Oct 12, 2022Liked by Steve Schmidt

This morning I thought I'd take a break from this and the weighty issues that come with it. Alas, your title reeled me in, and I mean that in a positive sense. I have seen four episodes of the series.

I believe this is the most sobering piece you have written to date. I truly hope it was cathartic for you. Many of us have been there - certainly not on this scale - in setting out to do something for a cause greater than ourselves only to be shunted off or blocked by jealous, envious, devious, and small-minded palace politics. It can be dispiriting and sometimes even depressing. You fought the good fight, Steve. I don't have hard corollary statistics to back it up, but I'm willing to bet it made a crucial difference in the 2020 election. As I said elsewhere, it gave many of us hope.

As to the New York Times comments, that was a cold splash of water in the face for me. I have naively believed - wanted to believe, really - that some integrity exists out there on both journalistic sides of the political equation. Moreover, it's bad for our country not to have a fourth estate that that we can habitually depend on for the truth. As citizens, we must constantly hold those of the fourth estate to account - no matter what side of the political plate they bat from.

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Your further explanations are appreciated. I successfully ran a NFP for many years and at a point a board chair decided he wanted my job, and he railroaded me... even got the state’s AG involved. It took me 2 years and hundreds of thousand legal dollars to persevere. In the end I got most if my contract but am left with a kind of trauma in the aftermath. He remains the CEO, they gerryrigged the mission and cut the soul out of the organization. There is no recovering from that.

My unanswered question is, now when we need it more than ever,

who and what will sustain the battle against trump and the anti democracy forces??

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So many sharks, feeding off the innocent and not-so-innocent alike. Complicit with a media/entertainment industry that is in many ways as corrupt as the subjects it chronicles. Thanks for sharing your side of this smarmy tale.

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I watched the documentary last night. It reminded me very much (on a much grander scale, of course) of a nonprofit I worked for years ago. The mission of the organization was unimpeachably good. It was staffed with talented, passionate people with the best intentions in the world. For many years, we made a difference in people's lives. After a while, though, some people's egos and thirst for recognition became more important than the mission. A small subgroup of our staff started reaching out to our donors directly with messaging that wasn't appropriate. Some even went so far as to turn the people we served against the rest of us, in a sort of twisted coup d'etat. In the end, it was not sustainable, and the organization was dissolved. My biggest regret is that the people we served were the real losers in the end.

I see The Lincoln Project much the same way (again, on a much grander scale, of course). When individual egos and desire for notoriety (and money) become more important than the mission and the message, implosion is almost inevitable. The saddest part is that it's also almost impossible to avoid when you have so many strong personalities - talented and passionate though they may be - in one organization.

Steve, if it is of any significance at all, let me say that I felt your frustration through my TV screen as I feel it in your essays now. It is the most enraging thing in the world to have your name dragged through the mud and your record distorted by people whose self-interest has blinded them to what is really important. I appreciate that despite it all, you continue to focus on the mission to save democracy.

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Oct 12, 2022Liked by Steve Schmidt

I read a comment yesterday (which may be the one you allude to) and thought that the person had not read Part 1, wherein you lay out what we were to read ahead about The Lincoln Project vis-a-vis the docuseries. I want to say only that corruption is at the base of so much wrongdoing and destruction everywhere now, and easy money is the motivator with its power fueling even more corruption. Corruption is the force that has destroyed faith and trust in those with power over us. What has to be acknowledged with much temerity is how surreptitiously it has invaded our lives. Politics, the media, entertainment, the massive bombardment to reach mental stagnation and oblivion in the fast-food market consumption of problems and not the revelation of actual accomplishments that move societies to a better place for all. False contentment seems to rule and the body relinquishes its power to those few who will further objectify it. Everyone wants to be an analyst and, lacking the skills of trained psychiatrists and psychologists, jump to conclusions. Not that psychologists and therapists of our behavior have the final say about human beings being human. And if followed by medication, well, it is a trial and error kind of healing. We don't listen, Steve. And we don't see. I have been touched by the visual revelations of the first episode and the clips you are advancing. The cameraman is complemented perfectly with the soundman. This is another good day, because it builds on the ruins that gave you a most terrible of experiences that forced you to fight a separate battle to provide security for your family and accountability from those who snatched your idea of a political organization that would still oust a con man and a criminal from the White House, while destroying the reputation of a successful PAC for personal gain. And certainly a grifting inner circle that shames every culture worker trying to contribute selflessly to the cause of democracy and human rights.

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I recommend the book "Putin's People" by Catherine Belton. The last quarter talks about how Russia was able to infiltrate the west. When greed trumps over principle, our national security and democracy weakens. We must be a nation that expects principle and character in our citizens and leaders. Pursuit of the almighty dollar above everything else corrupts and corrodes. It's disappointing to read about folks claiming to be devoted to beating corruption and greed while immersing in these qualities themselves. What this is leading our country to is not good, and it will include instability and violence. I believe we are waking up and can turn the tide. Truth disinfects.

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Oct 12, 2022Liked by Steve Schmidt

Humility is the great negotiator, truth the liberator.

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Oct 12, 2022·edited Oct 12, 2022Liked by Steve Schmidt

Thank you for your honest and forthright account. As you know this is especially necessary to strengthen a democratic society. Alexander Hamilton himself was an outspoken and a fierce defender against political and personal foes. He did not live to an old age to see the country he helped built but here you are articulating for us the pitfalls. It has been an amazing journey that you are taking us along. Really appreciate it from the bottom my heart. May God bless you and your loved ones and may you live long to see our democracy thrive again.

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I think you walked away at an appropriate time. Your grievances as you explained, were warranted. I channel surfed last night after the Yankees game looking for your Documentary series on the Lincoln Project. Does it have an obscure name that I didn't recognize it or was I unlucky in the time of my quandary search? Next time I go channel surfing I will stop and search more carefully and check out Showtime's on demand channel.

It must not be an easy task to report on abuses of something that was dear to your heart at the beginning and became your white whale towards the end. I wish you all the best in your endeavors moving forward. Your passion as a writer shows through in your articles and your artistic abilities as a writer. Enjoy your time with your family and especially your four leged children. Their unconditional love is always present and can restore your soul in times of strife. Peace be with you as you rise up for your next challenge.

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My moral compass having moved me to place of "Never Trumper" is a hill I will gladly die on as well. What happened to The Lincoln Project brings about a disappointment for me that I will long wrestle with..They continue, will they be effective, perhaps..However, what they aspired to be, and were briefly they are no longer. I became a supporter of TLP because of you Steve, I had been following you since Game Change..I knew then you were a truth teller and my trust was placed properly in you, and still is..I talked about our placement of trust in an earlier reply about reliance on others..I replied to a very revealing and forthcoming tweet of yours a good while back, saying that I intimately understood and that I was with you..I have repeated it here at The Warning in the past, and I will repeat it again..I am with you..

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Who was general counsel? Why out every one except that entity?

Why, if Rick has experienced the same slings and arrows against him, does he stay with Reed?

(P. S. Answered my question about why you don’t assist The Union )

Betrayals are very hard to endure and they always come back around. But the self-betrayals are the hardest. Doing what you know you should not, damages the Spirit.

You are not saving the information for a book, but are you publicly sharing for free?

What about the “timing” of this information- will it prevent people from voting blue?

Is the LP doing anything worthwhile?

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The two people I identified most with were Mike Madrid and Jennifer Horn. When I saw the emails of Jennifer that were posted and then taken down I was over her. When Mike tweeted about his 1mill I was over him. When I read your original Good-Bye letter I felt it was authentic. I was sincerely concerned about you.

I have the same questions as Gail Kass. What and who will sustain the battle against trump/Maga and the anti democracy tribes running loose?

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It’s amazing to me how easily organizations can be corrupted. I have thought for quite awhile that Crony Capitalism has replaced democracy as America’s guiding light. And it doesn’t matter how we get there. Money and fame have become the common goal of so many Americans, especially among the already rich. I will have to say that the other major thought running through my head was the old cliche, “With friends like that, who needs enemies?”

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I find it stunning that an organization PAID employees to be its assassins.

It’s kind of like someone with a terminal illness who can’t bring themselves to commit suicide paying a family member to “take them out”.

If you feel badly about being duped imagine how we feel. It’s just another example of the masses being taken by millionaires for a ride that just ends in corruption and loss.

ALL of media is controlled by multi millionaires who’s only clear objective when it’s all said and done is self enrichment.

Let’s face it they are quickly becoming the only people who can afford to live in the world they’ve poisoned and helped to annihilate.

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Oct 12, 2022Liked by Steve Schmidt

I said previously: I understand and appreciate your transparency and authenticity. What’s interesting about today’s post is your modeling of a high degree of ethical behavior in response to individuals who are stalled on the steep path to a more enlightened way of being. As a culture, we would benefit if others could act likewise. In a different universe we would benefit if politicians could. From your post, the sentence that stands out for me: “… The Lincoln Project was about defeating Donald Trump and the extremist movement. It could have grown into many things, but it didn’t …” Back at the beginning, the potential inherent in LP was breathtaking— you gave voice to what a majority of the country was feeling, and for a time it seemed you might be able to unify or solidify that energy into something that might steer us in a better direction. My reaction to what happened was “Aw nuts” In any case I appreciate that you continue to apply your skills righteously :)

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I was in academia (non-profit) for more than 35 years before I retired. Sadly, you see a lot of the same sorts of things happen. People (mostly men) get positions of power, not always based on merit, and then use those positions for avarice and power. Power does corrupt. Female faculty, staff and students are sexually discriminated against and abused and the perpetrators either get a slap on the wrist or no action. We had two, white male faculty who screamed at female undergraduates berating them as stupid when they asked questions; these women would leave the classroom crying. They were moved to teaching graduate students and one of them got an incredibly sweet retirement deal as his reward. Some are encouraged to leave but they keep their retirement benefits and get a raise at a new school. Staff especially are underpaid while Chancellors and Presidents buy new jaguars. And don't even get me started on football coaches and assistants. Governing boards give raises to the top administrators while many of the staff (frequently POC) use food stamps. No one wants to rock the boat, even the tenured full professors who cannot be fired, so everyone looks the other way. I was an associate dean in the business school for most of my career and had to fight this nonsense every week. I was also in the "can't get fired" category so I was able to use that to say no. I was always labeled as someone who was not a team player and who spoke too bluntly.

I appreciate your discussion of what went on in The Lincoln Project. And, more importantly, I appreciate your humility in discussing the mistakes made. I know how you feel when people in power lie to your face and make promises they have no intention of keeping.

Now that I'm retired I've come to realize that I could have done more and helped more people.

Ethics is always top down. When the people at the top are not ethical or moral it infects everyone as it trickles down.

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