It’s about time Maggie Haberman is called out.

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She's been called out about a zillion times the past 6 years.

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What was her “conflict of interest”?

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I believe the conflict of interest might be referring to Maggie’s mother (Nancy Haberman) working in a high profile position for a PR firm (Rubinstein) that has represented Trump.

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Maggie Haberman depends on "access" - people who feed her the inside dish that she dutifully publishes in the NYT & on twitter. She has to remain on good terms with her sources. Can't publish anything that will make them, their bosses, or their friends look bad. That's a conflict.

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That also describes 99% of all beat reporters. I've seen countless screeds against Maggie Haberman the past few years. I'm very open to reading the evidence because I love seeing big media get exposed and skewered. But I haven't seen anything more substantive than "Maggie Haberman is a hack and a tool and the NYT sucks and I'm canceling my f'ing subscription."

Look, if you're going to defame and vilify an individual by name, back it up with evidence, teach us. Don't just dress up cliches with 'tude.

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I'm curious about that also.

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“If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything.”

~Mark Twain

Steve, I’m still with you..

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Wow, this is compelling. I usually drift off halfway through stuff like this. This sort of BS (from NYT etc) distracts from what needs to be done, burn down Trumpism, but maybe that's what they're trying to do. Keep fighting the good fight. Democracy isn't dead just yet.

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Goodness. Glad you are clearing up all of this business. I felt you were being made a scapegoat at the time.

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I will certainly take up another commenter’s suggestion to write to the NYT to express my disgust and outrage at them for the egregious and blatant violations of their own policies, particularly their clear approval of and complicity to Maggie Haberman’s unsubstantiated gossip-rag fodder.

I’ll also be canceling my long-running subscription to the NYT, as I do not, as a rule, financially contribute to irresponsible and unethical media publications; most certainly not publications which attempt to hide their emergence into the seedy realm of provocateur reporting behind an historically well-regarded name and highly esteemed reputation.

I suppose the NYT’s descent into pulp sensationalism and provocateur-stylings was inevitable, given the Trumpism-fueled propagandist culture into which we now find ourselves. I must admit that I’m truly disappointed that NYT leadership apparently gave little to no consideration to the old adage pertaining to how quickly a long-established reputation can be lost. Perhaps if Mr. Baquet had kept this jewel in mind, he wouldn’t have permitted Maggie Haberman to engage in such flagrantly defamatory reporting, nor would he now be futilely trying to backpedal with outlandish harassment claims against Steve Schmidt. Perhaps he might also realize that such actions would be seen as very desperate, very obvious attempts to mitigate the unmitigable catastrophic damages already done, rendering him nothing but a fool.

Some readers may, in fact, overlook and forgive the NYT for devolving into the media cesspool to live amongst the likes of the National Enquirer, Daily Mail, Epoch Times and the New York Post.

I, however, will not be one of them.

I strongly hope that Steve pursues a civil damages claim against NYT. The evidence is extraordinarily clear that NYT has engaged in willfully libelous defamation against Steve and TLP.

Steve, thank you for your perpetual integrity and your strong dedication to your principles! Prior to Trump, you were one of the scant few Republicans whom I always respected, despite maybe not always agreeing with! Now that you’ve disavowed that charade of a party, my respect and admiration for you has only deepened!

Syonara, NYT! Here’s hoping you get all that you deserve, and more!

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I'm doing the same and certainly mentioning Maggie the cunt's name while I'm at it.

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Jeez Lorraine - Clean it up. You can describe behaviors without using a slur against women that ALL OF US DETEST. Speak but don't seek the gutter for your "gotcha" jabs.

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What a sweet response.

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I dropped the NYT a good while ago. When one has Carol Lennig, Phillip Rucker, Robert Costa at The Washington Post, with Ashley Parker as Washington Post’s White House bureau chief, you are getting smart fair and ACCURATE reporting..

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I've long thought of the NYT as "the world's finest fishwrap." So far as I am concerned, the last time they performed a public service was when they published the Pentagon Papers 50 years ago.

Thanks for bringing the story out like this.

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I think it is among the finest of fishwraps! I cancelled my subscription . . . and then, the NYT continued it anyway!

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Hi there. I canceled my subscription tonight. Thanks for the transparency. Keep it going please. Democracy dies in darkness as they say. 🥴

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Man I love that Schmidt has had enough.I really am and this is the way Dems,ind,and REAL REPUBLICANS FIGHT BACK against any of this BS.The time has once again come in 2022,if we can shut them out this November our kids have a chance especially our girls.Our poor babies don’t even know what’s in store for them as they become young women.God forbid they ARE EVER IN A SITUATION WHERE THEY HAVE TO MAKE A CHOICE,BUT DONT HAVE A CHOICE IN REALITY.In any event I’ve known for a very long time The Times has a Trump agenda well most do and just like anywhere else have a narrative they try and sell to the American People.Vote BLUE FOLKS SERIOUSLY.If we continue to play with cotton ball gloves against these traitors they will take back power and rest assure NEVER GIVE IT BACK.We all know that.PLEASE VOTE AND IF WE CAN BEAT THEM AGAIN THESE TRAITORS WILL FINALLY REALIZE TRUMP ISNT THE TICKET AND MAYBE JUST MAYBE THEY WILL STOP FOLLOWING HIS LAME LEAD.THANK YOU.INDEPENDANT VOTER VOTING BLUE DOWN BALLOT

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I’m with you on all of this, I’ve been tweeting Desperate times, desperate measures for 5 years, But the Dems continue to bring knives to the gun fight. These people need to made an offer they can’t refuse. Dems don’t have the stones to bring the kind of fight needed to the door step of Rs. They burned up months and now they subpoena these five traitors. I’m sick to my stomach over this shit..

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agree. if i was younger, i'm 70, i would move back to my home town in Alabama yuk) and run for congress which happens to be Mo Brooks seat. I'd be a ball of fire and not give a shit what anyone thought. If you knew me, you'd know I'd do it too. I went there in 2017 and campaigned for Doug Jones and I found the Dems there so passive. Their attitudes were, where ever I went, was one of defeat. There you go, there is no fire in the belly that imperative in winning in politics.

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I'm 76. I'd do the same in KS. At least we have a pro-choice, woman, MD governor!! 🌊🌊🌊🇺🇸🇺🇸

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I feel the same except I feel the magats are hopeless but there are twice as many of us if the lazy non-voters would just get out and vote.

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Yes!! That's what happened in 2016!! Dems did not GET OUT and vote for Hillary!! 😡

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THEY HAVE THE STONES! THE WOMEN OF THIS COUNTRY, THE MOTHERS AND FATHERS OF KIDS MURDERED BY GOP GIVE EM MORE GUNS BS IS GOING TO TAKE BACK THIS DEMOCRACY, LEAD IT, AND MAKE THEM PAY FOR THE MALFEASANCE AND AGONY THEY HAVE CAUSED ALL OF US. They need a supportive army, a good marketing and messaging team. I am sure we have not idea about the degree of intimidation, hatred, threats to self staff and family they experience every day now. It's becoming a weird thankless job and working in a toxic hostile workplace is bad enough - let alone under a microscope and with millions of Trumpie toads lookin for you. BEAT THEM, PROSECUTE THEM, JAIL THEM AND LEAD THE NATION AND THE WORLD BACK TO WORK ON THE URGENT AND LARGE ISSUES OF THE WORLD.

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I can only think of two words…Merrick Garland..and they seem to be tenuous…

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I haven't trusted the Times since they let Judith Miller lie us into a war. Maggie Haberman is of the same ilk. Their biases are too obvious to take anything they publish seriously.

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So glad you’re calling Haberman out on her tabloid clickbait articles, and most of all for her smear campaign against you. I’m canceling my NYT subscription and am telling them why.

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The newest Right Wing talking point seems to now be to call everyone a pedophile. WTF? Is there no way to start bringing libel charges against these people? This is a very dangerous path. Hitler used these kinds of slurs against Jews to demonize them and then justify their extermination. This is exactly what the Right Wing hate machine is working up to. This kind of vilification will ultimately lead to violence, as some will take these false accusations as an excuse to commit acts of vigilantism. Remember the lunatic at the town hall meeting who asked when he could start killing Democrats? This is the wet dream of all Right Wingers being expressed out loud. I have heard several on social media threaten and promise a Civil War. This is what they want. When you have supposed respected journalists using this tactic, this will not end well. Maybe if a slew of lawsuits start coming down on these people, they will come to understand that their lies have consequences. This cannot be allowed to continue. The public needs to be able to trust that the news they are receiving is based on truth and facts, because once the standard of credible journalism breaks down, society itself is close behind.

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I figured out the reason behind magas love calling liberals/dems pedophiles. Get this — pedophiles are the worst scum in society. So if the maga politicians convince their followers of this, then all the lying, cheating, the corrupt things they do, look innocent when compared to their opponents scum bag pedophiles. It's the extreme of the lesser of two evils bullshit. The worst thing a person can be is a pedophile, so anything less than that is okay. Fucked-up huh?

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Agree 1000% But just remember this: Every accusation by them is a confession. They are masters at projection and gaslighting. This is what Goebbels was talking about when he said, "always accuse the other side of that which you are guilty." They took that straight from the Nazi playbook. That's why I now refer to them as RepubliNazis. Every other strategy they use is listed in the "Fascism For Dummies" handbook.

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Stay strong , Steve. Truth will always prevail and I’m thankful for your perseverance.

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Thank you for this! Maggs had this coming!

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It takes strength and courage to go on the offensive. It was always clear TLP would be attacked for fighting back against the lies of would-be totalitarians, and it is the enemy within that is most hurtful and deadly. But it is a disaster when a newspaper lives on its reputation while turning from news to propaganda and self-interest. An honest fourth estate is essential to democracy.

Clearly the NYT can no longer be trusted. Sad. (Journalists truly are not in the job of "comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable" no matter what they think; they are in the business of telling the truth or they are part of the problem.)

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I would suggest that we all write to the NYT and voice our outrage en masse. Thank you, Lincoln Project for reminding us that there is still some semblance of a viable Republican party out there, although their voices are routinely drowned out by the radicals.

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I would say there are still principled conservatives (I don't think there is a viable Republican party any longer; just a dangerous threat to us all).

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Really? How do you reliably tell the difference? What test can’t they fake? Even Mitt Romney is a hackish grifter who astonishes me when he says or does something in service to the country. Can any conservative who remains loyal to the Republican party be taken seriously as an ethical person?

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I agree with you if you say "any conservative who votes for Republicans at this stage" but that is because I see only voting them out as a way to save the Republic. Perhaps "remains loyal" and "votes for" is the same thing. Will Liz Cheney still vote Republican? If so, then she is part of the problem despite her principled stance. How about Steve Schmidt or Nicolle Wallace as examples, since I can't find an elected one.

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no they can not are all a lost cause.

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Dying to read Part 2.

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