Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 29, 2022

I don’t think that I could have imagined the lack of character (debasing themselves to abandon all morals, ethics, and truthfulness) of the Republican “party.” Or the level of corruption (power and wealth at any cost!). Or the degree of cowardice of our so-called leaders in Congress (don’t get Donny mad or he’ll bully me). HOW do they live with themselves?!

I was raised Catholic but stole a pair of cheap moccasins from K-Mart (I was going around as a barefoot hippie in those days). We decided on a whim to hitchhike to Virginia Beach so I needed shoes for the trip. Having been raised by Catholic parents and 11 years of Catholic school, my guilt was overwhelming. I had nightmares that police broke in and found dozens of stolen shoes under the bed!

I had disproportionate guilt and remorse over a pair of $8 shoes. But when Republicans destroy democracy, not a twinge. They appear to have no conscience, no shame, no boundaries. These are the very people Jesus warned about.

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I too was raised Catholic (70 year old woman here) and attended Catholic grade school (thru 8th grade) and high school. When I was in grade school I stole a pack of gum and had the same horrifying guilt reaction. I went back to the bodega a few days later and left the coins on a shelf. Although I no longer have anything to do with the Catholic Church once I thought about its anti-women, pedophilia and anti-LGBTQIA positions, it also left another "button" - I cannot abide out-and-out lying, especially when it causes harm to someone else. I've been voting a straight Democratic ticket since GW Bush. I do have a conscience, shame and boundaries and so does my daughter, but not everyone does.

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I think your loathing for lies has nothing to do w the Catholic Church, and more to do with fundamentally human values.

No one actually likes being lied to... thats why its impossible for magats to believe the truth. Theyd have to acknowledge they fell for the lies. Too hard for them.

Its tragic because cutting ourselves off from Truth keeps us from ever growing, awakening, evolving, or improving.

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I was trying to reference the Republicans’ Bible-thumping and spouting of Christian values they purport to have. Agree regarding liars!

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Yeah, well, in retrospect I think I overstated my case anyway vis a vis Catholic teachings. As I recall they do teach that lying (to them anyway) is a sin... (I actually joined the church when I was 40 yrs old because I kept running into M. Teresa and she impacted me "bigly"). Although I can't say I'm a practicing Catholic anymore... Sometimes I log on here and get carried away. 🙏🏽 Your point was right on!

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Not raised Catholic but also once stole a candy bar from a cash register area on a dare. I felt so bad I went back the next day alone and paid for it. Same waitress just smiled and said she knew I'd be back. I too am now voting straight Dem, not because I think they'll do much good but because I see the evil done by what passes for the GOP these days.

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(I’m a recovering Catholic, by the way.)

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Oh my, why do we all former Catholics have to suffer so much guilt for being kids! Kids do stupid shit. Maybe it hasn’t gone to waste this feeling of guilt, maybe it instilled in us empathy and sympathy for others. We can see the suffering others have or are going through, and it’s why we are Democrats.

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Interesting reflection, Patti -thank you. These monsters, Hershel and Graham, will lie, cheat, and do anything they can to steal away our Democracy and they will not feel ANY guilt at all:(

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While determined right wing Evangelicals point out that those "alleged" abortions took place before Herschel was "saved", what they nor the media don't seem to emphasize is that he abandons his children EVERY DAY. That is PRESENT TENSE. Jesus has been maligned.

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High time Jesus started suing for libel.

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Every time I see this or the Christian Nationalist or what Mike Flynn is hawking I agree.

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Kkkristian nationalism

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They also fail to see that he is lying about it all.

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Yeah. Who Would Jesus Kill?

Apparently, anyone who’s a POC, LGBTQ, Female, Liberal, immigrant,

Poor person, Intellectual, Scientific, or simply anyone who speaks the truth. Jesus seems to hate everyone who isnt White, Male, and Kkkristian.

And that is being taught in a majority of Evango churches around the world (Russia, Hungary, Italy, et al)

@T Johnson, your church is an anomaly. Jimmy Carter (a profoundly Christian man) publicly left the So. Baptist Church because of their misogyny and other anti-Christian teachings. He did this recently and he’s been part of the church for over 90 years. It takes deep faith to leave one’s church.

Just want to remind everyone that Jimmy put solar

Panels on the WH roof, to promote alternate and cleaner sources of energy.

Then Reagan pocketed big bucks from fossil fuel and immediately ripped down the solar panels while loudly mockimg Jimmy for installing them.

And then Reagan courted the evangos and catholics, deregulated industries, and cut all the social programs and safety nets.

He was a devout kkkristian, our ronnie.

Politics and christianity have plunged downhill ever since. Uniting the two in peoples minds is the fascist thing to do.

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I like that... and might adapt it to being "a follower of the teachings of Christ." (I also practice Buddhist meditation... and see Buddhism as more of a philosophy but not a religion, since there is no "God" in buddhism, just Consciousness in which we all share.)

But the basic teachings of Christ are profoundly true to me... less true are the constructed teachings of churches (I would sweep most of them into that bin.) I'm so happy for you that you found a spiritual home in a church with a reasonably enlightened minister. We definitely need more people like him... and you!

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Yesterday I was working on a project in the kitchen and had the television mostly on MSNBC, CNN, and the one that shows "Gunsmoke" almost round the clock. The Dems are advertising against Herschel in a big way, focusing mostly on his treatment of "his" women in the past. My husband, Georgia born and raised, comments that some men will vote for Herschel for that very reason. No doubt there are abusive guys who may or may not vote. But the early voting shows big numbers, unprecedented. I think the turnout signals Black and Women voters are in it for the fight. They're not going to stand in long lines. They're not going to have their mail-in ballots tossed aside. And they're not going to stand there being "observed." Meanwhile, xpotus advises Georgia voters to write him in on Election Day, apparently hoping to prove he has strong numbers here. To that, I say, "Thank you very much, dough-brain."

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I think you give him to much credit, you can actually do something with dough and if it’s possible to be alive without a brain, he is the singular example, Walker appears to be a genius in comparison to the looser we had for a President. 🤷‍♂️

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These guys belong in the movie 'Idiocracy'. Are they playing 'Dumb and Dumber' on SNL?

No, they're dangerous with dark money behind them and seek to destroy our Democracy.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

Mitch McConnell. The Senate Leadership Fund has been pouring the most of its dark money influence in Georgia. Mitch McConnell supported the above candidate since the idea sprang in the minds of hypocrites being political manipulators. It is an affront to women with deadly consequences, it is racially motivated, it is a blow to Georgian politics represented by two fine Democratic Senators and an inimitable fighter for voting rights, Stacey Abrams, a state fighting against the shameful Equality By Republican Standards. Lindsey Graham's deplorable comment above will not offset his court day in Georgia. And Hershel Walker should just walk away if he has any dignity left in him. Words emanating with wisdom and a vision that was so on the right course as John F. Kennedy spoke of the flagship Arabella and the City Upon A Hill, your dedication yesterday so needed and heard by all of those who are subscribers of The Warning, at a time when, in JFK's words, there is "disaster within," should also bring forth the four standards that should serve as measure when assessing the work being done and the work to be done by the women and men who, by the vote, are chosen to represent us ALL: Courage, Judgment, Integrity and Dedication.

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Women and Men …N.Zampierollo is

Right…OUR VOTE…each one of us


Represent Us ALL…Yes COURAGE ..


YES DEDICATION…we must Vote!

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(I don't think that Herschel Walker every had any dignity within himself to start with.)

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(I don't watch football [aaaghh!]. I know, it makes me an "outcast." If there is some dignity, it is attached to a career. But, in his personal life, he is an awful man, with the Russian roulette lunacy and an ex-wife threatened who knows in how many different ways, and a son speaking hate against him for abandoning his parental care/love for him and siblings, and the abortions had by his women [I say his, because they seem like possessions to him, not human beings] and the multiple personalities he says he has, and no medical inquiry to confirm his "mental capacity" to serve in the SENATE [insane reality], AND YET the GOP constantly throws dirt and humiliation and sarcasm against John Fetterman for having a STROKE. I think you are right.)

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As always, I enjoy very much (and agree with) your "take" on things. (Saw one football game 56 years ago at UNC -- first date, age 13. Was bored out of my skull and never went to/watched another one. Join the Outcasts!)

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I'm proud to be an Outcast too! YAY!

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LOL …Kdsherpa happen to totally agree Hershel Never Had ANY dignity within him to start with…That’s why

The corrupt Republicans want him AND his being brain damaged means they can totally CONTROL HIM !!!

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And that's it, in a nutshell. (Pun intended!)

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And that's it in a NUTshell! Brilliant -thank you for your succinct clarity!

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Me either, God endowed him with talent on the football field, and he thinks he did it all by himself. He came to that crossroads early in his life and could not be so humbled to thank God and do good for people, only for himself.

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Well said. Anyone who is humble, and lacks any qualifications whatsoever to become a Senator, would admit that to himself immediately and never even consider trying to do what he -- and the Orange Sadist and Nikki Haley (the biggest fake in South Carolina history; she refused to take down the Confederate flag from the SC Statehouse, following the ghastly Mother Emmanuel Massacre, until she FINALLY realized that it was to her political benefit to do so), who are great "fans" of him/of repugnicant control of the U.S. Senate.

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Incredible posts, Zampierollo, so educational, insightful and ON POINT! Thank you.

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

I cannot imagine a Senate with both of these idiots. No sense, no shame.

Graham seems to imply that Walker is still a child: "...every other child in America..."

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As my Eastern European grandmothers (z"l) would do - <spit spit> - it's the two of them and any number of others in the House and Senate that will bring this country down.

Good catch - I think Graham still has a very Southern White Man mentality in his referral.

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Joan I believe you are giving Graham way too much credit.

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LOL!!! Good point! "...every other child..."

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Have you no decency, sir? Either of you sirs? If this is representative democracy, well, shame and mercy on us all.

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The unmarried Lindsay trying to impose his ill will on all women of America is in itself beyond hypocrisy! John McCain is indeed spinning in his grave. And weeping. Though he must have known how weak and unprincipled his bff was.

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Remember, in his 126 page autobiography, Lindsay did admit to dating 2 women during his entire lifetime so his understanding of everthing female is complete. In the 126-page autobiography, called “My Story,” Lindsay describes being independent and rascally as a child.

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He's a very weird dude, and dangerous too:(

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We heard this a lot from Graham while John was sick, don’t remember so much from John saying it.

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This comes pretty darn close to heights of hypocrisy - where the "Citizens for Sanity" - clearly an oxymoron - are blaming Biden for #AntiAsianHate when on 3/4/2020, PBS NewsHour aired a horror story from San Francisco about how what Drumpf said about COVID - "Kung Flu" among other terms - was fueling hate. The attacks on API people have continued because the lies continue.


The GOP is a party of hypocrisy. My fear rises daily.

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It is so timely that you mention this, because if there is one group in America that is relegated to local reporting not making the national news is the racial hate against Asian Americans. It is despicable, because the Biden-Harris Administration is exemplary in its diversity and a fighter for racial equality. The extremist Republicans, and all those who join them in the freedom that is given them to be racially hateful and thus"politically sanctioned," is the cause of the rise in racist behavior with violent consequences. The extreme Republicans have sanctioned this and no one is safe from it, as evidenced by the attack intended towards House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, but the victim being her husband. It is about time the Conservatives who are horrified by this, who repudiate it and who will say "STOP!" make themselves heard, because it is tarnishing them all as one. Now.

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The attacker who entered the home of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, that has her husband in surgery and who was looking for the Speaker, is being assessed as the result of conspiracy theories in the web, among them Pizzagate. Look up the Pizzagate conspiracy, who it attacked, how Donald Trump fired up his audiences with "Lock Her Up" against Hillary Clinton and all the vicious comments against Nancy Pelosi. The megaphonic connection will lead you to Tucker Carlson and Fox imbedded in the misinformation and disinformation transformation of its audience and so many very dangerous individuals. Make the connections, because this is the moment to speak up and repudiate the violence. And I am trying to be very respectful of the process of investigation going on, because I can not separate it from all the elected officials who have not repudiated to this day the violent Insurrection, including the flip floppers, and the conspiratorial connections they have enabled.

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And all of the above is the result of the HYPOCRISY offered now as a political platform under the Increase In Crime mantra. It is absolutely not the result of the Biden Administration. Which Republicans spoke against Fox news when all this was happening? Why did they not demand from Fox Murdoch an apology from Tucker Carlson when he was proudly presenting his "documentary"? Why so many fellow public officials have had an increase in threats against their lives? Speak up. This must not be sanitized in nonsensical rhetoric. This is disgusting because so cowardly!

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My husband is Asian (Tibetan). I was horrified to learn from our daughter that during checkout at WalMart (annual visitation), the (Black) clerk started saying things to him such as, "We don't want your kind here!! Go back to wherever you came from!!! You're a terrorist!" (He was a monk for 17 years.) He, as is his wont, said nothing -- to her, or to me.

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We all have stories. Your husband answered with silence. Very little is known about such encounters when politics is so centered on the degradation of representative politics. Racial animosity is a fact. The Democratic Party stands at an important moment in history by seizing it to comprehend it and to keep forging ahead in the Real World advancing inclusiveness of the races that are America. There is an enemy within that wants to end this. This has nothing to do with how we process the "other." Democracy trumps anarchy. Every racial group that entered into the United States to become a part of its nation was not welcomed by some other. The access to opportunities is a political fight that gives sense to the word "equality." The radical GOP is very much stuck in a past when power was in the hands of the white majority. Or were they the majority? We forget the First Peoples too often and with a disrespect that defies the definition of inclusiveness. The time now belongs to the younger generations. And their diversity overflows with hope. An opinion.

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I apologize for her, I am ashamed for her words and actions!

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Thank you for your empathy. I will tell him what you said.

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As always, I agree with everything you write. (Please repost your two comments below, so that they will be easier to be read. You can "copy and paste" as regular "comments" -- i.e., not "replies" to other people's comments. When they are "replies", they become increasingly indented, and more difficult to find.)

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I do sympathize! Hate is very scary! More so now!

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Steve thanks…Herschel Walker is morally

Abhorrent But he’s also brain damaged


Is morally bankrupt AND A Corrupt Liar

Someone will eventually rat him out he

Doesn’t have brain…. Damage… from too many horrible …football concussions …..

Must Have Many Many Unacceptable


Can only hope truth will surface!!!

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Didn't answer your question about Miss Lindsey. No, I am the opposite of homophobic. He's hiding the fact that he's gay, because that wouldn't play well here in conservative South Carolina. That's his choice and I can respect it. HOWEVER: when he uses OTHER people's sexuality against them, then I've HAD IT. A very dear friend of mine, Linda Ketner, was running for Congress. She is openly gay and in 2008 was the first openly gay person to run for office in SC. Linda started a wonderful national organization back in the day when there weren't many around: AFFA (Alliance For Full Acceptance). Now, about Miss Lindsey. He had his office call her and say that he would "out" her if she ran. She called his office and said, "Tell Lindsey that if he outs me, I'll out him." She never heard another word.

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There is nothing too hypocritical, nothing too false, nothing too absurd for a MAGA Republican to proudly proclaim it as if it were gospel. And to them, it is gospel - the Gospel of Trump.

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Let's hope Herschel does NOT become a role model for ANYONE!

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And yet if I heard the news story correctly last night, Herschel Walker is at worst statistically tied with Senator Warnock and in some polls, he is actually now leading. I really can't believe that Georgia voters are about to send a completely unqualified individual like Walker to the Senate but, well, here we are.............

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Yes, my friends in GA - Blue voters most of whom are literally going around putting up Abrams and Warnock signs wherever a Walker or Kemp one appear - tell me that it is too close to call. Georgia instituted limited absentee voting. This from NPR shows the obstacles to many to vote. https://www.npr.org/2022/07/27/1112487312/georgia-voting-law-ballot-drop-box-access

Will anyone trust the outcome of any election now?

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Thank you for posting this NPR article, Joan. I listened to the 7 min audio version. It is nearly unbelievable, to me, how sinister it is to limit access to the voters in GA.

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No. Only the alleged winner will accept it. Surely no voter will believe it ever again. Too gobsmackingly unhinged.

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This is pathetic.

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Herschel Walker is a tragedy puppet for Trump, who revered him as a football player 40 years ago. And Georgia Fans love their “Dawgs”. This has nothing to do with church and state or any denomination or faith, though Herschel makes a big deal about being a Christian. He has confessed to multiple personalities and being cured of his mental illness. He seems to me to be suffering from Traumatic Brain Injury, a blight that more and more Football players are being diagnosed with. Lindsay is indicative of the broken GOP of today. No agendas except to oppose Dems and take credit for Dem bills that benefit their constituents, a preponderance of election deniers, election fraud conspiracy promoters and above all else,. Keep America White and in power. ( Shudder).

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And another thing... if memory serves, Herschel is quite the homophobe. He does seem to be bothered by Lindsey though. 

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Correction- doesn’t seem....🤪

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Both are in a very dark head space. Foolish beyond imagination.

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L Graham is a opportunistic jerk of the highest order. We’ll give him that.

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Why has no ne done a complete expose of Graham ?

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Capitan James Tiberius Kirk would not go there. This is not a new world. This is an old world in “ twice-turned clothes”. It’s horrible intent and misuse of Walker.

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This from Georgia:


(Issued by: Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on October 26, 2022.)

Georgia Voters Continue Steady Record Breaking Turnout Through Day Nine

October 26th, 2022

(Atlanta) – Georgia voters continued to hit record breaking turnout on day nine of Early Voting. As of Wednesday morning, Georgia is well over the One Million mark with 1,017,732 voters casting their ballot during Early Voting, with 124,508 showing up on Tuesday, October 25th. Tuesday’s total marks 23% above day nine of 2018 midterm Early Voting. Georgia has had record Early Voting turnout since the first day of Early Voting this year, surging to nearly twice the number on the first day of Early Voting in 2018.

“Georgia voters are giving their county election directors a tremendous blessing by taking advantage of the unprecedented variety of Early Voting options available to all Georgians," said Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. "Reducing the burden on the counties is crucial for a safe, secure, and accessible election.”

Reports of long lines were rare, with some lines in the metro areas being reported. No substantial delays were reported yesterday. Early Voting turnout is expected to increase during the last week of Early Voting. Georgia voters are encouraged to take advantage of the upcoming mandatory Early Voting Saturday. To find Early Voting locations and hours in your county, visit the Secretary of State’s My Voter Page.

Turnout Numbers Through 10/25/2022:

Total Turnout: 1,123,318

Early In-Person: 1,017,732

Absentee: 105,586

New Turnout Since Previous Day: 132,886

Early In-Person Since Previous Day: 124,508

Absentee Since Previous Day: 8,378

Note: turnout statistics are reconciled throughout the day and daily updates will not always reflect reported totals from previous day.

Turnout Through Same Day in 2020:

Early In-Person: 1,171,984

Turnout Through Same Day in 2018:

Early In-Person: 634,048

More information can be found on the Secretary of State’s Data Hub: Data Hub - 2022 General Election | Georgia Secretary of State (ga.gov)

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Yes, and I posted above to another comment the obstacles to early voting and those unable to stand in line on 11/8 or to even vote in other ways. I have little confidence in the fairness of this vote.

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Very heartening!

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PAUL PELOSI he is presently in surgery

He was tied up and beaten with a hammer

In his home in San Francisco…Blessings

And prayers…God Be With Their Family🙏

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Wait a minute. Did I just hear Miss Lindsey say, "If Herschel Walker becomes a REPUBLICAN"??? In other words, is he NOT a Republican???

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These two are a prime example of why we can never stop speaking up for the right side of history.

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The Democrats have dropped more balls in this election than the Pittsburgh Steelers' wide receivers.

They blew Ohio

They let Fetterman run the worst media in political history.

They let Herschel Walker survive the summer when they should have been nailing him the day after he won the primary.

Why do Democrats bring pee shooters to gun fights?


Oh well...November 9 we can all drown our sorrows.

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Honestly I am scared of Herschel Walker for a lot more reasons than every young child of color wanting to be a republican - maybe they can fix the republican party. I am scared because if he gets to the senate he will do graham's bidding trump's bidding and we are f**ked royally. So VOTE BLUE.

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The people who vote for these guys do not care about character or hypocrisy. They care only about power. That is why our vote against them is essential.

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Can I blame Sally Jesse Raphael and Jerry Springer for lowering the standards of content in conversations of people who disagree in thought and deed?

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Yep, you can blame anyone you want.

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Just in case you took too many meds or drank too much last night after watching the news, take a gander at this Walker & Graham skit - I'm really sure it's meant to be an effective emetic ... it creates the need to blow chunks of despair ...

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Would love to see it. Can you provide a link?

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How about, we are scared to death of Herschel Walker bc he is totally unfit, mentally I’ll and brain damaged and he will do ANYTHING repubes tell him to do!

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Yes I noticed how Black and other Minorities flooded to the Republican Party when Barrack Obama was President.

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? I wasn't aware of that. Could you please tell more? Thanks.

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I was kidding about the movement to Republican Party. Sarcasm directed at L Graham said Walker would bring in more blacks and that was a reason Democratic Party was worried about Walker

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WONDERFUL!! Thank you! (I can be obtuse about sarcasm and irony -- obviously!)

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I get that obtuse feeling about sarcasm and now have to wonder if any person gets my attempts at sarcasm. Will I ever be allowed out in polite society again?

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Me too, missed the finer point entirely!

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Nancy you have no idea what a gift of Care

You brought into my soul.. had tough Hospice week… three sets of parents each with three kids…all nine children died from RSV, Flu and Covid this week all under 12!!!

I’m counseling the six parents asking them to give one gift of kindness as a couple to one needy person and call me because then I know they are still alive and if they do what I’ve requested they get to repeat again the next day and again call me…

If they don’t give an act of kindness can be a bottle of water! It’s an act of compassion

Giving of oneself and caring can save their

Lives and checking in with me to have a boundary….this works …little acts of kind

Gifts to people who feel invisible can save a life…. This world of ours can be loving, gentle , caring and responsible! It works

All six parents are still alive and they are

Remembering their love of their kids as they give…LOVE is contagious ❤️

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Nancy Katzenbach …thanks for your generous kind support truly you blessed my evening with gentleness on tough day

Gratefully hugs, Marsha

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Is this man normal? Such a statement reflects a complete lack of any normalcy of humankind.

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Am I the only one seeing the racist imagery here? It makes me ill to see this brain-damaged man used by the dominant white party to sell the idea that the party will control him so just vote Walker, and we’ll take care of the rest.

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The nuttier the politician, the more Trumpers love’em.

We certainly understand that kind of insanity appeals to the MAGA base. But, does/will the wider swath of center voters really gravitate to a political picture that resembles the madness of Bosch’s -Vision of Hell-?

If we learn on Nov 9th that they do, we’re living in Night of the Living MAGA.

We’ve trapped ourselves into the Night Gallery painting.

Occasionally, life imitates art.

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Butt buddies. They'll never need an abortion.

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Strange very strange and stupid..but thats what Reps are serving up this time around. Watch out if their fantasy dream comes true.

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About as stupid as women not having the right to choose. I'm not stupid I'm very smart and witty

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Lucy with the football. But we are not Charlie Brown.

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Perhaps our local Congressman, a member of the Insurrection Caucus. He is just as bad as Walker and Graham. Doubtful he will be unseated.

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Hey have you receivedANY Warning

Postings??? I haven’t and don’t knowxx CD why! Fondly🌹Marsha

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Is anyone reaching The Warning postings

Because I’m not and don’t know why!

Thanks Marsha

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Nancy Katzenbach agree 100% with your terrific comment.. no one could have said it better than you🎉❤️🌹

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No , Steve! I can’t imagine one because none exists. Just when you think......

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I’ve heard Graham say that but cannot remember John saying it. I could be wrong.

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Thank you SO much for a much-needed laugh!! I'm sitting her literally laughing out loud!!

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Walker IS a prop.

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