I like your optimism. Unfortunately, mine is gone. I'll still fight but I think we need to take a hard, uncomfortable look at why evil seems to wins out over good. If we can figure out why, and use it against them, maybe the world could become the place it was intended to be, not the place it seems to be heading.
I like your optimism. Unfortunately, mine is gone. I'll still fight but I think we need to take a hard, uncomfortable look at why evil seems to wins out over good. If we can figure out why, and use it against them, maybe the world could become the place it was intended to be, not the place it seems to be heading.
I like your optimism. Unfortunately, mine is gone. I'll still fight but I think we need to take a hard, uncomfortable look at why evil seems to wins out over good. If we can figure out why, and use it against them, maybe the world could become the place it was intended to be, not the place it seems to be heading.