a kid. I didn't understand it then, and still don't. I struggled with guilt, shame and anger well into my 50s when I finally got professional help. Suffice it say events from so long ago had multi generational consequences for me and my 11 siblings, many of them not so good. I survived it and somehow thrived. But like the men in the documentary, I have always felt like I lost something when all I wanted was normality.

I relate these details not as a invitation to a pity party, but rather to encourage any of your reader's dealing with emotional trauma to get help, sooner the better.

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Thank you, Chris!

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I feel the same about Romney. It's hard to hear people praising him-- very hard. He is so limited, so inhumane. He's been encouraged so much it seems, that he hasn't got a clue. "Such a charitable man!" his wife said. He said grandly, "Let the investors come in and proceed with the evictions, and let them rent out those houses. That's how the housing market rights itself." He said, "Let Detroit go." Barack Obama said no, and he invested in those companies and those jobs, and he saved those jobs.

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