Mar 19, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

Elvis singing “The Ghetto” has always touched my heart. As a child in the 1950’s my mentally ill mother rarely thought to feed me, Dad in military, not home. Got to Kindergarten 15 pounds underweight age 5, only my knees were round. The Chicago Public School fed me breakfast and lunch, gave me speech therapy (I was an unintelligible stutterer), took me to doctor when I needed it and educated me. I am now a retired Critical Care Nurse (ICU/CCU). I think I was a good investment. Think of all the talent, intelligence, and creativity we loose by not investing in all of our children. Yes, they are our children and the future for out country. You cannot think when you are hungry. You cannot learn when your stomach is hurting from hunger.

If we are this rich country, why is there a single child hungry? There is no acceptable excuse.

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Thank you for sharing your moving story.


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Molly, I'm moved to tears by what you've shared here. I'm so grateful you had school breakfast and lunch. It gave you a chance at Life and now you're caring for others in the ways we need so much. I grieve for even one child that is hungry and malnourished. But there are so many in need. Let's raise our Voices for school breakfasts and lunches for 'our' precious children.

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All children are gold. I am so glad you made it through the maze. There are so many more who need our help.

I always send something when I can, and I encourage anyone who can to donate to their local food bank.

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I heard on a radio program that Shapiro recommended contacting Child Protective Services if someone knows of a child whose nutritional needs are not being met at at home. Isn’t there already a shortage of foster families? Where would all of these children go? The more we can support low income families with SNAP or other programs to provide nutritious foods for families, the better the outcomes for the children.

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Just to be clear and not evasive it was on the Michael Signoreli program in the Progressive channel on SiriusXM. I then saw/listened to a clip of Shapiro that aired on “The Hill” online program where he said the free school lunch program isn’t going to solve the problem and it doesn’t take much to feed kids “I should know I have three of them.” What hubris! He is not a low wage/minimum wage worker.

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Shapiro is a lousy excuse for a human being. He is an arrogant advocate for child abuse. Thanks for your informative comments here.

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This mans hypocrisy is absolutely disgusting.

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Ben Shapiro is an embarrassment to my faith. Ditto Stephen Miller.

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My family always said and now I do “bad for the Jews” and now with antiSemitism at a high it always feels like it reflects back. Did I live with a very different version of Judaism?

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Agree. This is the bot

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If it does not take that much money to feed a child why not do it to make sure they grow and learn properly?

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The millionaires want third homes, more cars and trucks, yachts, and luxury vacations -no money for school lunches for hungry children! What an atrocity. Shameful. Unacceptable.

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Never was an Elvis fan, but I always loved that song. And it is the perfect rebuttal to Shapiro’s idiocy.

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I was a big Elvis fan and I too agree that song is the perfect rebuttal to Shapiro's idiocy!!!

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How can there be so many stupid and I’ll-informed people in a country like ours. Our education system stinks. That’s how. Thx Steve.

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Our education has lots of flaws, but we ask so much from public schools. I was a public school teacher. The school boards pass the things a community wants taught. Then the teachers translate those requirements into objectives and curriculum. All school systems do good things and stupid things. But do you give your doctor instructions about how to operate? Would you want that person to be paid so poorly they could qualify for food stamps for their family of four? That's pretty much how it goes for teachers. So many people think they could run a school because they went to school. Where else do we expect one adult to look after 25 6 and 7 year olds for 6 hours, plus teach them reading, writing, and math?

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I went through the same thing as a public school teacher -stressful, infuriating, sad. I teach privately now, 'alternative education'. The sandwich stress that teachers get caught 'in-between' is unacceptable. There are mandates and interference from the school board, the principals (at times), the parents, and then the students that need care and quality education, and the appropriate teaching curriculum and educational materials. Teachers get caught in the middle. It is so unfair and just not right. The students and teachers suffer. This must change!

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We need to fund education and related school programs, such as school lunches. I know from personal experience that schools are the only 'safe' place many children have. We need to fund and support quality education.

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Amen! Thank You.

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I would like to amend slightly my comments - i am not calling out teachers, teachers are our backbone - they are understaffed underpaid under-appreciated - both my kids and two of my granddaughters are teachers - i have nothing but high regard for teachers, it is the politicians and many many parents who are to blame.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

America, words seem to have no bearing/meaning on anything, anyone, anymore. It's been the same stupid issues forever etched in our collective lives moving from generation to generation. Hungry humans in America other than those fasting should never be a thing. This world is a mess, a complete and udder mess.

Bless you Steve, one of the very few voices of reason, compassion, thoughtfulness, etc. etc. etc..

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

Can't listen to this without choking up. Wonderful song by one of the all time greats.

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"The child needs a helping hand." There is nothing more important. Thank You Steve Schmidt and Elvis Presley for being a Voice for the Children. Food is Love. Our Children need Love.

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Just finished the PBS documentary on Elvis. He would know about child hunger. 😢

Thanks for sharing, Steve

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Thanks for reminding us.

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I remember hearing this song "way back when", and being surprised that Elvis was so socially aware. It was a very nice revelation.

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Thank you Steve, for this and for all that do. Your writings are a lifeline for a drowning world.

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Mar 19, 2023·edited Mar 19, 2023

I loved Elvis Presley. He had his own demons to fight, but I believe he was one of the kindest souls to have walked among many of us. His kindness of Spirit came through in much of his singing and many of his charitable actions.

Roughly two-thirds of adult Americans claim to be Christians. That said, here is what one quote from the Bible - and Jesus Christ - says about kids in the ghetto:

36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’

- Mathew 25: 36-40

I believe Elvis Presley went to his grave having lived this verse and is now living in eternity among the angels.

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Rick, what you've shared here is deeply moving. Elvis and this verse lives on! Thank You.

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Thank you, Lisa!

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‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’

Janet and Rick, I didn't expect to find such depth of sharing, education, and healing on 'The Warning'. Thank You So Much!

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Spot on, Janet. "Christian nationalist" is at best an oxymoron, and in the worst sense, hearkens women under the burden of red hoods or the national socialists (aka, the Nazis) of the 1930's and early 1940's Germany, and all the historically horrific atrocities that the Nazis wrought after co-opting in most cases Germany's Catholic and Protestant churches. Those that bravely stood in the Nazis way were executed (e.g., Dietrich Bonhoeffer).

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Bonhoeffer -one of the most dignified, wise, intelligent human beings of anyone I've ever known of. His words taught me so much - I'm so grateful.

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Ain't that the truth! And I would add, willful ignorance!

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I remember it well. I grew up listening to Elvis, no matter what he sung you felt it. Like Kelly Clarkson today. More Republicans should listen to this one.

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I’m thinking Ben has never lived in poverty or has taken the time to understand poverty.

Don’t be like Ben.

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What a lovely and moving version of this beautiful song. Thank you for posting it. Mac Davis was the songwriter, and wow. He knocked it out of the ballpark with this one.

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