We have reached a new low in this country. What will it take for decent people to rise up and stop people like DeSantis & Abbott and others of that ilk? Today I am feeling more depressed than ever about the state we are in.

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I was going to do exactly what you just did, Kathy. Copy those exact words from Steve and restate them. And really - What will it take for us to remove this disgusting cruel monster from this position? How do we do that?

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We are of like mind Lynn. I hope and pray that there are enough people like all of us members in “the church of Steve Schmidt” to go out and vote in these midterms and in 2024. If we can wrench this republic back from these monsters we might have a chance. It will take decent people getting angry and saying enough is enough. Let’s pray that there are.

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remember, you can't just vote you have to get out there and get the others to vote - volunteer to work on campaigns - it's the down tickets that are just as important

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And donate. Money is the lifeblood of campaigns. Donate as much as you can to save democracy.

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I’m a member of that church! I am not proud to say I never voted before the 2020 presidential election. In 2016 I woke up to what I had been sleeping thru my entire life. I joined Twitter and followed the Lincoln Project and Steve Schmidt and now know more about the ppl running this country than I care to. But I won’t be sleeping anymore. I’m angry, depressed and outraged! I won’t back down or compromise. I just hope there are many many more like me! And that the next generation of voters are aware of all of this bs and not in ignorant numbers like I was.

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A bigger problem than DeSantis himself, is that his supporters so not see him as a cruel monster. They love him.

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I agree.

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On point. I really have a hard time understanding how these MAGAs have so little regard or respect for human dignity and personal sovereignty. It was the basis of traditional conservative values...getting “the state” out of peoples’ lives. The grotesquery that this party has become is mind-boggling and its parallels in history portend much more pain for us resistors. “There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.” – Elie Wiesel

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These people are NOT "conservatives." They are far right radical revolutionaries. There's a one-word synonym for that word salad. Seven letters. Starts with "f" and ends with "t."

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I agree completely. But the "conservatives" have yielded the floor...

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That's the sad part - they've become the "frogs in the pot."

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A true patriot is not someone who loves their country at the expense of the rest of Humanity.

The true patriot loves their country as an extension of their love for the rest of Humanity.

Ron DeSantis is the opposite of a patriot.

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And Greg Abbott bragging about his relocation of immigrants in front of Kamala Harris’ residence. Paying for it with Texans taxpayer money. Meanwhile, our kids and teachers can’t go to school without fear of being murdered in cold blood, bounties on the heads of women or anyone who aids them. And let’s not forget keeping the lights on. These two sad, pathetic examples of men will go down in history as the human trash that they are. Begging for the attention of a human trash loser, criminal leader and his disgusting followers. Yesterday was a stark reminder of all the bad and morally corrupt shit going on in this country.

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Steve this article you wrote is right on the entirety of the depravity of DeSantis…

Unfortunately I live in Palm Beach County

DeSantis lied about the death count from Covid lied about immigrants He is a Liar

He is the New Eichman for sure and he will

Destroy…he will kill he just doesn’t care.

OUTSTANDING Writing ! Marsha

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What you said, so well. No one is safe. Not the babies, not the children, not the women, not the elderly. Not the sick, not the injured, not the mentally ill. And especially not those who are different in ideas, skin color, religion, and sexuality.

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George Orwell is safe, safely dead.

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... or different in politics.

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And one more shout out for my state.....Yesterday the Vineyard brought their high school students who speak Spanish in to help w/communication and last night a Mass in Spanish was celebrated for them. Go Vineyard.

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The generosity and mobilization to help others is magnificent. Gratitude to all who acted swiftly and continue to provide hope.

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You are correct--a bully like DeSantis only strikes down! I wish it was a simple as something bad is in the water in Florida. But no, it is a pathology in full blown development which must be stopped at the ballot box.

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Absolutely shameful. Frightening.

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Another beauty - Steve, you have hit the nail on the head - who's worse, DeSantis or Abbott in Texas - cut from the same cloth - so sad, but and it's a big great BUT - the people of Martha's Vineyard came to the rescue - doing just what any good American (I don't like to say Christian because i am not Christian) and any good HUMAN would do - take them in give them succor - a pillow for their heads and a meal for their bellies. God Bless Martha's Vineyardians! I am hoping there are more of them than there are of the DeSantises and the Abbotts.

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What DeSantis did was absolutely appalling. What I saw on the news and on Twitter, with the talking heads and Senatorial/House Republican leaders loudly cheering it on, just depressed me beyond belief. I really don't want to think this, but if you ever wanted a sign that approximately half the country may be beyond redemption, there it is.

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Hello from Massachusetts.....so proud of Martha's Vineyard. The obtuse, slithering man-child did his research and wanted to make this as painful as possible. The Vineyard all but shuts down after Labor Day. There are no jobs or resourses, but yet these fine people without warning, are working hard to meet the challenge. There is some talk of a military base on The Cape helping, but as the insecure man-child knows, getting them there is another problem. God help us if the deplorables elevate him to the presidency. We surely cannot survive another low-IQ president. Side note: That woman standing behind him at the press conference with the yellow hair and dress, applauding and smiling has secured her legacy for her grandchildren. We're better than this and we're showing it in MA.

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Thank you Massachusetts!

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Look at hose who are cheering the mistreatment of the immigrants. DeSantis is a symptom, my real concern are those who applauded his performance. Iif there were not those applauding he would not do this.

Three things are needed: vote him and his ilk out; prosecute this for what it is., Kidnapping; remind everyone the Statue of Liberty “standing beside the golden door”. It is our role in the world.

Finally the impetus for doing the right thing comes from both the Old and New Testament. The Old is the call by Moses in Deuteronomy to treat the stranger in your midst as one of your own, for you were once sojourners. The New is Parable of the sheep and the goats. These, at this moment, are those in need, and we will be called to account for their treatment

Off to work to help make DeSantis a one term Governor

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People listen to Steve’s Warning !!!!

Two worst States Florida & Texas

You know when extra Medicaid was

Offered to states for help FL refused it

DeSantis might even be worse and more

Evil that The Magat because he’d actually

Perform the killing himself BE SCARED

CAUSE HE IS Eichman Steve is right😱

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Sandy Lewis a Fascism Quotient Scale

Is an outstanding thing to ask Steve

To give us !!! Thank you, Marsha

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Bullies like DeSantis may appear like winners in high school. Then they have to deal with the real world where their stunts all of a sudden don’t work anymore. They get old, fat, twice-divorced, and irrelevant by the time of the class reunion. They are losers.

I say bring him on. He thinks his act is getting him attention with the MAGA crowd but they are only 40%. The more idiots doing stuff like this only helps to unite the other 60%. Keep up the good work, Steve. This is great stuff…fighting fire with fire!

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Ron DeSantis, as the elected governor of Florida, represents also the American nation. His actions echo the Confederate South. Abbott is another one of these public servants who "scrub" their territories. To "clean up" is for me the closest definition of what amounts to hatred towards targeted foreigners arriving at the borders of America seeking the Promise of America. It is racial targeting. Anyone reading this will put forth an immediate example of what immigrant is immediately appreciated. And the memory association with the 60's purges of Black America of the South may also surge suddenly. We must define our Immigration Policy because these Confederate Men will continue to do it their way, the most vicious and lamentable representation of a country. Thank you for making this the most important issue of our mornings today. It is. Because it brings to light who truly makes America the Democracy For The World, the American people. When governments fail to address vital problems that affect people and when the press fails to seize the moment to present with clarity the difference of Victim and Victimizer, a DeSantis gets away with this most dehumanizing dictamen from a governmental official towards a person seeking freedom. Were it not for the abundant charities and organizations that fill in the gaps of governmental failures, then we would be in a very dark place. Ron DeSantis is a very dangerous leader and, thanks evermore for an inside look at what the press will not disclose, we get our answers as to the extent of his malice. I would urge the good people of Florida to protest furiously and to the press to start bringing these issues to the forefront of political discourse, not just the passing news clip of the moment. For the Venezuelans and Colombians flown to Martha's Vineyard (a business "start-up" in the making that includes bussing with taxpayers' monies) and for the American nation. To hear a victim speak in his/her own words and language is the most excrutiating experience of what children, women and men will go through to escape tyranny, violation, famine and death. They will travel through countries and subject themselves to the perils of such journeys to reach our shores. A God-blessed country receives always with an open heart. The American people have done this, not the Host at the Port of Entry. There a group of people from Venezuela and Colombia were faced with the same tyranny they were escaping from.

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What press in Florida? Name the best: Miami Herald?

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There are plenty of local newspapers in Florida. Information is pivotal for engaging people. A well informed citizenry can thus reach a conclusion. A democracy is that. It is not a guide to how to respond, it is a daily confrontation with one's beliefs and values when problems such as immigration make the news. I say Make The News. The Warning is such an example of Engagement.


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I just edited myself. It is not only Venezuelans, but also Colombians who arrived at Martha's Vineyard, south of Cape Cod, on two planes sent there by Ron DeSantis. And I must now say this: there are many different migrants entering the country, including many from Cuba. We miss to stress vehemently, when speaking about who gives us the news, that a lot of what is happening in America is being discussed on the radio. You will need a translator here now, as I post a conversation from August in a Spanish-speaking radio talk show hosted by Cuban Americans interviewing a Cuban American, the Lt. Gov. of Florida, Jeanette Núñez, who will be on Ron DeSantis' ticket this coming November. She was asked about "woke" education. And teachers. And the police. Too bad that important, if not vital to democracy, issues of what is happening in Floridian politics under DeSantis is in Spanish. The Lt. Gov. got a lot of criticism about what she said about immigration and DeSantis' way of dealing with it. She answered by sending out a statement on Twitter at the time. Brief and contemptuous.


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